MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 10 Mechanical Properties of Fluids

Students get through the MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 10 Mechanical Properties of Fluids which are most likely to be asked in the exam.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 10 Mechanical Properties of Fluids

Mechanical Properties of Fluids Class 11 Important Questions Very Short Answer Type

Question 1.
What do you mean by pressure? Is it scalar or vector? Write its SI unit.
The force acting normally on unit area of the surface is known as pressure. It is a scalar quantity. The SI unit of pressure is N/m2.

Question 2.
What is thrust? Write its SI unit.
The total force acting normally on a surface, by the liquid pressure is called thrust.
Unit: Its SI unit is N.

Question 3.
What is Pascal’s law? State its two applications.
The pressure in a fluid in equilibrium is the same everywhere if the effect of gravity can be neglected.
Pressure applied to any part of an enclosed fluid at rest is transmitted equally to every portion of the fluid and the walls of the containing vessel.
Applications :

  • Hydraulic lift,
  • Hydraulic brakes.

Question 4.
Why is the dam of water reservoir thick at the bottom?
It is so because the pressure of water in the reservoir increases with depth.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 10 Mechanical Properties of Fluids

Question 5.
What do you understand by atmospheric pressure? What are its various units?
The force exerted by the air of atmosphere, per unit area on the surface of earth is called atmospheric pressure.
latm = 1.013 × 105Nm-2 = 1 Pascal.

Question 6.
Explain 1 bar and 1 tor.
1 bar: It is the unit of pressure.
1 bar = 1.0 × 105Nm-2 =105Pa.
1 tor: It is also unit of pressure named after Torricelli’s.

Question 7.
What is the value of atmospheric pressure?
1.013 ×105 Newton/metre2.

Question 8.
“Atmospheric pressure is 760 mm of Hg”. What it means?
It means that it equilibrium the 760 mm height of mercury column pressure.

Question 9.
What is known as Torricellian vacuum?
The vacuum is the simple barometer above the mercury column is known as Torricellian vacuum.

Question 10.
What will be the effect on mercury level of barometer if a small hole is made in the upper portion?
The level of mercury will come down.

Question 11.
What will be the effect on the level of mercury in a barometer if a water droplet is inserted inside it.
The level of mercury will fall due to the water vapour formation when a water droplet is inserted inside the barometer.

Question 12.
What will be the effect on level of mercury of the barometer is baught to hill?
The level of mercury will fall as atmospheric pressure at hill is less.

Question 13.
How atmospheric pressure is change with altitude?
Atmospheric pressure will decrease with altitude.

Question 14.
Which liquid is used in barometer?
Mercury is used in barometer.

Question 15.
The surface tension of a liquid does not depend upon the area of the surface. Why?
Because the surface tension is defined as the force acting on unit length of the line drawn on the liquid surface.

Question 16.
What is difference between cohesive force and adhesive force?
What do you mean by cohesive force and adhesive force?
Cohesive force: The force of attraction between the molecules of same sub-stance is called cohesive force.
Adhesive force: The force of attraction between the molecules of different sub-stances is called adhesive force.

Question 17.
What is surface tension? Give its SI unit.
In equilibrium, the force acting per unit length on an imaginary line drawn on the liquid surface, perpendicular to the line and tangential to the surface is called surface tension.
Its SI unit is Nm-1.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 10 Mechanical Properties of Fluids

Question 18.
How can be the surface tension of a liquid be reduced?
Surface tension of a liquid can be reduced by increasing temperature.

Question 19.
Soaps and detergents are helpful in cleaning the clothes. Why?
The soap or detergent reduces the surface tension of water. Therefore, the soap solution can penetrate deep into the pores, where water cannot normally reach and thus dirt and dust are removed.

Question 20.
Why hot soup tastes better than cold soup?
Soup is a liquid. Whenever a liquid is heated, its surface tension decreases and it gets more spread up in the tongue and it reaches to the sensitive layers rather than cold soup. Hence, hot soup tastes better than cold soup.

Question 21.
At which surface the pressure is excess, on what factors it depends?
The excess of pressure is at concave surface. This is because of surface tension. The excess pressure depends upon :

  • Surface tension of liquid and
  • Radius of curvature of liquid surface.

Question 22.
What is angle of contact? How do the angles of contact differ for the liquids which (i) wet the solid surface and (ii) does not wet the solid surface?
The angle that the tangent to the liquid surface at the point of contact makes with the solid surface inside the liquid is called the angle of contact. The angle of contact is acute for the liquids which wet the solid surface and is obtuse which do not wet.
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 10 Mechanical Properties of Fluids 1

Question 23.
What is capillarity? Give example.
The phenomenon of ascending and descending of liquid in a capillary is called capillarity. In kerosene lamp oil rises in the wick due to capillarity.

Question 24.
Towels are used to wipe and dry the body after bathe. Why?
A towel has number of pores, which act as capillary, hence it soaks the water of the body.

Question 25.
If wax is polished on clothes, they become water proof. Why?
When wax is polished, then the pores of the threads, which act as capillaries get closed and it cannot suck water. Hence it becomes water proof.

Question 26.
Why the blood pressure in humans is greater at the feet than at the brain? (NCERT)
The height of the blood column is quite large at the feet than at the brain. There fore the blood pressure in humans is greater at the feet than at the brain.

Question 27.
What are the factor that effect air pressure at a place?

  1. Height of atmosphere
  2. Density of atmosphere
  3. Acceleration due to gravity.

Question 28.
On which principle hydraulic lift work?
Hydraulic lift work on Pascal’s law.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 10 Mechanical Properties of Fluids

Question 29.
Why the droplets of liquid are spherical?
The free surface of liquid has tendency to achieve to least surface area, because of its potential energy. The sphere has the least surface area therefore droplets are spherical.

Question 30.
The oil spreads over the water surface but when the water is put into oil it becomes spherical droplets. Why?
This is because the adhesive force between the molecules of water and oil is greater than the cohesive force of oil.

Question 31.
When a glass rod is heated at one end, that end becomes spherical, why?
When the end of a glass rod is heated, it melts and changes into liquid, hence due to the surface tension the liquid tries to achieve the least surface area, thus it becomes spherical.

Question 32.
In which material of capillary the water will descent not ascent? What will happen if a capillary made up of silver is dipped into water?
The water will descent in the capillary made up of paraffin wax. The water will neither rise nor descent in silver capillary.

Question 33.
When two lead pieces are pressured against each other they stick together, why?
When two pieces of lead are pressured against each other, then the molecules come into contact and the cohesive force acts between the molecules and hence they stick together.

Question 34.
The small needle of steel floats in the water but it sinks into water with little soap solution. Why?
The needle floats in the water because the surface tension force balance the weight of the needle. When the soap solution is added into water its surface tension decrease and hence the force which balances the needle decreases and needle sinks.

Question 35.
Why the farmers plough the fields after rain?
When the fields are ploughed the capillaries of earth broken and the under- ground water remains there which is used by the plants.

Question 36.
What is molecular range?
The maximum distance, within which the molecules of a liquid experience cohesive force.
Unit: It is of the order 10-9 m.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 10 Mechanical Properties of Fluids

Question 37.
What is meant by surface film of a liquid?
Surface film is a thin film of liquid near its surface and having thickness equal to the molecular range for that liquid.

Question 38.
What is viscosity ?
The inherent property of the fluids (liquids or gases) by virtue of which they oppose the relative motion between their layers is called viscosity.

Question 39.
What do you mean by ideal liquid?
The liquid whose viscosity and compressibility both are zero called an ideal liquid.

Question 40.
What do you understand by streamline flow?
When a fluid flows in such a way, that at any point the velocity of all the particles of fluid remain constant, then its flow is called streamline flow.

Question 41.
What do you mean by turbulent flow?
The flow of the fluid in which the motion of the particles are irregular and zig-zag is called turbulent flow.
Fast-flowing rivers during the flood, storms are the examples of turbulent flow.

Question 42.
Two streamline flow do not intersect each other, why?
If two streamline flow intersects at a point, then at that point, there will be two directions of velocity of the particles of fluid, which is not possible, hence they do not intersect.

Question 43.
State Stoke’s law.
Stoke’s law states that, if a sphere of radius r moving with uniform velocity v, through a homogeneous incompressible fluid of viscosity p, the retarding force Fis given by
F = 6 πηrν.

Question 44.
What is terminal velocity?
When a ball falls through a liquid then initially the ball is accelerated due to gravity but soon it achieves a constant velocity called terminal velocity.

Question 45.
Define coefficient of viscosity.
The coefficient of viscosity of a liquid is the viscous force acting tangentially per unit area of a liquid layer having unit velocity gradient in a direction perpendicular to the direction of flow of liquid.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 10 Mechanical Properties of Fluids

Question 46.
What is critical velocity?
The maximum velocity of a fluid, below which the flow remains streamline flow, is called critical velocity.

Question 47.
State the principle of continuity.
When a non-viscous and incompressible liquid flows through a tube of non-uniform bore and its flow is streamlined, then the product of velocity of flow and the area of cross-section of the tube at every transverse cross-section remains constant.
i.e., A.v = a constant
or A1v1=A2v2.

Question 48.
How many types of energy does a flowing liquid possess?
The flowing liquid possesses three types of energies :

  1. Potential energy,
  2. Kinetic energy and
  3. Pressure energy.

Question 49.
Two small light balls are hanging near to each other by two threads. If air is blown between them, they come near to each other, why?
When air is blown the speed of air increases, hence the pressure between the balls decreases. Thus due to outer pressures, the balls come closer.

Question 50.
Air is blown below the pan of a balance in equilibrium, what will happen?
When the air is blown below the pan, the velocity of air is increased and hence the pressure below the pan will decrease. Hence the air above the pan, presses the pan downward, thus that pan will be lowered down.

Question 51.
When a fast-moving train passes through a platform, all the dust particle and others attract toward train, why?
When a fast-moving train passes through a platform according, Bernoulli’s theorem pressure of that place get dropped at once, so the dust particle and other’s get attracted toward the train.

Mechanical Properties of Fluids Class 11 Important Questions Short Answer Type 

Question 1.
Explain why :
(a) Atmospheric pressure at a height of about 6 km decreases to nearly half of its value at the sea level, though the height of the atmosphere is more than 100 km.
(b) Hydrostatic pressure is a scalar quantity even though pressure is force divided by area. (NCERT)
(a) Atmospheric pressure at height of 6km
h = 6km = 6× 103m, d = 1.30kg m-3, g = 9.8 ms-2
∴ P = hdg = 6 × 103 × 1.30 × 9.8 = 0.7644 × 105Pa
Atmospheric pressure at sea level = 1.013 × 105Pa
Thus, it is clear that the atmospheric pressure at height of 6 km is nearly half the atmospheric pressure. But the atmosphere is extended nearly up to 100km from the surface of earth. It is so because the density of air decreases as we go up from the surface of earth.

(b) When the force is exerted at a point on the liquid, then the pressure is equally transmitted in all directions. Thus, the pressure is not concerned with direction. Hence, the hydrostatic pressure is a scalar quantity.

Question 2.
Explain why :
(a) The angle of contact of mercury with glass is obtuse, while that of water with glass is acute.
(b) Water on a clean glass surface tends to spread out while mercury on the same surface tends to form drops. (Put differently, water wets glass while mercury does not.) (NCERT)
(a) When a drop of liquid is put on the solid surface then three interfaces are formed:

  1. Solid-liquid interface,
  2. Solid-vapour interface,
  3. Liquid-vapour interface.

Let the surface tension in these interfaces are TSLTSV and TLV respectively. Then at point 0 for the equilibrium of liquid
TSV = TSL+TLV cos θ,
where θ is angle of contact.
∴ cos θ = \(\frac{T_{S V}-T_{S L}}{T_{L V}}\)
For mercury – glass pair Tsv < TSL ∴ cos θ is negative i.e., θ is obtuse angle.
For water-glass Tsv >TSL
cos θ is positive i.e., θ is acute angle.
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 10 Mechanical Properties of Fluids 2

(b) The angle of contact for water glass pair is acute angle. Hence, the water spreads over the surface of glass. The angle of contact for mercury-glass pair the angle of contact is obtuse angle. Hence, the mercury tries to contract and acquire the shape of drop so that the angle of contact becomes obtuse angle.

In the other words, the adhesive force between molecules of water and glass is greater than the cohesive forces between the molecules of water. Hence, water wets the glass. While the adhesive force between the molecules of mercury and glass is less than cohesive forces between the molecules of mercury, hence the mercury does not wet the glass.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 10 Mechanical Properties of Fluids

Question 3.
Explain why :
(a) Surface tension of a liquid is independent of the area of the surface.
(b) A drop of liquid under no external forces is always spherical in shape. (NCERT)
(a) The force acting per unit length on either side of an imaginary line at right angles on the surface of liquid is called surface tension. This force does not depend on the area of surface.

(b) In the absence of external force, only surface tension acts on the liquid surface. The surface tension tries to minimize the surface area of liquid. For the given volume the surface area of sphere is least. Hence, in the absence of external forces the liquid drop acquires the spherical shape.

Question 4.
Explain why :
(a) To keep a piece of paper horizontal, you should blow over, not under it.
(b) When we try to close a water tap with our Angers, fast jets of water gush through the openings between our Angers. (NCERT)
(a) When a piece of paper (paper strip) is blown over, then the velocity of air in that region increases, hence the kinetic energy of air increases, then according to Bernoulli’s theorem the pressure in that region decreases than the pressure in below region. Hence, due to decrease in pressure in upper region, the paper strip becomes horizontal.

(b) When we try to close the water tap with our fingers. The area for the flow of liquid decreases.
According to principle of continuity Av = constant.

Obviously if A decreases then v increases. Thus, the velocity of flow of liquid increases and fast jets of water gush through the opening between our finger.

Question 5.
Explain the construction and working of hydraulic lift.
Construction: The construction of a hydraulic lift is shown in the Fig. In it there are two cylinders C1 and C2 of different area of cross-sections. These are interconnected by means of a narrow tube. Two frictionless and watertight pistons A and B are fitted in the cylinders C1 and C2 respectively. The area of cross-section of the piston A is small while that of the piston B is quite large. The body to be lifted up is placed on the platform attached to the piston B. The force is applied on the piston A. The two cylinders are filled with water.
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 10 Mechanical Properties of Fluids 3
Principle: The hydraulic lift consists of two cylinders C1 and C2 and they are connected by a horizontal tube T. There are two air resistance pistons P1 and P2 and their area of cross-section is A1 and A2 respectively. Such that A1 solid A2 i. e., area of container C1 is less than that of C2 On piston P1 if F, is the force applied, then applied pressure will be
P = \(\frac{F_{1}}{A_{1}}\) …….. (1)
This pressure now gets transmitted to the container C2 and so the liquid gives an upward force to the piston P2. By Pascal’s law,
Pressure on piston P2 = Pressure on piston P1 = \(\frac{F_{1}}{A_{1}}\)
Force F2 on piston P2 = Pressure × Area
or F2 = \(\frac{F_{1}}{A_{1}} \) × A2 ……….. (2)
As A1 < A2, hence F2>F1 So by applying lesser force on small area, we get large force on larger areas. This is the principle of hydraulic lift.

Question 6.
Show that a body when immersed in a liquid looses its weight equal to the weight of the liquid displaced by the body.
According to this principle, when a body is immersed wholly or partially in a liquid at rest, it loses some of its weight which is equal to the weight of liquid displaced by immersed part of the body.

Consider a rectangular body of mass M and height h is completely immersed in a liquid of density p. Let A be the area of the lower and upper face of the body and l is the depth of the upper face of the body from the free surface of liquid.
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 10 Mechanical Properties of Fluids 4
Volume of liquid displaced = Volume of the body ( V) = Ah.
Mass of the liquid displaced, m = Vρ= Ahρ ………… (1)
Pressure acting on the upper face of the body due to
liquid, P1 = lρg ……………… (2)
and Pressure acting on the lower face of body, P2 = (l+ h)ρg ………….. (3)
Downward force on the upper face of the body is Fx = P1A = IρgA …………… (4)
Upward force on the lower face of the body is F2 = P2A = A(l + h)ρg …………… (5)
Net upward thrust on the body
F = F2-F1 =(l + h)ρgA – lρgA
F = Ahρg …………….. (6)
From eqns. (1) and (6), we get
F = mg = Weight of liquid displaced Actual weight of the body W = Mg
Upward thrust F = mg
Hence, the apparent weight of the body in liquid = W-F= Mg – mg.

Question 7.
What is Pascal’s law? State and prove it.
In a closed liquid the pressure applied at any part is equally transmitted in all direction and in the same amount.
If a liquid is in equilibrium, then the pressure in every part of it is equal.
Deduction of Pascal’s law: Consider two points O1 and O2 inside a liquid. Now, imagine a right circular cylinder with O1, O2 as the axis. Its end faces will be circular with O1 and O2 as centres.
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The liquid inside the cylinder is in equilibrium, therefore the forces exerted by the outside liquid on the inner liquid will be perpendicular to the surface.
In accordance with it the forces acting on the end faces of the cylinder with O1 and O2 as centre will be perpendicular to them.

If the force acting on the face with O1 as centre is F1 then
Pressure at O1 P = \(\frac{F_{1}}{A}\)
Where A is the area of the end face.
∴ F1 = P1A
Similarly, if F2 is the force acting on the end face with O2 as centre, then
Pressure at O2 is P2 = \(\frac{F_{2}}{A}\)
or F2 = P2 A
As the liquid is in equilibrium.
∴ F1=F2
P1 A = P2A
or P1 = P2
Therefore, the pressure on O1 and O2 are equal.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 10 Mechanical Properties of Fluids

Question 8.
State Pascal’s law. Explain the effect of gravity on Pascal’s law.
Pascal’s law:

In a closed liquid the pressure applied at any part is equally transmitted in all direction and in the same amount.
If a liquid is in equilibrium, then the pressure in every part of it is equal.
Deduction of Pascal’s law: Consider two points O1 and O2 inside a liquid. Now, imagine a right circular cylinder with O1, O2 as the axis. Its end faces will be circular with O1 and O2 as centres.
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 10 Mechanical Properties of Fluids 5
The liquid inside the cylinder is in equilibrium, therefore the forces exerted by the outside liquid on the inner liquid will be perpendicular to the surface.
In accordance with it the forces acting on the end faces of the cylinder with O1 and O2 as centre will be perpendicular to them.

If the force acting on the face with O1 as centre is F1 then
Pressure at O1 P = \(\frac{F_{1}}{A}\)
Where A is the area of the end face.
∴ F1 = P1A
Similarly, if F2 is the force acting on the end face with O2 as centre, then
Pressure at O2 is P2 = \(\frac{F_{2}}{A}\)
or F2 = P2 A
As the liquid is in equilibrium.
∴ F1=F2
P1 A = P2A
or P1 = P2
Therefore, the pressure on O1 and O2 are equal.

Suppose a trough is filled with a liquid of density ρ. A and B are two points on the same vertical line and separated by a distance of h. A is above the point B shown in Fig.
Imagine a right cylinder of height h and area of cross-section A with the vertical line AB as axis, Weight of the cylinder = Mass × g
= Volume × Density × g
= Ahpg, (∵ Volume=Area × Height)
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 10 Mechanical Properties of Fluids 6
This weight will be acting vertically downwards. If the pressures at the points A and B are P1 and P2 respectively, then the force acting on the upper face of the cylinder in the downward direction is
F1 = Pressure x Area
F1 = P1A
Similarly, the force acting on the lower face of the cylinder in the upward direction is F2 = P2A
But, the liquid is in equilibrium, therefore F1 + Ahρg – F2 = 0
∴ P1A + Ahρg- P2A = 0
or (P2 – P1 )A = Ahρg
or P2 – P1 = hρg …………… (1)
From eqn. (1), it is clear that there is a difference of pressure between any two points in the same vertical line in a liquid.

Question 9.
Explain why: The size of the needle of a syringe controls flow rate better than the thumb pressure exerted by a doctor while administering an injection. (NCERT)
The area of needle of a syringe is very small. According to principle of continuity Aν = constant. Since area is small therefore ν will be large. The doctor exerts pressure P with his thumb. According to Bernoulli’s theorem.
P + \(\frac{1}{2}\) dv2+ dgh = Constant

In this expression, the power of P is 1 and that of ν is 2. Obviously, ν is more effective than P. This is reason due to which the size of needle of syringe controls flow rate better than the thumb pressure exerted by doctor while administering an injection.

Question 10.
The farmer plough their field after rain. Why?
In a dry clay, number of pores are there, which acts as capillaries. After rain if farmers plough their field, then the capillaries of earth broken and the underground water remain there, which is used by the plant.

Question 11.
Explain why: A fluid flowing out of a small hole in a vessel results in a backward thrust on the vessel. (NCERT)
The velocity of liquid emerging out of a small hole is high (∵ Aν = constant). Hence, its linear momentum will be large. Since no external force is acting on the system, so the linear momentum of the system remains conserved. Thus, it is clear that a reaction will act on the vessel and it will experience a thrust.

Question 12.
Explain why: A spinning cricket ball in air does not follow a parabolic trajectory. (NCERT)
When a spinning cricket ball is thrown in air then at one side of ball the resultant velocity of air increases and at other side, the velocity decreases. According to Bernoulli’s theorem, a pressure difference is created between the two sides and a resultant force acts on the ball. Hence, the ball follows a curved path, it is called Magnus effect. Due to this effect, the ball does not follow a parabolic trajectory.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 10 Mechanical Properties of Fluids

Question 13.
Describe Torrecelli’s experiment of atmospheric pressure. How does it measure the pressure?
Torricelli’s Experiment: Torricelli performed an experiment to measure the atmospheric pressure. This experiment is called the
Torricelli’s experiment. The device used for the mea¬surement of atmospheric pressure is called a Barometer.
A barometer consists of a one-metre long glass tube of nearly 1.5 cm internal diameter.

One end of this tube is closed. This tube is completely filled with mercury. Now, closing the open end with thumb, we invert the tube and place the open end in a trough containing mercury such that the tube is vertical and the open end is well inside the mercury. Care is taken that no air bubble enters the tube. On removing the thumb the level of mercury in the tube starts falling and at a certain definite height the fall in level stops.

In this state the height of the level of mercury in the tube above the (fee surface of mercury in the trough i. e., the height of the mercury column is nearly 76 cm.
In the space inside the tube above the mercury, column is fully vacuumed, this empty space is called the Torricellian vacuum.
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Explanation: Torricelli explained the above phenomenon as follows: The column of mercury in the tube tries to fall due to its own weight while the atmospheric pressure tries to push it upwards. When the pressure of the mercury column equals the atmospheric pressure an equilibrium is achieved and the fall of mercury level stops. In this way by measuring the height of mercury column in the tube the atmospheric pressure can be measured.

Question 14.
What are the factors which effect surface tension? How they effect surface tension?
Factor affecting surface tension are :

  • Substance dissolved in the liquid: The substance which are highly soluble in the liquid increases the surface tension, while the insoluble substance decreases surface tension.
  • Contamination of the surface: Dust particles, oil, grease etc. decrease the surface tension of liquid.
  • Temperature of the liquid: Generally on increasing the temperature, the surface tension decreases. According to the formula,
    T = T0 (1 – αt)
    Where, T= S.T. at t°C, TQ = S.T. at 0°C and α = Temperature coefficient of surface tension.

Question 15.
Explain the phenomenon of capillary rise.
Capillary rise: Let a capillary be dipped vertically in a liquid which wets the glass surface. The me¬niscus of the liquid in the capillary will be concave. Suppose the liquid does not rise in the capillary [figure (a)]. Imagine two points A and B at the same horizontal level below the surface of the liquid. Another point C is above the meniscus of the liquid
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 10 Mechanical Properties of Fluids 8
The pressure on the concave side of the meniscus is more than that on the convex side. This excess of pressure on the concave side is 2T/R, where, T is the surface tension of the liquid and R is the radius of the meniscus. The pressure on the point C is equal to the atmospheric pressure P. Therefore, the net pressure at the point
B = P – \(\frac{2 T}{R}\)

At point A the pressure is equal to the atmospheric pressure P. Points A and B are in the same horizontal level. Therefore, the pressure on both these points must be equal. Clearly, the liquid will rise in the capillary to a height such that the pressure of the liquid column at the point B equals 2 T/R. Thus, the total pressure at the point
B = P – \(\frac{2 T}{R}+\frac{2 T}{R}\) = P.

Question 16.
In strong storm, the roofs of houses fly away, High-velocity Low pressure why?
Answer: At the time of strong wind or storms the air above the roof moves with very high velocity, creating low pressure above the roof. Hence P2 becomes greater than P1. Due to the pressure difference P1 -P2, a large upthrust acts on the roof and therefore it fly away.
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Question 17.
What is critical velocity? What is its relationship with Reynold’s number?
The maximum velocity of a fluid, till the flow is streamline is called critical velocity. If the critical velocity is Vc, coefficient of viscosity is η, density of liquid is ρ and diameter of tube is D, then
Vc = \(\frac{K \eta}{\rho D}\)
Where, K is called Reynold’s number.
K is a dimensionless quantity.

Question 18.
Differentiate between the streamlined flow and turbulent flow of liquids.
Difference between Streamlined flow and Ttirbulent flow :

Streamlined flow Turbulent flow
1. In this flow each particle follows the path of its preceding particle passing through a given point. In this flow the particles do not follow the path and velocity of preceding particle.
2. The velocity is less than critical velocity. The velocity of flow is greater than critical velocity.
3. The path of flow may be straight line or curve. The path is irregular and zig-zag.

Question 19.
State Newton’s law of viscosity. Define coefficient of viscosity and write its unit and dimensional formula.
Newton’s law of viscosity: According to this law, the friction force F between the two layers is :
(i) Directly proportional to the area A of the layers, i.e.,
F ∝ A

(ii) Directly proportional to the velocity gradient between the layers, i.e.,
F ∝\(\frac{d v}{d x}\)
Combining both the laws, we get
F ∝ A .\(\frac{d v}{d x} \)
F = – η A. \(\frac{d v}{d x}\)

Where, η is a constant, called coefficient of viscosity.
Negative sign shows that viscous force acts in the opposite direction of flow.
Now, if A = 1 and \(\frac{d v}{d x}\) = 1, then F = – η
Thus, the coefficient of viscosity of a liquid is the tangential force required to maintain a unit velocity gradient between two layers of unit area separated by unit distance. Unit: MKS unit of η is N-s/m2.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 10 Mechanical Properties of Fluids

Question 20.
Find out dimensional formula of coefficient of viscosity.
We know that fricition force
F = – ηA \(\frac{d v}{d x}\)
∴ Coefficient of viscosity η = – \(\frac{F}{A \frac{d v}{d x}}\)
or [η] = \(\frac{\left[\mathrm{MLT}^{-2}\right]}{\left[\mathrm{L}^{2}\right]\left[\frac{\mathrm{LT}^{-1}}{\mathrm{~L}}\right]}\) = [ML-1T-1].

Question 21.
What is terminal velocity? Calculate the terminal velocity of a sphere falling through a viscous liquid.
Terminal velocity: When a ball falls through a liquid then initially the ball is accelerated due to gravity but soon it achieves a constant velocity called terminal velocity.
Formula for terminal velocity: Let a sphere of radius r, density d is falling through a liquid of density ρ and coefficient of viscosity η.
Now, the forces acting on falling body are:

  • Weight of the sphere acting vertically downwards.
  • Force of buoyancy liquid, acting vertically upward.
  • Viscous force acting vertically upwards.

Now, Weight of sphere = Volume × Density × g
= \(\frac{4}{3}\) πr3dg,
Where, r is the radius of ball.
Force of buoyancy = Weight of liquid displaced
= \(\frac{4}{3}\) πr3ρg
∴ Resultant weight of body =\(\frac{4}{3}\) πr3 dg – \(\frac{4}{3}\) πr3ρg
= \(\frac{4}{3}\) πr3 (d – ρ) g

Again, Viscous force = 6 πηrν
When the body is falling with terminal velocity, then Viscous force = Resultant weight
∴ 6 πηrν = \(\frac{4}{3}\) πr3(d – ρ) g
or ν = \(\frac{2}{9} \frac{r^{2}(d-\rho) g}{\eta}\).
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 10 Mechanical Properties of Fluids 10

Question 22.
What is terminal velocity? On what factors does it depend?
Terminal velocity:

Terminal velocity: When a ball falls through a liquid then initially the ball is accelerated due to gravity but soon it achieves a constant velocity called terminal velocity.
Formula for terminal velocity: Let a sphere of radius r, density d is falling through a liquid of density ρ and coefficient of viscosity η.
Now, the forces acting on falling body are:

  • Weight of the sphere acting vertically downwards.
  • Force of buoyancy liquid, acting vertically upward.
  • Viscous force acting vertically upwards.

Now, Weight of sphere = Volume × Density × g
= \(\frac{4}{3}\) πr3dg,
Where, r is the radius of ball.
Force of buoyancy = Weight of liquid displaced
= \(\frac{4}{3}\) πr3ρg
∴ Resultant weight of body =\(\frac{4}{3}\) πr3 dg – \(\frac{4}{3}\) πr3ρg
= \(\frac{4}{3}\) πr3 (d – ρ) g

Again, Viscous force = 6 πηrν
When the body is falling with terminal velocity, then Viscous force = Resultant weight
∴ 6 πηrν = \(\frac{4}{3}\) πr3(d – ρ) g
or ν = \(\frac{2}{9} \frac{r^{2}(d-\rho) g}{\eta}\).
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 10 Mechanical Properties of Fluids 10

Factors on which it depends :

  • It is directly proportional to the square of the radius of the body.
  • Directly proportional to the difference of the densities of the liquid and body.
  • Inversely proportional to the coefficient of viscosity of the liquid.
  • Directly proportional to acceleration gravity.

Question 23.
State and prove principle of continuity.
Principle of continuity: When a non-viscous and incompressible liquid flows through a tube of non-uniform bore and its flow is streamline, then the product of velocity of flow and the area of cross-section of the tube at every transverse cross-section remains constant.
i. e., A.ν = a constant
or A1ν1 = A2V2 .
Proof: Let an incompressible and non-viscous liquid be flowing through a tube XY of non-uniform bore.
A and B are two transverse sections of the tube having areas A1 and A2 respectively. Also let the velocity of flow of the liquid at these transverse sections be V1, and v2 respectively. Let the density of the liquid bed.
The liquid flowing through the transverse section of A travels a distance v1 in 1 second, therefore the volume of the liquid flowing per second through section at A is A1v1. Hence, the mass of the liquid flowing per second through this section is A1V1d.
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 10 Mechanical Properties of Fluids 11
Similarly, the mass of the liquid flowing through the transverse section at B is A2v2d. Since the liquid is incompressible, it cannot accumulate in any portion of the tube. Therefore, whatever amount of liquid enters the segment AB of the tube at section A, the same amount of liquid will flow out of the section at B.
A1V1d = A2v2d
or A1v1 = A2V2
or A.v = Constant
This is the principle of continuity.

Question 24.
How many types of energy are there in a flowing liquid? Write the expressions for them.
A non-compressible flowing liquid possesses three types of energies :
1. Kinetic energy: If the mass of liquid flowing is m, then its kinetic energy,
K.E = \(\frac{1}{2}\) mv2
If the volume of liquid be V, then K.E. of unit volume of liquid = \(\frac{1}{2}\) \(\frac{m v^{2}}{V}\)
But, \(\frac{m}{V}\) = d. (density)
∴ K.E. of unit volume of liquid =\(\frac{1}{2}\) dv2.

2. Potential energy : If a liquid of mass m is at a height h, then its
P.E.= mgh
Where, g is acceleration due to gravity.
∴ P.E of unit volume of liquid = \(\frac{m g h}{V}\) = dgh, (∵ \(\frac{m}{V}\) = d)

3. Pressure energy: For the flow of liquid pressure is applied, with result in pressure energy.
Let the pressure P is applied on a liquid of area of cross-section A, so that liquid flows through a distance of x.
∴ Pressure energy = Work done
= Force × Distance
= Pressure × Area × Distance
= P × A × x =PV, (∵ Ax = V)
∴ Pressure energy per unit volume =\(\frac{P V}{V}\) = P
and pressure energy per unit mass = \(\frac{P V}{V}\) = \(\frac{P}{\frac{m}{V}}\) = \(\frac{P}{d}\).

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 10 Mechanical Properties of Fluids

Question 25.
What is Stoke’s law? What are the conditions of Stoke’s law?
According to Stoke, if a spherical body moves through a homogeneous viscous liquid, the viscous force F is :
(i) Directly proportional to the coefficient of viscosity
i.e., F ∝η
(ii) Directly proportional to the radius of body
i.e., F ∝ r
(iii) Directly proportional to the velocity of the body
i.e., F ∝ v
Combining all the laws, we get
F ∝ ηrv
F = Kηrv
Where K is constant of proportionality. For spherical ball, K is equal to 6π.
∴ F=6πηrv

Conditions of Stoke’s law :

  • The sphere should be very small.
  • The sphere should be rigid and smooth.
  • The liquid should be extended infinitely.
  • The liquid should be viscous and homogeneous.

Mechanical Properties of Fluids Class 11 Important Questions Long Answer Type

Question 1.
State-Bernoulli’s theorem and prove it.
State Bernoulli’s theorem and prove that:
P +\(\frac{1}{2}\) ρv2 + ρgh = A constant.
Bernoulli’s theorem: When a non-viscous and incompressible liquid flows in streamlined condition through a tube then the total energy of its unit mass or unit volume remains constant, i.e.,
For unit volume,
P +\(\frac{1}{2}\) ρv + ρgh = a constant
and For unit mass,
\(\frac{P}{\rho}+\frac{1}{2}\)v2 +gh = a constant
Where, P – Pressure, p = Density, v = Velocity of liquid flow, g = Acceleration due to gravity, h – Height of liquid above ground level.

Proof: Suppose an incompressible and non-viscous liquid is flowing through a tube XY of non-uniform bore. Its flow is streamlined [See fig.].
A and B are two transverse sections of the tube. The areas of these sections are A1 and A2 respectively. At the section A let the velocity of flow of the liquid be v, and its pressure P1. At the section B let the corresponding quantities be v2 and P2 respectively.
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 10 Mechanical Properties of Fluids 12
Also let the heights of A and B above the ground be h1 and h2 respectively and p the density of the liquid.
The force, acting on the liquid at the section A is
Therefore, the work done on the liquid entering the cross-section at A in each second
W1 = F1 × V1 = P1A1v1
Similarly, the amount of work done by the liquid coming out of the section at B in each second
W2 = P2A2V2
∴ Net amount of work done on the liquid
W = W1 – W2
= P × A × v1 – P2A2V2 ……………… (1)
But, from the principle of continuity,
A1 V1 = A2V2

Where, A1v1, or A2V2 is the volume of the liquid flowing in each second through any cross-section.
∴ Mass of the liquid flowing any cross-section in one-second
m = A1v1ρ= A2v2ρ
A1v1 = \(\frac{m}{\rho}\)
Putting this value in eqn. (1), we get
W = P1 \(\frac{m}{\rho}\) – P2\(\frac{m}{\rho}\)
= (P1 – P2)\(\frac{m}{\rho}\)
The potential energies of the liquid flowing per second at A and B are mgh1 and mgh2 respectively.
∴ Increases in the potential energy of the liquid
= mgh2 – mgh1 = mg(h2-h1)

The K.E. of the liquid flowing per second at A is \(\frac{1}{2}\)mv1 2 and at B is \(\frac{1}{2}\) mv2 2.
∴ Increase in the kinetic energy of the liquid
= \(\frac{1}{2}\) mv2 2 – \(\frac{1}{2}\)mv1 2
= \(\frac{1}{2}\) m(v2 2 – v1 2)

From the principle of conservation of energy,
Work done on the liquid = Increase in potential energy of the liquid + Increase in the kinetic energy of the liquid
∴ (P1 – P2)\(\frac{m}{\rho}\) = mg (h2 – h1) + \(\frac{1}{2}\)m (v22 – v12)
P1 – P2 = ρg (h2 – h1) + \(\frac{1}{2}\)ρ(v22 – v12)
P1 – P2 = ρgh2 – ρgh1 + \(\frac{1}{2}\)ρ(v22 – \(\frac{1}{2}\)ρ(v12
P1 + ρgh1+\(\frac{1}{2}\)ρ(v12 = P2 + ρgh2 + \(\frac{1}{2}\)ρ(v22 ………… (2)
P + ρgh + \(\frac{1}{2}\)ρv2 ……………… (3)

∴ Therefore, the total energy of unit volume of the liquid remains constant at every point during flow.
From eqn. (3),
\(\frac{P}{\rho}\) + \(\frac{1}{2}\)v2 + gh = constant
The total energy of unit mass of the liquid remains constant. From eqn. (2),
P1 + \(\frac{1}{2}\)ρv12+ dgh1 = P2 + \(\frac{1}{2}\)ρv22 + dgh2
For horizontal tubes : h1 = h2.
∴ P1 + \(\frac{1}{2}\)ρv12 = P2 + \(\frac{1}{2}\)ρv22
P + \(\frac{1}{2}\)ρv2 = Constant.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 10 Mechanical Properties of Fluids

Question 2.
In venturi meter the area of cross-sections at two points are A1 and A2 and pressure difference is h. Derive an expression for the volume of liquid flowing per second.
Establish the formula for the flow of liquid by venturi meter.
Explain an application of Bernoulli’s theorem.
Venturimeter: It is a device based upon the Bernoulli’s theorem. It is used to measure the rate of flow of a liquid through a given pipe.
The construction of a venturi meter is shown in the fig., AB is a horizontal pipe, the middle portion R of it, is constricted. Two vertical tubes M and N are attached to it as shown in the figure. They constitute the manometer arrangement.
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 10 Mechanical Properties of Fluids 13
When the liquid (say, water) flows through the pipe AB, then in accordance with the principle of continuity, the velocity of flow at the points is smaller and that at/? it is larger. Therefore, according to the Bernoulli’s theorem, the pressure at A will be larger than the pressure at R. This causes the liquid to rise more in-tube Ethan in the tube N. By measuring the difference in the heights of liquid column M and N we can calculate the rate of flow of liquid through pipe.

Let at A the area of cross-section of the pipe be A1, the velocity of flow V1 and pressure P1. At R the area of cross-section of the tube is A2, the velocity of flow v2 and the pressure is P2.
As the pipe is horizontal, according to Bernoulli’s theorem,
P1 + \(\frac{1}{2}\)ρv12 = P2\(\frac{1}{2}\)ρv22
P1 – P2 = \(\frac{1}{2}\) ρ (v22 – v12) ……………… (1)
But, from the principle of continuity,
A1v1=A2V2 =Q

Where, Q is the volume of the liquid flowing per second i.e., the rate of flow of the liquid.
v1 = \(\frac{Q}{A_{1}}\) and V2 =\(\frac{Q}{A_{2}}\)
Putting these values in the eqn. (1), we have
P1 – P2 = \(\frac{1}{2}\)ρ (\(\frac{Q^{2}}{A_{2}^{2}}-\frac{Q^{2}}{A_{1}^{2}}\) )
P1 – P2 = \(\frac{1}{2}\) \(\frac{\rho Q^{2}}{A_{1}^{2} A_{2}^{2}}\) (A12 – A 22)

If the difference in levels of the liquid in tubes M and N is h, then
P1 -P2 = hpg
Therefore, from eqn. (2),
hpg = \(\frac{1}{2}\) [/latex] \(\frac{\rho Q^{2}}{A_{1}^{2} A_{2}^{2}}\) (A12 – A 22).

Question 3.
State and prove Torricelli’s theorem.
Torricelli’s theorem: The velocity of efflux is equal to the velocity that a body acquires when allowed to fall freely from rest through a height equal to the depth of the hole below the free surface of liquid.
Let liquid is filled in a jar, up to height H and from the free surface there is a hole below depth h.
The velocity by the liquid emerges from the hole is called the velocity of efflux.
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 10 Mechanical Properties of Fluids 14
Now, the K.E. of free surface is zero and P.E. is maximum.
∴ Energy of free surface, per unit volume is
= P+0+ ρgH = P+ ρgH
Where, P is atmospheric pressure and ρ is the density of liquid.

Similarly, the energy per unit volume of liquid at the hole
= P + \(\frac{1}{2}\)ρv2+ ρg (H -h)
Again, by the Bernoulli’s theorem,
P +ρgH=P +\(\frac{1}{2}\)ρv2 +pg(H-h)
pgH = \(\frac{1}{2}\)ρv2 +pgH-pgh
\(\frac{1}{2}\)v2 =gh
v2 = 2 gh,
v = \(\sqrt{2 g h}\)

Again, if a body is allowed to fall from a height h freely, then u = 0.
∴ v2 = u2 + 2 gs
v2 = 0+2gh = 2gh
or v = \(\sqrt{2 g h}\).

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 10 Mechanical Properties of Fluids

Question 4.
What is meant by surface energy of a liquid? Prove that surface energy per unit area is equal to the surface tension.
What is surface energy? Derive an expression for it.
Surface energy: The potential energy stored in unit area of free surface of liquid is called its surface energy.
Let PQRS be a rectangular frame of wire. AB is another straight wire which can slide over the arms PQ and RS of the frame as shown in the Fig.

Let the frame be dipped in soap solution and taken out so that a soap film ABRQ is formed. Due to the force of surface tension, the wire AB starts sliding towards QR. If the wire is to be prevented from sliding, a force F must be applied on the wire AB. In equilibrium this force will be equal and opposite to the force of surface tension on the wire AB.
If the length of the wire AB is l and the surface tension of the soap film is T, then F = 2Tl
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 10 Mechanical Properties of Fluids 15

The factor of 2 appears because soap film has two surfaces.
If the wire AB is displaced through a distance x against the force of surface tension to the position A ‘B’, this will increase the area of the film.
Work done in increasing the area of the film,
W=Fx = 2Tlx ,
or W=T2lx
But, 2lx= A, the total increase in the area of the two surfaces of the film.
∴ W=TA
T = \(\frac{W}{A}\)

In the above expression if A = 1, then T= W
Hence, the surface tension of a liquid is numerically equal to the amount of work done in increasing the surface area of the film by unity under isothermal conditions. Thus, surface tension is equal to the surface energy per unit area.

Question 5.
Derive an expression for the excess of pressure inside a drop.
Excess of pressure inside a drop: A liquid drop is spherical in shape and its outer surface is convex. Therefore, due to surface tension a net inward force acts on every molecule situated on the surface of the drop. As a result the pressure inside the drop is more than that outside. Let the radius of the drop be R and the excess of pressure inside it be P. Due to this excess of pressure an outward force acts on the surface of the drop.
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 10 Mechanical Properties of Fluids 16
Suppose due to this excess of pressure, the radius of the drop increases from R to R + ΔR.

Therefore, the work done by the excess of pressure in expansion of the drop,
W = Force × Displacement
= Pressure × Area × Displacement
= P × 4πR² × A R
Increase in the surface area of the drop = Final surface area – Initial surface area
= 4π(R + ΔR)² – 4πR² =8 πRΔR
∵ 4π( ΔR)² will be very small and can be neglected.
∴ Increase in the surface energy
= Surface tension x Increase in the surface area = T ×8 πRΔR
This increase in surface energy is due to the excess of pressure.
∴ P × 4πR² × ΔR = T × 8 πR.ΔR
or P = \(\frac{2 T}{R}\).

Question 6.
Derive an expression for excess pressure inside a bubble.
Excess of pressure inside a bubble: Due to air inside it, the bubble has two free surface. One inside and another outside. Let the radius of the bubble be R. Due to excess of pressure P in it, an outward force acts on the surface of the bubble. This is balanced by the force due to the surface tension.
Suppose due to excess of pressure P, let the radius of the bubble increase from R to R +ΔR.
∴ Work done by the excess of pressure
= Force × Distance = Pressure × Area × Distance
= P × 4πR² × ΔR
Since, there are two surfaces in a bubble, the increase in the surface area of the bubble
= 2[4π(R + ΔR)2 – 4 πR² ]
= 16πR.ΔR
∴ Increase in surface energy = T×16πR.ΔR
The increase in surface energy is due to the excess of pressure.
∴ P × 4πR² × ΔR = T × 16 πR.ΔR
or P =\(\frac{2 T}{R}\).

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 10 Mechanical Properties of Fluids

Question 7.
What is meant by capillarity? Give two examples of capillarity in daily life. Establish the formula to determine surface tension of water by capillary rise.
Derive the formula to determine the surface tension in the laboratory.
Capillarity: The phenomenon of ascenting and descenting of liquid in a capillary is called capillarity. In kerosene lamp oil rises in the wick due to capillarity.
Formula derivation: Let a uniform capillary tube of radius r be immersed into water and water rises up to height h. The meniscus is concave in the tube and its ra¬dius is nearly equal to the radius of capillary. The surface tension of liquid acts at the point of contact of meniscus along the direction of tangent, making an angle θ with the wall of tube.
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Now, according to Newton’s third law, reaction force R is equal to T.
Resolving R we get horizontal components R sin θ = T sin θ acting diametrically opposite, around the meniscus, hence their resultant will be zeros.
And vertical component R cos θ= T cos θ acting upwards around the circumference of meniscus, due to which the water rises.
The total force which rises the water
= Tcosθ × 2 πr …………. (1)
(2 πr has been multiplied because it is the total circumference on which T cosθ acts)
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 10 Mechanical Properties of Fluids 18
Now, the upward force is balanced by the weight of the water.
Now, volume of water raised = Volume of water to height h + Volume of water in meniscus.
Where, volume of water in meniscus = Volume of cylinder of radius and height r -Volume of hemisphere filled with air
= πr2r – \(\frac{2}{3}\) πr3
∴ Volume of water raised = πr2 h + (πr2 r – \(\frac{2}{3}\) πr3)
= πr2h + \(\frac{1}{3}\)πr3

If the density of water is ρ then weight of water acting vertically downwards.
W = mg – Volume × Density × g
=( πr2h + \(\frac{1}{3}\)πr3)ρg
= πr2(h +\(\frac{1}{3}\)r) ρg

Now, in equilibrium position,
Total force upwards = Total force downwards
T cosθ.2πr = πr2(h+ \(\frac{1}{3}\)r)ρg
or T = \(\frac{r\left(h+\frac{1}{3} r\right) \rho g}{2 \cos \theta}\)
Since,\(\frac{r}{3}\) is negligible in comparison to h.
∴T = \(\frac{r h \rho g}{2 \cos \theta}\)

But, for pure water and clean glass θ = 0°
∴ cos θ = cos 0° = 1
∴ T = \(\frac{r h \rho g}{2}\)
This is the required formula.

Mechanical Properties of Fluids Class 11 Important Numerical Questions

Question 1.
A 50 kg girl wearing high heel shoes balances on a single heel. The heel is circular with a diameter 1.0 cm. What is the pressure exerted by the heel on the horizontal floor? (NCERT)
Given, m = 50kg; 2r = 1.0cm ⇒ r = 0.5 cm = 0.5 × 10-2 m
F = mg = 50 × 9.8 = 490N.
Now pressure,
P =\(\frac{F}{A}\) = \(\frac{F}{\pi r^{2}}\) = \(\frac{490}{3 \cdot 14\left(0 \cdot 5 \times 10^{-2}\right)^{2}} \)
= \(\frac{490 \times 10^{4}}{0 \cdot 785}\)
= 624.20 × 104
= 6.24 × 106 N/m2.

Question 2.
Torricelli’s barometer used mercury. Pascal duplicated it using French wine of density 984 kgm-3. Determine the height of the wine column for normal atmospheric pressure.(NCERT)
Given, d = 984kg/m3; g = 9.8ms -2, P = 1.013 × 105Pa
Formula, P = hdg
∴ h = \(\frac{P}{d g}\) = \(\frac{1 \cdot 013 \times 10^{5}}{984 \times 9 \cdot 8}\) =10.5m.

Question 3.
In a test experiment on a model aeroplane in a wind tunnel, the flow speeds on the upper and lower surfaces of the wing are 70 ms-1 and 63 ms-1 respectively. What is the lift on the wing if its area is 2.5 m2? Take the density of air to be 1.3 kg m-3. (NCERT)
Given, ν1 = 70ms-12 = 63ms-1;A = 2.5m2 , d = 1.3 kgm-3
According to Bernoulli’s theorem,
\(\frac{1}{2} d v_{1}^{2}\) + P1 = \(\frac{1}{2} d v_{2}^{2}\) +P2
P1 – P2 = \(\frac{1}{2} \)d (ν22 – ν12)A
∴ Applied thrust force will be
F = (P1 – P2)A
= \(\frac{1}{2}\)d (ν22 – ν12)A
= \(\frac{1}{2}\) ×1.3 [ (63)2 – (70)2] × 2.5
= 0.5 × 1.3 [3969 – 4900] × 2.5
= -1.5 × 103N.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 10 Mechanical Properties of Fluids

Question 4.
What is the pressure inside the drop of mercury of radius 3-00 mm at room temperature? Surface tension of mercury at that temperature (20°C) is 4.65 × 10-1 Nm-1. The atmospheric pressure is 1.01 × 105 Pa. Also give the excess pressure inside the drop. (NCERT)
Given, R = 3.00mm = 3 × 103m, T = 4.65 × 10-1Nm –1
Atmospheric pressure = 1.01 × 105Pa
Formula: ρ = \(\frac{2 T}{R}\)
Or ρ = \(\frac{2 \times 4 \cdot 65 \times 10^{-1}}{3 \times 10^{-3}}\) = 310Pa.

Total pressure inside the drop = Atmospheric pressure + Excess pressure
= 1.01 × 105 +310
= 1.01 × 105 +0.00310 × 105
= 1.01310 × 105Pa
= 1.01 × 105 Pa (UP to three significant digits).

Question 5.
At what depth in the water the pressure will be double the atmospheric pressure ?
Let the depth = hm
∴ Pressure of Am depth water + Atmospheric pressure
= 2 × Atmospheric pressure
or Pressure of water at h m depth = Atmospheric pressure
or h × 1 × 103 × 9.8 = 1 × 105(∵ P = hρg)
or h = \(\frac{10^{5}}{10^{3} \times 9 \cdot 8}\) = 10.20m.

Question 6.
The weight of a piece of lead in water is 100 g. Find out its weight in air if relative density of lead is 11.3.
Let die weight of lead in air be x
The weight of lead in air = 100 g.
The loss in its weight in water = x – 100

Relative density of lead = \(\frac{\text { The weight of lead in air }}{\text { The loss in its weight in water }} \)
∴ \(\frac{11 \cdot 3}{1}\) = \(\frac{x}{x-100}\)
or 11.3x – 11.30 = x
or 10.3x = 1130
x = 109.7 gm.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 10 Mechanical Properties of Fluids

Question 7.
The surface tension of a liquid is 70 × 10.3 Nm-1. A needle of 5 cm is floating on it. Calculate the lateral force acting on the pin.
Given : T = 70 × 103Nm-1, l = 5 cm = 5 x 10-2m.
Now we have T = \(\frac{F}{l}\)
= 70 × 10-3 × 5 × 10 -2
= 3.5 × 10-3N.

Question 8.
The radius of a soap bubble is 0.5 cm. If the surface tension of soap solution is 0.2 Nm-1, then find the surface energy of the bubble.
Given : R = 0.5cm = 0.5 × 10-2m, T = 0.2Nm -1.
A = 4πR2 = 4 × 3.14 × (0.5 × 10-2)2
= 12.56 × 0.25 × 10-4m2
Now, Surface energy,
= 2 × 0.2 × 12.56 × 0.25 × 10-4 = 1.256 × 10-4 joule.

Question 9.
Calculate the work done in blowing a bubble of soap solution of radius 5cm. Surface tension of soap solution is = 3 × 10 -2Nm-1
Given : r = 5 cm =\(\frac{5}{100}\) = \(\frac{1}{20}\)m,
T = 3 × 10-2 Nm-1
Since, the bubble has two surfaces.
∴ A = 2 × 4πr²
A = 8π\(\left(\frac{1}{20}\right)^{2}\) = 628 × 10-4m2
W = T.A
= 3 ×10-2 × 628 x 10-4
= 1884 x 10-6 = 0.001884 joule.

Question 10.
Radius of a soap bubble is r and its surface tension is T. At constant temperature the radius of bubble is blown doubled, calculate the required force.
ΔA = 2 [4πr²2 – 4πr²2 ]
= 8π (r²2 – r²2 )
r1=r and r2 = 2r.
ΔA = 8π (4r2 -r2)
= 24πr2
∵ W=T.ΔA
∴ W=T.24 πr2 = 24 πr2. T.

Question 11.
A drop of diameter 2.8 mm is broken into 125 droplets of equal radii. If the surface tension of liquid is 75 dyne × cm-1, then calculate the change in energy.
Given :
2R = 2.8 mm
R = 1.4 mm
= 1.4 × 10-3m
and, T = 75 dyne × cm-1
= 75 × 10-5 N × (10-2 m)-1
∴ T = 75 × 10-3 Nm-1

Now, Volume of big drop = Volume of 125 droplets.
∴ \(\frac{4}{3} \pi R^{3}\) = 125 × \(\frac{4}{3} \) πr3
or R3 = 125r3
R = 5r
r = \(\frac{R}{5}\)
∴ Surface area of bigger drop = 4πR2
and Surface area of 125 droplets = 125 × 4πr2
= 125 × 4π × \(\left(\frac{R}{5}\right)^{2}\)
∴ Δ A = 20πR2 – 4πR2 = 16 πR2
∴ Change in energy,
ΔW = T.Δ A
= 75 × 10-3 × 16 × πR2
= 75 × 10-3 × 16 × \(\frac{22}{7}\) × (1.4 × 10 -3)2
= 7392 × 10-9
= 7.392 × 10-9 joule.

Question 12.
The surface tension of soap solution is l-9xl0-2 Nm”1. Calculate the excess of pressure inside the bubble of diameter 2 cm.
Given : T = 1.9 × 10-2 Nm-1
R = \(\frac{2}{2}\) cm = 1cm = 1 × 10-2m.
Now, ρ = \(\frac{4 T}{R}\)
ρ = \(\frac{4 \times 1 \cdot 9 \times 10^{-2}}{10^{-2}}\) = 7.6 Nm-2.

Question 13.
Water is flowing through a tube of non-uniform cross-section. The velocity at a point A is 4 times that of another point B. Compare the diameters of tube at A and B.
Given: ν1 = 4v2
We have, by the principle of continuity,
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 10 Mechanical Properties of Fluids 19

Question 14.
The diameter of a spherical ball A is half of that of B. What will be the ratio of their terminal velocities in water?
Given: a1 = \(\frac{a_{2}}{2}\)
We have,
ν ∝ a2
\(\frac{v_{1}}{v_{2}}\) = \(\frac{a_{1}^{2}}{a_{2}^{2}}\)
∴ \(\frac{v_{1}}{v_{2}}\) = \(\frac{\left(a_{2} / 2\right)^{2}}{a_{2}^{2}}\) = \(\frac{1}{4}\)
∴ ν12 = 1:4

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 10 Mechanical Properties of Fluids

Question 15.
Water is flowing through a horizontal tube of non-uniform area of cross-section. At a place where the pressure is 20 cm (of water) the velocity of flow of water is 60 cm/s. Find the velocity of flow at a place where the pressure is 15 cm (of water).
Given, P1 = 20 cm(of water) =20 × 1 × 980 dyne /cm2, v, = 60 cm/s,
P2 = 15 × 1 × 980 dyne/cm2 and ρ= 1 gm/cm3.

By the Bernoulli’s theorem,
\(\frac{1}{2}\) ρ (ν22 – ν12) = P1 – P2
⇒ \(\frac{1}{2}\) × 1 × (ν22 – 602) = 20 × 1 × 1980 – 15 × 1 × 1980
⇒ \(\frac{1}{2}\) (ν22 – 602) = 5 × 980
⇒ ν22 = 9800 + 3600 = 13400
∴ ν2 = 115.76 cm/s.

Question 16.
Calculate the terminal velocity of a spherical ball of diameter 2mm, in a viscous liquid. The density of liquid 1.0 × 103 kg m-3 and density of ball is 8.0 × 103kg m3 and coefficient of viscosity of liquid is 1.0 kg m-1s-1.
Given : 2a = 2mm or a = 1mm = 1 x 10-3m,
ρ = 1.0 × 10 3kg m-3 ,d = 8.0 × 103 kg m-3, η = 1.0 kg m-1s-1

Now, ν = \(\frac{2}{9} \cdot \frac{a^{2}(d-\rho) g}{\eta}\)
= \(\frac{2}{9}\) . \(\frac{\left(1 \times 10^{-3}\right)^{2}\left(8 \cdot 0 \times 10^{3}-1 \cdot 0 \times 10^{3}\right) 9 \cdot 8}{1 \cdot 0}\)
= \(\frac{2}{9}\) × 10-6 × 7 × 103 × 9.8
= 15.2 ×10-3 ms-1

Question 17.
A drop of water radius 0.0015 mm is falling in the air. If the coefficient of viscosity of air is 1.8 × 10 -6 kgm-1s-1 then calculate the terminal velocity of drop. The density of air is negligible.
Given : a = 0.0015 mm = 0.0015 × 10-3m = 1.5 × 106m,
d = 1 × 103 kgm-3, ρ = 1.0 × 103 kg m-3, η = 8.0 × 10-6 kg m-1 s-1

ν = \(\frac{2}{9} \cdot \frac{a^{2}(d-\rho) g}{\eta}\)
= \(\frac{2}{9}\) .\(\frac{\left(1 \cdot 5 \times 10^{-6}\right)^{2} \times 1 \times 10^{3} \times 9 \cdot 8}{1 \cdot 8 \times 10^{-6}}\)
= \(\frac{2}{9}\) \(\frac{2 \cdot 25 \times 10^{-12} \times 9 \cdot 8 \times 10^{3}}{1 \cdot 8 \times 10^{-6}}\)
= 2.72 × 10-3ms-1.

Question 18.
Two horizontal pipes of different diameters are joined together, water is flowing through them. The velocity and pressure through one pipe are 4 ms-1 and 2.0 × 10-3Nm-2 respectively. The diameters of pipes are 3 cm and 6 cm. Calculate the velocity and pressure in second pipe.
Given :
v1 = 4 ms-1 , P 1 = 2.0 × 104 Nm-1
r1cm = 1.5 × 10-2m, r2 = \(\frac{6}{2}\) = 3cm = 3 × 10-2
Now we have
A1 v1 = A2v2
or πr1 2v1 = πr1 2v2
r1 2v1 = r1 2v2

∴ ν2 = \(\frac{r_{1}^{2} \cdot v_{1}}{r_{2}^{2}} \)
= \(\frac{\left(1 \cdot 5 \times 10^{-2}\right)^{2} \times 4}{\left(3 \times 10^{-2}\right)^{2}}\)
= 1 ms-1
Again, P2 – P1 = \(\frac{1}{2}\) ρ (ν12 – ν22)
or P2 – 2 × 104 = \(\frac{1}{2}\) × 103 (42 – 12)
P2 = \(\frac{1}{15}\) × 103 + 2 × 104
= 2.75 × 10 4 Nm-2

Question 19.
What will be the maximum velocity of water for streamline flow through a tube of diameter 2 cm? (η= 103 kgm-1s-1).
Given: D = 2cm = 2 × 102m. η= 103 kgm-1s-1
ρ= 10 kgm-3
Now, νc = \(\frac{K \eta}{\rho D}\)
or νc = \(\frac{2000 \times 10^{-3}}{10^{3} \times 2 \times 10^{-2}}\) = 0.1ms-1.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 10 Mechanical Properties of Fluids

Mechanical Properties of Fluids Class 11 Important Questions Objective Type

1. Multiple- choice questions:

Question 1.
The sudden fall of atmospheric pressure indicates :
(a) Storm
(b) Rainfall
(c) Clear weather
(d) Coldwave.
(a) Storm

Question 2.
On which principle the Hydraulic lift work :
(a) Pascal’s law
(b) Archimedis principle
(c) Boyle’s law
(d) Bernoulli’s theorem.
(a) Pascal’s law

Question 3.
Systolic and diastolic blood pressure of a healthy human being is :
(a) 140 mm/80 mm of Hg
(b) 120 mm/80 mm of Hg
(c) 160 mm/90 mm of Hg
(d) 80 mm/ 120 mm of Hg.
(b) 120 mm/80 mm of Hg

Question 4.
On which condition liquid flowing through a tube :
(a) When high density and more viscous liquid flows through less radius tube
(b) When low density and more viscous liquid flows through less radius tube
(c) When high density and less viscous liquid flows through more radius tube
(d) When less density and less viscous liquid flows through more radius tube.
(b) When low density and more viscous liquid flows through less radius tube

Question 5.
On increasing temperature viscosity of liquid :
(a) Increases
(b) Becomes zero
(c) Decreases
(d) No effect.
(c) Decreases

Question 6.
Bernoulli’s equation is based on which law :
(a) Conservation of momentum
(b) Conservation of energy
(c) Conservation of mass
(d) No law.
(b) Conservation of energy

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 10 Mechanical Properties of Fluids

Question 7.
Rain droplet is spherical in shape, its reason is :
(a) Gravitational force
(b) Viscosity
(c) Atmospheric pressure
(d) Surface tension.
(d) Surface tension.

Question 8.
On increasing temperature, surface tension of liquid :
(a) Increases
(b) Becomes zero
(c) Decreases
(d) No effect.
(c) Decreases

Question 9.
At critical temperature, the surface tension of the liquid is :
(a) Zero
(b) Infinity
(c) Same as that any other temperature
(d) Cannot be determined.
(a) Zero

Question 10.
The shape of meniscus of mercury in capillary tube is :
(a) Convex
(b) Cancave
(c) Flat
(d) Not definite.
(a) Convex

Question 11.
Magnitude of angle of contact due to which surface of glass become wet is :
(a) 0°
(b) 90°
(c) More than 90°
(d) Less than 90°.
(d) Less than 90°

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 10 Mechanical Properties of Fluids

Question 12.
On dipping glass capillary inside a mercury :
(a) Level of mercury in capillary tube increases
(b) Level of mercury in capillary tube increases and overflow
(c) Level of mercury in capillary tube falls
(d) Level of mercury in capillary tube falls and does not rise.
(c) Level of mercury in capillary tube falls

Question 13.
Which phenomenon is not related to surface tension :
(a) Dancing of piece of camphor in water surface
(b) Spherical shape of small mercury drop
(c) The liquid become stable after jerking in a vessel
(d) None of these.
(c) The liquid become stable after jerking in a vessel

2. Fill in the blanks:

1. Pressure exerted by one-millimeter column of mercury is called ……………………. .
one tor

2. Blood pressure at leg of a human is ……………………. in comparison to his brain.

3. In generally surface tension of a liquid ……………………. on increasing temperature.

4. Viscosity of gas ……………………. and viscosity of liquid ……………………. on increasing temperature.
increases, decreases

5. On mixing detergent in water, its ……………………. decreases.
surface tension

6. When the magnitude of Reynold’s number is between 0 to 2000, the flow of liquid is ……………………. .

7. ……………………. type of energy is associated with flowing liquid.

8. Poisson’s is C.G. S. unit of ……………………. .
coefficient of viscosity

9. The liquid which is incompressible is known as ……………………. liquid.

10. Mercury does not wet glass because cohesive force is ……………………. than adhesive force.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 10 Mechanical Properties of Fluids

3. Match the following:


Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
1. Ploughing of field after rain by farmer (a) Use of detergent
2. Surface tension (b) Pressure is less
3. Below concave surface (c) Capillarity
4. Below conox surface (d) Cohesive force
5. Spreading of oil drop over surface of water (e) Pressure is more.

1.  (c) Capillarity
2. (a) Use of detergent,
3 (b) Pressure is less
4. (e) Pressure is more
5. (d) Cohesive force.


Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
1. Viscous force F (a) \( \frac{K \cdot \eta}{\rho \cdot D} \)
2. Critical velocity (b) A.v = constant
3. Terminal velocity (c) P+ \( \frac{1}{2} d v^{2} \)+ dgh = constant
4. Principle of continuity (d) \( \eta A \frac{d v}{d x} \)
5. Bernoulli’s theorem (e) \( \frac{2}{9} \cdot \frac{r^{2}(d-\sigma) g}{\eta} \)

1. (d) \( \eta A \frac{d v}{d x} \)
2. (a) \( \frac{K \cdot \eta}{\rho \cdot D} \),
3. (e) \( \frac{2}{9} \cdot \frac{r^{2}(d-\sigma) g}{\eta} \)
4. (b) A.v = constant
5. (c) P+ \( \frac{1}{2} d v^{2} \)+ dgh = constant.

4. state true or False:

1. Hydrostatic pressure is vector quantity.

2. Surface tension of a liquid does not depend upon area of cross-section of the surface.

3. Angle of contact of mercury with glass is more.

4. The man who jump with parachute, its velocity increases initially and then become constant.

5. Viscosity of gas decreases on increasing temperature.

6. Surface tension is numerically equal to surface energy.

7. Greece is more viscous than honey.

8. In flowing liquid, streamline of layer cannot intersect each other.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 8 Gravitation

Students get through the MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 8 Gravitation which are most likely to be asked in the exam.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 8 Gravitation

Gravitation Class 11 Important Questions Very Short Answer Type

Question 1.
Write the difference between gravitation and gravity.
Gravitation : The force of attraction between any two material bodies in the universe is called force of gravitation.
Gravity: If one of the attracting bodies is earth or some other planet or natural satel¬lite, then the force of attraction is called force of gravity.

Question 2.
Explain Newton’s universal gravitational laws.
Every body of the universe attract each other. The force of attraction between two bodies is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them and it acts along the line joining the two bodies.

\(\vec{F}\)AB → Force given by B on A, \(\vec{F}\)BA → Force given by A on B. Let two bodies of mass m1 and m2 are kept d distance apart.
∴ (i) F ∝ m1m2and
(ii) F ∝ \(\frac{1}{d^{2}}\)
Combining both the laws,
F ∝\(\frac{m_{1} m_{2}}{d^{2}}\)
F = G\(\frac{m_{1} m_{2}}{d^{2}}\)
Where, G is constant called universal gravitational constant.
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 8 Gravitation 1

Question 3.
Define universal gravitational constant.
We know that, F = G\(\frac{m_{1} m_{2}}{d^{2}}\)
If m1 = m2= 1 and d= 1, then F= G
Hence, the universal gravitational constant is numerically equal to the force of attraction between the two bodies each of mass unity, kept at unit distance apart.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 8 Gravitation

Question 4.
Find out the unit and dimensional formula of universal gravitational constant. Also, write the value.
Since, F = \(\frac{G m_{1} m_{2}}{d^{2}}\)
G = \(\frac{F d^{2}}{m_{1} m_{2}}\)
Unit: S.I. unit of G will \(\frac{\mathrm{Nm}^{2}}{\mathrm{~kg} \mathrm{~kg}}\) = Nm2 kg-2 .
Dimensional formula : [G] = \(\frac{\left[\mathrm{MLT}^{-2}\right]\left[\mathrm{L}^{2}\right]}{[\mathrm{M}][\mathrm{M}]}\) = [M-1L3T-2]
Value : Value of G = 6.67 × 10-11 Nm2 kg -2.

Question 5.
The value of G = 6.67 × 10-11 Nm2 kg -2. What does it means? Why G is called universal constant?
When two bodies, each of mass 1 kg are kept 1 m apart, then the force of attraction between them is 6.67 × 10-11 N.
The value of G does not depend upon nature, medium, time, temperature etc. There-fore, it is called universal constant.

Question 6.
What is acceleration due to gravity ? What is its standard value?
The acceleration produced in a body due to force of gravity is called acceleration due to gravity.
The rate of change of velocity in a body falling freely is called acceleration due to gravity.
It is denoted by g and its standard value is 9.8 m × s-2.

Question 7.
Write the relation between ‘g’ and ‘G’.
g = \(\frac{\dot{G} M}{R^{2}}\)

Question 8.
What is the value of ‘g’ at the centre of earth?
The value of ‘g’ at the centre of earth is zero.

Question 9.
On what factors the weight of a body depends upon a planet?

  • Size of planet,
  • Daily rotation of planet,
  • Position of body in planet.

Question 10.
How the magnitude of ‘g’ changes on the surface of earth?
From equator to pole value of ‘g’ increases. It is minimum at equator and maxi¬mum at pole.

Question 11.
At which place value of ‘g’ is minimum and maximum?
Value of ‘g’ is minimum at centre of earth and maximum at pole.

Question 12.
A body is taken to moon from the centre of the earth. What change will occur in the weight and the mass of the body?
The weight of a body at the centre of the earth is zero. When the body is moved towards the moon, the weight of the body will increase. On the surface of the earth the weight will be maximum. Further the weight will decrease and on the moon it will be \(\frac{1}{6}\) th of the weight on the surface of earth. The mass will remain same.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 8 Gravitation

Question 13.
What is the value of g at the centre of the earth? What will be its weight?
Zero, zero.

Question 14.
How does the value of g change on the surface of earth ? Where it is maximum and minimum?
The value of g increases when the body is taken from equator to poles. The value of g is maximum at poles and minimum at the equator.

Question 15.
Can the gravity of earth be zero, at some height?
No as F ∝ \(\frac{1}{r^{2}}\)

Question 16.
If the earth stops rotation about its axis, what will happen to the weight of the body? What change will occur in the body placed at the poles?
If the earth stops rotation the weight of the bodies will increase. The weight of the body placed at poles will remain same.

Question 17.
A man can jump six times more on the moon, than on the earth. Why?
Because the value of acceleration due to gravity is six times less than that of earth.

Question 18.
The gravitational mass on earth is \(\frac{g}{6}\). If a body is taken to moon from the earth, then what will happen to weight, inertial mass and gravitational mass ?
The weight will be \(\frac{1}{6}\) time that of earth. The inertial mass and gravitational mass will not change.

Question 19.
The gravitational potential energy of a body on the surface of earth is 6.4 × 106 joule. Explain.
The work done required to throw a body away from gravitational field of earth will be 6.4 × 106 joule.

Question 20.
Weight of a body at equatorial line is less than its weight at pole. Why?
Because value of ‘g’ at equator is less than pole and since weight = Mass × ‘g’ Weight at equator is less than pole.

Question 21.
What is escape velocity? On what factors does it depend?
It is the least velocity with which a body must be thrown vertically upwards so that it just escapes the gravitational pull of earth.
It depends upon

  • Radius of planet and
  • Acceleration due to gravity of the planet.

Question 22.
What are the value of escape velocities of earth and moon?
Escape velocity of earth, = 11.2 kms-1
and that of moon = 2.38 kms-1

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 8 Gravitation

Question 23.
What is an artificial satellite?
The man made satellite which revolves around the earth are called artificial satellite.

Question 24.
What is geo-stationary satellite or synchronous satellite ? What is its height above the earth?
A satellite revolving around the earth in west to east direction; in the equatorial plane perpendicular to the axis of rotation with time-period equal to that of earth i.e., 24 hours, is called geo-stationary satellite.
Its height from the surface of earth is nearly 36000 km.

Question 25.
What is parking orbit? What is its radius?
The orbit in which the geo-stationary satellite is launched is called parking orbit. Its radius is nearly 42309 km.

Question 26.
Why the orbit of artificial satellite is set out of the atmosphere?
The orbit of satellite is set out of the atmosphere so that the satellite may not bum due to the friction with air.

Question 27.
What do you mean by weightlessness in the satellite?
The necessary centripetal force to revolve in a circular orbit is provided by the gravity of earth. Hence, the net force on the satellite and the bodies inside it will be zero. Therefore, the weight of the body becomes zero.

Question 28.
Weightlessness is not felt on the moon, why?
Due to gravity of moon, the bodies have weights on the moon, of course it is a satellite of earth.

Question 29.
Can a satellite be launched in an orbit which is not in the plane, passing through the centre of earth?
No, because under this condition, the horizontal component of the force of at-traction between earth and satellite cannot balance the centripetal force. As a result, the satellite will be attracted towards the equatorial plane and its orbit will not be stable.

Question 30.
Can a satellite be launched in an orbit, so that it can be seen always above
No, this is because Delhi is not on equator line.

Question 31.
What is the relation between orbital velocity and escape velocity?
Escape velocity = √2 × Orbital velocity.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 8 Gravitation

Question 32.
What is the direction of revolution of a geo-stationary satellite?
The direction of revolution of geo-stationary satellite is same as the direction of rotation of earth about its own axis, i.e., west to east.

Question 33.
What is the angle between the plane of revolution of satellite and axis of rotation ?

Question 34.
In an artificial satellite a bob is hanging with a string, what will be the tension in the string ?

Question 35.
Can the velocity of a body be equal to the velocity of light?
No, as the mass of a body increases with the velocity. When its velocity becomes equal to that of light, the mass of the body will be infinite, which is not possible.

Question 36.
If the height of the parking orbit of a satellite in space is increased then its orbital velocity decreases, why?
Since orbital velocity ν0 = R\(\sqrt{\frac{g}{R+h}}\)
Here, R and g are constant.
∴ ν0∝ \(\frac{1}{\sqrt{h}}\)
i.e., if h increases then ν0 decreases.

Question 37.
To find out time in a satellite pendulum clock is used or spring clock.
Spring clock is used to determine time at satellite because pendulum clock will get stop there.

Question 38.
In an artificial satellite a mass of 2 kg is kept at spring balance. What will be the reading of spring balance ?

Question 39.
What will happen if a glass full of water is tilt in an artificial satellite?
Water will start swinging as a droplet inside an artificial satellite due to weightlessness.

Question 40.
Inside an artificial satellite a body of mass 1 kg is hanged with a string. What will be the tension in the string ?

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 8 Gravitation

Question 41.
Escape velocity of 5 gram object in earth is 11.2 km/s. What will be the escape velocity for 10 gram object?
Escape velocity of 10 gram object will be 11.2 km/s because escape velocity does not depend upon the mass of the object.

Question 42.
From where a satellite obtain the centripetal force required to revolve around a planet?
Any satellite gets the required centripetal force to revolve around the planet from the gravitation force of the planet.

Question 43.
Sun attracts earth toward itself with its gravitational force, but earth does not move toward sun, explain with reason.
Earth is not stationary, it revolves around the sun in a circular orbit. Centripetal force required to revolve around the sun is obtained by earth from the gravitational force of sun. In this way earth remains in equilibrium.

Question 44.
On which factor the period of revolution of geo-stationary satellite depends?
Period of revolution of geo-stationary satellite depends on distance of it from earth surface. If the distance from earth surface increases, its period of revolution also increases.

Question 45.
How the orbital velocity of a satellite depends upon the distance of its from the earth surface?
When the distance of satellite from earth surface increases, its orbital velocity decreases.

Question 46.
Why total energy of a satellite is negative?
Since, energy is required for satellite to place it at orbit in infinity. So total energy of a satellite is negative.

Question 47.
Gravitational potential energy of any object at earth surface is 6.4 × 106 joule. Explain its meaning.
It means energy required to send an object out of gravitational field is 6.4 × 106 joule.

Gravitation Class 11 Important Questions Short Answer Type

Question 1.
Establish the relation between g and G.
Let the mass of the earth be M and its radius be R. A body of mass m is placed on it. Therefore, the force of attraction by the earth on the body :
By Newton’s laws of gravitation,
F = \(\frac{G M m}{R^{2}}\) …(1)
But, the force with which a body is attracted towards the earth gives the weight of body.
F = mg …(2)
Equating eqns. (1) and (2), we get
mg= \(\frac{G M m}{R^{2}}\)
g = \(\frac{G M}{R^{2}}\)
It is the required relation.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 8 Gravitation

Question 2.
Explain with mathematical calculation, how the value of g changes with altitude?
How does the value of ‘g’ change above the surface of the earth ? Find out the expression and explain.
The value of g decreases with the increase of altitude.
Let the mass of earth is M and its radius is R.
∴ g = \(\frac{G M}{R^{2}}\) …(1)
If at point P at height h from the surface of earth is g’, then
g’ = \(\frac{G M}{(R+h)^{2}}\) …(2)
∴ By eqns. (1) and (2), we get
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 8 Gravitation 2
Hence, g’ < g.
Thus as height increases the value of g decreases.

Question 3.
How the value of g changes with the increase of depth? Find the value of g
at the centre of earth.
Prove that the value of g at the centre of earth is zero.
Assuming the earth to be a homogeneous sphere of mass M, radius R and acceleration due to gravity on the surface is g. Let ρ be the mean density of earth.
We know that, g = \(\frac{G M}{R^{2}}\) …(1)
∵ M = Volume × Density
M = \(\frac{4}{3}\)πR3 × ρ …(2)
Putting the value of Min eqn. (1),
g = \(\frac{G \frac{4}{3} \pi R^{3} \times \rho}{R^{2}}\)
g = \(\frac{4}{3}\)πRGρ …(3)
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 8 Gravitation 3
Now, let the body be taken to depth h, below the free sur¬face hence the distance of the body from the centre of earth will be (R-h). Hence, the force of attraction on the body will be acted by the sphere of radius (R-h). Mass of earth of radius (R-h) will be M’.
∴ M’ = \(\frac{4}{3}\)π(R – h)3 ρ
If gd be the acceleration due to gravity at depth h, then using eqn. (1),
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 8 Gravitation 4
Dividing eqn. (4) by eqn. (3), we have
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 8 Gravitation 5
Hence, from eqn. (5), the value of g decreases with the increase of depth. At the centre
ofearth, h=R
∴ gd = g\(\left(1-\frac{R}{R}\right)\)
gd= g(1 – 1)g × 0
∴ gd= 0
Hence, value of g at the centre of earth is zero.

Question 4.
How does the value of ‘g’ change due to shape of the earth?
The earth is not perfectly spherical in shape. It is slightly flattened at the poies
and is bulged at the equators
Let Rp and Re be polar and equational radius respectively.,
Hence, gp =\(\frac{G M}{R_{p}^{2}}\) and ge =\(\frac{G M}{R_{p}^{2}}\)
Where gp and ge are the acceleration due to gravity at the poles and equator respectively.
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 8 Gravitation 6
Now \(\frac{g_{e}}{g_{p}}=\frac{G M}{R_{e}^{2}} \times \frac{R_{p}^{2}}{G M}=\left(\frac{R_{p}}{R_{e}}\right)^{2}\)
∵ Rp < Re
∴ \(\left(\frac{R_{p}}{R_{e}}\right)^{2}\) < 1, hense \(\frac{g_{e}}{g_{p}}\) < 1
ge < gp

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 8 Gravitation

Question 5.
Show that the gravitational potential energy of an object near the earth
surface is ΔU = mgh.
If a particle is raised from the surface of the earth to a height h above, then r1 = R (earth radius) and r2 = R + h (see figure).
So that, the change in potential energy )
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 8 Gravitation 7
Using Binomial theorem and neglecting the higher powers of h/R, we get
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 8 Gravitation 8
ΔU = G \(\frac{M m h}{R^{2}}\)
But, \(\frac{G M}{R_{p}^{2}}\)= g, (acceleration due to gravity at the surface of the earth).
Hence, ΔU = mgh
Thus, when a body of mass m is taken h distance above the earth’s surface, its potential energy increases by mgh.

Question 6.
What do you mean by gravitational field intensity? Establish relation be-tween intensity of gravitational field and acceleration due to gravity.
Gravitational field :
The space around a material body in which its gravita-tional pull can be experienced is called its gravitational field.
Gravitational field intensity:
The intensity of gravitational field of a body at a point in a field is defined as the force experienced by a body of unit mass placed at that point provided the presence of unit mass does not disturb the original gravitational field.
i.e.. E = \(\frac{F}{m}\)
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 8 Gravitation 9
Let an object of mass M is at point O and at a distance of r from it at point P, we have to find out the intensity.
Let us consider a unit mass (m = 1) is placed at point P, therefore force of attraction applied by mass M on unit mass will be
F = \(\frac{G M \cdot 1}{r^{2}}=\frac{G M}{r^{2}}\)
Intensity at point P
E = \(=\frac{F}{m}=\frac{G M}{r^{2}} / 1=\frac{G M}{r^{2}}\) …(1)
and we know, acceleration due to gravity
g = \(\frac{G M}{r^{2}}\) …(2)
From eqns. (1) and (2), we get E = g
i.e., Intensity of gravitational field is equal to acceleration due to gravity of any point.

Question 7.
What is orbital velocity? Derive an expression for the orbital velocity. Obtain an expression if satellite is near to the surface of earth.
Orbital velocity:
Orbital velocity is the velocity which is given to an artificial satellite, a few hundred kilometre above the earth’s surface so that it may start revolving round the earth.
Let the mass of satellite is m and the radius of orbit from the centre of earth is r, revolving with a velocity of νo
∴ Centripetal force = \(\frac{m v_{o}^{2}}{r}\) …(1)
Also, by Newton’s law of gravitation,
F = \(\sqrt{\frac{G M m}{r^{2}}}\) …(2)
Since, centripetal force is provided by gravitation force, then
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 8 Gravitation 10
\(\frac{m v_{o}^{2}}{r}=\frac{G M m}{r^{2}}\)
νo2 = \(\frac{G M}{r}\)
∴ νo = \(\sqrt{\frac{G M}{r}}\) …(3)
If the radius of earth is R and height of satellite from the surface of earth is h, then
r = R + h
But g = \(\frac{G M}{R^{2}}\)
GM = gR2
Putting the values of GM = gR2 and r = R + h in eqn. (3), we get
νo = \(\sqrt{\frac{g R^{2}}{R+h}}=R \sqrt{\frac{g}{R+h}}\)
If the satellite is near to the surface of earth,then h<<R, then R + h ≈ R
∴ νo = R\(\sqrt{\frac{g}{R}}=\sqrt{g R}\)

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 8 Gravitation

Question 8.
What is meant by the period of revolution ? Derive an expression for It.
Period of revolution :
The time taken to complete one revolution is called period of revolution of satellite.
Let the period of revolution is Tand the radius of orbital is r.
∴ Orbital velocity = \(\frac{\text { Total path travelled }}{\text { Total time taken }}\)
νo = \(\frac{2 \pi r}{T}\)
T = \(\frac{2 \pi r}{v_{o}}\)
But r = R + h
∴ T = \(\frac{2 \pi(R+h)}{v_{o}}\)
But we have
νo = R \(\sqrt{\frac{g}{R+h}}\)
∴ T = \(\frac{2 \pi(R+h)}{R \sqrt{\frac{g}{R+h}}}\)
T = 2π(R + h)\(\frac{\sqrt{(R+h)}}{R \sqrt{g}}\)
∴ T = \(\frac{2 \pi}{R} \sqrt{\frac{(R+h)^{3}}{g}}\)

Question 9.
Determine the revolution time of a satellite, near to earth.
We have T = \(\frac{2 \pi}{R} \sqrt{\frac{(R+h)^{3}}{g}}\)
If h<<R, then
T = \(\frac{2 \pi}{R} \sqrt{\frac{R^{3}}{g}}\)
= \(2 \pi \sqrt{\frac{R}{g}}\)
R = 6.38 × 106 m,g = 9.8ms-2
∴ T = \(2 \times 3 \cdot 14 \sqrt{\frac{6 \cdot 38 \times 10^{6}}{9 \cdot 8}}\)
= 84.4 min.(approx.).

Question 10.
Planet A is heavier than planet B. Which will have the greater escape velocity?
We have, ν = \(\sqrt{\frac{2 G M}{R}}\)
If R is constant, then
ν ∝ √M
∴ \(\frac{v_{A}}{v_{B}}=\sqrt{\frac{M_{A}}{M_{B}}}\)
∴ ν A> νB
Hence, escape velocity of planet A will be greater than that of planet B.

Question 11.
Establish the relation between escape velocity and orbital velocity.
Escape velocity : νe = \(\sqrt{2 g R}\) …(1)
Orbital velocity : νo = \(\sqrt{g R}\) …(2)
Dividing eqn. (1) by eqn. (2), we get
\(\frac{v_{e}}{v_{o}}=\frac{\sqrt{2 g R}}{\sqrt{g R}}=\sqrt{2}\)
∴ νe = \(\sqrt{2} v_{o}\)

This is the required relation between escape velocity and orbital velocity.

Question 12.
What are the characteristics of geo-stationary satellite?

  • The geo-stationary satellite revolves around the earth in equatorial plane, perpendicular to the axis of rotation of earth.
  • Its direction is from west to east.
  • Its time-period of revolution is 24 hours.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 8 Gravitation

Question 13.
What is geo-stationary satellite ? Prove that its height from the surface of earth is 36000 km.
Geo-stationary satellite:
A satellite revolving around the earth in west to east direction; in the equatorial plane perpendicular to the axis of rotation with time-period equal to that of earth i.e., 24 hours, is called geo-stationary satellite.
Its height from the surface of earth is nearly 36000 km.
Now, we have
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 8 Gravitation 11
= 42.22 × 106 m = 42220 km (Approx.)
∴ h=(R + h) – R
= 42.22 × 106 – 6.38 × 106 = 35840 km
h = 36000 km (Approx.) Proved.

Question 14.
Why the moon has no atmosphere?
Why the moon has no atmosphere while Jupiter and Saturn have dense atmosphere?
The escape velocity for moon is 2.38 kms-1, while the r.m.s. speed of molecules of gases at 500 K is 2.5 kms-1, hence the molecules of gases escape from the gravity of moon. The escape velocities of Jupiter and Saturn are greater, therefore, they have atmosphere.

Question 15.
What conclusion did Newton obtain from Kepler’s law of planetary motion?
Conclusions obtained by Newton : On the basis of Kepler’s law, Newton pro-pounded the following:
(i) The path of the planets round the sun can be approximately taken as circular, for which the necessary centripetal force can be obtained from the gravitational force of attraction between the planet and sun. The force acting on the planet is always towards the sun.

(ii) By the third law :
T2 ∝ r3
For the circular path of planet, the centripetal force acting will be
F = \(\frac{m v^{2}}{r}=\frac{m(r \omega)^{2}}{r}\) = mrω2
F = mr \(\left(\frac{2 \pi}{T}\right)^{2}=\frac{4 \pi^{2}}{T^{2}}\) mr …(1)
Since T2 ∝ r3 ⇒ T2 = Kr3
Putting the value of T2in eqn (1),we get
F = \(\frac{4 \pi^{2}}{K r^{3}}\) mr = \(\frac{4 \pi^{2} m}{K r^{2}}\)
But,\(\frac{4 \pi^{2} m}{K}\) is a Constant.
∴ F = \(\frac{\text { Constant }}{r^{2}}\)
F ∝ \(\frac{1}{r^{2}}\)
Hfence, the force acting on the planet is inversely proportional to the square of dis-tance between them.

(iii) The force acting on the planet is directly proportional to its mass.
ie., F∝m.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 8 Gravitation

Gravitation Class 11 Important Questions Long Answer Type

Question 1.
Derive an expression for the escape velocity. Does it depend upon mass?
Escape velocity : It is the least velocity with which a body must be thrown vertically upwards so that it just escapes the gravitational pull of earth.
It depends upon

  • Radius of planet and
  • Acceleration due to gravity of the planet.

Let the mass of earth be M and its radius is R .At any time let the body is at a distance x from the centre of earth.
∴ Force on the body due to earth, F = \(\frac{G M m}{x^{2}}\)
∴ Work done in moving the body through dx distance, against gravity,
dW = Fdx = \(\frac{G M m}{x^{2}}\) .dx
∴ Work done in moving up to infinity,
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 8 Gravitation 12
∴ W = \(\frac{G M m}{R}\)
If the escape velocity is νe, then
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 8 Gravitation 13
This is the required expression.
Since, the formula is free from the mass of the body, hence the escape velocity does not deppnd upon the mass of the body.

Gravitation Class 11 Important Numerical Questions

Question 1.
Two masses, each of 1 gm, are kept 1 cm apart. Calculate the force of at-traction between them in kg wt.
Given : m1, = m2 = 1 gm = 10-3 kg, r = 1 cm = 10-2 m and
G = 6.67 × 10-11 Nm2kg-2
Now F = \(\frac{G m_{1} m_{2}}{r^{2}}\)
\(=\frac{6 \cdot 67 \times 10^{-11} \times 10^{-3} \times 10^{-3}}{\left(10^{-2}\right)^{2}}\)
\(=\frac{6 \cdot 67 \times 10^{-17}}{10^{-4}}\)
6.67 × 10-13 N
\(=\frac{6 \cdot 67 \times 10^{-13}}{10}\) kg wt
∴ F = 6.67 × 10-14kg wt

Question 2.
The mass of a planet is 1018 kg and its radius is 103 m. Calculate the acceleration due to gravity on that planet.
Given : M = 1018kg, R = 103m and G = 6.67 × 10-11 Nm2kg-2.
Now, g = \(\frac{G M}{R^{2}}\)
∴ g = \(\frac{6 \cdot 67 \times 10^{-11} \times 10^{18}}{\left(10^{3}\right)^{2}}\)
\(=\frac{6 \cdot 67 \times 10^{7}}{10^{6}}\)
g = 6.67 × 10= 66.7ms-2.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 8 Gravitation

Question 3.
Calculate the value of g at 600 km height above the surface of earth. Given the radius of earth R = 6400 km and g = 9.8 ms-2.
Given : R = 6400 km = 6400 × 103 m, g = 9.8 ms -2,
h = 600 km = 600 × 103 m
Formula \(\frac{g^{\prime}}{g}=\frac{R^{2}}{(R+h)^{2}}\)
\(\frac{g^{\prime}}{9 \cdot 8}=\left(\frac{6400 \times 10^{3}}{(6400+600) \times 10^{3}}\right)^{2}=\left(\frac{6400}{7000}\right)^{2}\)
∴ g’ = 9.8 × \(\left(\frac{64}{70}\right)^{2}\)
= 8.192ms-2

Question 4.
At what height the weight of a body be \(\frac{1}{3}\) times that of the surface of earth
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 8 Gravitation 14
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 8 Gravitation 15
∴ h = R(1.732 – 1) = 0.732Rm

Question 5.
What would be the angular velocity of earth so that the weight of a body at equator becomes zero?
Now, we have at equator,
g’ = g – Rω2
But, g’ = 0
∴ g – Rω2 = 0
-Rω2 = -g
ω = \(\sqrt{\frac{g}{R}} \text { . }\)

Question 6.
Calculate the potential energy of a body of mass 100 kg placed at a height 600 km above the surface of earth (M = 6 × 1024 kg, R = 6400 km)-
Given : M = 6 × 1024 kg,R = 6400 km = 6400 × 103m,
h = 600 km = 600 × 103m,m = 100 kg.
Formula U = \(-\frac{G M m}{r}\)
\(=-\frac{6 \cdot 67 \times 10^{-11} \times 6 \times 10^{24} \times 100}{(6400+600) \times 10^{3}}\) (r = R +h)
\(=-\frac{6 \cdot 67 \times 6 \times 10^{15}}{7000 \times 10^{3}}\)
U = – 5.717 109 joule.

Question 7.
The gravitational field intensity at a point 8000 km away from the earth surface is 6 N/kg. What is gravitational potential at that point?
Given : E = 6 N/kg, d – 8000 km = 8000 × 103m
∴ Formula V = -E × d
Gravitational potential V = -6 × 8000 × 103
= -48 × 106
= -4.8 × 107Nm/kg.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 8 Gravitation

Question 8.
An artificial satellite is revolving around the earth at height 3600 km above the surface of earth. Calculate
(i) Orbital velocity,
(ii) Period of revolution.
Given : h = 3600 km = 3600 × 103m, g = 9.8 m/s2 and R = 6.38 × 106m.
Formula: νo = \(\sqrt{\frac{g R^{2}}{R+h}}\)
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 8 Gravitation 16
= 104 × 0.6322m/s
= 6.322 × 103m/s = 6.322m/s
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 8 Gravitation 17
= 626744 × 1.58 = 9913.9 sec
= 2.734 hours

Question 9.
The mass of planet A Is 4 times that of planet I? and radius of A, ¡s 2 times
that of B. Compare their escape velocities.
Given : M1= 4M2and R1 = 2R2
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 8 Gravitation 18

Question 10.
The distance of planet A is three times that of planet B. If the time of revolution of B is 6 months, then find the time of revolution of A.
Solution:By kepler’s law,
T2 ∝ r3
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 8 Gravitation 19

Question 11.
The time of revolution ofaplanet revolving in a circular orbit of radius R is T. Find the time of revolution of a planet revolving in an orbit of radius 4R.
Given: = T1 = T, r1 = R,r2 = 4R.
By Kepler’s law,
\(\left(\frac{T}{T_{2}}\right)^{2}=\left(\frac{R}{4 R}\right)^{3}=\frac{1}{64}\)
∴ T2 = 8T

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 8 Gravitation

Question 12.
If the radius of the moon is 1.74 × 106 m and its mass is 7.36 × 1022 kg, then calculate the escape velocity from the surface of the moon.
Given: R = 1.74 × 106 m, M = 7.36 × 1022 kg,
G = 6.67 × 10-11Nm2/kg2
∵ Escape velocity, νe = \(\sqrt{\frac{2 G M}{R}}\)
∴ νe = \(\sqrt{\frac{2 \times 6 \cdot 67 \times 10^{-11} \times 7 \cdot 36 \times 10^{22}}{1 \cdot 74 \times 10^{6}}}\)
= 2.38 × 103 m/sec = 2.38 km/sec.

Question 13.
The escape velocity of earth is 11 kms1. If the radius of a planet is double of earth’s radius and mean density are same, then find the escape velocity of that planet.
Escape velocity,
ν = \(\sqrt{\frac{2 G M}{R}}\)
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 8 Gravitation 20
ν2 = 22 km/s.

Question 14.
The mass of a planet is 3 × 1024 kg and radius is 5 × 106 m. What will be the energy required to move, 5 kg body to infinity ?
Given : M = 3 × 1024kg,R = 5 × 106m, m = 5kg,
G = 6.67 × 1011 Nm2kg-2.
Formula U = \(\frac{G M m}{2 R}\)
\(=\frac{6 \cdot 67 \times 10^{-11} \times 3 \times 10^{24} \times 5}{2 \times 5 \times 10^{6}}\)
U = 100.05 × 106 = 10108 joule.

Gravitation Class 11 Important Questions Objective Type

1. Multiple- choice questions:

Question 1.
Newton’s laws of gravitation is true for :
(a) All bodies
(b) Only for heavenly bodies
(c) Only for small bodies
(d) Only for charged objects.
(a) All bodies

Question 2.
Value of ‘g’ at moon with comparison to earth is :
(a) \(\frac{1}{2}\)
(b) \(\frac{1}{3}\)
(c) \(\frac{1}{5}\)
(d) \(\frac{1}{6}\)
(d) \(\frac{1}{6}\)

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 8 Gravitation

Question 3.
value of universal gravitational constant G is :
(a) Same at all places
(b) Unequal at all places
(c) Zero
(d) Infinity.
(b) Unequal at all places

Question 4.
Relation between g and G is :
(a) g = GM
(b) gR2 = GM
(c) gM = GR2
(d) gM/GR2.
(b) gR2 = GM

Question 5.
Magnitude of g outside the gravitational field is:
(a) Infinity
(b) Zero
(c) 9.8 m/s2
(d) 980 newton.
(b) Zero

Question 6.
Magnitude of g at the centre of earth is:
(a) Zero
(b) Infinity
(c) 9.8 newton
(d) 980 dyne.
(a) Zero

Question 7.
Magnitude of g at pole is:
(a) Less
(b) More
(c) Zero
(d) None of these.
(b) More

Question 8.
Magnitude of g at equator:
(a) More
(b) Less
(c) Infinity
(d) Zero
(b) Less

Question 9.
Formula for gravitational potential energy is:
(a) \(\frac{G M m}{r}\)
(b) \(\frac{G m}{r}\)
(c) \(\frac{R}{G M}\)
(d) gR2 = GM.
(a) \(\frac{G M m}{r}\)

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 8 Gravitation

Question 10.
Formula for escape velocity is:
(a) gR
(b) MR .
(c) \(\sqrt{2 g R}\)
(d) \(\text { (d) } \sqrt{g R} \text { . }\)
(c) \(\sqrt{2 g R}\)

Question 11.
There is no atmosphere at moon, because :
(a) Moon is closer to earth
(b) It revolves round the earth
(c) It gets light from sun
(d) Escape velocity of gas molecules is less than their root mean-square velocity.
(d) Escape velocity of gas molecules is less than their root mean-square velocity.

Question 12.
If a body is projected at angle of 50° then its escape velocity will be :
(a) 11.6 km/s
(b) 11.2km/s
(c) 12.8 km/s
(d) 16.2 km/s.
(b) 11.2km/s

Question 13.
Distance of geo-stationary satellite from earth surface :
(a) 6 R
(b) 7 R
(c) 5 R
(d) 3 R.
(a) 6 R

Question 14.
Kepler’s second law is based on :
(a) Newton’s first law
(b) Theory of Relativity
(c) Newton’s second law
(d) Laws of conservation of angular momentum.
(d) Laws of conservation of angular momentum.

Question 15.
Period of revolution of geo-stationary satellite is :
(a) 20 hours
(b) 22 hours
(c) 24 hours
(d) 25 hours.
(c) 24 hours

Question 16.
Formula for orbital velocity is :
(a) gR
(b) g2 R2
(c) g3R3
(d) \(\sqrt{g R}\)
(c) g3R3

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 8 Gravitation

Question 17.
Who invented first the laws of planetary motion :
(a) Newton
(b) Kepler
(c) Galileo
(d) Aryabhatt.
(b) Kepler

Question 18.
Radius of parking orbit is :
(a) 36000 km
(b) 42309 km
(c) 6400 km
(d) 80000 km.
(b) 42309 km

2. Fill in the blanks:

1. The acceleration of body due to gravity is called …………………..
acceleration due to gravity

2. Gravitational force in nature is a …………………….. force.

3. Acceleration due to gravity does not depend upon ………………. of the body.

4. At height the value of ‘g’ is ………………………

5. At centre of earth the value of ‘g’ is ………………………

6. G is a ……………… quantity.

7. Gravitational mass and inertial mass are …………………… to each other.

8. Gravitational intensity is equal to ……………………..
acceleration due to gravity

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 8 Gravitation

9. Gravitational potential energy at infinity is ……………………..

10. Magnitude of ‘g’ at equatorial position is …………………..

11. Magnitude of ‘g’ at pole is ……………..

12. Orbital velocity does not depend upon ………………… of a body.

13. Escape velocity does not depend upon …………….. of the body.

14. Magnitude of escape velocity is ……………… km/s.

15. The time-period of geo-stationary satellite is ………………. hours.

3. Match the following:

Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
1. Kepler’s Law (a) Zero
2. Weight of man in space (b) \(-\frac{G M m}{2 r}\)
3. Escape velocity (c) Planetary motion
4. Binding energy of satellite (d) Time-period of revolution is 24 hours
5. Geo-stationary satellite (e) \(\sqrt{2 g R}\)

1. (c) Planetary motion
2. (a) Zero
3. (e) \(\sqrt{2 g R}\)
4. (b) \(-\frac{G M m}{2 r}\)
5. (d) Time-period of revolution is 24 hours

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 8 Gravitation


Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
1. Acceleration due to gravity (a) Weak force
2. Gravitational constant (b) Scalar quantity
3. Gravitational potential (c) Variable
4. Gravitational force (d) E = mc2
5. Mass-energy equivalence equation (e) Vector.

1. (e) Vector.
2. (c) Variable
3. (b) S calar quantity
4. (a) Weak force
5. (d) E = mc2

4. Write true or false:

1. Newton’s laws is universal.

2. Magnitude of G is different at different places.

3. Magnitude of ‘g’ is equal at any point on surface of earth.

4. Ratio of gravitational mass and inertial mass is one.

5. Gravitational potential is negative at every point on earth surface.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 8 Gravitation

6. Principle of superposition is not applicable for gravitation.

7. Value of escape velocity of a body depends upon its mass.

8. Height of polar satellite from earth surface is 36000 km.

9. Magnitude of gravitation potential energy at infinity is zero.

10. Gravitational force is a conservative force.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 7 System of Particles and Rotational Motion

Students get through the MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 7 System of Particles and Rotational Motion which are most likely to be asked in the exam.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 7 System of Particles and Rotational Motion

System of Particles and Rotational Motion Class 11 Important Questions Very Short Answer Type

Question 1.
Define the rotational motion.
When a force is applied on a rigid body then it revolves about its own axis. This motion of the body is called rotational motion.

Question 2.
Define the term rigid body.
A body is said to be a rigid body if an applying external force or during its motion the distance between constituent particle remain unchanged.

Question 3.
Differentiate rotatory motion and circular motion.
In rotatory motion the axis of motion lies within the body while in circular motion the axis lies outside the body.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 7 System of Particles and Rotational Motion

Question 4.
What is torque? Write its unit and dimensional formula.
The turning effect of a force, to rotate a body about an axis is called torque. The torque is equal to product of force and perpendicular distance of force from the axis of rotation.
Torque = Force × Moment arm
τ = F × d
Unit: Its S.I. unit is.N × m.
Dimensional formula: [ML2T-2].

Question 5.
What do you mean by angular velocity and angular acceleration. Write its S.I. units and dimensional formula.
Angular velocity : Rate of Change of angular displacement per unit time.
Its unit is radian/second and dimensional formula is [M0L0T-1].
Angular acceleration : The rate of change in angular velocity of the body about the given axis of rotaion.
Its unit is radian/second2 and dimensional formula is [M0L0T-2]

Question 6.
What do you mean by angular momentum?
It is defined on the product of linear momentum and perpendicular distance of line of action of linear vector from the axis of rotation.
Angular momentum = Linear momentum × perpendicular distance of linear momentum from the axis of rotation.
Its SI unit is J × s. and dimensional formula is [ML2T-1 ].

Question 7.
Define moment of inertia and give its unit and dimensional formula.
Moment of inertia of a rotating body is the property by virtue of which, it opposes the torque applied to change its position of rest or rotational motion.
If the mass of a body is m and its distance from the axis of rotation is r, then moment of inertia, I = mr2
Unit: Its S.I. unit is kg × m2.
Dimensional formula: [ML2T0].

Question 8.
Define radius of gyration and give its unit.
The radius of gyration of a body is equal to the perpendicular distance from the axis of rotation of a point at which if the mass of a body is assumed to be concentrated the moment of inertia is the same as the actual ‘moment of inertia of the body about that axis. It is represented by k.
UnIt: Its S.I. unit is metre.

Question 9.
On what factors does the moment of inertia of a body depend?
(a) On mass of body (2) Distribution of mass from the axis of rotation.

Question 10.
What will be the effect on moment of inertia if the direction of motion of the body is changed?
There will be no effect on moment of inertia.

Question 11.
Is it essential to apply moment of couple to a rotating body? Explain with reason?
No, it is not essential to apply moment of couple to a rotating body because moment of couple only create angular acceleration.

Question 12.
It is easy to rotate a stone tied with a small string, than that of a longer. Why?
We know that, τ = Iω. If the string is long its moment of inertia will be greater and therefore greater torque will be required to rotate the stone. But, for small string less torque is required. Therefore, it is easy to rotate the stone with smaller string.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 7 System of Particles and Rotational Motion

Question 13.
Write the relation between torque and angular momentum.
τ = \(\frac{d L}{d t}\)

Question 14.
Write the relation between angular momentum and moment of inertia.
Angular momentum = Moment of inertia × Angular velocity.

Question 15.
Why the spokes are used in a wheel?
The spokes increases the distance of rim from the axis of rotation, hence its moment of inertia increases, which makes the rotation of wheel uniform and maintains its rotation.

Question 16.
The handle of a door is fixed away from the hinge. Why?
The handle is fixed away from the hinge because, it increases the perpendicular distance between the line of action of force and hinge. Hence, the torque increases.

Question 17.
The handle of a hand pump is made long, why?
Long handle increases the distance between the piston and the force, thus the torque increases, so less force is required to pump the water.

Question 18.
What will be the velocity of a point on a rotational axis in rotational motion?
The velocity of a point situated in rotation axis in rotational motion is zero.

Question 19.
Differentiate inertia and moment of inertia.
Difference between Inertia and Moment of inertia :

Inertia Moment of inertia
1. Its importance is in linear motion. 1. Its importance is in rotatory motion.
2. The inertia depends upon the mass of the body. 2. It depends upon mass and the perpendicular distance from the axis of rotation.
3. It is constant for a body. 3. It changes with the position of axis and distribution of mass.

Question 20.
What is the physical importance of moment of inertia?
To rotate a body about an axis from the rest or to change angular velocity or angular acceleration of rotating body, a torque is applied, more the moment of inertia more will be the torque. This is the physical importance of moment of inertia.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 7 System of Particles and Rotational Motion

Question 21.
What do you mean by mechanical equilibrium of a system?
When the vector addition of total forces and vector addition of total moment of inertia is’ zero then the system is said to be in mechanical equilibrium.

Question 22.
Write the principle of moments.
According to this principle anti clockwise moments are taken positive and clockwise moments are taken negative when the body is in rotational equilibrium.

Question 23.
What is moment of couple? Write its SI unit and dimensional formula. Write the factor on which it depends.
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 7 System of Particles and Rotational Motion 1
The product of a force and the perpendicular distance between the line of action of forces is called moment of couple.
Moment of couple = Force × Couple arm
Unit: Its S.I. unit is N × m.
The factor it depends are :

  • Magnitude of force.
  • Perpendicular distance between the line of action of forces.

Question 24.
What is the physical importance of angular momentum?
We know that,
Torque = Force × Perpendicular distance of line of action from the axis and
Angular momentum = Linear momentum × Perpendicular distance of particle from the
Hence, as the torque measures the tinning effect, similarly angular momentum measures the rotational motion.

Question 25.
What is geometrical meaning of angular momentum?
The angular momentum is equal to twice of the product of mass and areal velocity of a particle.
i.e., Angular momentum = 2 × Mass × Areal velocity

Question 26.
A dancer is rotating with stretched hands, when the closes her hands, her speed of rotation increases. Why?
We know that in the absence of external force the angular momentum of a rotating body is conserved and is equal to Iω. When the dancer closes her hands, her moment of inertia I decreases hence ω i.e., angular velocity increases.

Question 27.
When a rotating stone tied with a string is stoped, the string winds up in the hand fastly. Why?
When the string is started wind up in the hand, the length of string decreases and hence the moment of inertia of stone decreases. But, we know that angular momentum Iω is constant. As I decreases ω increases, therefore the string winds up very fast.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 7 System of Particles and Rotational Motion

Question 28.
Which factor depends on moment of inertia of the body that moves around a body.
We know I = Σmr2
Therefore moment of inertia,

  • Is directly proportional to the mass.
  • Is directly proportional to the square of distance from the axis of rotation.

Question 29.
Is centre of mass a reality?
No, it is only a mathematical concept.

Question 30.
It is difficult to open the door by pushing it or pulling it at the hinge. Why?
Because at the hinge the distance of the point of application of the force from the axis of rotation is negligible, so the torque is very small.

Question 31.
Why a helicopter must necessarily have two propellors?
If there were only one propellor in the helicopter, then it would have to turn in the opposite direction to conserve its angular momentum.

System of Particles and Rotational Class 11 Important Questions Short Answer Type

Question 1.
Define vector product of two vectors and give one example of vector product. Also write its properties.
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 7 System of Particles and Rotational Motion 2
Let the angle between two vectors \(\vec{A} \text { and } \vec{B}\) is θ, then their cross product is defined as
\(\vec{A} \times \vec{B}=A B \sin \theta \hat{n}\)
Where, \(\hat{n}\) is unit vector perpendicular to the plane consisting vectors \(\vec{A} \text { and } \vec{B}\) .
The direction of \(\vec{A} \times \overrightarrow{\vec{B}}\) follows the screw rule, as shown in the figure.

Example : Let a force \(\vec{F}\) is acting at a point whose position vector is \(\vec{r}\) , then the torque \(\vec{τ}\) is given by the cross product of \(\vec{F}\) and \(\vec{r}\)
i.e.. \(\vec{\tau}=\vec{r} \times \vec{F}\)
Properties: I. Vector product of two vector is always a vector quantity.
2. It does not obey commutative law
\(\vec{a} \times \vec{b} \neq \vec{b} \times \vec{a}\)
3. It does not obey associative law
\(\vec{a} \times(\vec{b} \times \vec{c}) \neq(\vec{a} \times \vec{b}) \times \vec{c}\)
4. \(\vec{a} \times \vec{a}\) = 0 (zero vector)

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 7 System of Particles and Rotational Motion

Question 2.
Show that the area of the triangle contained between the vectors  \(\vec{a} \text { and } \vec{b}\) is one half of the magnitude of a× b.
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 7 System of Particles and Rotational Motion 3
Let the vectors \(\vec{a} \text { and } \vec{b}\) represent the two adjacent sides of ΔAOB such that
OA =b, OB = a
Let angle between a and b be θ.
Such that∠AOB= θ
and also let h be the height of the triangle such that
Now in right angled ΔOCA,
sinθ = \(\frac{A C}{O A}\)
AC=OA sinθ
h = b sinθ … (1)
We know that the area of the triangle AOB, is given b
= \(\frac{1}{2}\) × base × height
= \(\frac{1}{2}\) × OB x AC
= \(\frac{1}{2}\) × a × h
= \(\frac{1}{2}\) × a × b sinθ
= \(\frac{1}{2}\)absinθ …(2)
Also by the definition of cross-product of two vectors, we know that
a × b = ab sinθ\(\hat{n}\)
\(|a \times b|=|a b \sin \theta \hat{n}|\)
= ab sinθ\(|\hat{n}|\)
= ab sinθ (\(|\hat{n}|\)
= absinθ, (\(|\hat{n}|\)
= absinθ, (∵ (\(|\hat{n}|\) = 1) …(3)
∴ From eqns. (2) and (3), we get
Area of ΔAOB = \(\frac{1}{2} \mid a \times b\)
= \(\frac{1}{2}\) [magnitude of a × b].

Question 3.
Give the location of the centre of mass of a
(i) sphere
(ii) cylinder
(iii) ring and
(iv) cube each of uniform mass density. Does the centre of mass of a body neccessarily lie inside the body?
C.M. lies at the :
(i) Centre of sphere.
(ii) Mid-point of axis of symmetry of the cylinder i.e., its geometrical centre.
(iii) Centre of ring.
(iv) Point of intersection of diagonals i.e., at its geometrical centre.

No, in some cases, C.M. of a body like ring, hollow cylinder, hollow sphere and hollow cube etc. may lie outside.

Question 4.
Define work in rotational motion.
As work is define as product of force and displacement in direction of force in linear motion, same like that work done by a torque in rotational motion is define as product of torque and angular displacement.
Work W = τ.d.θ

Question 5.
Derive an expression for the angular momentum of a body in rotational motion.
Prove that J = Iω
Consider a body which is made up number of particles of masses m1,m2,m3,…. situated at the distances r1,r2, r3 from the axis of rotation. If the linear velocities are
ν1, ν2, ν3,…. respectively, then
Linear momentum of m1 = m1ν1 = m1r1ω , (∵ ν = r ω)
and Angular momentum = m1r1ω x r1 = m1r12 ω
Similarly, angular momentum of m2,m3,…. will be m2r22 ω,m3r32 ω,…..
∴ Angular momentum of whole body = m1r12ω + m2r22 ω, + m3r32 ω, +….
J = ω (m1r12 +m2r22 +m3r32 +….)
= ωΣ mr2
J = ωI
∴ Angular momentum = Angular velocity × Moment of inertia.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 7 System of Particles and Rotational Motion

Question 6.
What do you understand by angular momentum? Establish the relation between angular momentum and rotational K.E.
Angular momentum : If a particle is moving about an axis, then the moment of linear momentum is called its angular momentum about that axis.
∴ Angular momentum = Linear momentum × Perpendicular distance of particle from the axis of rotation

Relation between angular momentum and rotational K.E.: We know that rotational kinetic energy (Ek) is given by the formula
Ek = \(\frac{1}{2}\) Iω2 …(1)
But, Angular momentum, J = Iω
ω = \(\frac{J}{I}\)
Putting the value of ω in eqn. (1), we get
Ek = \(\frac{1}{2}\) I\(\left(\frac{J}{I}\right)^{2}\) = \(\frac{1}{2}\) \(\frac{J^{2}}{I}\)
J2 =2I Ek
J = \(\sqrt{2 I E_{k}}\) …(2)
Eqn. (2) is the required relation.
If angular momentum remains conserved, then \(\sqrt{2 I E_{k}}\) lEk will be constant
2I Ek = Constant
Ek = \(\frac{\text { Constant }}{2 I}\)
Ek ∝ \(\frac{1}{I}\)

Question 7.
What is the law of conservation of angular momentum? Prove it.
Law of conservation of angular momentum: In the absence of external torque, the angular momentum of a system remains constant.
i.e., J = a constant
Then, Iω = a constant
Now, we know that rate of change of angular momentum is equal to the external torque
i.e., τ = \(\frac{d J}{d t}\)
If τ = 0
Then, \(\frac{d J}{d t}\) = 0
J = a constant
J = Iω
If in two different conditions the moment of inertia of a body are I1 and I2and angular velocities are ω1and ω2respectively, then
I1ω1 = I2ω2

Question 8.
Prove that the rate of change of angular momentum is equal to the torque applied.
Prove that τ = \(\frac{d J}{d t}\)
Let a torque τ is applied on a body of moment of inertia I, so that its angular
acceleration becomes α, then
τ = I.α ….(1)
But, α = \(\frac{d \omega}{d t}\)
∴ τ = I.\(\frac{d \omega}{d t}\) …(2)
Also we have J = Iω
∴ \(\frac{d J}{d t}=\frac{d}{d t}\) (Iω) = \(\frac{d \omega}{d t}\)
From eqn. (2), we get
\(\frac{d J}{d t}\) = Iω = τ [ from eqn .(1)]
Hence, rate of change of angular momentum is equal to the torque applied.

Question 9.
Derive an expression for the moment of inertia of a rigid body.
Prove that I = Σ mr2.
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 7 System of Particles and Rotational Motion 4
Let a body rotating about an axis XY supposing that the body is made up of number of particles of masses m1,m2,m3,…. situated at the distances r1,r2,r3, from the axis of rotation.
∴ The moment of inertia of the particles will be m1r12 , m2r22 , m3r32,
Hence, the moment of inertia of whole body,
I = m1r12 + m2r22 + m3r32 +
I = Σmr2
Where, Σ is the sign of summation.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 7 System of Particles and Rotational Motion

Question 10.
Compare the different derivatives in linear motion and rotational motion.
Different derivatives in linear and rotational motion :

Linear motion Rotational motion
1. Displacement = x 1. Angular displacement = θ
2. Linear velocity ν = \(\frac{d x}{d t}\) 2. Angular velocity ω = \(\frac{d θ}{d t}\)
3. Linear acceleration a = \(\frac{d ν }{d t}\) 3. Angular acceleration α = \(\frac{d \omega}{d t}\)
4. Mass = m 4. Moment of inertia = I
5. Force = F 5. Moment of force (Torque) = τ
6. Linear momentum p = m. ν 6. Angular momentum J = I.ω
7. Force F = \(\frac{d p }{d t}\) 7. Torque τ = \(\frac{d J}{d t}=\frac{d}{d t}\)
8. Kinetic energy = \(\frac{1}{2}\)mν2 8. Rotational kinetic energy = \(\frac{1}{2}\) Iω2
9. Equation of a linear motion

v = u + at
s = ut + \(\frac{1}{2}\)at2
ν2 = u2 + 2as.

9. Equation of angular motion
ω = ω0 + αt
θ = ω0t + \(\frac{1}{2}\) αt2
ω2 = ω02 +2αθ

Question 11.
A planet is revolving around a sun in an elliptical orbit. How angular velocity and linear velocity get changes in the orbit?
(1) Since angular momentum L = mr2ω is constant. Therefore when planet go
far from sun r increases and hence co decreases and when planet go near to sun r decreases
and hence co increases.
(2) Since L = mνr constant. Therefore when planet go far from sun r increases and
hence ν decreases and when planet is close to sun r decreases and hence ν increases.
[∵ ν ∝\(\frac{1}{r}\)

Question 12.
A ladder is at rest against a wall. Is the ladder more likely to slip when a person climb up why?
It is more likely to slip when a man climb upward in the ladder because due to the fact that the weight of the man will provide an extra torque for the slipping of the ladder.

Question 13.
What do you understand by angular momentum? Derive its’s expression.
If a particle is moving about an axis, then the moment of linear momentum is called its angular momentum about that axis.
Angular momentum = Linear momentum × Perpendicular distance of particle from the axis of rotation.
Let’ m’ be the mass of a particle P whose position vector be V with respect to origin
O and its linear momentum be \(\vec{p}(=m \vec{v})\) and angular momentum be \(\vec{J}=(\vec{p} \times \overrightarrow{O N})\) = pr sinθ
In right angled Δ OPN,
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 7 System of Particles and Rotational Motion 5
ON = OP sinθ =r sinθ
J=rp sinθ
Where θ is angle between \(\vec{r} \text { and } \vec{p}\)
\(\vec{J}=\vec{r} \times \vec{p}\)
\(\vec{J}=\vec{r} \times(m \cdot \vec{v})\)
\(\vec{J}=m(\vec{r} \times \vec{v})\)

Question 14.
What do you understand by angular acceleration? Prove that :a = r × α.
Angular acceleration : Rate of change in angular velocity is defined as angular acceleration.
Angular acceleration = \([latex]\frac{\text { Angular velocity }}{\text { Time interval }}\)[/latex]
If Δω be the change in angular velocity in time Δt, then average angular acceleration = \(\frac{\Delta \omega}{\Delta t}\)
or instantaneous angular acceleration α = \(\lim _{\Delta t \rightarrow 0} \frac{\Delta \omega}{\Delta t}=\frac{d \omega}{d t}\)
But ν = rω .where r is the distance of particle, from axis of rotation,
∴ Integration both side, we get
\(\frac{d ν}{d t}\) = r \(\frac{d ω }{d t}\) = r.α

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 7 System of Particles and Rotational Motion

Question 15.
Prove that the radius of gyration of a body is equal to the root mean square of>the distances of particles from the axis of rotation.
Expression for the radius of gyration : Let the mass of a body is M and its radius of gyration is K,
Moment of inertia of the body
∴ I = MK2
Also I = Σmr2
∴ MK2 = Σmr2
MK2 = m1 r12 + m2r22 + m3r3 2 +….
If m1 = m2 = m3 =….= m (let), then
MK2 = mr12 +mr22 +mr32 + ……
MK2 = m(r12 + r22 + r3 2 + …..)
But M = m × N(where N is number of particles)
∴ mNK2 = m(r12 + r22 + r3 2 + …..)
K2 = \(\frac{r_{1}^{2}+r_{2}^{2}+r_{3}^{2}+\ldots}{N}\)
∴ K = \(\sqrt{\frac{r_{1}^{2}+r_{2}^{2}+r_{3}^{2}+\ldots}{N}}\)
Hence, Radius of gyration = r.m.s. of distance of particle from the axis of rotation.
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 7 System of Particles and Rotational Motion 6

Question 16.
Derive an expression for the K. E. of a rotation.
Prove that the kinetic energy of rotation of a rigid body =\(\frac{1}{2}\)ω2, where I is moment of inertia and co is angular velocity.
Define the rotational kinetic energy and derive its formula.
Let a body is rotating about an axis XY, with an angular velocity ω. The body consists of number of particle and angular velocity of each particel will be same. But the distances of all the particles are different, therefore each particle will have different linear velocity.
Let the distances of the particles of masses m1m2m3are r1, r2, r3,…. and their
linear velocities are v1 v2, v3,…. respectively.
Then, K.E. of particles will be
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 7 System of Particles and Rotational Motion 7

System of Particles and Rotational Class 11 Important Questions Long Answer Type

Question 1.
State perpendicular axes theorem and prove it. Is it applied to every body?
State theorem of perpendicular axis of moment of inertia and prove it.
Perpendicular axes theorem :
According to this theorem. The moment of inertia of a plane lamina about an axis perpendicular to its plane is equal to the sum of the moment of inertia of the body about two mutually perpendicular axes lying in the plane of the body and intersecting at the point through which the perpendicular axis passes.

Let P be a particle on a lamina, at distances x,y and r from the axes of X, Y and Z and OP = r.
If the mass of the particle is m, then
M.I. about X – axis, Ix = Σ my2
M.I. about y – axis, Iy = Σ mx2
and M.I. about Z-axis, Iz = Σ mr2
From right angle Δ PMO,
r2 = x2 + y2
∴ mr2 = mx2 + my2
Σmr2 = Σmx2 + Σmy2
Iz = Ix + Iy
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 7 System of Particles and Rotational Motion 8
This threorem is true for all types of bodies. The solid body is divided into laminas and the theorem can be applied.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 7 System of Particles and Rotational Motion

Question 2.
State theorem of parallel axes and prove it. Is it applicable for all the bddies?
Parallel axes theorem :
According to this theorem, the moment of inertia of a body about the given axis is equal to the sum of the moment of inertia of the body about an axis through the centre of mass and parallel to the given axis and the product of the mass of the body and the square of distance between the two axes.
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 7 System of Particles and Rotational Motion 9

Let CD is the axis passing through centre of mass of the body and AB is the axes parallel to CD at a distance a.
Consider a particle P of mass m at a distance x from CD.
∴ M.I. of P about axis AB = m(a + x)2
∴ M.I. of whole body about AB
I =Σm(a+ x)2
I = Σm(a2 + 2ax + x2)
I = Σma2 + Σ2amx + Σmx2
I = a2Σm + 2.a Σmx + Σmx2
But, Σmx2 = Icm and Σm = M.
∴ Now, Σx is the moment of body about the axis passing through centre of mass. .•.
∴ Σmx = 0
Hence, by eqn. (1)
I = a2M + 0 + Icm
I = Icm + Ma2
This theorem is applicable for all the bodies.

Question 3.
Write the equations of rotational motion and derive them.
If the initial angular velocity is ω0, angular acceleration is α and after t sec. the displacement is θ and angular velocity becomes ω, then equations are :
(i) ω = ω0 + αt
(ii) θ = ω0t + \(\frac{1}{2}\)αt2
(iii) ω2 = ω02 +2αθ

(i) Derivation of first equation :ω = ω0 + αt
By the definition of angular acceleration,
α = \(=\frac{\omega-\omega_{0}}{t}\)
ω – 0 = αt
∴ ω = ω0 + αt

(ii) Derivation of second equation: θ = ω0t + \(\frac{1}{2}\)αt2
The body is rotating with uniform angular acceleration, therefore
Average angular velocity = \(\frac{\omega+\omega_{0}}{2}\)
But, from the first eqn., ω = ω0 + αt
∴ Average angular velocity = \(\frac{\omega_{0}+\alpha t+\omega_{0}}{2}\)
= ω0 + \(\frac{1}{2}\)αt
Now, Angular displacement = Average angular velocity × Time
θ = \(\left(\omega_{0}+\frac{1}{2} \alpha t\right)\) × t
θ = ω0t +\(\frac{1}{2}\) αt2

(iii) Derivation of third equation : ω2 = ω02 + 2αθ
Now, by first equation, we have
ω = ω0 + αt
Squaring both the sides, we get
ω2 = ( ω0 + αt)2
ω2 = ω02 + 2ω0αt + α2t2
ω2 = ω02 + 2α\(\left(\omega_{0} t+\frac{1}{2} \alpha t^{2}\right)\)
But, from second eqn., we have
ω0t + \(\frac{1}{2}\)at2 = θ
∴ ω2 = ω02+ 2 α θ

Question 4.
Derive the expression of kinetic energy in rolling motion.
When the body is rolling over any surface, its kinetic energy is the sum of translatory kinetic energy and rotatory kinetic energy.
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 7 System of Particles and Rotational Motion 10
The above formula is applicable for cylinder, disc and sphere.

System of Particles and Rotational Class 11 Important Numerical Questions

Question 1.
Two circular disc made of different metals having same mass and diameter dA and dB (dA > dB). If the moment of inertia about the axis perpendicular to its plane and passing through its centre is IA and IB. Find which is more IA or IB ?
Let the mass of each disc b e‘m’ and radius be rAand rB.
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 7 System of Particles and Rotational Motion 11
If the thickness of the disc is ‘t then
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 7 System of Particles and Rotational Motion 12
Since, dA > dB
There fore IA < IB

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 7 System of Particles and Rotational Motion

Question 2.
A solid sphere of mass M and radius R is rolling over a horizontal surface with velocity ν. What will be its kinetic energy?
Total kinetic energy = Rotatory kinetic energy + Linear kinetic energy
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 7 System of Particles and Rotational Motion 13

Question 3.
Three particles of massess 2, 3, 4 kilogram are kept at three vertices of a triangle of side 1 metre. Find out centre of mass of the system.
Let the vertices A be at origin (0, 0) and B be at X-axis of a ΔABC, then the
coordinates will be : A (0,0), B (1,0) and C\(\left(\frac{1}{2}, \frac{\sqrt{3}}{2}\right)\)
∴ Centre of mass of the system
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 7 System of Particles and Rotational Motion 14
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 7 System of Particles and Rotational Motion 15

Question 4.
(a) Find the moment of inertia of a sphere about a tangent to the sphere, given the moment of inertia of the sphere about any of its diameters to be 2MR2/5, where M is the mass of the sphere and R is the radius of the sphere.
(b) Given the moment of inertia of a disc of mass M and radius R about any of its diameters to the MR2/4. Find its moment of inertia about an axis normal to the disc and passing through a point on its edge.
(a) The moment of inertia of sphere about its diameter be
Icm = \(\frac{2}{5}\)MR2
By the theorem of parallel axis
I = Icm + Ma2
= \(\frac{2}{5}\)MR2 + MR2, [∵ a = R]
= \(\frac{7}{5}\)MR2
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 7 System of Particles and Rotational Motion 16

(b) The moment of inertia of disc about its diameter
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 7 System of Particles and Rotational Motion 17
Id = \(\frac{1}{4}\)MR2
By the theorem of perpendicular axis the moment of inertia of disc about an axis AB passing through its centre, perpendicular to its plane be
Icm = \(\frac{1}{4}\)MR2 + \(\frac{1}{4}\)MR2 [∵Iz=Ix+Iy]
= \(\frac{1}{2}\)MR2
By the theorem of parallel axis the moment of inertia about an axis passing through a point on its edge and perpendicular to the disc be
I = Icm + Ma2 = \(\frac{1}{2}\)MR2 + MR2 , [∵ a=R]
= \(\frac{3}{2}\)MR2

Question 5.
A solid sphere of mass 0.5 kg and radius 1 metre is rolling over a smooth surface with a velocity of 5 m/s. Find its total energy. What is the percentage of rotational kinetic energy in total energy ?
Given : m = 0.5 kg, 2r = 1 m, r = 0.5 m, ν =5 m/s.
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 7 System of Particles and Rotational Motion 18

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 7 System of Particles and Rotational Motion

Question 6.
If = \(\vec{a}=3 \hat{i}-4 \hat{j}+\hat{k}\) and \(\vec{r}=5 \hat{i}-6 \hat{j}+6 \hat{k}\) then find out the magnitude of linear velocity.
\(\vec{a}=3 \hat{i}-4 \hat{j}+\hat{k}, \vec{r}=5 \hat{i}-6 \hat{j}+6 \hat{k}\)
From \(\vec{v}=\vec{a} \times \vec{r}\)
\hat{i} & \hat{j} & \hat{k} \\
3 & -4 & 1 \\
5 & -6 & 6
\(=-18 \hat{i}-13 \hat{j}+2 \hat{k}\)

Question 7.
A metre stick is balanced on a knife edge at its centre. When two coins, each of mass 5 gm are put one on top of the other at the 12.0 cm mark, the stick is found to be balanced at
45.0 cm. What is the mass of the metre stick?
Given : AB = 1 m = 100 cm
AG = BG = 50 cm AC = 12 cm;
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 7 System of Particles and Rotational Motion 19
For the rotational equilibrium about point O
10g × OC = Mg × OG
10g (45 -12)= Mg (50 -45)
10 × 33 =M × 5
∴ M = \(\frac{10 \times 33}{5}\) = 66 gm.

Question 8.
Moment of inertia of a flywheel is 4 kg/m2. Find out the angular acceleration of it if the torque acting on it is 10 newtonmetre.
Given : I = 4 kg/m2, τ = 10 newton-metre
From torque τ = Iα, we get
α = \(\frac{\tau}{I}=\frac{10}{4}\) = 2.5 rad/s2

Question 9.
The oxygen molecule has a mass of 5.30 × 10-26 kg and a moment of inertia
1.94 × 10-46kgm2 about an axis through its centre perpendicular to the lines joining the two atoms. Suppose the mean speed of such a molecule in a gas is 500 m/s and that if kinetic energy of rotation is two thirds of its kinetic energy of translation. Find the average anglular velocity of the molecule.
Given, M = 5.30 × 10-26kg; I = 1.94 × 10-46kgm2 and ν = 500 m/s
Rotational K.E. = \(\frac{2}{3}\) × Translatory K.E.
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 7 System of Particles and Rotational Motion 20
= 6.75 x 1012rad/s.

Question 10.
Find out the moment of inertia of a circular disc of mass 2 kg and radius 0.5 metre along:
(i) Its geometrical axis,
(ii) Its diameter,
(iii) Tangential direction on its circum-ference.
Given : M= 2 kg, R = 0.5 m
(i) M.I. along its geometrical axis
I = MR2 = 2 × (0.5)2
= 2 × (0.25)
= 0.5 kg m2.

(ii) M.I. along diameter
Id = \(\frac{1}{2}\)I = \(\frac{1}{2}\)MR2
= \(\frac{1}{2}\).2 × (0.5 )2
= (0.5)2 = 0.25 kgm2

(iii) M.I. in tangential direction on its circumference
IT =Id + Ma2
= \(\frac{M R^{2}}{2}\) + MR2 = \(\frac{3}{2}\) MR2
= \(\frac{3}{2}\).2 × (0.5)2
= 3 × 0.25 =0.75 kgm2.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 7 System of Particles and Rotational Motion

Question 11.
The mass of a circular ring is 2 kg and its radius is 2m. The speed of its centre of mass is 20 cm × s-1 Calculate the K.E. of rotation of ring. (M. I. of ring = MR2)
Given : r = 2 m,M = 2kg,ν = 20 cm × s-1 = 20 × 10 ms-1.
Total K.E. = \(\frac{1}{2} I \omega^{2}+\frac{1}{2} M v^{2}\)
\(=\frac{1}{2} M r^{2} \frac{v^{2}}{r^{2}}+\frac{1}{2} M v^{2}\)
\(=\frac{1}{2} M v^{2}+\frac{1}{2} M v^{2}\) = Mν2
= 2 × (20 × 10-2 )2 = 8 × 10-2 joule.

Question 12.
The wheel of a train revolve 6 revolution per second. On applying brakes it get stopped after 12 sec. Find out angular acceleration produced by brake.
Given : Frequency n = 6 revolution/sec, t = 12 sec, ω = 0
and ω0 = 2πn = 12π rad/sec
By the formula ω = ω0 + α.t, we get
0 = 12π – α × 12
α = \(\frac{12 \pi}{12}\) = π
α = 3.14 rad/sec 2

Question 13.
A man is standing on a rotating table with hands stretched, the moment of inertia is 50 kg m2 and angular velocity is 3 rad/s. Now, the man closes his hands thus the moment of inertia becomes 30 kg m2. Calculate the angular velocity.
Given: I1=50kgm2, ω1 =3rad × s-1, I2=30kgm2.
We have, I1 ω1 = I2 ω2
∴ ω2 = \(\frac{I_{1} \omega_{1}}{I_{2}}\)
ω2 = \(\frac{50 \times 3}{30}\) = 5rad s-1

Question 14.
If the diameter of the earth reduces to half of it, then what will be the duration of the day?
We know I1 ω1 = I2 ω2
\(\frac{2}{5} M R^{2} \times \frac{2 \pi}{T_{1}}=\frac{2}{5}\left(\frac{R}{2}\right)^{2} M \times \frac{2 \pi}{T_{2}}\)
∴ \(\frac{1}{T_{1}}=\frac{1}{4 T_{2}}\)
T2 = \(\frac{T_{1}}{4}=\frac{24}{4}\) = 6 hr

Question 16.
If the radius of revolving disc is made half keeping mass same, then what will be its angular velocity?
From = I1 ω1 = I2 ω2
MR2ω1 = \(\left(\frac{R}{2}\right)^{2}\)M ω2
∴ ω2 = 4ω1
i.e., Angular velocity will become 4 times of the earlier.

Question 17.
Angular momentum of a body changes from 220 kg m2 to 340 kg m2 in 10 sec. Find out the torque acting on it.
Since τ = \(\frac{d J}{d t}\)
∴ τ = \(\frac{340-220}{10}=\frac{120}{10}\)
τ = 12 N-m.

Question 18.
The mass of a fly-wheel is 25 kg and its radius is 0.2 m. How much force
will be applied in tangential direction to produce angular acceleration of 2 rad × s-2?
Given : M = 25 kg, R = 0.2 m, α = 2 rad × s-2, d = 0.2m.
I = MR2
= 25 × (0.2 )2 = 1 kgm
Again, τ =I.α
= 1 × 2=2 N-m
Also, τ=F × d
∴ F = \(\frac{\tau}{d}\)
= \(\frac{2}{0 \cdot 2}\)
= 10N

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 7 System of Particles and Rotational Motion

Question 19.
A ball of mass 1 kg is tied at one end of a 20 cm long string and it is rotated in horizontal phase in such a way that it revolves 8 revolution per second. Find out the following :
(i) Ahgular velocity,
(ii) Linear velocity,
(iii) Moment of inertia along the finger of hand,
(iv) Angular momentum.
Given : r = 20cm =20 × 10-2m, m= 1 kg, υ =8rev/sec

(i) Angular velocity ω = 2πυ
ω = 2π × 8 = 16π rad/sec.

(ii) Linear velocity v = r.ω
ν = 20 × 10-2 × 16π
ν = 3.2π m/s.

(iii) Moment of inertia I = mr2
I = 1 × (20 × 10-2)2
I = 0.04 kg m2.

(iv) Angular momentum J = Iω
J = 0.04 × 16π
= 0.64π kg m2/sec.

Question 20.
A ball tied with a string takes 4 second for one revolution rotating in cicular path. If the radius of the circular path is made half, then what will be the time taken by the ball to complete one revolution.
By the laws of conservation of momentum
= I1 ω1 = I2 ω2
Let the mass of the ball be ‘wi’ and radius be ‘r’.
Then, I1 = mr2
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 7 System of Particles and Rotational Motion 21

System of Particles and Rotational Class 11 Important Questions Objective Type

1. Multiple- choice questions:

Question 1.
In rotational motion, moment of inertia has the same importance as the physical quantity in linear motion :
(a) Velocity
(b) Acceleration
(c) Mass
(d) Force
(c) Mass

Question 2.
Centre of mass of moving object:
(a) Remain stationary
(b) Does not get influenced by internal forces
(c) Does not get influenced by external forces
(d) None of these.
(b) Does not get influenced by internal forces

Question 3.
The moment of linear momentum is called :
(a) Couple
(b) Torque
(c) Impulse
(d) Angular momentum.
(d) Angular momentum.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 7 System of Particles and Rotational Motion

Question 4.
Which relation is incorrect:
(a) L = Iω
(b )I = MK2
(c )E = \(\frac{1}{2}\)Iω
(d) τ = \(\frac{d L}{d t}\)
(c )E = \(\frac{1}{2}\)Iω

Question 5.
Moment of inertia depends upon :
(a) Angular velocity
(b) Mass
(c) Distribution of mass
(d) On axes of rotation and mass distribution.
(d) On axes of rotation and mass distribution.

Question 6.
What is the formula for rotational kinetic energy of an object:
Moment of inertia Angular Acceleration
(a) R.K.E. = \(\frac{1}{2}\) × Moment of inertia × (Angular velocity)2
(b) R.K.E. = \(\frac{\text { Moment of inertia }}{\text { Angular Acceleration }}\)
(c) R.K.E. = \(\frac{\text { Force }}{\text { Time }}\)
(d) R.K.E. = \(\frac{\text { Time }}{\text { Displacement }}\)
(a) R.K.E. = \(\frac{1}{2}\) × Moment of inertia × (Angular velocity)2

Question 7.
Rate of change in angular velocity is known as :
(a) Angular displacement
(b) Angular speed
(c) Angular acceleration
(d) Angular momentum.
(c) Angular acceleration

Question 8.
Moment of inertia of a solid cylinder of mass M and radius R along geometrical axis is:
(a) \(\frac{2}{3}\)MR2
(b) \(\frac{4}{3}\)MR2
(c) \(\frac{5}{4}\)MR2
(d) \(\frac{1}{2}\)MR2.
(d) \(\frac{1}{2}\)MR2

Question 9.
In a merry-go-around, a boy suddenly comes and sits down which physical quantity will be conserved :
(a) Linear momentum
(b) Kinetic energy
(c) Angular momentum
(d) None of the above.
(c) Angular momentum

Question 10.
The unit of moment of inertia is :
(a) kg/m2
(c)kg2 × m
(d)kg × m2
(d)kg × m2

2. Fill in the blanks:

1. Formula for angular momentum is …………………….
Moment of inertia × Angular velocity

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 7 System of Particles and Rotational Motion

2. If the axis of rotation changes, then its ………………… also changes.
Moment of inertia

3. The rate of change of angular velocity is called ………………..
Angular acceleration

4. Angular momentum gives a measure of ………………… of body.
Rotational motion

5. The angular momentum of a body is …………….. the product of its mass and areal

6. ‘In rotational motion, work = moment of force × …………….
Perpendicular distance from rotational axis.

3. Match the following:

Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
1. The position \((\overrightarrow{\mathrm{R}})\) of center of mass of two particle system (a) \(\frac{d \overrightarrow{\mathrm{R}}}{d t}\)
2. Velocity of center of mass (b) \(\frac{m_{1} \vec{r}_{1}+m_{2} \vec{r}_{2}}{m_{1}+m_{2}}\)
3. Torque \((\vec{\tau})\) (c) Σmr2
4. Moment of inertia (I) (d) \(\frac{1}{2}\)Iω2
5. Rotational Kinetic Energy (K.E.) (e) \(\vec{r} \times \overrightarrow{\mathrm{F}}\)

1. (b) \(\frac{m_{1} \vec{r}_{1}+m_{2} \vec{r}_{2}}{m_{1}+m_{2}}\)
2. (a) \(\frac{d \overrightarrow{\mathrm{R}}}{d t}\)
3. (e) \(\vec{r} \times \overrightarrow{\mathrm{F}}\)
4. (c) Σmr2
5. (d) \(\frac{1}{2}\)Iω2


Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
1. Moment of Inertia (a) m/sec2
2. Torque (b) \(\frac{5}{2}\)MR2
3. Radius of Gyration (c) F × r
4. Moment of inertia of solid sphere (d) MR2
5. Acceleration (e) \(\sqrt{\frac{I}{M}}\)

1. (d) MR2
2. (c) F × r
3. (e) \(\sqrt{\frac{I}{M}}\)
4. (b) \(\frac{5}{2}\)MR2
5. (a) m/sec2

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 7 System of Particles and Rotational Motion

4. Write true or false:
1. If two particles have equal mass, then their position of center of mass is at the center of the line joining them.

2. If internal force acting on a system is zero, then its momentum will be zero.

3. If no entemal force acts on a system, then the velocity of its center of mass will remain constant.

4. During motion, the volume or shape of a rigid body may change.

5. The center of mass always lies inside the body.

6. According to theorem of parallel axis for moment of inertia I = Io + Ma2 where symbols used have their, usual meanings.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 11 Thermal Properties of Matter

Students get through the MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 11 Thermal Properties of Matter which are most likely to be asked in the exam.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 11 Thermal Properties of Matter

Thermal Properties of Matter Class 11 Important Questions Very Short Answer Type

Question 1.
Ice is cold, why?
When the ice is touched by hand, the ice takes heat from the hand. Thus, heat is lost from the hand and the temperature of hand decreases and therefore we feel cold.

Question 2.
What is temperature?
It is that physical quantity which determines the direction of flow of heat when two objects are placed in contact with each other.

Question 3.
Define calorie.
Amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one gram pure water from 14.5°C to 15.5°C is known as one calorie.

Question 4.
What are the different scale to measure temperature? Write relation be¬tween them.

  • Centigrade or celcius scale.
  • Farenheit scale.
  • Kelvin scale.
  • Reumar scale.

Relation between them is
\(\frac{C}{5}\) = \(\frac{F-32}{9}\) = \(\frac{R}{4}\) = \(\frac{K-273}{5}\).

Question 5.
What is ideal gas thermometer?
Ideal gas thermometer is that thermometer whose zero is that temperature at which pressure remain zero and 1 degree is equal to 1°C.

Question 6.
What is absolute zero ? Write its value.
It is that temperature at which pressure and volume of a gas becomes zero, known as absolute zero. Its value is 273.15°C.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 11 Thermal Properties of Matter

Question 7.
In absolute temperature scale, what is the melting point and boiling point of pure water?
In absolute temperature scale melting point of pure water is 273K and boiling point is 373K.

Question 8.
Can the temperature of an object have a negative value on Kelvin’s scale?

Question 9.
Why H2 – thermometer is called standard thermometer? What is its range?
The H2– thermometer is called standard thermometer because it is used for the calibration of other thermometers. It can measure the temperature from – 200°C to 500°C.

Question 10.
Define coefficient of linear expansion and write its unit.
It is defined by the change in length per unit original length per degree rise of temperature.
Let the initial length of a rod be l and the length increases by Δl for Δt change in temperature, then
Coefficient of linear expansion, α = \(\frac{\Delta l}{l \Delta t}\)
Unit: Its unit is °C -1 or K -1.

Question 11.
What are the two types of specific heat? Why Cp is greater than Cv?
The two specific heats of gases are specific heat at constant pressure (Cp) and specific heat at constant volume (Cv).
Cp is greater than Cv because same part of heat given at constant pressure is utilized to increase the volume, (hence work done) against the applied pressure.

Question 12.
Define coefficient of superficial expansion and give its unit.
It is defined by the change in area per unit original area per degree rise in temperature.
Let initial area of a body be A and the area change by ΔA, with the rise of temperature Δt.

∴ Coefficient of superficial expansion, β = \(\frac{\Delta A}{A \Delta t}\)
Unit: Its unit is °C-1 or K -1.

Question 13.
Define coefficient of volume expansion and give its unit.
It is defined by the change in volume per unit original volume per degree rise in temperature.
Let initial volume of a substance is V and change in volume with change in temperature ΔT is ΔV.
∴ Coefficient of volume expansion, γ = \(\frac{\Delta V}{V \Delta T}\)
Unit: Its unit is °C -1 or K -1.

Question 14.
Write the relations between α,β and γ.
β = 2α and γ = 3α
∴ α : β : γ = 1:2:3.

Question 15.
Define specific heat and give the unit of specific heat.
We know that,
Q = ms Δt
s = \(\frac{Q}{m \Delta t}\)
If m = 1 gm, Δt = 1°C
Then, s = Q
The amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 gm substance through 1°C is called specific heat of the substance.
Unit: Unit of specific heat is calorie × gm-1 × °C-1.

Question 16.
Define latent heat of fusion.
Latent heat of fusion: The amount of heat required to change unit mass of a solid into liquid at its melting point is called latent heat of fusion.
If the latent heat of fusion is L, then Q = mL
Latent heat of ice is 80 cal × gm-1.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 11 Thermal Properties of Matter

Question 17.
Define latent heat of vaporization.
Latent heat of vaporization: The amount of heat required to change a liquid of unit mass into vapour at its boiling point, is called latent heat of evaporation.
Latent heat of steam is 536 cal × gm-1.
Unit: The practical unit of latent heat is cal × gm-1.

Question 18.
Write the principle of thermometry.
The properties of any object which depends on temperature and can be used to measure temperature.

Question 19.
Which is more sensitive, liquid thermometer or gas thermometer?
Gas thermometer is more sensitive than liquid thermometer because expansion of gas is more than liquid for a given temperature difference.

Question 20.
Among metal and alloy, whose coefficient of thermal expansions is more?
Thermal expansion of metal is more than that of alloy.

Question 21.
Can the value of coefficient of thermal expansion be always positive?

Question 22.
There is a hole in a metal plate. What will happen on heating it?
The size of hole will increase on heating the metal plate.

Question 23.
A gap is left between two rails, why?
The temperature of the atmosphere is always changing. With the rise of temperature the rails expands, therefore the gaps are left between them. If gap is not kept, then with the rise in temperature the rails will bend and will cause serious accidents.

Question 24.
What do you mean by the anomalous expansion of water?
Generally, the volume of liquids increases with the rise of temperature. But, the volume of water decreases when it is heated from 0°C to 4°C and then after 4°C the volume increases. Similarly, when the water is cooled its volume decreases up to 4°C and then increases from 4°C to 0°C. Such expansion of water is called anomalous expansion.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 11 Thermal Properties of Matter

Question 25.
The bulb of one thermometer is spherical while that of the other is cylindrical. Both have equal amounts of mercury. Which one will response quickly to temperature change?
For a given volume,the surface area of the cylinder is large than that of sphere. Therefore heat will be quickly conducted through the cylindrical bulb. Thus, the response of cylindrical bulb thermometer will be quicker.

Question 26.
Pendulum invar of a pendulum clock is made of alloy. Why?
Coefficient of thermal expansion of alloy is very less, thus when temperature changes there is no effect on pendulum invar, so it is made of alloy.

Question 27.
During change of state, heat given to a body is lost in which form?
During change of state, heat given to the body is lost to increase internal molecu¬lar potential energy of the body.

Question 28.
Hot water is used for formentation. Why?
Due to high specific heat of water, it gives more heat in comparison to other liquids. Therefore, hot water is used for formentation.

Question 29.
Ice at 0°C appear to be more cold than water at 0°C. Why?
When the ice melt, amount of heat required for melting is absorbed from our body, therefore ice appear more cold than water at 0°C.

Question 30.
Burning due to steam is more severe than that of boiling water, why?
When steam vapour gets contact with the skin, then first it gets converted to water of 100°C. In this process, it liberates 536 calories of heat. This extra heat is not present in boiling water. Since steam has more latent heat, hence, it produces severe bums.

Question 31.
The sand near the bank of river becomes colder than water, why?
The specific heat of sand is very low, therefore it gains heat soon and radiate heat soon. While the specific heat of water is very high. Hence, the sand becomes colder than water.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 11 Thermal Properties of Matter

Question 32.
Atmospheric temperature reduces after icefall. Why?
Due to high value of latent heat, when the ice start melting it takes heat from the atmosphere, hence atmospheric temperature reduces after icefall.

Question 33.
Why the specific heat of the coolent used in nuclear reactor is high?
Due to high specific heats coolent is able to absorb more heat in nuclear reactor.

Question 34.
At boiling point of a liquid, how much is the specific heat ?
We know,
ΔQ = m.sΔT
s = \(\frac{\Delta Q}{m \cdot \Delta T}\)
At boling point, change in temperature
ΔT = o
s = \(\frac{\Delta Q}{m .0}\) = \( \frac{\Delta Q}{0}\) = ∞
∴ At boiling point, specific heat of a liquid is infinity.

Question 35.
Name the methods of transmission of heat.
There are three methods of transmission of heat:

  1. Conduction,
  2. Convection and
  3. Radiation.

Question 36.
What do you understand by conduction?
In this process the particle which is heated first gives a part of its energy to its adjacent particles. The particles undergo simple harmonic motion about their mean position and the heat is transmitted from one particle to the next. Solids are heated by this process only.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 11 Thermal Properties of Matter

Question 37.
What do you mean by convection?
In this mode of flow the particles of substance absorb heat and leave their place or get displaced. Liquids and gases are heated by this method.

Question 38.
What is radiation?
In this method heat is transmitted from one body to another body without any medium or without affecting the medium. Heat from sun reaches to earth by radiation.

Question 39.
What is meant by variable state in conduction?
When one end of a rod of a conductor is heated then temperature of the different parts of the rod go on increasing slowly. This state is called variable state of temperature.

Question 40.
What is meant by steady-state?
When one end of a conductor is heated then initially the temperature of its different parts go on increasing slowly but a stage comes when the temperature of each part of the conductor becomes constant, though the temperature of different parts are different. This state of temperature is called steady state.

Question 41.
What is temperature gradient? What type of quantity is it? Write the unit.
Temperature gradient: Fall of temperature per unit length is called temperature gradient.
Let temperature of two surfaces of a conductor at distances x and x + Δx are θ and θ- Δ θ.
∴ Temperature gradient = \( \frac{(\theta-\Delta \theta)-\theta}{(x+\Delta x)-x}\)
Negative sign shows that as the distance increases the temperature decreases. Temperature gradient is a vector quantity and its unit is °C × m -1.

Question 42.
Define coefficient of thermal conductivity. Write its unit and find out its dimensional formula.
Define the coefficient of thermal conductivity and obtain expression for it.
The coefficient of thermal conductivity is defined by the amount of heat, flowing per second in steady state through the rod of length 1 long and area of cross-section 1 m2, with a unit temperature difference between the opposite faces.

The quantity of heat, flowing per second through a unit cube having unit temperature difference between opposite faces, during steady-state.
i.e., Q = \(\frac{K A\left(\theta_{1}-\theta_{2}\right) t}{d}\)
K = \(\frac{Q d}{A\left(\theta_{1}-\theta_{2}\right) t}\)
Unit: Its SI unit is \(\frac{\text { joule } \times \mathrm{m}}{\mathrm{m}^{2} \mathrm{~K} \mathrm{sec}}\) = J m-1K -1sec -1
But, joule /sec is watt.
Other unit is watt × m-1 × K-1.

Dimensional formula :\( \frac{\left[\mathrm{M} \mathrm{L}^{2} \mathrm{~T}^{-2}\right][\mathrm{L}]}{\left[\mathrm{L}^{2}\right][\theta][\mathrm{T}]} \) = \( \left[\mathrm{MLT}^{-3} \theta^{-1}\right] \).

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 11 Thermal Properties of Matter

Question 43.
What do you mean by thermal resistance? Write its unit and find out its dimensional formula.
The resistance offered by the body in the flow of heat is called thermal resistance,
Thermal resistance = \( \frac{d}{\mathrm{~K} A} \) = \( \frac{\left(\theta_{1}-\theta_{2}\right) t}{Q}\)
Unit: Its SI unit is \( \frac{\mathrm{K} \mathrm{sec}}{\mathrm{J}}\) = K sec J-1 = K watt-1

Dimensional Formula: [Thermal resistance] = \(\frac{[\theta][\mathrm{T}]}{\left[\mathrm{ML}^{2} \mathrm{~T}^{-2}\right]}\) = \(\left[\mathrm{M}^{-1} \mathrm{~L}^{-2} \mathrm{~T}^{3} \theta\right] \) .

Question 44.
What is meant by thermal diffusivity?
Thermal diffusivity: The ratio of thermal conductivity and thermal capacity of unit volume of a substance is called thermal diffusivity of the substance.
Thermal diffusivity = \( \frac{K}{\rho S} \).

Question 45.
The ice blocks are covered with saw dust. Why?
Sawdust is bad conductor of heat. Hence, the heat of atmosphere does not conduct through sawdust and thus ice does not melt soon.

Question 46.
Woollen clothes are used in winter. Why?
Woollen clothes have fine pores which are filled with air. Air and woollen clothes are bad conductor of heat. There it does not allow the heat to escape from the body to atmosphere. Thus, it keeps body warm.

Question 47.
A woollen blanket keeps the body warm and also prevent the ice from melting. Why?
Air is insulator which is filled between the fibres of blanket. Therefore, blanket does not allow the heat of body to radiate into the atmosphere as well as the heat of atmosphere could not reach to ice. Thus, it keeps the body warm and protect the ice from melting.

Question 48.
State two properties of thermal radiation.

  1. Thermal radiations are electromagnetic waves.
  2. They do not affect the medium through they pass.

Question 49.
Differentiate between light and heat radiations.
Difference between Light and Heat radiations :

Light radiation Heat radiation
1. The wavelength of light rays is very small i. e., between 4 × 10-5 cm to 8 × 10-5cm. The wavelength of heat radiation is long i.e., between 8 × 10-5cm to 0.04 cm.
2. It falls in the visible region of electromagnetic spectrum. It falls in the invisible region of electromagnetic spectrum.
3. Heating effect is negligible. Heating effect is greater.

Question 50.
What is emissive power? Write its SI unit.
Emissive power: The amount of heat radiated per unit area per unit time, is called emissive power of the surface.
If int sec, through area A, amount of heat radiated is Q, then
Emissive power, e = \(\frac{Q}{A \times t}\)
SI unit: joule × m-2 × s-1 or watt × m-2.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 11 Thermal Properties of Matter

Question 51.
What is absorptive power of surface?
The ratio of amount of heat radiation absorbed by a surface in a given time and total amount of heat incident is called absorptive power of that surface.
i.e., a = \(\frac{q}{Q}\)
Where, q = Amount of heat radiation absorbed and Q = Amount of heat radiation incident.

Question 52.
Define perfectly black body.
What do you mean by perfectly black body?
A perfectly black body is one which absorbs completely all the thermal radiation incident on it and does not reflect or transmit any fraction of it. Emissivity for this body is 1.
No such body exists in nature, but in practice we consider lamp black and platinum black as perfectly black body.

Question 53.
State Stefan’s law of black body radiation.
Stefan’s law : The total radiant energy emitted per second per unit surface area of a black body is proportional to the fourth power of the absolute temperature.
If the radiant energy per second per unit area is E and absolute temperature of the surface is T, then
or E = σT4
Where σ is called Stefan’s constant.
If the area of a black body is A and its temperature is T, then the radiant energy per second will be
E= σ AT4.

Question 54.
State Newton’s law of cooling.
The rate of cooling of a body is proportional to the temperature difference of the average temperature of the body and surroundings provided the temperature difference between the source and surrounding is very less.

Question 55.
State Kirchhoff’s law of radiation.
According to Kirchhoff’s law, at a given temperature the ratio of emi¬ssive power and absorptive power for a given wavelength is equal to the emissive power of black body for the same wavelength.
If the emissive power of a surface for wavelength λ is eλ and absorptive power is aλ, then
\(\frac{e_{\lambda}}{a_{\lambda}}\) = Eλ
Where, Eλ is emissive power of black body.

Question 56.
If a red glass is heated up to high temperature and placed in a dark room, then it appears green. Why?
A body appears red because the body absorbs all the colours but red. It reflects red only thus it appears red. The emissive power of a red body is maximum for the green colour. Thus, it appears green, when heated up to a high temperature.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 11 Thermal Properties of Matter

Question 57.
The cloudy nights are warmer than the day. Why?
The clouds reflect the heat radiation waves, which are radiated from the earth. Thus, the temperature of earth does not fall. Hence, the nights become hot.

Question 58.
Deserts are very hot during the day and very cold during the night Why?
We know that good absorber are good radiators. Sand is good absorber, during the day time the sand absorbs heat and becomes very hot. But, during the nights it radiates heat soon and becomes cold.

Question 59.
State three uses of heat radiation.

  • In the cold country, the hot water is flown through the metallic pipes to warm the rooms.
  • The walls and roof of greenhouse are made up of glass.
  • To decrease the temperature of hot substance, it is spread over, thus it becomes cold soon.

Question 60.
In a chilled weather, animals curl themselves. Why?
The rate of radiation of heat is directly proportional to the area of the surface. The sphere has the minimum surface area for a given volume. Thus, by curling, the animals reduce the area through which the heat is radiated and they keep the body warmer.

Question 61.
State two applications of Newton’s law of cooling.

  1. The hot water cools soon than the warm water.
  2. When milk is added to tea, the rate of cooling decreases.

Question 62.
Hot water cools soon than the warm water. Why?
The rate of cooling is directly proportional to the difference of mean temperature of the body and the temperature of the surrounding. The difference of temperature of hot water and surrounding is greater than that of warm water, therefore hot water cools soon.

Question 63.
On what factors does the loss of heat energy per second depend?

  • Nature of the surface,
  • Area of the surface,
  • Temperature difference between the temperature of the surface and surrounding.

Question 64.
The walls and roofs of greenhouse are made of glass, why?
Glass has the property, that it transmits the heat radiation of high temperature but absorbs the heat radiations of low temperature. Hence, the glass allows the radiations coming from the sun, but it does not allow the radiations waves coming from the plants. Thus, the room remains warm.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 11 Thermal Properties of Matter

Question 65.
In summer the hills remains cold, why?
The reasons are :

  • On the hill the air is thin and dust particles are less, thus radiations are absorbed less.
  • The sun rays are reflected due to inclined surface.

Question 66.
The outer surface of cooking utensils are made black and inner bright Why?
The black surfaces are good absorber of heat. Thus, more heat is absorbed and bright surface reflects the heat into the cooking pot. Thus, more heat is given to the food, which cooks the food soon.

Question 67.
The stars X and Y are radiating yellow and blue rays respectively. Which has greater temperature?
By Wien’s displacement law, λm ∝\(\frac{1}{T}\). As the wavelength of blue rays is lesser
than that of yellow rays, hence, the temperature of the Y-star will be greater than X-star.

Question 68.
Whenever an object is heated, why does it appear red first?
Ans. According to Wien’s law, that λm T = constant, the maximum wavelength is for the red light in the visible spectrum. Hence, for ordinary temperatures i.e., for less T, λm must be more. Hence, an object appears red. As temperature increases, wavelength decreases and the emitted colour will shift towards violet.

Question 69.
A teacup has shining surface whereas the bottom of cooking pot is blackened, why?
The shining surface is a good reflector of heat radiation, whereas the blackened surface is good absorber. The shining surface reflects the heat into the cup and maintains the tea hot. for long time, outer surface of cup does not radiate heat. Black surface of cooking pot absorbs more heat and makes the cooking fast.

Question 70.
The steady-state is necessary for the different substances to compare their conductivity. Why?
In the steady-state the heat is not absorbed by any part of the body. Hence, the amount of heat given to one end transmit through the body completely. Therefore, the substance are brought in the steady-state.

Question 71.
In Searl’s apparatus to find the conductivity of a rod, the holes are filled with some mercury then thermometer are fixed. Why?
The mercury is good conductor of heat therefore, it gives good contact between the bulb of thermometer and the surface of rod.

Question 72.
Eskimos built double-walled houses of snow. Why?
The air is filled between the walls, which is bad conductor of heat. Ice itself is bad conductor of heat. Hence, the heat of the room does not transmit to the atmosphere.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 11 Thermal Properties of Matter

Question 73.
In summer, in the evening when the temperature of outside the room decreases, the temperature of the inner surface of room remains at higher temperature. Why?
After sunset, the temperature of the atmosphere decreases fast. The wall is bad conductor of heat, hence the heat of room conduct slowly and the room temperature remains higher than the atmosphere.

Question 74.
When a tumbler of thick glass is filled with hot tea it breaks down. Why?
Glass is a bad conductor of heat. When hot tea is poured into the tumbler, the temperature of inner surface increases and the surface expands. While the outer surface remains at same position. Hence, the tumbler breaks down.

Thermal Properties of Matter Class 11 Important Questions Short Answer Type 

Question 1.
Establish the relation between coefficient of linear expansion and coefficient of superficial expansion.
Prove that coefficient of superficial expansion is double of coefficient of linear expansion.
Let one side of a square lamina be l.Its temperature is increased through Δt so that each side increases by Δl.
∴ Initial area = l2
and Final area = (l + Δl)2
∴ Change in area, ΔA = (l + Δl)2 -l2
or =l2 +2l.Δl + Δl2 -l2
or = 2lΔl+ Δl2

Since Δl is a small quantity, hence Δl2 can be neglected.
∴ ΔA=2l.Δl.
Now, coefficient of superficial expansion,
β = \(\frac{\Delta A}{A \times \Delta t}\)
β = \(\frac{2 l \Delta l}{l^{2} \Delta t}\) = 2. \(\frac{\Delta l}{l \Delta t}\)
β = 2α (∵ α = \(\frac{\Delta l}{l \Delta t}\) )

Question 2.
Establish the relation between coefficient of linear expansion and coefficient of volume expansion.
Prove that coefficient of volume expansion is three times of coefficient of linear expansion.
Consider a cube of side of length l. The temperature of cube is increased by, Δt so that the length of the cube becomes (l + Δl).

Now, Initial volume = l3
and Final volume = (l + Δl)3
∴ Change in volume, ΔV = (l + Δl)3 — l3
= l3 +3l2Δl + 3l.Δl2 + Δl3 -l3 = 3l2Δl + 3l Δl2 + Δl3
Since, Δl is a small quantity, therefore powers of Δl can be neglected.
∴ ΔV = 3l2Δl .

Now, coefficient of volume expansion,
γ = \(\frac{\Delta V}{V \times \Delta t}\)
= \(\frac{3 l^{2} \Delta l}{l^{3} \Delta t}\)
γ = 3. \(\frac{\Delta l}{l \Delta t}\) = 3α,
( ∵ α = \(\frac{\Delta l}{l \Delta t}\)).

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 11 Thermal Properties of Matter

Question 3.
Distinguish between specific heat and thermal capacity.
Difference between Specific heat and Thermal capacity :

Specific heat Thermal capacity
1. The amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 gm sub- temperature of a substance through 1°C called specific heat of the substance. The amount of heat required to raise the is stance through 1°C is called thermal capacity.
2. Its SI unit is joule x kg-1 x K-1. Its SI unit is joule x K-1.
3. Its dimensional formula is [M°L2T-2θ-1]. Its dimensional formula is [ML2T-2θ-1].

Question 4.
Give an application of anomalous expansion of water.
The volume of water decreases when it is heated from 0°C,to 4°C and then the volume increases, above 4°C. Hence, the density of water at 4°C is maximum. In the cold countries when the temperature of the atmosphere decreases, the temperature of the water of the lake also decreases.

Now, weigh the calorimeter with stirrer. Fill it with water about 2/3 and weigh it again. Find the initial temperature of water.

When the temperature reaches to 4°C, the density of the water becomes maximum. Then the ice begins to float on the surface, preventing the heat of water to go out into the atmosphere. Hence, water remains at 4°C at bottom. Thus, the animals survive in this water of 4°C.

Question 5.
Describe the method to find out the specific heat of a solid.
(i) Method: Take the solid and measure its mass by physical balance and place it inside the steam chamber with the help of a thread. Fix a thermometer so that the bulb of thermometer touches the solid. Then start flowing the steam through the steam chamber.

Now, weigh the calorimeter with stirrer. Fill it with water about 2/3 and weigh it again. Find the initial temperature of water. When the temperature of the solid becomes constant for sometimes, then remove the wooden screen and move the calorimeter below the steam chamber. Then drop the solid into calorimeter carefully. Close the lid and stirr it slowly. Measure the temperature of the mixture when it becomes constant.

(ii) Observation:

  •  Mass of solid = m gm
  • Mass of calorimeter + stirrer = m1 gm
  • Mass of calorimeter + stirrer + water = m2 gm
  • Initial temperature of water = t1°C
  • Temperature of solid = t2°C
  • Temperature of mixture = t3°C
  • Specific heat of calorimeter = S1 (known).

(iii) Calculation : Let the Specific heat of solid = s
Mass of water = (m2 – m1) gm
∴ Heat given by the solid = Mass × Specific heat × Temperature difference = m.s.(t2-t3)
Heat taken by calorimeter =m1s1 (t3 – t1)
and Heat taken by water = (m2 – m1 ).(t3– t1)

Now, by the principle of calorimetry, we have
Heat given = Heat taken
∴ ms(t2 -t3) = m1s1(t3 -t1)+(m2 – m1 ) (t3-t1)
∴ S = \(\frac{m_{1} s_{1}\left(t_{3}-t_{1}\right)+\left(m_{2}-m_{1}\right)\left(t_{3}-t_{1}\right)}{m\left(t_{2}-t_{3}\right)} \)
Thus, specific heat can be calculated.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 11 Thermal Properties of Matter

Question 6.
Write difference between heat and temperature.
Difference between Heat and Temperature :

Heat Temperature
1. Heat is a form of energy which is due to motion of molecules of the substance. Temperature is a physical quantity tells the direction of flow of heat when two bodies are in contact with each other.
2. Heat measurement is based on the principle of calorimetry. Temperature measurement is based on the principle of thermometry.
3. Two bodies having same heat, might have different temperatures. Two bodies having same temperature, might have different heat.
4. Practically it is measured in terms of calorie. Its SI unit is joule. Practically it is measured in terms of degree centigrade. Its SI unit is kelvin.
5. Quantity of heat of a body depends on its mass, temperature and nature. Temperature of a body depends on its quantity of heat.

Question 7.
On what factors does the amount of heat-conducting through a rod in steady state depend?
In steady stae, find the expression for the amount of heat flowing through a rod.
In steady-state the amount of heat Q flowing through one face to another is :
(i) Directly proportional to the area of cross-section A i.e.,
Q ∝ A
(ii) Directly proportional to the temperature difference ( θ1 – θ2) of the faces i.e.,
Q ∝ θ12
(iii) Directly proportional to the time t of flowing heat i.e.,
Q ∝ t
(iv) Inversely proportional to the distance between the faces i.e.,
Q ∝ \(\frac{1}{d} \)
Combining all these, we get
Q ∝\(\frac{A\left(\theta_{1}-\theta_{2}\right) t}{d}\)
∴ Q = K \(\frac{A\left(\theta_{1}-\theta_{2}\right) t}{d}\)
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 11 Thermal Properties of Matter 1
Where, K is a constant called thermal conductivity or coefficient of thermal conductivity of the substance.

Question 8.
Differentiate between steady-state and variable state.
Difference between Steady state and Variable state :

Steady state Variable state
1. Whenever a conducting rod is heated, then the temperature of various parts goes on increasing and after sometime, its temperature becames constant, although the temperature of various parts may be different. This is called steady state. Whenever a conducting rod is heated at one end, then the temp, of various parts goes on increasing. This is called variable state.
2. In this state, no part of the conducting rod absorbs heat. In this state each part of the rod absorbs heat.
3. The rate of flow of heat depends on thermal conductivity and not on thermal capacity. The rate of flow of heat depends on thermal conductivity and capacity.

Question 9.
State the properties of heat radiation.
Properties :

  • Heat radiations are electromagnetic waves.
  • Heat radiations travel in straight line and can travel through vacuum also.
  • Thermal radiations travel with the speed of light i.e., 3 × 1010 cm × s-1 and transmit in the form of radiant energy.
  • Like light, they follow the inverse-square law.
  • They follow the laws of reflection, refraction, polarization etc.
  • They do not affect the mediums through they pass,but the medium which stops the radiation, are heated up.

Question 10.
State Newton’s law of cooling? What are the limitations of this law? Establish the relation between the temperature difference and rate of cooling. What is cooling curve.
Describe the Newton’s law of cooling, deduce the formula and write its limitations.
Newton’s law of cooling: According to this law, the rate of cooling is directly proportional to the difference of mean temperature of the body and the temperature of surroundings.


  • The temperature difference between the body and surrounding should not be more than 30°C.
  • The loss of heat should be only by radiation.
  • The temperature of the surrounding and nature of body should not be changed. Let a substance be cooled from θ1 °C to θ2 °C in t sec and temperature of surrounding is θ .

∴ Rate of cooling = \(\frac{\theta_{1}-\theta_{2}}{t}\)
And Mean temperature of the substance = \(\frac{\theta_{1}+\theta_{2}}{2}\)
∴ Temperature difference = \(\frac{\theta_{1}+\theta_{2}}{2} \) – θ
Hence by Newtons law \(\frac{\theta_{1}-\theta_{2}}{t}\) ∝( \(\frac{\theta_{1}+\theta_{2}}{2} \) – θ)
∴ \(\frac{\theta_{1}-\theta_{2}}{t}\) = K ( \(\frac{\theta_{1}+\theta_{2}}{2} \) – θ)
Where, K is constant.
Cooling curve: The graph plotted between rate of cooling and temperature difference is called cooling curve. It is a straight line.

Question 11.
Derive the Newton’s law of cooling by Stefan’s-Boltzmann law.
Let the temperature of a black body is T and temperature of surrounding is T0. Now by Stefan’s-Boltzmann law, we have
Radiant energy per second per unit area,
E =σ (T4 – T04)
If the temperature difference is ΔT, then
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 11 Thermal Properties of Matter 2
T0 and σ are constant.
E ∝ ΔT
Hence, the rate of radiation of heat energy is directly proportional to the temperature difference.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 11 Thermal Properties of Matter

Question 12.
Define coefficient of thermal conductivity. Write its unit and find out its dimensional formula.
Define the coefficient of thermal conductivity and obtain expression for it.
The coefficient of thermal conductivity is defined by the amount of heat, flowing per second in steady-state through the rod of length 1 m long and area of cross-section lm2, with a unit temperature difference between the opposite faces.

The quantity of heat, flowing per second through a unit cube having unit temperature difference between opposite faces, during steady state.
i.e., Q = \(\frac{K A\left(\theta_{1}-\theta_{2}\right) t}{d}\)
∴ K = \(\frac{Q d}{A\left(\theta_{1}-\theta_{2}\right) t}\)
Unit: Its SI unit is \(\frac{\text { joule } \times \mathrm{m}}{\mathrm{m}^{2} \mathrm{~K} \mathrm{sec}}\) = Jm-1K-1sec-1
But, joule/sec is Watt
∴ Other unit is Watt × m-1×K-1

Dimensional Formula :[K] = \(\frac{\left[\mathrm{M} \mathrm{L}^{2} \mathrm{~T}^{-2}\right][\mathrm{L}]}{\left[\mathrm{L}^{2}\right][\theta][\mathrm{T}]} \) = [MLT3θ-1].

Question 13.
What do you mean by thermal resistance? Write its unit and find out its dimensional formula.
The resistance offered by the body in the flow of heat is called thermal resistance,
Thermal resistance = \(\frac{d}{K A}\) = \(\frac{\left(\theta_{1}-\theta_{2}\right) t}{Q}\)
Unit: Its SI unit is =\(\frac{\mathrm{K} \mathrm{sec} .}{\mathrm{J}}\) = K sec-1 = K watt-1

Dimensional formula:
[Thermal resistance] = \(\frac{[\theta][T]}{\left[\mathrm{M} \mathrm{L}^{2} \mathrm{~T}^{-2}\right]}\) = [M-1L-2T3θ].

Thermal Properties of Matter Class 11 Important Questions Long Answer Type

Question 1.
Prove that for thermal expansion in solid :
α : β : γ= 1 : 2 : 3.
Let one side of a square lamina be l.Its temperature is increased through Δt so that each side increases by Δl.
∴ Initial area = l2
and Final area = (l + Δl)2
∴ Change in area, ΔA = (l + Δl)2 -l2
or =l2 +2l.Δl + Δl2 -l2
or = 2lΔl+ Δl2

Since Δl is a small quantity, hence Δl2 can be neglected.
∴ ΔA=2l.Δl.
Now, coefficient of superficial expansion,
β = \(\frac{\Delta A}{A \times \Delta t}\)
β = \(\frac{2 l \Delta l}{l^{2} \Delta t}\) = 2. \(\frac{\Delta l}{l \Delta t}\)
β = 2α (∵ α = \(\frac{\Delta l}{l \Delta t}\) )

Consider a cube of side of length l. The temperature of cube is increased by, Δt so that the length of the cube becomes (l + Δl).

Now, weigh the calorimeter with stirrer. Fill it with water about 2/3 and weigh it again. Find the initial temperature of water. When the temperature of the solid becomes constant for some times, then remove the wooden screen and move the calorimeter below the steam chamber. Then drop the solid into calorimeter carefully. Close the lid and stirred it slowly. Measure the temperature of the mixture when it becomes constant.

(ii) Observation :

  • Mass of solid =m gm
  • Mass of calorimeter + stirrer = m1 gm
  • Mass of calorimeter + stirrer + water = m2 gm
  • Initial temperature of water = t1°C
  • Temperature of solid = t2°C
  • Temperature of mixture = t3°C
  • Specific heat of calorimeter = S1 (known).

(iii) Calculation : Let the Specific heat of solid = s
Mass of water = (m2 – m1) gm
∴ Heat given by the solid = Mass × Specific heat × Temperature difference
= m.s.(t2-t3)
Heat taken by calorimeter = m1S1(t3 – t1)
and Heat taken by water = (m2 – m1).(t3– t1)
Now, by the principle of calorimetry, we have
Heat given = Heat taken
∴ ms(t2 – t3) =m1s1(t3 – t1) +(m2 – m3) (t3 – t1)
∴ S = \(\frac{m_{1} s_{1}\left(t_{3}-t_{1}\right)+\left(m_{2}-m_{1}\right)\left(t_{3}-t_{1}\right)}{m\left(t_{2}-t_{3}\right)} \)
Thus, specific heat can be calculated.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 11 Thermal Properties of Matter

Question 2.
Describe Newton’s experiment to prove the law of cooling on following points:
(i) Labelled diagram of apparatus, (ii) Method and (iii) Cooling curve.
(i) Apparatus : C = Calorimeter, S = Stirrer, T= Thermometer, V= Vessel.
(ii) Method: Take some water in a beaker and heat it. Then put hot water into calorimeter about 2/3 of it. When the temperature difference is nearly 30°C, then stir the water slowly and after every half minute record the temperature of the water, with the help of stop watch.
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 11 Thermal Properties of Matter 3
Then, draw graph between temperature and time. This curve is called cooling curve.
On the cooling curve take some points A, B, C, D,… Now, for each pair of points find the rate of cooling and temperature difference. For example, let the temperature of A and B points are θ1 and θ2°C.
∴ Rate of cooling = \(\frac{\theta_{1}-\theta_{2}}{t}\)
and Temp. difference = \(\frac{\theta_{1}-\theta_{2}}{2}\) – θ
Where, θ is the temperature of surroundings.
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 11 Thermal Properties of Matter 4
Hence, the graph between rate of cooling and temperature difference is a straight line. Thus, rate of cooling is directly proportional to temperature difference.

Question 3.
Describe the experiment to find conductivity of a rod by Searl’s apparatus on following points:
(i) Labelled diagram of apparatus, (ii) Procedure, (iii) Observation, (iv) Calculation and (v) Precautions.
(i) Searl’s apparatus :
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 11 Thermal Properties of Matter 5

(ii) Procedure: First of all water is regulated through the copper tube, slow and continuous. Then steam is passed through the steam chamber. When the temperature of all the four thermometers become constant, steady state is achieved. Note the reading of ther mometer and with the help of stop watch collect the water in a weighed beaker for a particular time.

(iii) Observation :

  • Area of cross-section of rod = A cm2
  • Distance between the holes on rod = d cm
  • Temperature of first thermometer = θ1 °C
  • Temperature of second thermometer = θ2 °C
  • Initial temperature of water = θ3 °C
  • Final temperature of water = θ4°C
  • Mass of water collected in t sec = m gm

(iv) Calculation: We know that,
Q = \(\frac{K A\left(\theta_{1}-\theta_{2}\right) t}{d}\)
K = \(\frac{Q \cdot d}{A\left(\theta_{1}-\theta_{2}\right) t}\)
Now, Q = Heat taken by water
= m × 1 × (θ4 – θ3) = m(θ4 – θ3)
∴ K = \(\frac{m\left(\theta_{4}-\theta_{3}\right) d}{A\left(\theta_{1}-\theta_{2}\right) t}\)
Hence, K can be calculated.

(v) Precautions :

  • The steam should be passed after regulating the flow of water.
  • The flow of water should be slow and continuous.
  • When the temperature of all the four thermometers becomes constant, then only the readings should be taken.

Question 4.
Write the differences between conduction, convection and radiation.
Difference between Conduction, Convection and Radiation :

Conduction Convection Radiation
1. In this mode, heat flows from one particle to another particles. The particles do not leave their places. 1. The particles receive the heat and move away. 1. In this mode, heat travels in a straight line.
2. Medium is necessary for conduction. 2. Medium is necessary for convection. 2. Medium is not required.
3. Solids are heated by conduction. 3. Liquids and gases are heated by convection. 3. Heat is given to the bodies directly without affecting the medium.
4. The flow is in zig-zag manner. 4. The path may be zig-zag or curved. 4. The path is always straight line.

Thermal Properties of Matter  Class 11 Important Numerical Questions

Question 1.
The triple point of neon and carbon dioxide are 24.57 K and 216.55 K respectively. Express these temperature on the Celsius and Fahrenheit scales. (NCERT)
Here, Triple point of neon,
C = K-273
For neon,
C = 24-57 – 273 = -248-43°C
For C02,
C = 216-55-273=-56-45°C Relation between Kelvin scale and Fahrenheit scale:
\(\frac{\mathrm{K}-273}{5}\) = \(\frac{\mathrm{F}-32}{9}\)
F =\(\frac{9}{5}\) (K – 273) + 32
For neon,
F =\(\frac{9}{5}\) (24-57-273)+ 32
⇒ F = \(\frac{9}{5}\) × (-248.43) + 32
⇒ F =-447-2+32 = -415-2°
For CO2,
F = \(\frac{9}{5}\) (K-273) + 32
⇒ F = \(\frac{9}{5}\) (216.55-273)+ 32
⇒ F = \(\frac{9}{5}\) × (-56.45) + 32
∴ F = -101.61 + 32 = -69.61° .

Question 2.
Two absolute scales A and B have triple points of water defined to be 200 A and 350 B. What is the relation between TA and TB ? (NCERT)
Here, triple point of water on absolute scale A = 200 A and triple point of water on obsolute scale B = 350 B
Triple point of water T = 273.16 K
According to question 200 A = 350 B = 273.16 K
1A = \(\frac{273 \cdot 16}{200}\) K and 1B = \(\frac{273 \cdot 16}{350}\) K
As TA and TB are at the same temperature,
\(\frac{273 \cdot 16}{200}\) TA = \(\frac{273 \cdot 16}{350}\) TB
or TB = \(=\frac{350}{200} \) TA
⇒ TB = \(\frac{7}{5}\) TA.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 11 Thermal Properties of Matter

Question 3.
A steel tape 1 m long is correctly calibrated for a temperature of 27°C. The length of steel rod measured by this tape is found to be 63’0 cm on a hot day when the temperature is 45°C. What is the actual length of the steel rod on that day? What is the length of the same steel rod on a day when temperature is 27°C? Coefficient of linear expansion of steel a= 1.2 × 10-5 K-1. (NCERT)
The steel tape is calibrated at 27°C is correct. That is the length of 100 cm steel tape has correct magnitude 100 cm.
When the temperature raises from 27°C to 45°C then length of steel tape.
lt =l0+ l0 αt
lt = 100 + 100× 1.2× 10-5 (45-27)
lt =100 + 100 × 1.2 × 10-5 × 18
lt =100 + 0.0216 = 100.0216 cm.

At 45°C the measure of 63 cm. steel tape.
= \(\frac{100 \cdot 0216}{100}\) × 63
= 63.0136 cm.
If the tape is measured at 27°C then its measure is 63 cm.

Question 4.
A brass boiler has a base area of 0.15 m2 and thickness 1.0 cm. It boils water at the rate of 6.0 kg/min, when placed on a gas stove. Estimate the temperature of the part of the flame in contact with the boiler. Thermal conductivity of brass 109 Js-11m-1°C-1 . (Heat of vaporization of water = 2256 × 103 J/kg.) (NCERT)
Let the temperature of flame of source be T°C .
Given: K = 109 J/s.m°C = 109 × 10-2 J/°C
A = 0.15 m2; d= 1 cm = 10-2m
T1-T2 =(T-100)° C ,
t= 1 minute = 60 sec
m = 6 kg, L = 2256 J/gm
Q = \(\frac{109 \times 0 \cdot 15 \times(T-100) \times 60}{1 \times 10^{-2}} \)
= 98100(T -100)
Now, Q = mL = 6 ×2256 × 103
∴ 98100(T – 100) = 6 × 2256 × 103
T = \(\frac{6 \times 10^{3} \times 2256}{98100} \) + 100
= 138+ 100 = 238° C.

Question 5.
A body cools from 80°C to 50°C in 5 minutes. Calculate the time it takes to cool from 60°C to 30°C. The temperature of the surrounding is 20°C. (NCERT)
According to Newton’s law,
\(\frac{\theta_{1}-\theta_{2}}{t}\) = K (\(\frac{\theta_{1}+\theta_{2}}{2}\) – θ
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 11 Thermal Properties of Matter 6

Question 6.
At what temperature °C and F are equal to each other.
Let at x degree temperature of both °C and °F are equal.
∴ \(\frac{\mathrm{C}}{5} \) = \(\frac{\mathrm{F}-32}{9}\)
\(\frac{x}{5}\) = \(\frac{x-32}{9}\)
∴9x = 5x – 160
or 9x – 5x = -160
4x = -160
∴ x =\(\frac{-160}{4}\) = -40
i.e., -40°C = -40°F.

Question 7.
Volume of a brass ball at 0°C is 50 cm3 and at 100°C is 50.25 cm3. Find out coefficient of linear expansion.
Given, V0 = 50 cm3, V100 = 50.25 cm3
ΔV = 50.25-50, =0.25 cm3 and Change in temperature ΔT = 100° C – 0° C = 100° C
∴ γ = \(\frac{\Delta V}{V \cdot \Delta T}\)
γ = \(\frac{0 \cdot 25}{50 \times 100}\) = 5 × 10-5
Also, γ = 3α
∴ α = \(\frac{\gamma}{3}\) = \(\frac{5 \times 10^{-5}}{3}\)
or = 1.7 × 10-5/°C.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 11 Thermal Properties of Matterf

Question 8.
Ratio of density of two metal A and B is 1 : 3. On giving equal amount of heat on equal volume of A and B, ratio of change in temperature is 2 :1. Find out ratio of specific heats.
Given, d1 : d2 = 1 : 3, V1 = V2, Q1 = Q2, θ1 : θ2 = 2:1
Heat given to metal A, Q1 = Mass × Specific heat × Change in temperature.
Q1 =V1d1s1θ1
Heat given to metal B,Q2 =Mass × Specific heat × Change in temperature.
Q2 = V2d2s2θ2
Since Q1 = Q2
∴ V1d1s1θ1 = V2d2s2θ2
\(\frac{s_{1}}{s_{2}}\) = \(\frac{V_{2}}{\mathrm{~V}_{1}} \times \frac{d_{2}}{d_{1}} \times \frac{\theta_{2}}{\theta_{1}} \)
= 1 ×\(\frac{3}{1} \times \frac{1}{2}\) = \(\frac{3}{2} \)
i.e., s1:s2 = 3:2

Question 9.
Temperature of 1 kg of water is 60°C. It is mixed in a water of 1 kg at 40°C. What will be the temperature of mixture ? Specific heat of water = 1 calorie/gram °C.
Let the temperature of the mixture be t°C.
Heat given by hot water =ms Δt = 1000× 1 × (60-t)calorie.
Heat taken by cold water = ms Δt = 1000 × 1 × (t – 40) calorie.
According to principle of mixture.
1000 × 1 × (60-t)= 1000 × 1 × (t-40)
∴ 60-t = t-40
2t = 100
t= 50°C.

Question 10.
What will be the resultant temperature when 5-gram ice at 0°C is mixed in 50 gram water at 30°C. Letent heat of ice = 80 calorie/gm.
Let the resultant temperature be t°C.
Heat given by ice = Heat taken by water 5 × 80 + 5 × 1×(t-0) = 50× 1 ×(30-t)
400 + 5t = 1500-50t
55t = 1500-400= 1100
t =\(\frac{1100}{55}\) = 20°C.

Question 11.
How much heat is required to change 0°C of 10 gm ice into 100°C steam? The latent heat of ice and steam are 80 and 540 cal/gm respectively.
Heat required to change 0°C ice to 0°C water = mL = 10×80 = 800 cal
Heat required to change 0°C water to 100°C water = ms ΔT
= 10× 1 × (100-0) = 1000 cal
and Heat required to change 100°C water to 100°C steam = mL = 10 × 540 = 5400cal
Total amount of heat = 800+1000 + 5400 = 7200cal.

Question 12.
Calculate the heat required to convert 15 gm ice at -15°C into steam of 100°C. Given, specific heat of ice is 0.5 cal × gm-1 × °C-1. Latent heat of ice is 80 cal × gm-1 and latent heat of steam is 536 cal × gm-1.
Heat required to convert 15 gm ice at -15°C into 0°C
= mst = 15 × 0.5 × (0+15) = 112.5cal
Heat required to convert 0°C ice into 0°C water
= mL =15 × 80= 1200cal
Heat required to convert 0°C water into 100°C water
= mst = 15 × 1 × (100 – 0) = 1500 cal
Heat required to convert 100°C water into 100°C steam = mL = 15 × 536 = 8040 cal
∴ Total heat = 112.5 + 1200 + 1500 + 8040 = 10852.5 cal.

Question 13.
A piece of metal of mass 50 gm is heated up to 200°C and then put into 400 gm water kept into a beaker. The initial and final temperatures of water are 20°C and 22.4°C respectively. Calculate the specific heat of metal.
Heat given by metal = Heat taken by water
or ( 50 × s × (200 – 22.4) = 400 × 1 × (22.4 – 20)
8880s = 960
s = \(\frac{960}{8880}\) = 0.108
∴ s = 0.108 cal ×gm-1 × °C-1

Question 14.
An iron piece of 100 gm is heated up to 10°C. How much water will be riased through 1°C, by the same amount of heat? specific heat of iron is 01 unit.
Heat required to raise the temperature of iron piece
= 100× 0.1 × 10 = 100 cal.
Let the temperature of m gm water is raised through 1°C.
∴ Q = msΔT
or 100 = m × 1×1
or m = 100gm.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 11 Thermal Properties of Matter

Question 15.
A wall has two faces of thickness 3 cm and 6 cm respectively and conductivities are K and 3K. Temperature of their outer faces are 20°C and -5°C respectively. Evaluate their common temperature instead state.
Given, d1 = 3cm, d2= 6cm, K1 = K,K2 = 3K, θ1 = 20°C,θ2 = -5°C
From formula, θ = \(\frac{K_{1} d_{2} \theta_{1}+K_{2} d_{1} \theta_{2}}{K_{2} d_{1}+K_{1} d_{2}} \)
∴ θ = \(\frac{K \times 6 \times 20+3 K \times 3 \times(-5)}{3 K \times 3+K \times 6} \)
= \(\frac{120 K-45 K}{15 K} \) = \(\frac{75 K}{15 K}\) = 5°C

Question 16.
Two vessels of same shape, length, breadth and height are made of to different metals. They are filled with same amount of ice at 0°C. They talc 25 and 20 minutes respectively for melting the ice completely. Compare the thermal conductivities of two metals.
Given:t1 =25 minutes, t2 = 20 minutes
Since, equal quantity of ice is filled in two vcssels, hence same quantity of heat is required for melting the ice.
θ = \(\frac{K_{1} A\left(\theta_{1}-\theta_{2}\right) t_{1}}{d}\) = \(\frac{K_{2} A\left(\theta_{1}-\theta_{2}\right) t_{2}}{d} \)
A θ1 – θ2 and d are some for both.
∴ K1t1 = K2t2
\(\frac{K_{1}}{K_{2}} \) = \(\frac{t_{2}}{t_{1}}\)
= \(\frac{20}{25} \) = \(\frac{4}{5}\)
∴ K1 :K2 = 4:5

Question 17.
The surface area of a box is 5000 cm2 and its thickness is 6 mm. It is filled with the ice at 0°C and kept in a room of temperature 20°C. If 1 kg ice ¡s melted in 20 min. then calculate the conductivity of box. (Latent heat of ice = 80 cal/gm)
Given m = 1kg = 1000 gm, L = 80 cal/gm, d = 6 mm = 0.6 cm,
A= 5000 cm2, θ1 – θ2=20 – 0=20°C t=20min = 20 × 60s
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 11 Thermal Properties of Matter 7

Thermal Properties of Matter  Class 11 Important Questions Objective Type

1. Multiple- choice questions:

Question 1.
Magnitude of absolute zero in Fahrenheit scale is :
(a) 273° F
(b) 459° F
(c) 182° F
(d) 0° F.
(b) 459° F

Question 2.
Two system whose temperature is TA and TB are in thermal equilibrium, the relation between TA and TA is :
(a) TA > TB
(b)TA < TB
(C) TA =TB
(d) None of these.
(C) TA =TB

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 11 Thermal Properties of Matter

Question 3.
A hole is done in a rectangular copper plate, when the plate is heated, then the size of hole will be :
(a) Not change
(b) Increase
(c) Decrease
(d) Nothing can be said.
(b) Increase

Question 4.
There is a spherical cavity inside a solid sphere of metal, when the sphere is heated the volume of spherical cavity will:
(a) Increase
(b) Decrease
(c) No change
(d) Shape will change.
(a) Increase

Question 5.
If it is coefficient of superficial expansion of a metal then its coefficient of volume expansion will be :
(a) \(\frac{\beta}{2}\)
(b) 3β
(c) \(\frac{3 \beta}{2}\)
(d) \(\frac{2 \beta}{3} \)
(c) \(\frac{3 \beta}{2}\)

Question 6.
If the temperature of a diseased person is 40°C, then his temperature in Farenheit will be:
(a) 72°F
(b) 96°F
(c) 100°F
(d) 104°F.
(d) 104°F.

Question 7.
Temperature of sun is measured by:
(a) Gas thermometer
(b) Pyrometer
(c) Platinium thermometer
(d) Constant pressure thermometer.
(b) Pyrometer

Question 8.
For whom medium is not required for transmission of heat:
(a) Conduction
(b) Convection
(c) Radiation
(d) All.
(c) Radiation

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 11 Thermal Properties of Matter

Question 9.
Coefficient of thermal conductivity for ideal conductor is:
(a) 0
(b) 1
(c) -1
(d) ∞ .
(d) ∞

Question 10.
Unit of coefficient of thermal conductivity is :
(a) joule metre/ second ×°C
(b) joule × metre × second / °C
(c) joule / metre × second × °C
(d) joule × second / metre × °C.
(c) joule / metre × second × °C

Question 11.
In steady state, heat stored in metai does not depends on :
(a) Temperature gradient
(b) Area of cross-section
(c) Length
(d) Thermal capacity.
(d) Thermal capacity.

Question 12.
An equivalent rod is made by joining two rod of same length. If their coefficient of thermal conductivity are K1 and K2, then thermal conductivity of equivalent rod is:
(a) K1+K2
(b) K1– K2
(c) 2K1 K2/ (k1+ K2)
(d) (K1 – K2)/(k1+ K2).
(c) 2K1 K2/ (k1+K2)

Question 13.
Monsoon is due to:
(a) Conduction
(b) Convection
(c) Radiation
(d) All the above.
(b) Convection

Question 14.
PolIshed body are for thermal radiation:
(a) Good absorber and bad reflector
(b) Good absorber and good reflector
(c) Bad absorber and good reflector
(d) Bad absorber and bad reflector.
(c) Bad absorber and good reflector

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 11 Thermal Properties of Matter

Question 15.
Whose specific heat is more :
(a) Iron
(b) Water
(c) Copper
(d) Glass.
(b) Water

2. Fill in the blanks:

1. Coefficient of linear expansion of solid depend upon ……………. .
Nature of matter

2. SI Unit of temperature gradient is……………. .
joule / metre

3. Density of water is maximum at …………… temperature.

4. α: β: γ = ……………
1:2 : 3

5. The point where all three phases in solid, liquid and gas co-exist is called …………… .
Triple point

6. Wavelength of light radiation is …………… than heat radiation.

7. Conversion of matter from solid-state to vapour state directly is called ……………

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 11 Thermal Properties of Matter

3. Match the following:

Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
1. Coefficient of linear expansion (a) kilogram
2. Coefficient of volume expansion (b) Rate of cooling ∝ difference temperature
3. Specific heat (c) Only for solid
4. Newton’s laws of cooling (d) Raise of temperature by 1°C
5. Water equivalent (e) Solid, liquid and gas.

1.  (c) Only for solid
2. (e) Solid, liquid and gas.
3. (d) Raise of temperature by 1°C
4. (b) Rate of cooling ∝ difference temperature
5. (a) kilogram.

4. state true or False:

1. Volume of water at 4°C is maximum.

2. At triple point of water, temperature is 273.16K.

3. On increasing temperature the volume of mercury increases uniformly.

4. Gases has two type of specific heat.

5. Cp is always less than Cv.

6. For monoatomic gas the value of Y is 1.67.

7. In convection molecules changes their position for transfer of heat.

8. Absorbtive power of ideal black body is one.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 6 Work, Energy and Power

Students get through the MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 6 Work, Energy and Power which are most likely to be asked in the exam.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 6 Work, Energy and Power

Work, Energy and Power Class 11 Important Questions Very Short Answer Type

Question 1.
What is work? Is it scalar or vector quantity?
Work is said to be done by a force when the force produces a displacement of the body on which it acts in any direction except perpendicular to the direction of force, i.e.,
W = Fs cosθ
It is a scalar quantity.

Question 2.
Write the unit and dimensional formula of work.
Unit: SI unit of work is joule.
Dimensional formula : Work = Force × Displacement
= [MLT-2][L]
= [ML2T-2].

Question 3.
Define 1 joule and 1 erg.
1 joule : When a force of 1 N is applied on a body and is displaced 1 m in the direction of force, then 1 joule work is done.
1 erg : When a force of 1 dyne is applied on a body and is displaced 1 cm in the direction of force, then 1 erg work is done.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 6 Work, Energy and Power

Question 4.
What is zero work? Give one example.
If force applied on an object is perpendicular to its displacement then the work is zero.
∴ W = Fs cos90° = 0
Example: A coolie carrying suitcase on his head. The work done against gravity is zero.

Question 5.
When does the work done become maximum by a force?
When the direction of force and displacement are same.

Question 6.
Can a satellite do any work against gravitational force, while revolving around the earth? Why?
No, because the direction of motion of satellite is always perpendicular to the gravitational force.

Question 7.
What is energy? Give examples. Write its unit and dimensional formula.
The efficiency of work done of a body is called energy.
Examples: Mechanical energy, heat energy, light energy etc.
SI unit: joule.
Dimensional formula: [ML2T-2].

Question 8.
Write the statement of laws of conservation of energy.
According to this law energy is neither created nor destroyed but transformed from one form to another.

Question 9.
A man walk 10 metre with a luggage in his head. How much work will be done by him against gravitational force.
Zero, because displacement of the man is perpendicular to the direction of gravitational force.

Question 10.
What do you mean by variable force? Explain with example.
When the magnitude and direction of a force are changing with time then such force is called variable force.
Example :
The gravitational force acting between two bodies depends upon the distance between the bodies, hence it is variable force.

Question 11.
What do you mean by mechanical energy? What are the types of it?
The energy due to mechanical work is called mechanical energy. The mechanical energy are of two types :

  • Kinetic energy,
  • Potential energy.

Question 12.
If velocity of an object is doubled then what will be the increase in its kinetic energy?
Kinetic energy will become four time as
K = \(\frac{1}{2}\) mν2

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 6 Work, Energy and Power

Question 13.
Write the formula for gravitational potential energy at height ‘h’.
Gravitational potential energy at height ‘h’ of a body of mass ‘m’ is mgh.

Question 14.
When a bullet strike a target and get stopped, then in which form its kinetic energy get changes?
Kinetic energy of the bullet get changes into sound energy and heat energy.

Question 15.
What is power? Write its S.I. unit.
Rate of doing work is defined as power. Its S.I. unit is watt. It is a scalar quantity.
power = \(\frac{\text { Work }}{\text { Time }}\)

Question 16.
Define watt.
If the rate of work done is 1 joule per second, then the power is called watt.

Question 17.
Write the magnitude of one horse power.
1 H.P. = 746 watt.

Question 18.
What do you mean by collision? Which quantities are transferred during the collision?
The interaction between two bodies due to impact, is called collision. During the collision momentum and kinetic energy are transferred.

Question 19.
Do the bodies touch each other compulsorily in collision? Give example.
Not necessary. When alpha particles (2He4), which are positively charged particles are made to strike the nucleus, then they get deviated from their path without contact with each other.

Question 20.
How many types of collisions are there? Describe them.
Collisions are of two types :
(i) Elastic collision: The collisions in which the momentum and kinetic energy of the system conserved are called elastic collision.
Example : The collisions between the molecules and atoms. In daily life collision of glass or ivory balls are considered as elastic collision.

(ii) Inelastic collision : The collisions in which the momentum of the system is conserved but not kinetic energy.
Example : Spreading of mud and stick to wall. A bullet embedded with a wooden block.

Question 21.
Write the magnitude of one kilowatt and one megawatt.
1 kilowatt = 1000 watt = 103 watt.
1 megawatt = 106 watt.

Question 22.
How kinetic energy is measured?
Kinetic energy is measured by formula \(\frac{1}{2}\) mν2

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 6 Work, Energy and Power

Question 23.
What do you mean by variable force? write the formula for work done by variable force.
When the magnitude and direction of a force are changing with time, then such force is called variable force.
Work done by variable force W = F. d cosθ.

Question 24.
Power is a scalar quantity or vector quantity. Write its dimensional formula.
Power is a scalar quantity. Its dimensional formula is [ML2 T-3 ].

Question 25.
An object is displaced by applying force on it. When will be the work done maximum?
When the displacement of an object is in direction of applied force, then work done is maximum.

Question 26.
In which direction force must be applied on a body so that work done is zero?
When the force is applied perpendicular to the displacement work done is zero.
Since, W = F.d cosθ
If θ = 90°, cos 90° = 0.
∴ W = 0.

Question 27.
A car is moving on the plane road with uniform velocity, does the car work, why?
Yes, the car does work against frictional force.

Question 28.
What type of energy is stored in the spring of a watch?
Elastic potential energy.

Question 29.
What is spring constant? What is its S.I. unit?
The spring constant of a spring is defined by the force, which changes its length by unity. Its S.I. unit is Nm-1.

Question 30.
Write the formula for potential energy of a compressed spring.
Elastic potential energy of a compressed spring is =\(\frac{1}{2}\) kx2 where k is spring constant and x is displacement from normal state.

Question 31.
When a bulb glow, does electric energy get transformed into any energy?
Yes, electrical energy get transformed into light energy and thermal energy.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 6 Work, Energy and Power

Question 32.
Write the different forms of energy.
Different form of energy are Mechanical energy, Thermal energy, Light energy, Magnetic energy, Electrical energy, Sound energy, Chemical energy, Nuclear energy etc.

Question 33.
What is kilowatt hour ? Write its magnitude.
kilowatt hour is a unit of energy.
1 kilowatt hour = 1000 watt × 1 hour
= 1000 joule/second × (3600 second) = 3.6 × 106 joule.

Question 34.
Write the relation between momentum (p) and kinetic energy (E). The K.E. of a body is increased 4 times. What will be the change in momentum?
p = \(\sqrt{2 m E}\)
∴ p ∝√E
\(\frac{p_{1}}{p_{2}}=\sqrt{\frac{E_{1}}{E_{2}}}=\sqrt{\frac{E}{4 E}}=\frac{1}{2}\)
∴p2 = 2p1
Hence, momentum will be doubled.

Question 35.
if the momentum of a body becomes 4 times. How many time its K.E. will be ?
We have, \(\frac{p_{1}}{p_{2}}=\sqrt{\frac{E_{1}}{E_{2}}}\)
or \(\frac{E_{1}}{E_{2}}=\frac{p_{1}^{2}}{p_{2}^{2}}=\left(\frac{p_{1}}{4 p_{1}}\right)^{2}=\frac{1}{16}\)
or E2= 16E1
Hence, K.E. will be 16 times.

Question 36.
The quantity whose unit is kWh?

Question 37.
What do you mean by mass-energy equivalence?
It means that mass can be converted into energy and energy can be converted into mass.
i.e., E = mc2
Where, c is velocity of light.
This relation is called mass-energy equivalence equation.

Question 38.
What is the equivalent energy of 1 gm mass?
1 gm = 9 × 1013 joule.

Question 39.
How much energy is produced by the absorption of an electron and a positron?
1.02 MeV.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 6 Work, Energy and Power

Question 40.
Which mechanical energy increases or decreases when a body is thrown vertically upwards?
Potential energy and kinetic energy.

Question 41.
Two bodies of same mass are moving with a velocity of u1 and u2 collide with each other, what will be the velocity after collision?
Let the velocity after collision be ν1 and ν2.
According to conservation of momentum,
mu1 + mu2 = mν1 + mν2
u1+u2 = ν12 …(1)
and for elastic collision ν1 – ν2 = – (u1– u2) …(2)
Solving eqns. (1) and (2), we get
ν1 = u2 and ν2 = u1.

Question 42.
Write the forms of energy we get from the following :

  • Dynamo,
  • Electric motor,
  • Photoelectric cell,
  • Loudspeaker,
  • Glow of electric bulb,
  • Free falling stone.


  • Dynamo : Mechanical energy into electrical energy.
  • Electric motor: Electrical energy into mechanical energy.
  • Photoelectric cell: Light energy into electrical energy.
  • Loudspeaker: Electrical energy into sound energy.
  • Glow of electric bulb : Electrical energy into light energy.
  • Free falling stone : Potential energy into kinetic energy.

Question 43.
Does a satellite do any work against gravitation while it revolve in its orbit? Why?
No, because motion of a satellite is always perpendicular to the direction of gravitation. ‘
Since, W = F.d cosθ
and θ= 90°,
∴ cosθ= cos 90° = 0
∴ W = 0.

Question 44.
When a body is thrown upward and when it fall downward, what type of mechanical energy is increased?
When a body is thrown upward potential energy increases and when body fall downward its kinetic energy increases.

Question 45.
Force of repulsion acts between two similar charge, when they bought closer does their potential energy increases?
Yes, there potential energy increases as work is done against force of repulsion.

Work, Energy and Power Class 11 Important Questions Short Answer Type

Question 1.
Explain geometrical meaning of scalar product of two vectors and write its three properties.
Geometrical meaning of the scalar product of two vectors : If \(\vec{a} \text { and } \vec{b}\) are the two given vectors and θ is the angle between them, then
\(\vec{a} \cdot \vec{b}\) = abcosθ = a(bcosθ) -b(acosθ)
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 6 Work, Energy and Power 1
Now, b cos θ is the components or projection of the vector \(\vec{b}\) in the direction of the vector \(\vec{a}\) and a cos θ is the component of the vector \(\vec{a}\) in the direction of the vector \(\vec{b}\)

Thus, the scalar product of two vectors is equal to the multiplication of the magnitude of one vector and the magnitude of the component or projection of the other vector in the direction of the first vector.

Scalar product of two equal vectors :
\(\vec{a} \cdot \vec{b}\) = a.acos0° = a2
\(\vec{a} \cdot \vec{a}\) is also called \(\overrightarrow{a^{2}}\)

\(\vec{a} \cdot \vec{a}\) = \(\overrightarrow{a^{2}}\) = a 2
i.e., the dot product of a vector itself is equal to the square of its magnitude.

Properties of the scalar product of two vectors :
(i) The scalar product of two vectors is commutative i.e., the order of the vectors can be interchanged i.e.,
\(\vec{b} \cdot \vec{a}=\vec{a} \cdot \vec{b}\)
\(\vec{a} \cdot \vec{b}\) = ab cosθ
Now, \(\vec{b} \cdot \vec{a}\) = ba cosθ
⇒ ab cosθ = \(\vec{a} \cdot \vec{b}\)

(ii) The scalar product of vectors follows the distributive law in relation to the addition. Thus,
\(\vec{a} \cdot(\vec{b}+\vec{c})=\vec{a} \cdot \vec{b}+\vec{a} \cdot \vec{c}\)

(iii) The scalar product of two vectors follows the multiplicative law in relation to scalar. Thus,
\((m \vec{a}) \cdot \vec{b}=m(\vec{a} \cdot \vec{b})=\vec{a} \cdot(m \vec{b})\)

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 6 Work, Energy and Power

Question 2.
Explain the geometrical meaning of cross product of two vectors and write its properties.
Geometrical meaning of vector product of two
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 6 Work, Energy and Power 2
vectors : Let two vectors \(\vec{a} \text { and } \vec{b}\) are represented by the adjacent sides of parallelogram OACB, i.e.,
\(\overrightarrow{O A}=\vec{a} \text { and } \overrightarrow{O B}=\vec{b}\)
Now, draw perpendicular BD from point B, on OA.
Area of parallelogram OACB = OA × BD
= OA × OB sinθ [∵ sinθ = \(\frac{B D}{O B}\)
absinθ =\(|\vec{a} \times \vec{b}|\)
Hence, modulus of \(\vec{a} \times \vec{b}\) represents the area of parallelogram whose adjacent sides are \(\vec{a} \text { and } \vec{b}\).

Properties of vector or cross product of two vectors :
(i) The vector multiplication of two vectors is non-commutative i.e.,
\(\vec{a} \times \vec{b} \neq \vec{b} \times \vec{a}\)
\(\vec{a} \times \vec{b}=a b \sin \theta \hat{n}\)
and \(\vec{b} \times \vec{a}=a b \sin \theta(-\hat{n})\)
\(=-a b \sin \theta \hat{n}\)
\(=-\vec{a} \times \vec{b}\)

(ii) The vector multiplication of two vectors does not follow the law of association Le.,
\(\vec{a} \times(\vec{b} \times \vec{c}) \neq(\vec{a} \times \vec{b}) \times \vec{c}\)

(iii) The vector multiplication of two vectors follows the law of association in relation to scalar i.e.,
\(m \times(\vec{a} \times \vec{b})=(m \vec{a}) \times \vec{b}=\vec{a} \times(m \vec{b})\)

(iv) The vector multiplication of two vectors follows the law of distribution in relation to addition i.e.,
\(\vec{a} \times(\vec{b}+\vec{c})=\vec{a} \times \vec{b}+\vec{a} \times \vec{c}\)

(v) If \(\vec{a} \text { and } \vec{b}\) are two non-zero vectors and are parallel also i.e., θ = 0 or π, then ,
sinθ =0
∴ \(\vec{a} \times \vec{b}=a b \sin \theta \hat{n}\)
\(=0 \times \hat{n}=\overrightarrow{0}\)
Therefore, the vector product of two parallel vectors is a zero or null vector.

Question 3.
Explain with example work done upon a body and work done by a body.
When the displacement of the body is in the direction of external force applied the work is done upon the body and when the displacement is opposite to the direction of force then work is done by the body.
Example: When a stone is thrown vertically upward a force equivalent to its weight is applied upon it in the vertically upward direction, the work is done upon the stone while it fall downward work is done by the stone.

Question 4.
What do you mean by kinetic energy? Derive the expression for it.
The efficiency of work done by the motion of a body is called its kinetic energy. Let m = Mass of a body at rest (i.e., u = 0)
F = Force applied on the body.
a = Acceleration produced in the body in the direction of applied force,
ν = Velocity acquired by the body in moving thrown a distance s.
From ν2 -u2 = 2as
ν2– 0 = 2as
or a = \(\frac{v^{2}}{2 s}\)
As F = m.a
∴ F = m\(\left(\frac{v^{2}}{2 s}\right)\)

Work done on the body,
W= Force × Displacement
or W = m\(\left(\frac{v^{2}}{2 s}\right)\) ×s
or W = \(\frac{m \cdot v^{2}}{2}\) = \(\frac{1}{2}\) mν2
This work done on the body is measure of kinetic energy (K.E.) of the body.
∴ K.E. = \(\frac{1}{2}\) mν2

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 6 Work, Energy and Power

Question 5.
What is work-energy theorem? Prove it.
Write work-energy theorem and prove it for constant force.
According to this theorem, the work done by a force is equal to the. change in kinetic energy of a body.
Let a force F is applied on a body of mass m so that its velocity becomes v.
If the body is displaced to distance d, then work done,
W = F.d
But, F = ma
∴ W = mad …(1)
Now, by the equation of motion ν2 = u2 + 2as, we get
2ad=ν2 – u2, ∴ (s =d)
or ad = \(\frac{1}{2}\)(ν2 – u2)
Putting this value in eqn. (1), we get
W = m.\(\frac{1}{2}\)(ν2 – u2)
or W = \(\frac{1}{2}\)mν2 – \(\frac{1}{2}\)mu2
Work done = Change in K.E.

Question 6.
Momentum of a lighter body and heavier body is same, whose kinetic energy will be more?
Let a body of mass m moves with a velocity of ν.
∴ Momentum of the body pm = m.ν …(1)
and Kinetic energy of the body K = \(\frac{1}{2}\)mν2 …(2)
From eqn(1), ν = \(\frac{p}{m}\)
∴ K = \(\frac{1}{2}\)m.\(\frac{p^{2}}{m^{2}}\)
K = \(\frac{1}{2}\)\(\frac{p^{2}}{m}\)
P2 = 2Km
p = \(\sqrt{2 m K}\) …(3)
Since, momentum of both bodies are same.
∴ From eqn. (3),
mK = Constant
K = \(\frac{\text { Constant }}{m}\)
K = \(\frac{1}{m}\)
∴ Kinetic energy of lighter body will be more.

Question 7.
What do you mean by variable force? Derive the expression for the work done by variable force.
Variable force : When the magnitude and direction of a force are changing with time then such force is called variable force.
Example :
The gravitational force acting between two bodies depends upon the distance between the bodies, hence it is variable force.

Work done by variable force :
Case 1. Only magnitude of force changes not direction :
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 6 Work, Energy and Power 3
Let a variable force F(x) is applied along the direction of X-axis and body is displaced from x1, to xn in the direction of X-axis.
Graph (a) and (b) show the relation between force F (x) and displacement x.
Now the total displacement can be divided into so many small parts of Δx. As Δx is very small, the force during this displacement may be considered constant.
∴ Work done for the displacement Δx:
Now, the work done for the displacement from x1, to xn will be the sum of work done of all displacements such as Δx.
∴ Total work done W = \(\sum_{x_{1}}^{x_{n}}\) F(x)Δx …(1)
If the displacement Δx is very small then the eqn. (1) can be written in the form of integration as
W = \(\int_{x_{1}}^{x_{n}}\)F{x)dx
or W = Area enclosed between the curve and displacement axis.

Case 2. When the magnitude and direction both are changing :
Let a particle is moving in irregular path and the coordinates of initial point are (x1 , y1, z1,) and that of final point are (x2 ,y2 ,z2).
∴ W\(\int_{x_{1}}^{x_{2}}\) Fxdx + \(\int_{y_{1}}^{y_{2}}\)Fydy + \(\int_{z_{1}}^{z_{2}}\)Fzdz
Where \(\vec{F}=F_{x} \hat{i}+F_{y} \hat{j}+F_{z} \hat{k}\)

Question 8.
Kinetic energy of a lighter and heavier body are same, whose momentum will be more ?
From the formula,
p = \(\sqrt{2 m K}\)
When the kinetic energy of both bodies are same, then
p ∝√ m
∴ \(\frac{p_{1}^{2}}{p_{2}^{2}}=\frac{m_{1}}{m_{2}}\)
Since, m1>m2
∴ p12> p22
∴ Momentum of heavier body will be more than lighter body.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 6 Work, Energy and Power

Question 9.
Derive the expression for gravitational potential energy.
Let, m = Mass of the body, g = Acceleration due to gravity on the surface of earth, h = Height through which the body is raised.
If we assume that height h is not too large and the value of g is practically constant, then the force applied just to overcome gravitational attraction is
F= mg …(1)
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 6 Work, Energy and Power 4
As the distance moved in the direction of the force applied, therefore F h Work done = Force x Distance
W = F × h
W= mg × h = mgh
Hence, gravitational potential energy = mgh.

Question 10.
Derive the formula for the work done in stretching a spring.
What will be the work done in compressing a spring of force constant k by an amount x?
For an ideal spring the force is proportional to the displacement. Hence, the graph between force and displacement is a straight line.
Consider a point A on the force-displacement curve.
∴ The corresponding force of point
A = F = kx
∴ Work done in stretching the spring,
W = Area of Δ ABO
W = \(\frac{1}{2}\) OB × AB
= \(\frac{1}{2}\) × kx
= \(\frac{1}{2}\)kx2
∴P.E. of stretched spring = \(\frac{1}{2}\)kx2.
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 6 Work, Energy and Power 5

Question 11.
What is meant by collision ? Differentiate elastic and inelastic collision.
Collision : The striking of one particle with another or an interaction between them is called collision.

For example: Hitting a ball by a bat, striking carrom-coin by a striker, etc.
Difference between Elastic collision and Inelastic collision:

Elastic collision Inelastic collision
1. In this collision, the kinetic energy and the momentum of the system are conserved. 1. In this collision, momentum of the system is conserved but not kinetic energy.
2. Collisions between the atoms, molecules and nuclear particles are the examples of elastic collision. 2. Sticking of the splashed mud, embedding of a bullet in a target are the examples of inelastic collision.

Question 12.
If the momentum of a body is increased by four times, what will be in
crease in its kinetic energy?
We know,
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 6 Work, Energy and Power 6
ie., kinetic energy will increase by 16 times.

Question 13.
If the kinetic energy of a body is increased by four times, then what will be
increase in Its momentum?
We know,
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 6 Work, Energy and Power 7
i.e., momentum will increase by 2 times.

Question 14.
The sign of work done by a force on a body is important to understand. State carefully if the following quantities are positive or negative:
(a) Work done by a man in lifting a bucket out of a well by means of a rope tied to the bucket
(b) Work done by gravitational force in the above case.
(c) Work done by friction on a body sliding down an inclined plane.
(d) Work done by an applied force on a body moving on a rough horizontal plane with uniform velocity.
(e) Work done by the resistive force of air on a vibrating pendulum in bringing it to rest.
We know that the work done is given by W = F.s = Fs cos θ, where θ = smaller angle between force F and displacement s.
(a) To lift the bucket, force equal to the weight of the bucket has to be applied vertically upwards and the bucket moves along the same direction, thus 0 – 0, so W= FscosO = Fs i.e., positive.

(b) Here as the bucket moves in a direction opposite to the gravitational force which always acts vertically downwards.
∴ θ = 180°, so W= Fs cos 180° = Fs (- 1) = -Fs
i.e., W = negative.

(c) Work done by friction on a body sliding down an inclined plane is negative as friction opposes the relative motion,
Thus, θ = 180° ∴ W = Fs cos 180° = – Fs.

(d) As the body moves in the same direction in which the force is applied, so e = 0, thus W=Fs cos 0° = Fs i.e., it is positive.

(e) Work done is negative as the direction of the resistive force of air on the vibrating pendulum is opposite to the direction of displacement {i.e., motion) of the bob.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 6 Work, Energy and Power

Question 15.
What do you mean by positive, negative and zero work? Give one example of each.
Positive work:
When the angle between force and displacement is zero or acute angle then the work is positive.
Examples :

  • When a bucket of .water from a well is pulled, the directions of force and displacement are same and hence positive work is done.
  • A body falling freely under gravity. Then work done by gravity force is positive.

Negative work :
When the angle between force and displacement is 180° or obtuse angle then the work done is negative.
∴ Fs cos 180° = -Fs
Examples :

  • When a bucket full of water is pulled from the well, the work done by the gravity force is negative, because the directions of force of gravity and displacement are opposite, (gravity acts downwards and displacement up).
  • The work done by the friction force on an inclined plane is negative.

Zero work:
If the force applied is perpendicular to its displacement, then the work is
W = Fs cosθ = Fs cos 90° = 0
Examples :

  • A coolie carrying suitcase on his head. The work done against gravity is zero.
  • A body moving in circular motion. The centripetal force is perpendicular to its velocity. Hence, the work done by the centripetal force is zero.

Question 16.
A lighter body moving with velocity u. Collide with a heavy body at rest. What will be its velocity after collision?
Let the velocity of lighter body (mass m) be ν1 and the velocity of heavy body (mass M) be ν2 after collision.
∴ From laws of conservation of momentum,
m u = m ν1+ Mν2 and For elastic collision
ν1 – ν2, = -(u – 0)
ν2 – ν1
On solving,
ν1 = \(-\left(\frac{M-m}{M+m}\right)\) u
and ν2 = \(\frac{2 m u}{(M+m)}\)
If m<< M, then
ν1 = -u and ν2 = 0.

Question 17.
(a) An artificial satellite orbiting the earth in very thin atmosphere loses its energy gradually due to dissipation against atmospheric resistance, however small. Why then does its speed increase progressively as it comes closer and closer to the earth?

(b) In fig.-given below
(i) the man walks 2m carrying a mass of 15 kg on his hands. In fig.
(ii), he walks the same distance pulling the rope behind him. The rope goes over a pulley and a mass of 15 kg hangs at its other end. In which case is the work done greater?
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 6 Work, Energy and Power 8
(a) When an artificial satellite comes closer to earth, its gravitational P.E. decreases (as its height from the earth surface decreases). By law of conservation of energy, the sum of kinetic and potential energy should remain constant. To keep the total energy constant, kinetic energy should increase and so, velocity of satellite should increase. But, total energy of satellite continuously decreases at a very small rate due to atmospheric resistance.

(b) In case (a) : No work is done against gravity as the displacement of 2m (horizontal)
and the weight of 15 kg (acting vertically downwards) are perpendicular to each other
W = Fs cos 90° = 0.
In case (b): Work is done against gravity
W = mgh ,
= 15 × 9.8 × 2=294 J.
Apart from the work to be done against. Friction while moving through a distance of 2m.
So, the work done in case (b) is more than that of case (a).

Work, Energy and Power Class 11 Important Questions Long Answer Type

Question 1.
Two bodies of masses m1and m2 are moving in straight line with velocities
u1 and u2 respectively, collide each other. After collision calculate the velocities of the bodies. What will happen ¡f:
(i) The masses of the bodies are equal.
(ii) One of the body is at rest.
(iii) Lighter body is at rest.
(iv) Heavier body is at rest.
Consider two bodies A and B of masses m1and m2 moving with velocities u1 and u2 (u1> u2) in the same direction.
After collision the bodies move in the same direction with velocities ν1 and ν2 respectively.
The collision is perfectly elastic, hence the momentum and K.E. of the system will be

As the momentum is conserved:
Momentum before collision = Momentum after collision
m1u1 + m2u2 = m1ν1 + m2ν2
m1u1 – m1ν1 = m2ν2 – m2u2
m1(u1 – ν1)=m22 – u2) …(1)

As the K.E. is conserved :
K.E. before collision K.E. after collision
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 6 Work, Energy and Power 9
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 6 Work, Energy and Power 10
u1+ ν1 = ν2 + u2
u1 – u2 = ν2 – ν1, =-(ν1 – ν2) … (3)
So, relative velocity before collision = – (Relative velocity after collision) i.e., The direction of relative velocity is reversed after collision.

Calculation of velocities after collision :
(i) Velocity of A: From eqn. (3), we have
ν2 = u1 – u2 + ν1
Putting the value of ν2 in eqn. (1), we get
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 6 Work, Energy and Power 11
(ii) Velocity of B : From eqn. (3), we have
ν1 = ν2 + u2 – u1
Putting the value of ν1 in eqn. (1), we get
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 6 Work, Energy and Power 12

Case (i) : When m1 = m2
Then, from eqn. (4), ν1 = u2
and from eqn. (5), ν2 = u1
Hence, when the mass of the bodies are equal then they interchange their velocities after collision.

Case (ii) : m2 is rest i.e., u2 = 0
Then, from eqn. (4), ν1 = \(\left(\frac{m_{1}-m_{2}}{m_{1}+m_{2}}\right)\)u1 …(6)
and From eqn. (5), ν2 = \(\left(\frac{2 m_{1}}{m_{1}+m_{2}}\right)\)u1 …(7)
If m1=m2=m, then
From eqn. (6), we get ν1 = 0
and From eqn. (7), ν2 = u1
Thus, when the masses are equal and one body is at rest, then after collision second body comes to rest and first body gains the velocity of second.
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 6 Work, Energy and Power 13

Case (iii): If m2 << m1], then from eqn. (6), we get
ν1 = u1
and From eqn. (7), we get ν2 =2u1
Thus, when heavier body collide with lighter body then heavier body moves with same velocity by lighter gains the velocity double of heavier body.

Case (iv): If m1 << m2], then
From eqn. (6), ν1 = u1
and From eqn. (7), ν2 = \(\frac{2 m_{1}}{2 m_{2}}\)u1 = 0
When lighter body collide with heavy body then heavy body remains at rest and lighter body rebounds with same velocity.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 6 Work, Energy and Power

Question 2.
Prove that in inelastic collision in one dimension, always energy is lost. Derive the expression for the loss of energy.
Consider a body A of mass m1, and another body B of mass m2 which are moving in the same direction with velocities u1 and u2 (u1 > u2). Both collide and stick together and move with common velocity ν.

Now, in inelastic collision, the momentum is conserved, i.e.,
Momentum before collision = Momentum after collision
m1u1 + m2u2 = (m1 + m2
∴ ν = \(\frac{m_{1} u_{1}+m_{2} u_{2}}{m_{1}+m_{2}}\) …(1)
Now, K.E. before collision is
K1 = \(\frac{1}{2}\) m1u1… (2)
and K.E. after collision will be
K2 = \(\frac{1}{2}\) (m1 + 22 …(3)
Putting the value of ν from eqn. (1), we get
K2 = \(\frac{1}{2}\) (m1 + 2)\(\left(\frac{m_{1}}{m_{1}+m_{2}}\right)^{2}\)
u12 [∵ u1 >u2
K2 = \(\frac{1}{2\left(m_{1}+m_{2}\right)}\) …(4)
From eqns. (2) and (4), we.get
∵ m1 < (m1 + m2
∴ K1 > K2
Hence, after collision the K.E. of the system decreases.
Now, loss of energy, Δ K =K1 – K2

Question 3.
A truck and a car are moving with same kinetic energy, which will stop first
(i) Both are stopped by applying same retardation force.
(ii) Brake is applied at same time on both.
(i) K.E. = \(\frac{1}{2}\)mν2 =F. s
s = \(\frac{\text { Kinetic energy }}{\text { Retarding force }}\)
Since, kinetic energy of both are equal therefore distance travelled by both before stopping will also be equal i.e., both will get stopped at same time.

(ii) After applying brake both will stop due to friction force.
Then \(\frac{1}{2}\)mν2 = F.s = (µR)s = µ.mg.s
Since kinetic energy of both are same.
∴ ν2 ∝ \(\frac{1}{m}\)
∴ s ∝ \(\frac{1}{m}\)
i.e.; Whose mass is more, less distance will be travelled before stopping. Therefore truck will stop first than car.

Question 4.
Two Identical spring A and B of which spring B is harder than spring A if
(i) Both are extended to same distance then upon which spring more work has to be done?
(ii) Both are extended by applying same force then upon which more work has to be done?
Since spring constant k of hard spring is more
∴ Work = \(\frac{1}{2}\) kx2 = \(\frac{F^{2}}{2 k}\)
(i) For same displacement,
WA = \(\frac{1}{2}\)kAx2
and WB =\(\frac{1}{2}\)kBx2
Since kA > kB
∴ WA > WB
∴ More work has to be done on first spring A.

(ii) For same force,
WA = \(\frac{F_{A}}{2 k_{A}}\)
and WB = \(\frac{F_{B}}{2 k_{B}}\)
Since kA >k B
∴ WB > WA
Therefore more work has to be done on spring B.

Question 5.
A truck and a car are moving with the same kinetic energy are stopped by applying brakes of same retarding force. Which one will stop at a lesser distance?
Let the mass of car and truck be m1 and m2and velocity be u1 and u2.
∴ \(\frac{1}{2}\)m1u12 = \(\frac{1}{2}\)m2u22
\(\frac{m_{1}}{m_{2}}=\frac{u_{2}^{2}}{u_{1}^{2}}\) …(1)
If retardation ¡s a1 and a2 on applying brakes, then
m1 a1 = m2 a2
\(\frac{m_{1}}{m_{2}}=\frac{a_{2}}{a_{1}}\) …(2)
From eqns. (1) and(2),
\(\frac{u_{1}^{2}}{a_{1}}=\frac{u_{2}^{2}}{a_{2}}\) …(3)
Ifs1 and s2 be the distance travelled before stopping, then 0 = u12 – 2a1s1
s1 = \(\frac{u_{1}^{2}}{2 a_{1}}\) and s2 = \(\frac{u_{2}^{2}}{2 a_{2}}\)
From eqn. (3),
s1 = s2
i.e, Both will stop arc travelling same distance.

Question 6.
What is elastic collision in two dimensions? After collision, what will be the velocities of the bodies?
When the collision takes place on a plane and momentum and K.E. of the system is conserved, then the collision is called elastic collision in two dimensions.
Let A and B are two bodies of masses m1 and m2, moving along X-axis with the velocities u1 and u2 (u1 > u2) respectively and they collide elastically.
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 6 Work, Energy and Power 14

After collision, let A and B make angles θ1 and θ2 with the X-axis and move with velocities ν1 and ν2 respectively as shown in the figure.
As the collision is elastic, the K.E. of the system will be conserved.
∴ \(\frac{1}{2}\)m1u12 +
\(\frac{1}{2}\)m2u22 = \(\frac{1}{2}\)m1ν12 + \(\frac{1}{2}\)m2ν22 …(1)

Now, before collision, the momentum of A and B along X-axis
= m1u1+m2u2
and After collision, momentum along X-axis
= m1ν1 cosθ1 + m2ν2 cosθ2
Again, momentum along Y-axis before collision = 0
and Momentum along Y-axis after collision = m1ν1 cos?1 + m2ν2 cosθ2
As the momentum is conserved. Therefore along X-axis,
m1u1 +m2u2 = m1ν1 cosθ1 + m2ν2 cosθ2 …(2)
and Along Y-axis,
0 = m1ν1 sinθ1 + m2ν2 sinθ2
∴ m1ν1 sinθ1 = – m2ν2 sinθ…(3)
Solving eqns. (1), (2) and (3), we can determined the values of ν1 ν2, θ1 (or θ2).

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 6 Work, Energy and Power

Work, Energy and Power Class 11 Important Numerical Questions

Question 1.
If \(\vec{A}=2 \hat{i}+2 \hat{j}+p \hat{k} \text { and } \vec{B}=2 \hat{i}-\hat{j}+\hat{k}\) are perpendicular, then find the value of p
Given : \(\vec{A} \text { and } \vec{B}\) are perpendicular
∴ \(\vec{A} \cdot \vec{B}\) = 0
\((2 \hat{i}+2 \hat{j}+p \hat{k}) \cdot(2 \hat{i}-\hat{j}+\hat{k})\) = 0
∴ 2.2 + 2.(-1)+p.(1) = 0
4 – 2 +p = 0
p = – 2.

Question 2.
If vector \(\vec{A}=5 \hat{i}-\hat{j}+k \text { and } \vec{B}=2 \hat{i}-3 \hat{j}-4 \hat{k}\) then find the vector product
\(\vec{A} \times \vec{B}\)
Given :\(\vec{A}=5 \hat{i}-\hat{j}+\hat{k}, \vec{B}=2 \hat{i}-3 \hat{j}-4 \hat{k}\)
∴ \(\overrightarrow{\mathrm{A}} \times \overrightarrow{\mathrm{B}}=\left|\begin{array}{rrr}
\hat{i} & \hat{j} & \hat{k} \\
5 & -1 & 1 \\
2 & -3 & -4
= \(\hat{i}\)[(-1 × -4) – (1 × -3)] –\(\hat{j}\) [(5 × -4)-2 × 1] + \(\hat{k}\) [(5 × -3) – (2 × -1)]
= \(\hat{i}\)[4 + 3] – \(\hat{j}\)[-20-2] + \(\hat{k}\)[-15 +2]
= \(7 \hat{i}+22 \hat{j}-13 \hat{k}\)

Question 3.
When a force \(\vec{F}=3 \hat{i}-4 \hat{j}+9 \hat{k}\) newton is applied on a body so that if get displace by \(\vec{s}=3 \hat{i}+4 \hat{j}+8 \hat{k}\) metre. Find out work done by force ? •
Work done
W = \(\vec{F} \cdot \vec{s}\)
= \((3 \hat{i}-4 \hat{j}+9 \hat{k}) \cdot(3 \hat{i}+4 \hat{j}+8 \hat{k})\) = 3.3 + (-4.4) + 9.8
= 9-16 + 72
W = 65 joule.

Question 4.
The bob of a pendulum is released from a horizontal position .4 as shown in the figure. If the length of the pendulum is 1-5 m, what is the speed with which the bob arrives at the lower most point B, given that it dissipated 5% of its initial energy against air resistance?
At point A, the energy of the pendulum is entirely P.E. At point B, the energy of the pendulum is entirely K.E. It means that as the bob of the pendulum lowers from A to B, P.E. is converted into K.E. Thus, at B, K.E = P.E. But 5% of the P.E. is dissipated against air resistance.
K.E.atB = 95% of A
m = Mass of bob
ν = It speed at B,
h = Height of point A w.r.t. B
= 1.5m.
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 6 Work, Energy and Power 15
∴ From eqn(1),\(\frac{1}{2}\)mν2 = \(\frac{95}{100}\)mgh
ν2 = 2 × \(\frac{95}{100}\)gh = 2 × \(\frac{95}{100}\) × 9.8 × 1.5
ν = \(\sqrt{\frac{19 \times 9 \cdot 8 \times 1 \cdot 5}{10}}=\sqrt{27 \cdot 93}\)
= 5.285ms-1
ν = 5.3ms-1

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 6 Work, Energy and Power

Question 5.
A pump on the ground floor of a building can pump up water to fill a tank
of value 30 m in 15 min. If the tank is 40 m above the ground and the efficiency of the pump is 30% how much electric power is consumed by the pump?
Mass of water to be pumped up,
m = Volume × Density of water ‘
= 30 × 103 = 3 × 104kg
Height of the tank, h =40 m
∴ Work done by the pump to fill the tank,
W= mgh = 3 × 104 × 9.8 × 40 J
= 1.176 × 107 J
Time t =15 minutes = 15 × 60 s = 900 s
∴ Required power, P = \(\frac{W}{t}=\frac{1 \cdot 176 \times 10^{7}}{900}\) = 13.07kW
Efficiency of pump = 30%
Now η% = \(\frac{\text { Output power }}{\text { Input power }}\) × 100
Input power = Power consumed by the pump
= \(\frac{\text { Output power }}{\eta \%}\) × 100
= \(\frac{13 \cdot 07}{30}\) × 100 = 43.55kW
= 43.6kW.

Question 6.
A body constrained to move along Z -axis of a coordinate system is subjected to a constant force \(\vec{F}\) given by
\(\vec{F}=-\hat{i}+2 \hat{j}+3 \hat{k} \mathbf{N}\)
where \(\hat{i}\), \(\hat{j}\) and \(\hat{k}\) are the unit vector along the X, Y and Z -axis of the system respectively. What is the work done by this force in moving the body a distance of 4 m along the Z -axis?
Since, the body is displaced 4 m along Z -axis only
∴ S = \(4 \hat{k}=(0 \hat{i}+0 \hat{j}+4 \hat{k})\)m
Also F = \(-\hat{i}+2 \hat{j}+3 \hat{k}\)
∴ Work done (W) is given by,
W = F.S .
= \((-\hat{i}+2 \hat{j}+3 \hat{k}) \cdot(0 \hat{i}+0 \hat{j}+4 \hat{k})\)
= (-1)× 0 + 2 × 0 + 3 × 4
= 12 J.

Question 7.
A body of mass 0.5 kg travels in a straight line with velocity ν = ax3/2 where
a = 5m-1/2 s-1What is the work done by the net force during its displacement from x = 0 to x= 2 m ?
Here, m = 0.5 kg, ν = ax3/2, a = 5m-1/2 s-1
Let F = net force acting on the body and producing an acceleration a’ in it
∴ F =ma = m\(\frac{d v}{d t}\)
If dW be the work done by F in displacing the body by dx,
Then dW = Fdx = m\(\frac{d v}{d t}\)dx
= mdν.\(\frac{d x}{d t}\) = mdν(ν)
= mνdν …(1)
If W be the total work done in displacing the body from x = 0 to x = 2m, then integrating eqn. (1), we get
W = ∫dW = m∫νdν = m\(\frac{v^{2}}{2}\)
= \(\frac{1}{2} m\left(a x^{\frac{3}{2}}\right)^{2}\) = \(\frac{1}{2}\)m × a2x3
Putting x = 2-0 = 2m,a = 5,m = 0.5, we get
W = \(\frac{1}{2}\) × 0.5 ×(5)2 × (2)3
= \(\frac{1}{2}\) × \(\frac{1}{2}\) × 25 × 8 = 50J

Question 8.
Power of a machine is 2 kilowatt. What will be the work done by it in 5 minute?
Given : P = 2 kilowatt = 2000 watt, t = 5 min = 5 × 60 = 300 sec.
Therefore work done, W = Power × t
or W= P × t
or W = 2000 × 300 = 6 × 105 joule.

Question 9.
What will be the work done to raised a body of mass 10 kg through a height of 10 metre?
Given : m = 10 kg, h = 10 metre, g = 9.8 m/s2
Therefore work done W = Potential energy
or W= mgh
or W=10 × 9.8 × 10
or W= 980joule

Question 10.
The power of pump is 7.5 kilo watt. How much water, per minute will be raised to a height of 25 m ?
Given: P= 7.5 kilo watt = 7.5 × 103watt,g = 10 ms-2
h = 25 m, t = 1 min = 60s.
Now P = \(\frac{\mathrm{W}}{t}=\frac{m g h}{t}\)
m = \(\frac{P \times t}{g h}\)
m = \(\frac{7 \cdot 5 \times 10^{3} \times 60}{10 \times 25}\)
= 1.8 × 103 =1800 kg.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 6 Work, Energy and Power

Question 11.
A body of mass 60 kg is pulled with 20 Newton force to a distance of 8m in 10 second.Calculate the work and power.
Given : Mass m = 60 kg, Force F = 20 N, Distance s = 8m
Time t = 10 sec.
∴ Work = Force × Displacement
= 20 × 8
= 160 joule.
and Power = \(\frac{\text { Work }}{\text { Time }}=\frac{160}{10}\)
= 16 watt

Question 12.
The force constant of a spring is loo Nm. It stretched by a force through
0.5 cm. Calculate the work done by the force.
Given: k = 100 Nm-1 x = 0.5 cm =0.5 × 10-2m.
Now \(\frac{1}{2}\)kx2
= \(\frac{1}{2}\) ×100 ×(0.5 × 10-2)2
= \(\frac{1}{2}\) × 100 × 0.25 ×10-4
= 1.25 × 10-3joule

Question 13.
Energy of an object moving with velocity 10 m/s is 10 joule. Determine the
velocity of the object if the energy becomes 90 joule.
Given: ν1 10 m/s, k1 10 joule, k2 90 joule, ν2 = ?
We know
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 6 Work, Energy and Power 16

Question 14.
14. What will be the work donc to bring a bullet to rest of mass 200 gram moving with velocity of 400 m/s?
Given :m=200gms.=0.2kg, ν = 400m/s
∴ Work done = Change in kinetic energy
= 0 – \(\frac{1}{2}\)mν2 = – \(\frac{1}{2}\)mν2
= \(\frac{1}{2}\) × 0.2 ×(400)2
= -1.6 × 104joule

Question 15.
An athlete jumps 4.9 m high. What is its velocity?
(Given h = 4.9 m, g = 9.8 m/s2)
K.E = P. E
\(\frac{1}{2}\)mv2 = mgh
ν2 = 2gh
ν = \(\sqrt{2 g h}\)
Putting the value, we get
ν = \(\sqrt{2 \times 9 \cdot 8 \times 4 \cdot 9}\)
ν = 9.8 m/s.

Question 16.
Find out force constant of a spring to stretched by a force through 0*1 metre. The change in potential energy to do it is 0.5 joule.
Given : ΔU = \(\frac{1}{2}\) kx2
k = \(\frac{2 \Delta U}{x^{2}}\)
k = \(\frac{2 \times 0.5}{(0-1)^{2}}=\frac{2 \times 5 \times 10 \times 10}{1 \times 1 \times 10}\)
k = 100 newton/metre.

Question 17.
The weight of a man is 80 kg weight and he. lift a weight of 20 kg -weight, and move to roof of house of height 30 metre. Find out the work done to do it?
Given: Weight of the man = 80 kg – wt
Weight of luggage = 2Okg – wt
∴ ForcerequiredF = 80 + 20 = 100kg-wt 100 × 9.8 = 980N.
Displacement d = 30 m
∴ Work done W = F.d
= 980 × 30
= 29400 joule.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 6 Work, Energy and Power

Question 18.
Momentum of 1kg and 4kg masses are equal. Find out ratio of their kinetic energy?
Given m1 = 1 kg, m2= 4 kg
We know k = \(\frac{p^{2}}{2 m}\)
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 6 Work, Energy and Power 17
∴ [ p1 = p2]
\(\frac{k_{1}}{k_{1}}=\frac{4}{1}\) = 4:1

Question 19.
A ball is dropped from a height of 10m. What is the height up to which the ball will rebound if the loss of energy on striking the surface is 40%.
Initial Potential energy of ball = mgh
On striking ground surface its energy get loss by 40% i.e., 60% energy remains.
∴ Kinetic energy after striking surface = \(\frac{60}{100}\)mgh1
If the ball rebound to height h2, then
\(\frac{60}{100}\) × mgh1 = mgh2
h2 = \(\frac{60}{100}\) h1
h2 = \(\frac{60}{100}\) × 10 = 6 metre

Question 20.
An engine of power 25 horse power moves with uniform speed of 9 km/hr. Find out the resistance force acting on it?
Given : P = 25 H.P. = 25 × 746 watt
ν = 9km/hr = \(\frac{9 \times 1000}{3600}\) = 2.5 m/s
Let the resistance force be F .
∴ From P = F.v, we get
25 × 746 =F× 2.5
F = \(\frac{25 \times 746}{2 \cdot 5}\) = 7460 joule

Work, Energy and Power Class 11 Important Questions Objective Type

1. Multiple- choice questions:

Question 1.
Which statement is not true :
(a) Power = Work / Time
(b) Work = Force × Displacement
(c) Work = Energy
(d) Work = Power × Displacement.
(d) Work = Power × Displacement.

Question 2.
A wound spring has stored :
(a) Mechanical kinetic energy
(b) Mechanical potential energy
(c) Electrostatic electrical energy
(d) No energy.
(b) Mechanical potential energy

Question 3.
The unit of energy is :
(a) joule/second
(b) kilowatt
(c) kilowatt hour
(d) joule × second.
(c) kilowatt hour

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 6 Work, Energy and Power

Question 4.
The formula for kinetic energy is:
(a) mν
(b) mν2
(c) \(\frac{1}{2}\) mν2
(d) \(\frac{1}{2}\)m2ν
(c) \(\frac{1}{2}\) mν2

Question 5.
One horse power is equal to :
(a) 74.6 watt
(b) 746 watt
(c) 7460 watt
(d) 550 watt.
(b) 746 watt

Question 6.
If a force F acts produce a velocity v on a body then the power will be :
(a) F × ν
(b) F/ν
(c) F/ν2
(d) Fν2 .
(a) F × ν

Question 7.
When kinetic energy of a lighter and heavier body is same then :
(a) Momentum of heavy body is more
(b) Momentum of heavy body is less
(c) Momentum of both bodies is equal
(d) None of these.
(a) Momentum of heavy body is more

Question 8.
A ball is dropped from 8 cm height, if the collision between ball and surface is perfectly elastic then how much the ball will rebounce :
(a) 8 cm
(b) 1 cm
(c) 5 cm
(d) Zero.
(a) 8 cm

Question 9.
In elastic collision, the following remain conserved :
(a) Linear momentum of each particle
(b) Speed of each particle
(c) Kinetic energy of each particle
(d) Kinetic energy of both particles.
(d) Kinetic energy of both particles.

Question 10.
A buUet get embedded inside a block, kept at a frictionless surface, which remain conserved:
(a) Only momentum
(b) Only kinetic energy
(c) Both momentum and kinetic energy
(d) None of these.
(a) Only momentum

Question 11.
If the velocity of a particle is doubled, then its kinetic energy will be :
(a) Doubled
(b) Four times
(C) Equal
(d) One fourth.
(b) Four times

Question 12.
In inelastic collision, which remain conserved :
(a) Kinetic energy
(b) Momentum
(c) Mass
(d) Impulse.
(b) Momentum

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 6 Work, Energy and Power

Question 13.
Ratio of kinetic energy of two bodies is 4:1, they are moving with same momentum. The ratio of their mass will be :
(a) 1 : 2
(b) 2 : 1
(c) 4 : 1
(d) 1 : 4
(d) 1 : 4

Question 14.
If momentum of an object is ^increased by 50%, then the percentage increase in kinetic energy will be :
(a) 50%
(b) 100%
(c) 125%
(d) 150%.
(c) 125%

Question 15.
Two bodies of same momentum are of masses m and 2m respectively. The ratio of their kinetic energies kx and k2 is.
(a) 1 : 2
(b) 4 : 1
(c) 1 : 4
(d) 2 : 1.
(c) 1 : 4

2. Fill in the blanks:

1. In elastic collision ………………….. remain conserved.
Linear momentum and kinetic energy

2. In inelastic collision ………………….. remain conserved.
Linear momentum

3. S.I. unit of energy is …………………….

4. Dimensional formula of energy and work is ……………………

5. S.I. unit of power is …………………….

6. Dimensional formula of power is ………………….

7. The work done by a force is equal to the change in its …………………….
Kinetic energy

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 6 Work, Energy and Power

8. Work is a ……………… quantity.

9. Water stored in dam have ………………. energy.

10. Capacity of doing work is called ………………………

11. The energy stored in a body due to mechanical work done on it is called …………………
Mechanical energy

12. If velocity of an aeroplane is doubled, then its kinetic energy will become …………………..
Four times

13. According to work energy theorem the work done on a body is equal to change in
its ………………….
Kinetic energy

14. Work done in extending a spring to x length is equal to …………………..
\(\frac{1}{2}\) kx2

15. If vectors \(\overrightarrow{\mathrm{A}} \text { and } \overrightarrow{\mathrm{B}}\) are perpendicular to each other, then their scalar product will be …………………….

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 6 Work, Energy and Power

16. If vectors \(\overrightarrow{\mathrm{A}} \text { and } \overrightarrow{\mathrm{B}}\) are parallel to each other then their vector product will be …………………………
Zero vector.

3. Match the following:

Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
1. Magnitude of gravitational potential energy at surface of earth is (a) Mechanical energy
2. Water stored in dam posses (b) Negative
3. Energy of a free falling body have (c) Zero
4. When the direction of force and displacement are same, then work done by the force will be (d) Potential Energy
5. When a ball is thrown upward then .work done by gravitational force will be (e) Positive.

1. (c) Zero
2. (d) Potential Energy
3. (a) Mechanical energy
4. (e) Positive
5. (b) Negative


Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
1. Unit of spring constant (a) p2 = 2mK
2. Formula for gravitational potential energy is (b) E = mc2
3. Einstein mass-energy equivalence is (c) newton/metre
4. Relation between momentum and kinetic energy of a body (d) 746 watt
5. Magnitude of one horse power is (e) mgh.

1. (c) newton/metre
2. (e) mgh
3. (b) E = mc2
4. (a) p2 = 2mK
5. (d) 746 watt


Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
1. Dynamo (a) Electrical energy into sound energy
2. Electric motor (b) Electrical energy into thermal energy
3. Photoelectric sell (c) Mechanical energy into electrical energy
4. Loudspeaker (d) Electrical energy into mechanical energy
5. Electric heater (e) Light energy into electrical energy.

1. (c) Mechanical energy in to electrical energy
2. (d) Electrical energy into mechanical energy
3. (e) Light energy into electrical energy.
4. (a) Electrical energy into sound energy
5. (b) Electrical energy into thermal energy


Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
1. Glow of electric bulb (a) Transformation of chemical energy into electrical energy.
2. Rubbing palm of hands (b) \(\frac{1}{2}\) mν2
3. Free falling stone (c) Transformation of mechanical energy into thermal energy.
4. Kinetic energy (d) Transformation of potential energy into kinetic energy
5. Cell (e) Trans formation of electrical energy into light energy

1. (e) Trans formation of electrical energy into light energy
2. (c) Transformation of mechanical energy into thermal energy
3. (d) Transformation of potential energy into kinetic energy
4. (b) \(\frac{1}{2}\) mν2
5. (a) Transformation of chemical energy into electrical energy

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 6 Work, Energy and Power

4. Write true or false:

1. Potential energy of a bubble increases when it raise upward inside a water.

2. If the momentum of a lighter body and heavier body are same, then kinetic energy of lighter body will be more.

3. The work done in winding the spring of watch is stored in it in the form of potential energy.

4. Work done by resisting force of air on an oscillating bob is negative.

5. In nuclear reaction masses get converted into energy.

6. Principle of hydrogen bomb is based on nuclear fission.

7. In elastic collision between two bodies, their momentum and kinetic energy re-mains conserved.

8. The sum of kinetic energy and potential energy of all the particles of a body is called its internal energy.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 6 Work, Energy and Power

9. One kilowatt hour = 3.6 × 108 joule.

10. If the displacement of a body is zero on applying a force on it, then work done on it is positive.

11. Work done to extend a spring is stored in it as elastic potential energy.

12. A bullet on striking on a wooden plank get embedded in it the collision will be
elastic collision.

13. Kinetic energy is always positive.

14. In inelastic collision loss in kinetic energy is in the form of heat, light energy and sound.

15. When a force of 1 newton is applied on a body so that it get displace by 1 metre in direction of force, then the work done will be 1 joule.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 12 Thermodynamics

Students get through the MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 12 Thermodynamics which are most likely to be asked in the exam.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 12 Thermodynamics

Thermodynamics Class 11 Important Questions Very Short Answer Type

Question 1.
What do you mean by thermodynamical system?
A thermodynamical system is an assembly of the large number of particles (atoms or molecules).

Question 2.
Explain the meaning of thermodynamical variables.
It is the parameter which describe equilibrium state of the system.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 12 Thermodynamics

Question 3.
What do you mean by equation of state?
Relation between thermodynamical variables which describe the thermodynamical state of a system is known as equation of state.

Question 4.
What do you understand by positive and negative work?
Work done by the system is said to be positive work and work done upon the system is said to be negative work.

Question 5.
Among internal energy and work, which depends on path and which doesn’t depend upon the path?
Work depends upon the path and internal energy does not depend upon the path.

Question 6.
State first law of thermodynamics.
First law of thermodynamics: If a system is capable of doing an external work, the net amount of heat energy given to the system is equal to the sum of the energy spent in doing work (by the system) and the increase in internal energy of the system.

If the amount of heat absorbed by a thermodynamic system is ΔQ and due to it the work done by the system is ΔW and increase in the internal energy is ΔU, then
ΔQ = ΔW +ΔU.

Question 7.
What do you understand by reversible process? Give examples.
The process which can be retraced in a reverse path so that the system under consideration passes through the same states as in the direct process with reversed effect is known as a reversible process.


  •  When a certain amount of heat is given to ice, it changes to water. If the same amount of heat is taken from the water thus formed, the water changes to ice. This is a reversible.
  • Peltier effect is a reversible process because on passing the electric current in the thermocouple, the heat produced at any junction is the same as heat absorbed at that junction on reversing the direction of current.
  • Slow compression and expansion of a gas are reversible process.

Question 8.
Give difference between reversible and irreversible processes.
Difference between Reversible and Irreversible process :

Reversible process Irreversible process
1. This process can be retraced in reverse direction.
2. The system returns to its initial state after passing through various states.
1. This process cannot be retraced in reverse direction.
2. The system does not return to its initial state.

Question 9.
What is cyclic process?
If a system undergoes changes of state through a number of stages and finally acquires the original state, the process is known as cyclic process. In a cyclic process, the internal energy of the system remains unchanged, i.e., ΔU = 0.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 12 Thermodynamics

Question 10.
What is isothermal process?
The process in which the temperature remains constant and pressure and volume changes, then the process is called isothermal process i.e., ΔT = 0.
Example: The boiling water at the boiling point and melting solid at melting point.

Question 11.
What is adiabatic process?
The process in which temperature, volume and pressure may change but amount of heat of the system remains constant is called adiabatic processes., ΔQ = 0.
Example: A bottle filled with CO2 at high pressure opened suddenly, bursting of cycle tube.

Question 12.
What do you mean by internal energy? On what factors does the internal energy of a gas depend?
Internal energy: The total kinetic energy and potential energy of the molecules of a gas is called internal energy of a substance.
The internal energy of a gas depends upon the temperature and the force of attraction between the molecules.

Question 13.
Define mechanical equivalent of heat and write its C.G.S. and M.K.S. units.
Work done to obtain one calorie heat is known as mechanical equivalent of heat. Its C.G.S. unit is erg./calorie and M.K.S. unit is joule/calorie.

Question 14.
State first law of thermodynamics.
First law of thermodynamics: If a system is capable of doing an external work, the net amount of heat energy given to the system is equal to the sum of the energy spent in doing work (by the system) and the increase in internal energy of the system.

Question 15.
Will the temperature of a room decrease, if fan works in a closed room?
No, the temperature of the room will increase, because the kinetic energy and hence the internal energy Of gas molecules increases.

Question 16.
Distinguish Between isothermal and adiabatic process.
Difference between Isothermal and Adiabatic process:

Isothermal process Adiabatic process
1. In this process the temperature remains constant. 1. In this process the amount of heat of a system remains constant.
2. The internal energy of a gas remain constant. 2. The internal energy does not remain constant.
3. It is a slow process. 3. It is a fast process.
4. The heat is exchanged with atmosphere. 4. The heat is not exchanged with atmosphere.

Question 17.
Cooling is possible in adiabatic expansion. Why?
When a gas suddenly expands at high pressure it becomes cold. Why?
When in adiabatic expansion work is done then internal energy of the system reduces. Hence, its temperature decreases which gives cooling effect.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 12 Thermodynamics

Question 18.
When the valve of cycle tube is removed, the air coming out becomes cold. Why?
The pressure inside the cycle tube is greater than the atmospheric pressure. When the valve is removed the air rushes out and expand suddenly. Therefore work is done by the gas hence its temperature decreases.

Question 19.
When a bullet strikes a target, the temperature of the target increases, why?
The kinetic energy of the bullet changes into heat and hence the temperature of the target increases.

Question 20.
A thermos flask is filled with water. It is shaken for some time. Does the temperature of water increase? Give reason.
The work done in shaking the water, will change into heat thus its temperature will increase.

Question 21.
In a cycle pump when the piston is rapidly brought down the pump get heated. Why?
This is because, some amount of work done in pumping get converted into heat. If the piston is rapidly brought down, there is no time to exchange the heat from piston to surrounding, so the pump get heated.

Question 22.
A hot piece of iron is dipped in a bucket filled with cold water. Will its internal energy be increased? Would there be some work by iron piece?
The internal energy of water will be increased, because of transfer of heat from iron to water. There will be no work done by the iron piece.

Question 23.
When we rub our hands, then the temperature increases to a certain value. Why?
While rubbing out the hands together, the work is converted to heat, as a result temperature increases a certain value. But after that, the increase in heat goes in the atmosphere and hence the temperature remains constant.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 12 Thermodynamics

Question 24.
What is isobaric process?
The thermodynamical process in which pressure of the system remains constant is called isobaric process. For isobaric process \(\frac{V}{T} \) = constant or V∝T.

Question 25.
What is isochoric process? What will be the work done in the process?
The thermodynamical process in which the volume of the system remains constant is called isochoric process. In this process work done will be zero because there is no change in the volume of gaseous system.

Question 26.
Does any change occur in the internal energy of an ideal gas during the isothermal change? Give reason.
During isothermal process there is no change in the internal energy of ideal gas. Because the total kinetic energy of ideal gas is due to its kinetic energy which depends on the temperature of gas. In the isothermal process the temperature remains constant. So, there is no change in internal energy of gas.

Question 27.
Is there any change in the internal energy of a gas in adiabatic process? Why? ‘
Yes, in adiabatic process the internal energy of gas is changed. For adiabatic process dQ = 0 hence by first law of thermodynamics
dQ = dU + dW
or 0 = dU+dW
or dU =-dW
Thus, the amount of work done by the gas be equal to decrease in its internal energy.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 12 Thermodynamics

Question 28.
Can two isothermal curves intersect each other?
No, if they intersect each other, then at the point of intersection for a value of pressure P and volume F, there will be two temperature value. But it is not possible.

Question 29.
The air in atmosphere gets cooled on rising up. Why?
At higher altitudes, the atmospheric pressure is less. Hence, the air expands adiabatically on rising up. So, it get cooled due to decrease in its internal energy.

Question 30.
What is irreversible process? Give examples.
Processes which are not reversible are called irreversible process. In the other words, an irreversible process cannot be retraced in reverse direction so as to pass through the same states as in the direct process.
Examples :

  • Work done against the friction is an irreversible because on changing the direction of motion work has to be done again, against the friction.
  • Rusting of iron is an irreversible process.
  • On passing the electric current through a resistance wire, heat is produced. This is also an irreversible process because on reversing the direction of current, heat is again produced.

Question 31.
When the efficiency of Carnot engine is 100%? Is it possible?
Efficiency of Carnot cycle is η = 1 – \(\frac{T_{2}}{T_{1}} \)
If T2 = 0, then η= 1.
Hence, the temperature of sink should be 0K, which is not possible. Hence, the efficiency cannot be 100 %.

Question 32.
What do you mean by heat engine?
A cyclic device which can convert heat energy into mechanical work is called a heat engine.
There are three main parts of a heat engine :

  1. Heat source,
  2. Sink,
  3. Working substance.

Question 33.
Define the efficiency of heat engine.
In each cycle the ratio of useful work done and the amount heat absorbed by the working substance in a complete cycle is called efficiency of heat engine, i.e.,
η=\(\frac{\text { Useful work done }}{\text{ Heat absorbed }}\)
η = \(\frac{W}{Q_{1}} \)
Where, W is the net work done and Q1 is the heat absorbed from source.

Question 34.
Carnot engine is not practical. Why?
The Carnot engine is an ideal engine which is not possible in practice, because :

  • The walls of cylinder and piston cannot be perfectly insulator.
  • It is supposed that thermal capacity of source and sink are infinite which is not possible.
  • Compression and expansion in isothermal condition for reversible process in Carnot cycle is not ideal conditions.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 12 Thermodynamics

Question 35.
Write the name of working substance in internal combustion engine and external combustion engine.
Air is the working substance in internal combustion engine and vapour in external combustion engine.

Question 36.
Write the name of working substance used in Carnot engine.
The working substance used in Carnot engine is ideal gas.

Question 37.
What is critical temperature?
The critical temperature of a gas is the maximum temperature up to which the gas can be liquefied by the pressure-volume variation.

Question 38.
Write the critical temperature of water.
The critical temperature of water is 374.1°C.

Question 39.
What is critical temperature of carbon dioxide?
The critical temperature of carbon dioxide 31.4°C.

Question 40.
Explain why air pressure in a car tyre increases during driving? (NCERT)
The temperature of tyre and hence of the air inside it increases during driving, due to friction between the tyres and road. Now the volume of the tyre remains unchanged practically. So according of Charle’s law
(P∝T), due to increases in temperature, the air pressure inside the tyre increases.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 12 Thermodynamics

Question 41.
The coolant in a chemical on a nuclear plant (i.e., liquid used to prevent the different parts of a plant from getting too hot) should have high specific heat. Explain. (NCERT)
The functions of the coolant in a chemical or nuclear plant is to absorb the heat produced and hence to prevent its different parts from getting too hot. It has high specific heat. The heat absorbed by a substance is directly proportional to the specific heat of the substance. Thus higher the value of specific heat, more will be the heat absorbed by the coolant for the same rise of temperature and hence the plant is protected from overheating.

Question 42.
Two bodies at different temperature T1 and T2 if brought in thermal contact don’t necessarily settle to the mean temperature (T1+ T2)/2. Explain. (NCERT)
This is because the two bodies may have different masses and different specific heats. In thermal contacts, heat flows form the body at higher temperature to the body at lower temperature till temperature of the two become equal. The final temperature can be the mean temperature i.e.,\(\frac{T_{1}+T_{2}}{2}\)
only when the thermal capacities of two bodies are equal.

Thermodynamics Class 11 Important Questions Short Answer Type 

Question 1.
Calculate work done by the gas in the expansion against the external pressure.
As shown in fig. a gas-filled in a cylinder fitted with a piston, at pressure P. The area of cross section of cylinder is A. The force exerted by piston on the gas is
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 12 Thermodynamics 1
F = P×A
If the gas is expanded by reducing the weight, then displacement of piston is Δx.
Hence, the work done by gas on the small displacement Δ x be:
ΔW = Force x Displacement
=F. Δx
ΔW = PA.Δx = P.ΔV
If at pressure P the volume of gas changes from V1 to V2, then work done by
W = \(\sum_{V_{1}}^{V_{2}}\)P. ΔV = \(\int_{1}^{V_{2}}\) PdV
This is expression of work done.

Question 2.
What is first law of thermodynamics? Explain the following on the basis of this law : (i) Isothermal process, (ii) Adiabatic process.
First law of thermodynamics: First law of thermodynamics: If a system is capable of doing an external work, the net amount of heat energy given to the system is equal to the sum of the energy spent in doing work (by the system) and the increase in internal energy of the system.

(i) Isothermal process: In the isothermal process the temperature of the system remains constant, hence the internal energy of the system will not change.
∴ ΔU = 0
ΔQ = ΔW + ΔU, (first law of thermodynamics)
∴ΔQ = ΔW
Hence, the amount of heat given to system, in isothermal process, is equal to the total work done,

(ii) Adiabatic process: In this process the amount of heat of a system does not change.
∴ΔQ = 0
ΔQ = ΔW + ΔU
0 = ΔW+ ΔU
Hence, work done by the system is equal to the decrease of internal energy.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 12 Thermodynamics

Question 3.
What is the first law of thermodynamics? Explain the cyclic process.
First law of thermodynamics: If a system is capable of doing an external work, the net amount of heat energy given to the system is equal to the sum of the energy spent in doing work (by the system) and the increase in internal energy of the system.

Let ΔQ heat is given to a system so that ΔW work is done by the system and its internal energy increases by ΔU.
∴ ΔQ = ΔW + ΔU
Now, in cyclic process, there will be no change in internal energy.
∴ ΔU = 0
From first law of thermodynamics,
ΔQ = ΔW + ΔU
Thus, the heat given to a system in cyclic process is equal to the work done by the system.

Question 4.
Two cylinders A and B of equal capacity are connected to each other via a stopcock. A contains a gas at standard temperature and pressure. B is completely evacuated. The entire system is thermally insulated. The stopcock is suddenly opened. Answer the following:
(a) What is finally pressure of the gas in A and B?
(b) What is the change in internal energy of the gas?
(c) What is the change in temperature of the gas?
(d) Do the intermediate states of the system (before settling to the final equilibrium state) lie on its P- V-T Surface? (NCERT)
(a) As the initial and final temperature remain the same. When the stopcock is suddenly opened, the volume available to the gas at 1-atmosphere pressure will become two times. Thus pressure will decrease t.o one-half i.e., 0.5 atmospheres. i.e., ” P2V2=P1V2
Here P2 = 1 atm
∴ V1= V
V2 = 2V
P2 = ?
P2 = \(\frac{P_{1} V_{1}}{V_{2}} \) = \(\frac{1 \times V}{2 V}\)
= 0.5 atm

(b) Zero. This is because no work is done on/by the gas, thus there will be no change in the internal energy of the gas under constant temperature conditions.

(c) If the gas is assumed to be ideal, then there is no change in the temperature of the gas it does not work in expansion i.e., ΔT = 0.

(d) No, since the process (called free expansion) is rapid and cannot be controlled. The intermediate states of the system (gas here) are non-equilibrium states and don’t satisfy the gas equation so it does not lie on the P-V-T surface. In due course, the gas does return to an equilibrium state which lies on its P-V-T surface.

Question 5.
Determine the expression for the work done by the gas in isothermal process.
Consider a fixed mass of a gas which is pressurized from above by a piston. The gas exerts a pressure P and occupies a volume V.
Now, the work done against the pressure for small change in volume dV is
dW=P.dV …(1)
If the volume of gas becomes V2 from V1 under isothermal changes, then
W=\(\int_{v_{1}}^{v_{2}} \) P.dV …… (2)
Now, we have by gas equation PV = RT, (for 1 mole)
P= \(\frac{R T}{V} \)
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 12 Thermodynamics 2
Putting the value of P in eqn. (2), we get
W = \(\int_{v_{1}}^{v_{2}} \) \(\frac{R T}{V} \).dV = RT \(\int_{v_{1}}^{v_{2}} \frac{d V}{V} \)
W = RT loge\(\frac{V_{2}}{V_{1}} \)
= RT 2.3026 log10 \(\frac{V_{2}}{V_{1}} \)
= 2.3026 RT . log10 \(\frac{V_{2}}{V_{1}} \) …….. (3)
P1V1 = P2V2
\(\frac{P_{1}}{P_{2}}\) =\(\frac{V_{2}}{V_{1}} \)
Putting the value of \(\frac{V_{2}}{V_{1}} \) in eqn. (3), we get
W =2.30267RT.log10\(\frac{P_{1}}{P_{2}}\)
If the number of moles is n, then
W = 2.3026nRT. log10 \(\frac{P_{1}}{P_{2}}\).

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 12 Thermodynamics

Question 6.
Derive the expression for the work done by a gas in adiabatic process.
Answer: Let 1 mole of an ideal gas undergoes an adiabatic change. Its initial volume is V1 and final volume is V2.
∴ Work done, W = \(\int_{V_{1}}^{v_{2}}\) P.dV
Equation for adiabatic process is
PVγ  = a constant = K.
P = \(\frac{K}{V^{\gamma}}\)
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 12 Thermodynamics 3

Question 7.
What do you mean by isobaric process and isochoric process? Write equation of states.
The thermodynamical process in which pressure of the system remains constant is called isobaric process. For isobaric process \(\frac{V}{T} \) = constant or V∝T.
The thermodynamical process in which the volume of the system remains constant is called isochoric process. In this process work done will be zero because there is no change in the volume of gaseous system.
Equation of state : (i) Isobaric process = \(\frac{\mathrm{V}}{\mathrm{T}} \) = constant (V ∝ T).

Question 8.
What Is a heat engine? Describe its main parts, explain Its principle and obtain the formula of its efficiency.
Heat engine: It is a cyclic device which convert heat energy into mechanical work continuously. Theoretically, there are three main parts of a heat engine which are given below:

  1. Heat source: It is a reservoir at high temperature and of infinite thermal capacity i.e., any amount of heat can be taken from it without changing its temperature.
  2. Sink: It is also a reservoir of infinite heat capacity at low temperature. There is no change in its temperature if heat is continuously given to it.
  3. Working substance: It is a system which absorb some heat is coverted into mechanical work and remaining heat is given to sink. After that is comes in its initial state and thus a cycle is completed.

Efficiency of heat engine: The working of heat engine for a complete cycle is shown in fig.
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 12 Thermodynamics 4

Let in a cycle the working substance absorb Q1 amount of heat from the source and it gives Q2 amount of heat to sink. Obviously, the heat (Q1 – Q2) is used to do mechanical work by the working substance. If there is no loss of heat, then by the law of conservation of energy.
w = Q1– Q2
The efficiency of a heat engine is defined as the ratio of amount of external mechanical work done by the engine, to the amount of heat absorbed in each cycle. It is denoted by η i.e.,
η = \(\frac{\text { External mechanical work }}{\text { Heat absorbed }} \) = \(\frac{W}{Q_{1}} \)
η = \(\frac{Q_{1}-Q_{2}}{Q_{2}} \) = 1 = \(\frac{Q_{2}}{Q_{1}}\)
This is formula of efficiency of heat engine.

Question 9.
Write down differences between isothermal and adiabatic process.
Differences between Isothermal and Adiabatic Expansion

Isothermal process Adiabatic process
1. In this process, the temperature of the system remains constant. In this process the heat of the system remains constant.
2. Internal energy of gaseous system re-main constant hence ΔU = 0. In this process Δθ = 0 hence ΔU = – Δ W.
3. In this process the system obeys Boyle’s law PV=K. In this process, the system obeys Adiabatic PVγ = K.
4. This process is a slow process. This process is a fast process.

Question 10.
What is isochoric process? Explain it by first law of thermodynamics. Draw its indicator diagram.
A thermodynamic process, in which during the process, the volume of system remains constant is called isochoric process.
The work done in this process is
dW=PdV = P x 0 = 0
By the first law of thermodynamics:
dQ = dU + dW
or dQ = dU + 0 = dU
Thus, in isochoric process the net amount of heat given to a system is utilized to increase the internal energy of the system. The indicator diagram of isochoric process of shown in fig.
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 12 Thermodynamics 5

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 12 Thermodynamics

Question 11.
What is isobaric process? Draw its P-V indicator diagram and explain it on the basis of first law of thermodynamics.
A thermodynamic process in which during the process, the pressure of the system remains constant is called isobaric process.
The evaporization of water in the boiler of steam engine is its example.
The work done in this process be
dW = P(V2 – V1,)
By the first law of thermodynamics,
dQ = dU+dW
dQ = dU + P(V2 – V1)
dU = dQ- P(V2 -V1)
With the help of this formula, the change in internal energy of a system in isobaric process can be calculated. Its P-V indicator diagram is shown in fig.
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 12 Thermodynamics 6

Question 12.
What is Carnot’s engine? Describe its different parts.
What is heat engine? Describe its different parts with diagram and working.
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 12 Thermodynamics 7
Sadi Carnot in 1824, conceived an ideal heat engine which is not possible to realize in practice but its efficiency in maximum. This engine is called Carnot reversible engine. The plan of Carnot reversible engine is shown in figure.

Carnot engine consists of following main parts :
(i) Source of heat: It is a hot body maintained at a constant high temperature T1K. It has infinite heat capacity. Whatsoever be the amount of heat taken from it, its temperature T1 remains constant..

(ii) Sink: It is a body maintained at a constant low temperature T2K where T2 < T1. It also has infinite heat capacity. Whatsoever be the amount of heat given to it, its temperature T2 remains constant.

(iii) Cylinder and piston: There is a cylinder with perfectly non-conducting walls but with a perfectly conducting base. This cylinder is fitted with perfectly non-conducting piston which has a frictionless movement.

(iv) Perfectly insulating platform: It is a perfectly non-conducting platform. It serves as a stand for the cylinder.

(v) Working substance: The ideal gas acts as a working substance. It is enclosed in the cylinder.

Question 13.
Carnot engine is not practical. Why?
The Carnot engine is an ideal engine which is not possible in practice, because :

  • The walls of cylinder and piston cannot be perfectly insulator.
  • It is supposed that thermal capacity of source and sink are infinite which is not possible.
  • Compression and expansion in isothermal condition for reversible process in Carnot cycle is not ideal conditions.

Question 14.
What do you mean by internal energy ?
Internal energy: The total kinetic energy and potential energy of the molecules of a gas is called internal energy of a substance.
The internal energy of a gas depends upon the temperature and the force of attraction between the molecules.

Question 15.
Can the efficiency of Carnot engine be 100%. Explain with reason.
Efficiency of Carnot cycle is η = 1 – \(\frac{T_{2}}{T_{1}} \)
If T2 = 0, then η= 1.
Hence, the temperature of sink should be 0K, which is not possible. Hence, the efficiency cannot be 100 %.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 12 Thermodynamics

Question 16.
What is principle of an ideal Carnot’s engine? Describe the working of the different parts of this engine.
The efficiency of a Carnot engine is equal to the ratio of the useful work done by the engine to the heat energy absorbed by it. Thus, the efficiency of a Carnot engine, i.e.,
η = \(\frac{\text { Useful work done }}{\text { Heat energy absorbed }} \)
If the working substance (ideal gas) takes in heat energy Q1 at T1 from the source and gives up heat energy Q2 at T2 to the sink, then Useful work done by the engine = Q1 – Q2
∴ The efficiency of Carnot engine,
η = \(\frac{Q_{1}-Q_{2}}{Q_{1}}\)
η = 1 – \(\frac{Q_{2}}{Q_{1}} \) ……… (1)

On the basis of mathematical treatment, it can be proved that the ratio of heat rejected to the heat absorbed is equal to the ratio of the temperatures of the sink and the source, i.e.,
\(\frac{Q_{2}}{Q_{1}} \) = \(\frac{T_{2}}{T_{1}}\)
Putting this value in eqn. (1), we get
η = 1 – \(\frac{T_{2}}{T_{1}}\)

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 12 Thermodynamics 7
Sadi Carnot in 1824, conceived an ideal heat engine which is not possible to realize in practice but its efficiency in maximum. This engine is called Carnot reversible engine. The plan of Carnot reversible engine is shown in figure.

Carnot engine consists of following main parts :
(i) Source of heat: It is a hot body maintained at a constant high-temperature T1K. It has infinite heat capacity. Whatsoever be the amount of heat taken from it, its temperature T1 remains constant..

(ii) Sink: It is a body maintained at a constant low temperature T2K where T2 < T1. It also has infinite heat capacity. Whatsoever be the amount of heat given to it, its temperature T2 remains constant.

(iii) Cylinder and piston: There is a cylinder with perfectly non-conducting walls but with a perfectly conducting base. This cylinder is fitted with perfectly non-conducting piston which has a frictionless movement.

(iv) Perfectly insulating platform: It is a perfectly non-conducting platform. It serves as a stand for the cylinder.

(v) Working substance: The ideal gas acts as a working substance. It is enclosed in the cylinder.

Question 17.
State second law of thermodynamics and explain its importance.
Second law of thermodynamics: The first law of thermodynamics shows an equivalence between heat and mechanical energy but it does not say anything about the direction in which the energy change takes place.

We know that heat always flows from a body at higher temperature to a body at lower temperature but heat does not flow from a body at lower temperature to a body at higher temperature. Why? Why is the efficiency of a heat engine less than 1? When the water in a beaker is stirred with a chum, it gets heated. But on putting a chum in the hot water placed in a beaker, no mechanical work is obtained. Why ? These questions can be replied with the help of second law of thermodynamics.

The following are the important statements of second law of thermodynamics :
(i) Clausius statement: It is impossible for a self-acting machine, unaided by any external source, to transfer heat from a body at lower temperature to a body at higher temperature, It is clear from this statement that heat can never flow from a body at lower temperature to a body at higher temperature until the work is done on it by external source.

This statement agrees with the experiences in other branches of physics, e.g., the electric current does never flow from a conductor at lower potential to a conductor at higher potential until the external work is done on it. Similarly a body cannot reach from the lower surface to the higher surface until the work is done on it by external source.

(ii) Kelvin statement: It is impossible to derive a continuous supply of work by cooling a body to a temperature lower than of the coldest of the surroundings. In Carnot engine, if the temperatures of the source and sink are same then engine will not operate because if the engine operates, work will be done and the source will cool down below the temperature of the surroundings.

(iii) Kelvin-Planck statement: It is impossible to construct a machine, operating in a cycle, which converts all the heat taken from the source into work completely. It is clear from this statement that in heat engine, the working substance can never convert all of the heat absorbed from the source into work.

It is essential to reject some of the heat to the sink. The present of both, the source and the sink, is a must for the conversion of heat into work. Since all of the heat does not convert into work, the efficiency of the engine is always less than one.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 12 Thermodynamics

Question 18.
Explain the principle of refrigeration.
What is refrigerator? Explain the principle of an ideal refrigerator and define its coefficient of performance. Write its formula related to efficiency.
Principle of refrigeration: We know that in heat engine, the working substance absorbs some heat from the source, converts a part of it into work and rejects the remaining part of it to the sink. In practice, its reverse is also possible i.e., such a device can be used in which the working substance absorbs some heat from the sink at low temperature, has some work done on it and rejects a large amount of heat to the source at high temperature. This device is called a ‘refrigerator’ and the working substance is called a ‘refrigerant’.

The device which transfers the heat from the body at low temperature to the body at high temperature, is called refrigerator.
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 12 Thermodynamics 8

A refrigerator consists of following main parts :

  • Source: It is a body of infinite heat capacity which has a large and fixed temperature.
  • Sink: Its temperature is less than the temperature of the source.
  • Working substance: Ordinarily, the liquid (ammonia or freon) is used as working substance which undergoes the cyclic change. The working substance is called coolant.

Let the working substance absorbs an amount of heat Q2 from the sink, work W is done on it and rejects the heat Q1 to the source.
Since the working substance comes back to its initial state after each cycle, there is no change in its internal energy. From first law of thermodynamics, Q2 – Q1= – W
Minus sign indicates that the work is done on the substance.
∴ Q1= Q2 + W .
It is clear from the above equation, to transfer the heat from the source to the sink, work must be done on the working substance.

Thermodynamics Class 11 Important Questions Long Answer Type

Question 1.
State first law of thermodynamics and on the basis of this law proves Cp – Cv =R.
Prove Mayer’s relation Cp– Cv = R.
Establish a relationship between the specific heat of a gas at constant pressure and at constant volume.
First law of thermodynamics: If a system is capable of doing an external work, the net amount of heat energy given to the system is equal to the sum of the energy spent in doing work (by the system) and the increase in internal energy of the system.

Relation between Cp and Cv: Let one mole of an ideal gas be given an amount of heat ΔQ at constant volume so that its temperature increases by ΔT.
∴ Δ Q = 1. Cv.ΔT, (∵ ΔQ = mSΔT)
ΔQ = Cv.ΔT …(1)
Since, the volume of the gas remains constant therefore no external work is done by the gas.
∴ ΔW=0

From first law of thermodynamics, we have
ΔQ = 0 + ΔU
ΔQ = ΔU …(2)
From eqns. (1) and (2), we get
ΔU = Cv.ΔT …(3)

Let one mole of an ideal gas be given an amount of heat AQ at constant pressure so that its temperature increases by Δ T.
ΔQ = 1.Cp.ΔT …(4)
If ΔV be the increase in volume of the gas at constant pressure P, then the work done by the gas
ΔW = P.ΔT,
[∵ Work = Force × Distance =\(\frac{\text { Force }}{\text { Area }} \) × Volume = Pressure × Volume]

Now, from first law of thermodynamics,
ΔQ = PΔV + ΔU …(5)
From eqns. (4) and (5), we get
Putting the value of A U from eqn. (3),
we get PΔV+CvΔT=CpΔT
(Cp– Cv)ΔT=PΔV …(6)
The ideal gas equation is given by
PΔV=RΔT, (∵ P is constant)

Putting the value of PΔV Fin eqn. (6),
we get (Cp– Cv)ΔT=RΔT
Cp– Cv= R
Which is the required relation.

Question 2.
Draw the graph of Carnot cycle and explain each process.
The graph of Carnot cycle is shown in the figure. The change are as follows :
(i) Isothermal expansion: Let 1 gm mol of working ideal gas is filled in cylinder at temperature (T1K). Its pressure is P1 and volume is V1. This position is shown by point A in the graph.
Now, suppose the cylinder is kept on source (at T1K) and allowed a slow expansion. Since, the base of the cylinder is perfectly conducting, therefore its temperature will remain constant during the expansion.

Thus, the expansion will be isothermal. The change is shown by AB curve in the figure. Now, the pressure and volume of gas become P2 and V2 respectively at point B. In this process, work done by the gas W1 is equal to the amount of heat absorbed Q1.

(ii) Adiabatic expansion: Now, the cylinder is removed from the source and kept on a perfectly non-conducting platform and gas is allowed for adiabatic expansion slowly, shown by BC curve. Now, the temperature falls to T2K. The corresponding pres¬sure and volume are P3 and V3 respectively of the point C.
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 12 Thermodynamics 9
(iii) Isothermal compression: Now, the cylinder is kept on sink (at T2K) and the gas is compressed slowly so that the pressure and volume become P4 and VA respectively under constant temperature. The CD portion of the curve shows the change. In this process, the heat produced is given to sink. In this process, the work done W3 on gas, is equal to the amount of heat Q2, given to sink.

(iv) Adiabatic compression: At the end, the cylinder is again kept on the non-con-ducting base and piston is compressed slowly so that the gas reached to its initial position A, at the temperature T1K, the pressure is P1 and the volume V1. Thus, the working gas is ready to work again.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 12 Thermodynamics

Question 3.
Describe the different parts of Carnot’s engine and draw the graph of Carnot’s cycle and calculate its efficiency. Can it be achieved in practice, if not then why?
Prove that the efficiency of Carnot’s engine is given by the expression η =1 – \(\frac{T_{2}}{T_{1}}\)
where symbols have their usual meanings.
Describe Carnot’s engine under the following heads :
(i) Main parts, (ii) Carnot’s cycle, (iii) Formula of efficiency, (iv) Non- practicability.
Description of different parts of Carnot’s engine:

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 12 Thermodynamics 7
Sadi Carnot in 1824, conceived an ideal heat engine which is not possible to realize in practice but its efficiency in maximum. This engine is called Carnot reversible engine. The plan of Carnot reversible engine is shown in figure.

Carnot engine consists of following main parts :
(i) Source of heat: It is a hot body maintained at a constant high-temperature T1K. It has infinite heat capacity. Whatsoever be the amount of heat taken from it, its temperature T1 remains constant..

(ii) Sink: It is a body maintained at a constant low temperature T2K where T2 < T1. It also has infinite heat capacity. Whatsoever be the amount of heat given to it, its temperature T2 remains constant.

(iii) Cylinder and piston: There is a cylinder with perfectly non-conducting walls but with a perfectly conducting base. This cylinder is fitted with perfectly non-conducting piston which has a frictionless movement.

(iv) Perfectly insulating platform: It is a perfectly non-conducting platform. It serves as a stand for the cylinder.

(v) Working substance: The ideal gas acts as a working substance. It is enclosed in the cylinder.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 12 Thermodynamics 9
Efficiency of Carnot’s engine : It is defined by the ratio of useful work and the heat absorbed. ,
∴ η = \(\frac{\text { Useful work }}{\text { Heat absorbed }} \)
(i) In isothermal expansion the work done is equal to the amount of heat absorbed by source
∴ w1=Q1 = RT1 loge \(\frac{V_{2}}{V_{1}}\) = Area ABba A
(ii) In adiabatic expansion, the work done is given by
W2 = \(\frac{R}{\gamma-1} \) (T1– T2) = AreaBCcbB
(iii) In isothermal compression the work done is equal to the heat ejected into the sink
W3 = Q2
= RT2 loge\(\frac{V_{3}}{V_{4}} \) = AreaDCdcC
(iv) in adiabatic compression the work done by ideal gas,
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 12 Thermodynamics 10
Now, efficiency of Carnot’s engine,
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 12 Thermodynamics 11
∵ B and C are on the same adiabatic curve.
∴T1 V2γ-1 = T2 V4γ-1
\(\frac{T_{1}}{T_{2}}\) = \(\left(\frac{V_{3}}{V_{2}}\right)^{\gamma-1}\)
Similarly, A and D are on same adiabatic curve.
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 12 Thermodynamics 12
\(\frac{\log _{e} \frac{V_{3}}{V_{4}}}{\log _{e} \frac{V_{2}}{V_{1}}} \) = 1
From eqn. (1), we get
η = 1- \(\frac{T_{2}}{T_{1}}\) ……… (2)

Impracticability of Carnot engine: Carnot engine is an ideal engine which is not practicable. The reasons for this are following:

  • In Camot engine, it is assumed that the walls of the cylinder are perfectly non conducting and movement of piston is frictionless. This is only an ideal imagination.
  • It is assumed that the thermal capacity of source and sink is infinite which is impracticable.
  • The process of compression and expansion takes place very slowly so that Carnot cycle remains reversible. In practice, it is not possible to achieve this ideal state.

Thermodynamics Class 11 Important Numerical Questions

Question 1.
What amount of heat must be supplied to 20× 10-2 kg of nitrogen (at room temperature) to raise its temperature by 45°C at constant pressure ? (Molecular mass of N2 = 28; R = 8.3 J mor-1 K-1.) (NCERT)
Given: Mass of gas M = 2.0 × 10-2 kg
= 2.0×10-2x103g=20g
Increase in temperature ΔT = 45°C
Molecular weight of N2, m = 28g
Number of moles n = \(\frac{M}{m}\) = \(\frac{20}{28} \) = 0.714
N2 is diatomic gas therefore specific heat at constant press
Cp = \(\frac{7}{2} \) R= \(\frac{7}{2} \) × 8.31 mol-1 k -1 = 934 J.

Question 2.
In changing the state of a gas adiabatically from an equilibrium state A to another equilibrium state B. An amount of work equal to 22.3 J Is done on the system.
If the gas is taken from state A to B ‘via a process in which the net heat absorbed by the system is 9.35 cal, how much Is the net work done by the system in the latter case? (Take 1 caI=4.19J) (NCERT)
Given: In first adiabatic process dQ = O and dW = -223 J, (-ve sign indicates here that work is done on the system)
By the first law of thermodynamics,
dQ = dU +dW
∴ 0 = dU – 22.3
dU = 22.3J

In second process
dQ = 9.35 cal = 9.35 × 4.19 J = 39.18 J
in second process , By the first law of thermodynamics ,
dQ = dU+ dW
39.18 = 22.3+ dW
dW = 39.18 – 22.3 = 16.88J
≈ 16.9J.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 12 Thermodynamics

Question 3.
A steam engine delivers 5.4 x 108 J of work per minute and services 3.6 x 109J of heat per minute from its boiler. What is the efficiency of the engine? How much heat is wasted per minute? (NCERT)
Given : Q1 =Heat absorbed by boiler per minute = 3.6 × 109 J
W = Work done per minute by heat engine = 5.4 × 108 J
∴ Efficiency of engine
η = \(\frac{W}{Q_{1}}\) = \(\frac{5 \cdot 4 \times 10^{8}}{36 \times 10^{9}}\) = 0.15 = 15%
Now, Q1 = Q2 + W
Q2 = Q1 – W
= 3.6 × 109 – 5.4 ×108
=( 36 -5.4) ×108 = 30.6 × 108 J
= 3.06 × 109J ≈ 3.1 × 109 J

Question 4.
A refrigerator is to maintain eatables kept inside at 9°C. If room temperature is 36°C. Calculate the coefficient of performance. (NCERT)
Given : T2 = 273 + 9 = 282K
T1 =273 + 36 = 309K
The coefficient of performance of refrigerator be .
α = \(\frac{T_{2}}{T_{1}-T_{2}}\)
= \(\frac{282}{309-282} \) = 10.44
≈ 10.4

Question 5.
A thermodynamic system is taken from an original state D to an intermediate state E by the linear process shown in Fig.(NCERT)
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 12 Thermodynamics 13
Its volume is then reduced to the original value from E to F by an isobaric process. Calculate the total work done by the gas from D to E to F.
Work done by the gas in the process from D to E and then from E to F is
W = Area of Δ DEF
= \(\frac{1}{2} \) EF × DF
= \(\frac{1}{2} \) ( 5- 2) × (600 – 300)
= \(\frac{1}{2} \) × 3× 300 = 450J.

Question 6.
In a thermodynamic process, 400 J of heat is given to a gas and 100 J of work is done on the gas. Find the change in the internal energy of the gas. (NCERT)
Given : ΔQ = 400J and ΔW = -100 J (since, the work done on the gas is taken negative).
From first law of thermodynamics,
we have ΔQ = ΔW+ ΔU
ΔU = ΔQ-AW = 400-(-100)
= 400+100 = 500 J.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 12 Thermodynamics

Question 7.
Calculate the efficiency of Carnot’s engine if the temperature of source and sink are 300°C and 15°C respectively. If the engine absorbs 100 calories at high temperature, calculate the work done by it.
T1 = 273 + 300 = 573 K,
T2 = 273 + 15 = 288 K and Q1 = 100 cal.

Now, Efficiency,
η = 1 – \(\frac{T_{2}}{T_{1}}\) = 1 – \(\frac{288}{573}\)
Again, η = 1- \(\frac{Q_{2}}{Q_{1}} \)
0.50 = 1 – \(\frac{Q_{2}}{100} \)
\(\frac{Q_{2}}{100} \) = 0.50
Q2 = 50 cal
∴ W = Q1 – Q2 = 100 – 50 = 50 cal .

Question 8.
If the work done, by giving 40 joule to a system is -8 joule, then find the change in the internal energy of the system.
Given : ΔQ = 40 joule,ΔW= -8 joule
Now, we have ΔQ = ΔW+ΔU
40 = – 8 + ΔU
Δ U = 48 joule.

Question 9.
A Carnot engine, obtain 300 calorie heat at 500 K and give 150 calorie heat to the sink. What will be the temperature of sink?
Given Q1 = 300 Calorie, T1 = 500 K, Q2 = 150 Calorie, T2 = ?
from \(\frac{Q_{1}}{Q_{2}} \) = \(\frac{T_{1}}{T_{2}}\)
\(\frac{300}{150} \) = \(\frac{500}{T_{2}} \)
T2 = \(\frac{500 \times 150}{300} \) = 250K

Question 10.
A refrigerator takes heat from 250 K body and gives to the atmosphere which is at 310 K. Find out working performance of refrigerator.
Given : T1 = 310 K, T2= 250 K,
β = \(\frac{\mathrm{T}_{2}}{\mathrm{~T}_{1}-\mathrm{T}_{2}}\)
β = \(\frac{250}{310-250} \) = \(\frac{250}{60}\)
β = \(\frac{25}{6} \) = 4.16

Question 11.
In Carnot engine, the temperature of the source and the sink are 500 K and 375 K respectively. If the engine absorbs 600-kilo calories of heat per cycle from the source, compute the following :
(i) The efficiency of engine,
(ii) Work done per cycle,
(iii) Heat given to the sink per cycle.
Given : T1 = 500 K,T2 = 375 K
Q1 = 600 kilo calories = 600 × 103 calories
= 600 × 103 × 4.2 × 107ergs, [∴ W = JH]
(i) Efficiency,
η = 1 – \(\frac{T_{2}}{T_{1}}\)
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 12 Thermodynamics 14

Question 12.
At atmospheric pressure, air is suddenly compressed so that its volume become one-fourth of initial. Find out its pressure. [γ = 1.5]
Given : V2=\(\frac{V_{1}}{\gamma} \), P1 = 1 [Atmospheric pressure] γ =1.5 = \(\frac{3}{2}\)
We know
P1V1γ = P2V2γ
\(\frac{P_{1}}{P_{2}}\) = \(\left(\frac{V_{2}}{V_{1}}\right)^{\gamma}\)
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 12 Thermodynamics 15

Question 13.
A reversible engine absorbs 746 joule from the source and eject 546 joule into the sink. The difference of temperature of source and sink is 100°C. Find (i) Work from the engine, (ii) Efficiency of engine, (iii) Temperatures of source and sink.
Given : Q1 = 746 joule, Q2 = 546 joule,
T1-T2 =100°C = 100K.
Now, (i) Work done by engine = Q2 – Q1 = 746 – 546 = 200 joule,

(ii) Efficiency of engine, .
η = 1 – \(\frac{Q_{2}}{Q_{1}} \)
= 1 – \(\frac{546}{746} \) = \(\frac{200}{746}\) = 0.268 = 26.8%

(iii) ∵η = 1 – \(\frac{T_{2}}{T_{1}}\) = \(\frac{T_{1}-T_{2}}{T_{1}}\)
0.268 = \(\frac{100}{T_{1}} \)
Temperature of source, T1 =\(\frac{100}{0 \cdot 268}\) = 373.13 K
Again, T1 – T2 = 100
∴ 373.13 – T2 = 100
∴ Temperature of sink, T2 = 273.13K.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 12 Thermodynamics

Thermodynamics Class 11 Important Questions Objective Type

1. Multiple- choice questions:

Question 1.
In isothermal process, the internal energy of an ideal gas depends only on :
(a) Pressure
(b) Volume
(c) Temperature
(d) Volume of molecules.
(c) Temperature

Question 2.
Which statement is true for adiabatic process:
(a) ΔQ = ΔU + ΔW
(b) ΔQ = θ + ΔW
(c) ΔQ= ΔU+θ
(d) Q=ΔU+ΔW.
(d) Q=ΔU+ΔW.

Question 3.
Internal energy of ideal gas in isothermal process ¡s:
(a) Increases
(b) Decreases
(c) No change
(d) None of these.
(c) No change

Question 4.
In adiabatic process, which remain constant:
(a) Temperature
(b) Pressure
(c) Volume
(d) Amount of heat.
(d) Amount of heat.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 12 Thermodynamics

Question 5.
in isothermal process amount of heat given to ideal gas is used to:
(a) Increase temperature
(b) Perform external work
(c) increase temperature and perform external work
(d) Increase internal energy.
(b) Perform external work

Question 6.
300 calorie heat is given to a system such that it perform work of 64)0 joule. Increase in its internal energy will be:
(a) 654 J
(b) 156.5 J
(c) – 300 J
(d) 528.2 J.
(a) 654 J

Question 7.
Formula for efficiency of Carnot Engine is:
(a) η=\(1-\frac{\mathrm{Q}_{1}}{\mathrm{Q}_{2}}\)
(b) η = 1- \(\frac{\mathrm{Q}_{2}}{\mathrm{Q}_{1}} \)
(c) η = 1- \(\frac{\mathrm{T}_{1}}{\mathrm{~T}_{2}}\)
(d) η=\(\frac{\mathrm{T}_{1}}{\mathrm{~T}_{2}}\)-1.
(b) η = 1- \(\frac{\mathrm{Q}_{2}}{\mathrm{Q}_{1}} \)

Question 8.
Which gas is used in refrigerator generally used in home:
(a) Ammonia
(b) Freon
(c) Chlorine
(d) None of these.
(b) Freon

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 12 Thermodynamics

Question 9.
The coefficient of performance of refrigerator working between 30°C and 0°C is:
(a) 0
(b) 0.1
(c) 9
(d) 10.
(c) 9

Question 10.
An ideal engine absorbs heat a 127°C and reject at 77°C. Its efficiency will be:
(a) 39 %
(b) 13 %
(c) 61 %
(d) 88%.
(b) 13 %

Question 11.
The coefficient of performance of ideal engine working between 0°C and 27°C ¡s:
(a) \(\frac{273}{27} \)
(b) \(\frac{300}{273}\)
(c) \(\frac{273}{300} \)
(d) 1- \(\frac{273}{300} \)
(a) \(\frac{273}{27} \)

Question 12.
On reducing temperature of sink, efficiency of Carnot Engine will be:
(a) First increases then decreases
(b) Increases
(c) Decreases
(d) No change.
(b) Increases

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 12 Thermodynamics

Question 13.
If all the doors and windows of a room are closed then the fan Is switched on temperature of room will:
(a) Decrease
(b) Increase
(c) Zero
(d) Remain constant.
(b) Increase

2. Fill in the blanks:

1. Work done in isothermal process is ………………….. .
RT log\(\left(\frac{\mathrm{V}_{2}}{\mathrm{~V}_{1}}\right) \)

2. First law of thermodynamics ΔQ =…………………..+ ………………….. .

3. In isothermal process ………………….. remain constant.

4. In adiabatic process ………………….. remain constant.
Amount of heat

5. Work done in adiabatic process is ………………….. .
w =\(\frac{\mathrm{R}\left(\mathrm{T}_{2}-\mathrm{T}_{1}\right)}{\gamma-1} \)

6. Efficiency of Carnot engine is ………………….. .
η =1-\(\frac{\mathrm{T}_{2}}{\mathrm{~T}_{1}} \)

7. Value of joule’s constant in M.K.S. unit is ………………….. .
4.18 joule/calorie

8. Adiabatic equation for ideal gas is ………………….. .

9. Process which are not reversible is called ………………….. process.

10. In isothermal process ΔP = ………………….. .

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 12 Thermodynamics

3. Match the following:

Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
1. Work done in isothermal process (a) \( \frac{1-\eta}{\eta}\)
2. Work done in adiabatic process (b) ΔQ =ΔU+ΔW
3. Efficiency of Carnot engine (c) \( \frac{\mathrm{R}\left(\mathrm{T}_{1}-\mathrm{T}_{2}\right)}{\gamma-1}\)
4. Coefficient of working performance of refrigerator (d)1-\(\frac{\mathrm{T}_{2}}{\mathrm{~T}_{\mathrm{l}}} \)
5.First law of thermodyanamics (e) RTlog\(\left(\frac{\mathrm{V}_{2}}{\mathrm{~V}_{1}}\right) \)

1.  (e) RTlog\(\left(\frac{\mathrm{V}_{2}}{\mathrm{~V}_{1}}\right) \)
2. (c) \( \frac{\mathrm{R}\left(\mathrm{T}_{1}-\mathrm{T}_{2}\right)}{\gamma-1}\),
3. (d)1-\(\frac{\mathrm{T}_{2}}{\mathrm{~T}_{\mathrm{l}}} \)
4. (a) \( \frac{1-\eta}{\eta}\),
5. (b) ΔQ =ΔU+ΔW.

4. state true or Flase:

1. Work done by thermodynamical system does not depend upon path of working process.

2. Internal energy of ideal gas depends upon its temperature.

3. Average kinetic energy of single-molecule Df any gas depends upon pressure of the gas-only.

4. For isothermal process PV = constant.

5. In isothermal process change in internal energy is equal to work done.

6. Work done in adiabatic process is equal to amount of heat given.

7. Heat engine fully convert the amount of heat taken into work.

8. First law of thermodynamics is in actual the laws of conservation of energy.

9. Work done by ideal engine depends upon only on the temperature at which it accept heat.

10. Carnot engine is an irreversible engine.

11. Efficiency of Carnot engine depends oh nature of working substance.

12. Internal energy of ideal gas depends on size of the molecules.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 5 Laws of Motion

Students get through the MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 5 Laws of Motion which are most likely to be asked in the exam.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 5 Laws of Motion

Laws of Motion Class 11 Important Questions Very Short Answer Type

Question 1.
What is inertia? What are its types?
The property of the bodies by virtue of which the bodies are unable to change their state of rest or motion, is called inertia.
Inertia is of two types :

  1. Inertia of rest and
  2. Inertia of motion.
    • Inertia of rest: If a body is at rest it will remain at rest until and unless an external force is applied on it. This property of the body is called inertia of rest.
    • Inertia of motion : If a body is in motion it will continue its motion until and unless an external force is applied. This property of the body is called inertia of motion.

Question 2.
How the inertia of a body depends upon the mass of a body?
Inertia of a body is directly proportional to its mass.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 5 Laws of Motion

Question 3.
What is force ? What are its effects ?
Force: The force is an external agent which produces or tends to produce change in the state of rest, motion, shape or size of a body.
Effect of force :

  • Change in state of motion.
  • Change in state of rest.
  • Change in shape or size.

Question 4.
What will be the magnitude of the resultant force acting upon a body which is in uniform motion?
Force upon the body will be zero because, when velocity remains constant, the acceleration of the body is zero.

Question 5.
What do you mean by momentum?
The product of mass and velocity of a body is called its momentum.
Momentum = Mass × Velocity.

Question 6.
Write the laws of inertia.
Newton’s first law of motion : If a body is at rest, it will remain at rest and if it is in motion, it will continue its motion, until and unless an external force is acted upon it.

Question 7.
Define 1 newton of force.
The force required to produce an acceleration of 1 ms-2 on a body of mass 1 kg, is called 1 newton.

Question 8.
What is impulse?
When a greater force is applied for small interval of time on a body, then the product of force and time interval is called impulse.
Impulse shows the effect of force, i. e.,
I = Ft.

Question 9.
A cricket player moves his hand backward while he catches the ball. Why?
Impulse of a force is given by FΔt = ΔI
∴ F = \(\frac{\Delta I}{\Delta t}\)
As Δt increases, force F decreases. Therefore, while taking the catch, the time interval Δt increases when he withdraws his hands, thus F decreases and player is not injured.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 5 Laws of Motion

Question 10.
How do the man walk on earth?
The man presses the earth in the backward direction, as a result, by Newton’s third law, the earth applies an equal and opposite force in the forward direction. It is due to reaction force, the person moves in the forward direction.

Question 11.
When a gun is fired it gives backwards jerk. Why?
When the bullet is fired from the gun, the bullet moves with high velocity and due to its reaction, a force acts on the gun in opposite direction and hence, it gives jerk.

Question 12.
Jumping on the hard floor is hurtful but not on the sand. Why?
When a man jumps on a hard floor, the legs come to rest immediately, therefore value of Δt is very less, which increase the force and hence, the jumping becomes hurtful than on the sand.

Question 13.
Shock absorber are used in vehicles. Why?
Shock absorber increases At. At the time of jerks, the force F decreases. Thus, the driver of vehicle receives less jerks.

Question 14.
What is Newton’s third law of motion?
According to Newton’s third law of motion, “Every action has equal and opposite reaction.”

Question 15.
Action and reaction are equal and opposite, do they cancel each other. Why?
Action and reaction do not cancel each other because both act on different bodies.

Question 16.
What are concurrent forces? What is the condition of their equilibrium ?
When the lines of action of two or more forces pass through a point, then the forces are called concurrent forces.
Let \(\vec{F}_{1}, \vec{F}_{2}, \vec{F}_{3}, \ldots, \vec{F}_{n}\) forces are acting on a point, then the condition of equilibrium is

Question 17.
What is absolute unit of force?
1 Newton = 1 kg × 1 m/s2
and 1 Dyne = 1 g × 1 cm/s2.

Question 18.
Which is the fundamental laws of motion and why?
Newton’s second law is the fundamental laws of motion because first law and third laws can be derived from it.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 5 Laws of Motion

Question 19.
What has been specified by Newton first law of motion?
Newton first law defines force and inertia.

Question 20.
A passenger sitting in a bus at rest pushes it from within will it move. Why?
No, internal forces are unable to produce motion in a system.

Question 21.
According to Newton’s third laws of motion, every force is accompanied by an equal and opposite force called reaction, then how can a movement take place?
As the action and reaction never act on the same body, so the motion is possible.

Question 22.
A stone when thrown on a glass window smashes the window pane to pieces. But a bullet fired from a gun passes through it making a hole, why?
This is due to inertia at rest.

Question 23.
Explain why jet planes cannot move in air free space but rockets can move?
Jet plane uses atmospheric oxygen for their fuel but rockets carry their own fuel and don’t depend on atmospheric oxygen.

Question 24.
What are the absolute unit of force ? Write its definition?
Newton is the absolute unit of force in S.I. unit.
1 Newton = 1 kg × 1 m/s2
The force requird to produce an acceleration of 1 m/s2 in a body of mass 1 kg is called one Newton.
In C.G.S unit the absolute unit is dyne, 1 dyne = 1 g × 1 cm/s2
It is defined as the force required to produce an acceleration of 1 cm/s2 in a body of mass 1 gram
1 Newton = 1 kg × 1 m/s2
= 1000 g × 100 cm/s2
= 105 g-cm/s2
or 1 Newton = 105 dyne
This is the relation between Newton and dyne.

Question 25.
A body is moving with uniform velocity. Does force is neccessary to maintain constant velocity?
No, according to the first law of motion velocity reamains constant in the presence of force.

Question 26.
A constant force is acting upon a body. Among velocity, acceleration and kinetic energy, which quantity remain conserved and which will change ?
Acceleration will remain conserved.
Since acceleration = \(\frac{\text { Constant force }}{\text { Constant mass }}\)
Velocity and kinetic energy will get changed.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 5 Laws of Motion

Question 27.
What is friction force ? What is its nature?
When there is a relative motion between two surfaces in contact, then an opposing forces acts between the surfaces, is called friction force.
Its nature is that it always opposes the motion.

Question 28.
Ball bearings are used to reduce friction. Why?
The rolling friction is lesser than that of sliding friction, therefore ball bearing are used to reduce friction.

Question 29.
How many types of friction are there ?
Friction are of two types :

  1. Static friction,
  2. Kinetic friction.

Question 30.
Write advantages of friction.

  • We can walk on ground due to friction.
  • We can stop vehicle by applying brakes due to friction.
  • We get fire due to friction.
  • We can chew food due to friction.

Question 31.
Write disadvantages of friction.

  • Machinary parts get damaged due to friction.
  • Efficiency of machine decreases.
  • Some part of energy given to machine get lost in form of heat.

Question 32.
How can we reduce friction?

  • By polishing,
  • Ball bearing,
  • By greasing.

Question 33.
A body of mass m is rotated in the circular paths of radii r1 and r2 with the velocities ν1 and ν2. If r1, > r2, then which will be greater ν1 or ν2, supposing that same centripetal force is required for the motion.
As the centripetal forces are equal
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 5 Laws of Motion 1

Question 34.
A body is moving in a circular path with uniform speed. If its frequency is n and radius of path is r, then write the formula of centripetal acceleration in terms of r and n.
Centripetal acceleration = rω2 = r(2πn)2
= 4π2n2r.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 5 Laws of Motion

Question 35.
Define centripetal force.
When a body moves in a circular path, a force acts towards the centre of the path, which revolves the body, is called centripetal force.
Centripetal foree = mνω=mω2r = \(\frac{m v^{2}}{r}\)

Question 36.
Derive the dimension formula of centripetal force by its formula.
Centnpetal force = \(\frac{m v^{2}}{r}\)
= \(\frac{[M]\left[L^{2} T^{-2}\right]}{[L]}=\)
= [MLT-2].

Question 37.
If the velocity and radius of circular path, both are doubled, then what will be the change in centripetal force?
Centripetal force = \(\frac{m v^{2}}{r}\)
When the radius and velocity are doubled, then
centripetal force = \(\frac{m(2 v)^{2}}{2 r}=\frac{4 m v^{2}}{2 r}=\frac{2 m v^{2}}{r}\)
Hence, the centripetal force will be doubled.

Question 38.
Milk is stirred, to separate the cream. Why?
The cream particles are lighter than milk particles. Therefore, cream particles need lesser centripetal force to move in circular path. When the milk is stirred both type of the particles receive same centripetal force, hence the cream particles move in the circular paths of lesser radii than that of milk particles. Thus cream particles are separated.

Question 39.
Why the roads are banked at the turnings?
The outer rails are raised at the turnings. Why?
The reasons are :

  • It prevents the vehicle from skidding.
  • The speed of vehicle should be greater at the turnings.
  • Least damage to the tyres by friction.

Question 40.
A particle is moving with uniform speed in a circular path. What is the nature of its acceleration?
The acceleration acts towards the centre, perpendicular to the direction of velocity.

Question 41.
The circular roads on the hills are banked out sider. Why?
The roads are banked outside to prevent the vehicle from skidding, the speed can be more and the tyres are less damaged by friction.

Question 42.
The wings of an aeroplane lean inwards while taking turn. Why?
The wings of an aeroplane lean inwards to provide necessary centripetal force to moves in a circular path.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 5 Laws of Motion

Question 43.
It is easy to rotate a stone with smaller string than longer string. Why?
The necessary centripetal force to rotate in a circular path is provided by the tension of the string. For smaller string, less centripetal force is required to rotate, which can be provided easily by applying less force.

Question 44.
A man sitting in a moving bus dashes against the window, when the bus takes turn. How does the man explain this accident and how another man standing outside the bus will explain?
A man sitting in the bus will think that the reaction force of centripetal force, acted on him. While the person standing outside will think that the man dashes against the window due to inertia of motion.

Laws of Motion Class 11 Important Questions Short Answer Type

Question 1.
State Newton’s laws of motion.
First Law : A body can’t change its state of rest or of uniform motion along a straight line unless an external force acts on it.
Second Law : The rate of change of momentum is directly proportional to the impressed force and directed towards the direction of force.
Third Law : For every action there is equal and opposite reaction.

Question 2.
What is law of conservation of momentum? Prove it.
Law of conservation of momentum: In the absence of external force the linear momentum of a system remains always constant.
Proof: Let a force \(\vec{F}\) is applied on a system for time interval dt, so that its momentum changes by dp.
∴ By Newton’s second law, F = \(\underline{d p}\)
If the system is in equilibrium, then the sum of all the forces acting on it will be zero,
F = 0
∴ \(\frac{d p}{d t}\)= 0
or p = constant, (by differential calculus, that \(\frac{d}{d t}\) const. = 0)
Thus, in the absence of external force the linear momentum of a system is always conserved.

Question 3.
Define momentum. If two bodies are moving with equal velocities, then the momentum of the heavier body will be more than that of lighter body.
Momentum is the product of mass and velocity of a body :
(i) If the masses of a heavier body and a lighter body are M and m respectively and if they are moving with equal velocities ν, then
Momentum of the heavier body
P1 = Mν … (1)
and the momentum of the lighter body
p2 = mν … (2)
On dividing the eqn. (1) by eqn. (2), we have
\(\frac{p_{1}}{p_{2}}=\frac{M v}{m v}\)
or \(\frac{p_{1}}{p_{2}}=\frac{M}{m}\) ….(3)
But M > m
∴ P1 > p2
Clearly, if two bodies are moving with equal velocities, then the momentum of the heavier body will be more than that of the lighter body.

Question 4.
If two bodies are having same momentum, then velocity of lighter body will be more than velocity of heavier body.
Let the mass of heavier body be M and lighter body be m. Momentian of both bodies be p. Let’s their velocities be ν1 and ν2
Then, Momentum of heavier body = Mν1
and Momentum of lighter body = mν2
Since Momentum of both bodies are same.
1 = mν2
Since M > m ∴ ν2 > ν1 i.e., velocity of lighter body is more than that of velocity of heavier body.

Question 5.
Write Newton’s second law of motion and prove that force = mass x acceleration.
Newton’s second law of motion : The rate of change of momentum is directly proportional to the force applied and directed towards the direction of force.
Let the initial velocity of a body of mass m is u.
∴ Initial momentum \(\overrightarrow{p_{1}}=m \vec{u}\)
If force \(\vec{F}\) is applied for time Δt, so that its velocity becomes \(\vec{v}\).

∴ Final momentum, \(\vec{p}_{2}=\overrightarrow{m v}\)
∴ Change in momentum, Δp = \(\overrightarrow{p_{2}}-\overrightarrow{p_{1}}\)
or Δp = \(\vec{m} \vec{v}-\overrightarrow{m u}\)
= \(m(\vec{v}-\vec{u})=m \Delta \vec{v}\)
Where, Δ \(\vec{v}\) is change in velocity.
∴ Rate of change of momentum = \(\frac{m \Delta \vec{v}}{\Delta t}\)
But Acceleration, \(\vec{a}=\frac{\Delta \vec{v}}{\Delta t}\)
∴ Rate of change of momentum = \(\vec{m} a\)
∴ By Newton’s law,\(\vec{F} \propto \overrightarrow{m a}\)
or \(\vec{F}=k \overrightarrow{m a}\)
Where, k is constant.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 5 Laws of Motion

Question 6.
Derive Newton’s first law from Newton’s second law.
According to second laws of Newton’s
\(\vec{F}=m \vec{a}\)
If \(\vec{F}\) = 0
Then, \(\vec{a}\) = 0
i.e., if any force is not acting upon a body then acceleration of it will be zero i.e., if a body is at rest, it will be at rest or if it is in motion it will be in motion unless an external force acts upon it. This is Newton’s first law.

Question 7.
What do you understand by impulse? Prove that impulse of the force is equal to change in momentum.
Impulse : When a greater force is applied for small interval of time on a body, then the product of force and time interval is called impulse.
Impulse shows the effect of force, i. e.,
I = Ft.
Relation between impulse and change in momentum : Suppose a force acting on a body of mass m for an interval Δt, produces a change in velocity Δν. Then according to Newton’s second law of motion.
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 5 Laws of Motion 2
or F.Δt = F.Δp
Hence, Impulse of the force = Change in momentum. Proved.

Question 8.
Prove that it is easier to pull a roller than to push.
Let force F is applied on a roller. Force F can be resolved into two components.
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 5 Laws of Motion 3

  • Horizontal component F cos θ and
  • Vertical component Fsinθ.

At the time of pushing the roller, the components Fsin 8 increases the weight of the roller. While when roller is pulled the component Fsin 8 decreases the weight of the roller.

Question 9.
Find out recoiling velocity of gun.
Let the mass of the gun be Mand of the bullet is m moving with a velocity of ν1 and the recoil velocity of gun will be ν2 Before firing the momentum of gun and bullet will be zero and after firing the total momentum will be
2 + mν1
According to laws of conservation of linear momentum
Total linear momentum after firing = Total linear momentum before firing
2 + mν1 = 0
or Mν2 = 0 – mν1
or Recoil velocity of gun ν2 = – \(\frac{m v_{1}}{M}\)
Negative sign shows that gun moves backward when the bullet is fired.
Since m<<M
∴ ν2 < ν1 i-e-> Recoil velocity of gun is lesser than velocity of bullet.

Question 10.
State the principle of equilibrium of concurrent forces.
“If a number of forces act at the same point, they are called concurrent forces.”
Consider that a body is under the action of a number of forces. Suppose that the body is in equilibrium under the action of these forces, i.e., the body remains in its state of rest or of uniform motion along a straight line, when acted upon these forces.
“The condition that the body may be in equilibrium or the number of forces acting on the body may be in equilibrium is that these forces should produce zero resultant force.”
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 5 Laws of Motion 4
Consider three concurrent forces \(\vec{F}_{1}, \vec{F}_{2}\) and \(\vec{F}_{3}\)acting at the point ‘O’ (see Fig.).
In order to find the resultant of \(\vec{F}_{1}, \vec{F}_{2}\) and \(\vec{F}_{3}\), we first find the resultant of \(\vec{F}_{1}\) and \(\vec{F}_{2}\) by completing the parallelogram OAC’B. The diagonal OC’ of the parallelogram OAC ‘B gives
\(\vec{F}_{1}+\vec{F}_{2}\) i.e., the resultant of \(\vec{F}_{1}\) and \(\vec{F}_{2}\) . If F\(\vec{F}_{3}\) (represented by OC) as equal and opposite to
\(\vec{F}_{1}+\vec{F}_{2}\) (represented by \(\overrightarrow{o \vec{C}})\) then resultant of force \(\vec{F}_{1}\), \(\vec{F}_{2}\) and \(\vec{F}_{3}\) acting at point O will be zero. Therefore, for \(\vec{F}_{1}\),\(\vec{F}_{2}\) and \(\vec{F}_{3}\) to be in equilibrium, \(O \vec{C}=O \vec{C}^{\prime}\)
or \(\vec{F}_{3}=-\left(\vec{F}_{1}+\vec{F}_{2}\right)\)
or F\(\vec{F}_{1}\)+\(\vec{F}_{2}\)+\(\vec{F}_{3}\) = 0
The condition for equilibrium of three concurrent forces is triangle law
of addition of vectors. Suppose that the forces \(\vec{F}_{1}\),F\(\vec{F}_{2}\) and \(\vec{F}_{3}\) are such that they can be represented by the three sides \(\overrightarrow{A B}, \overrightarrow{B C}\) and \(\overrightarrow{C A}\) of the triangle ABC taken in same order, i.e., \(\overrightarrow{A B}=\vec{F}_{1}, \overrightarrow{B C}=\vec{F}_{2}\) and \(\overrightarrow{C A}=\vec{F}_{3}\) According to the triangle law of addition of vectors,
\(\overrightarrow{A B}+\overrightarrow{B C}=\overrightarrow{A C} \text { or } \overrightarrow{A B}+\overrightarrow{B C}-\overrightarrow{A C}\) = 0
Now the vectors AC and CA are equal in magnitude but opposite in direction.
or \(\overrightarrow{A C}=-\overrightarrow{C A}\)
Hence, the eqn. (2) becomes .
\(\overrightarrow{A B}+\overrightarrow{B C}+\overrightarrow{C A}=0 \text { or } \vec{F}_{1}+\vec{F}_{2}+\vec{F}_{3}\) = 0
Therefore, the resultant of three concurrent forces will be zero and hence they will be in equilibrium, if they can be represented completely by the three sides of a triangle taken in same order.
In general, the concurrent forces, \(\vec{F}_{1}, \vec{F}_{2}, \vec{F}_{3} \quad \ldots . . \vec{F}_{n}\) Fn be in equilibrium, if their
resultant is zero, i.e.,
\(\vec{F}_{1}+\vec{F}_{2}+\vec{F}_{3}+\ldots .+\vec{F}_{n}\) = 0 …(3)
In case, a number of forces act at a point, then they will be in equilibrium, if they can be represented completely by the sides of a closed polygon taken in order.
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 5 Laws of Motion 5

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 5 Laws of Motion

Question 11.
State law of conservation of momentum and derive third law of motion with the help of this law.
Law of conservation of momentum : Law of conservation of momentum: In the absence of external force the linear momentum of a system remains always constant.
Proof: Let a force \(\vec{F}\) is applied on a system for time interval dt, so that its momentum changes by dp.
∴ By Newton’s second law, F = \(\frac{d p}{d t}\)
If the system is in equilibrium, then the sum of all the forces acting on it will be zero,
F = 0
∴ \(\frac{d p}{d t}\)= 0
or p = constant, (by differential calculus, that \(\frac{d}{d t}\) const. = 0)
Thus, in the absence of external force the linear momentum of a system is always conserved.

Let the initial momentum of two bodies A and B are \(\vec{p}_{1}\) and \(\vec{p}_{2}\), respectively interact.
Body B applies force on A is \(\overrightarrow{F_{12}}\) and body A applies force \(\overrightarrow{F_{21}}\) on body B.
Due to interaction the change in momentum are Δ \(\vec{p}_{1}\) and Δ \(\vec{p}_{2}\)
∴ By the law of conservation of momentum,

Hence, force applied on A by B is equal and opposite to that of 5 by A. This is Newton’s third law of motion.

Question 12.
Write the laws of friction.
Limiting friction :
When a force is applied to a body to move on a surface or another body, the position at which the body is about to move on, is called the limiting equilibrium and the friction force acting is called limiting friction.

Laws of limiting friction :

  • Friction force always opposes the motion of the body. Its direction is always opposite to the direction of motion.
  • The limiting friction depends upon the nature of the two surfaces.
  • The limiting friction does not depend upon the area of contact or shape of the two surfaces if normal reaction is constant.
  • The magnitude of limiting friction fs is directly proportional to the normal reaction.

i.e., fs ∝ R
or fs = µsR
Where, µs is a constant called the coefficient of static friction.
µs = \(\frac{f_{s}}{R}\)

Question 13.
Write difference between Sliding friction and Rolling friction.
Difference between Sliding friction and Rolling friction:

Sliding friction Rolling friction
1. When a body slides on another body, the friction force acting between the surfaces of contact is called sliding friction. 1. When a body rolls over the surface of another body, the friction force acting between the body and surface is called rolling friction.
2. The same surfaces are always in contact. 2. The different parts of the rolling body come into contact of the surface.
3. The sliding friction is greater than rolling friction. 3. The rolling friction is lesser than sliding friction.

Question 14.
Define angle of friction and angle of repose prove that they are equal to each other.
Angle of Friction : The angle between the resultant of limiting friction and the normal reaction is called angle of friction.
μs = tan λ …(1)

Angle of Repose : When a body is in limiting equilibrium on an inclined plane, then the inclination of the plane with the horizontal is called angle of repose.
μs = tan θ …(2)
From eqns. (1) and (2),
tan λ = tan θ
λ = θ
i.e., angle of friction is equal to angle of repose. Proved.

Question 15.
Explain the types of friction.
Frictions is of two types :
1. Static friction :
When a body tends to move on a surface but does not move, then the friction force acting between the surface is called static friction. The maximum value is called limiting friction.

2. Dynamic friction :
When a body moves on the surface, the friction force acting between the surface is called dynamic friction.
Dynamic friction is of two types :
(i) Sliding friction
(ii) Rolling friction.

(i) Sliding friction:
When a body slide over on another body, the friction force acting between the surfaces of contact is called sliding friction.
(ii) Rolling friction :
When a body roll over on another body, the friction force between the body and surface is called rolling friction.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 5 Laws of Motion

Question 16.
What is angle of friction? Prove that the tangent of angle of friction is equal to the coefficient of friction.
Angle of friction : The angle between the resultant of limiting friction and the normal reaction is called angle of friction.
Let a body is in the position of limiting friction on a surface.
Now, complete the parallelogram OACB.
∴ OC will represent the resultant of R and fs.
∴ Angle of friction ∠AOC = λ
Now, in right angle Δ OAC.
tan λ = \(\frac{A C}{O A}=\frac{O B}{O A}=\frac{f_{s}}{R}\)
But \(\frac{f_{s}}{R}\) = μs
∴ μs = tan λ
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 5 Laws of Motion 7

Question 17.
What is angle of repose? Prove that the tangent of angle of repose is equal to coefficient of friction.
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 5 Laws of Motion 8
Angle of Repose: When a body is in limiting equilibrium, on an inclined plane, then the inclination of the plane with the horizon is called angle of repose.
Let a body is in limiting equilibrium on an inclined R plane, its mass is m and angle of inclination is θ.
Now, the forces acting on the body are :

  • mg acting vertically downward.
  • Normal reaction R.
  • Limiting forces fs, along the plane upward.

Now, resolving the weight mg, we get
R = mg cos θ and
fs = mg sin θ
Dividing eqn. (2) by eqn. (1), we get
\(\frac{f_{s}}{R}=\frac{m g \sin \theta}{m g \cos \theta}\) = tan θ
But, \(\frac{f_{s}}{R}\) = μs
μs = tan θ

Question 18.
Write the advantages and disadvantages of friction.
Advantages of friction :

  • We can walk on earth with the help of friction. Good grip and working with the hand as holding pen, writing over paper, etc., are possible due to friction.
  • Speed of the vehicle increases due to friction.
  • The brakes work on the friction.
  • Burning of matchsticks.
  • Belts are used in the machines to transfer the force.
  • Nails can be fixed on the wall or wood. Also, knots of ropes are due to friction force.

Disadvantages of friction :

  • The efficiency of the machines are reduced.
  • Large amount of energy is wasted in the form of heat energy.
  • It causes wear and tear in the machines.

Laws of Motion Class 11 Important Questions Long Answer Type

Question 1.
Explain laws of conservation of linear momentum. Prove that in absence of enternal forces, linear momentum of a moving particles is constant.
According to the laws of conservation of linear momentum, in an isolated system the vector sum of the linear momentum of all the bodies of the system is conserved and is not affected due to their mutual action and reaction.

(1) For a system of one particle : According to Newton’s second law,
Force acting upon a particle = Rate of change in momentum
i.e., \(\vec{F}=\frac{\Delta \vec{p}}{\Delta t}\)
If force acting upon the particle is zero i.e., \(\vec{F}\) = 0,
Then, \(\frac{\Delta p}{\Delta t}\) = 0
\(\Delta \vec{p}\) = 0
\(\vec{p}\) = Costant
i.e., in absence of external force, total momentum p is constant.

(2) For two particle system : Consider a two particle system in which a particle
execute F2 force on another particle and second particle execute F1 force on first particle. If change in momentum of both particles are ΔP1 and ΔP2, then according to Newton’s second
Force = Rate of change in momentum
∴ Force on first particle \(\vec{F}_{1}=\frac{\Delta \overrightarrow{p_{1}}}{\Delta t}\)
and Force on second particle \(\vec{F}_{2}=\frac{\Delta p_{2}}{\Delta t}\)
But according to Newton’s third law
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 5 Laws of Motion 9

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 5 Laws of Motion

Question 2.
Derive the expressions for the maximum speed in circular motion for safe
driving when
(i) Friction force Is zero and
(ii) Road is plane,
(iii) Road is banked.
Let a car of mass m is moving on a banked road in the circular path of radius r1 as shown in the figure. Then the forces acting on the car will be:

  • Weight mg of car acting downwards.
  • R, normal reaction at the angle θ with the vertical.
  • \(\frac{m v^{2}}{r}\), the centnpetal force radially inwards.
  • ,F, the friction force between tyre and road.

Now, reaction R can be resolved into two components

  • R cosθ along the vertical and
  • R sinθ along the horizontal.

Also, F can be resolved into two components:

  • F cosθ, along the horizontal and
  • F sinθ, along the vertical.

Hence, we have
R cosθ = mg + F sinθ ….(1)
R sinθ + F cosθ = \(\frac{m v^{2}}{r}\) ….(2)
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 5 Laws of Motion 10
and F= μR …(3)
Where, μ is coefficient of kinetic friction.
Now, from eqn. (1),
mg=R cosθ – F sinθ ….(4)
Dividing eqn. (2) by eqn. (4), we get
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 5 Laws of Motion 11
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 5 Laws of Motion 12

Laws of Motion Class 11 Important Numerical Questions

Question 1.
Give the magnitude and direction of the net force acting on:
(a) A drop of rain falling down with a constant speed
(b) A cork of mass lOg floating on water
(c) A kite skillfully held stationary in the sky
(d) A car moving with a constant velocity of 30 km/h on a rough road
(e) A high speed electron in space far from all gravitating (material) objects and
free of electric and magnetic fields.
(a) Net force acting on the drop of rain falling down with a constant speed will be zero. Weight of drop will be balanced by upthrust of air and viscous force.

(b) Net force acting on the cork will be zero, as its weight is balanced by the upthrust (i.e. weight of the water displaced).

(c) As the kite is held stationary, net force on the kite is zero. The force exerted on kite is balanced by its weight and tension in the string.

(d) Force is being applied to overcome the force of friction between the road and tyres. But as velocity of the car is constant, its acceleration a = 0 and hence net force = ma = 0.

(e) Net force on the high speed electron will be zero, since no gravitational/magnetic field is acting on it.

Question 2.
A constant retarding force of 50N is applied to a body of mass 20kg moving initially with a speed of 15ms-1. How long does it take to stop?
Given :F = -50N (-ve sign shows that it is retarding force)
m = 20kg, u = 15m/s, ν = 0, t = ?
∴ F = ma
∴ -50 = 20 × a
-50 „ c . 2
⇒ a = \(\frac{-50}{20}\) = -2.5m/s2
From ν = u +at
0 = 15-2.5t
∴ t = \(\frac{15}{2 \cdot 5}\) = 6 sec.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 5 Laws of Motion

Question 3.
A body of mass 5.0kg is acted upon by two perpendicular forces 8N and 6N. Give the magnitude and direction of the acceleration of the body.
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 5 Laws of Motion 13
Given : m 5kg, a = ?
Resultant of 8N and 6N will be
F = \(\sqrt{(8)^{2}+(6)^{2}} \mathrm{~N}\)
or F = \(\sqrt{64+36}\) = \(\sqrt{100}\)N
or, F = 10N
If the resultant force makes angle 9 with 8N force, then
tanθ = \(\frac{6}{8}\) = 0.75
∴ θ = tan-1 (0.75) = 37°
This is the direction of resultant force and hence the direction of acceleration of the
Using F = ma
10 = 5 × a
⇒ a = \(\frac{10}{5}\) = 2m/s 2

Question 4.
A force produces an acceleration of 10 ms 2 on a trolley of mass 5 kg. Calculate the force.
Given : m = 5 kg, a = 10 ms2.
Now, F = ma
= 5 × 10= 50 N.

Question 5.
A shell of mass 0.02 kg is fired from a gun of mass 100 kg with a velocity of 80 ms-1. Calculate the recoil velocity of the gun.
Given : M = 100kg, m = 0.02kg, ν = 80ms-1.
If the velocity of recoil is V, then
MV + mν = 0
V = \(-\frac{m v}{M}\)
∴ V = \(-\frac{0 \cdot 02 \times 80}{100}\) = 0.016ms-1

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 5 Laws of Motion

Question 6.
Two balls of masses 40 kg and 20 kg are moving with velocities 10 ms-1 and 50 ms-1 respectively towards each other. They collide and embedded. What will be the velocity of the system?
Given : m1 = 40 kg,m2 – 20 kg, ν1 10 ms -1, ν2 = 50 ms-1
Let the velocity of the system after collision = ν
∴By the law of conservation of momentum,
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 5 Laws of Motion 14
Hence, 10ms-1 towards 20 kg mass.

Question 7.
A bullet of mass 10 gram moving with a velocity of 250m/s get embedded 2.5cm inside a wall. Find out the force exerted by the wall on bullet.
Given : u = 250m/s, v =0,s = 2.5cm = 2.5 × 10-2 m,m = 10 gm= 0.01 kg From v2=u2+2as
0 = (250)2 + 2a × 2.5 × 10-2
a = \(\frac{-(250 \times 250)}{2 \cdot 5 \times 10^{-2} \times 2}\)
= -1.25 × 106m/s2
∴ Force exerted by wall on bullet
F = m.a = 0.01 × ( – 1.25 × 106) = -1.25 × 104 N.

Question 8.
A force of 10 N acts upon a body of mass 5 kg for 5 second Calculate :
(i) Impulse,
(ii) Change in momentum,
(iii) Change in velocity,
(iv) Acceleration.
Given : m = 5 kg, F = 10 N, Δt = 5 sec
(i) Impulse = F.Δt
= 10 × 5 = 50 N-s.

(ii) Change in momentum = Impulse
= 50 kg m/s.

(iii) Change m velocity = \(\frac{\text { Change in momentum }}{\text { Mass of object }}\)
= \(\frac{50}{5}\) = 10 m/s.

(iv) Acceleration a = \(\frac{F}{m}\)
or a = \(\frac{10}{5}\) = 2m/s2

Question 9.
A driver can stop a car by applying a brake in 4 sec. If the car were running with a speed of 36 km/hr. Calculate the retarding force on the car, if the mass of the car is 400 kg and the mass of the driver is 65 kg.
Given : ν (0) = 36 km/hr.
= \(\frac{36000 \mathrm{~m}}{60 \times 60 \mathrm{~s}}\) = 10m/s
ν (t) = 0, t = 4 s, m = 400 + 65 = 465 kg.
Using formula ν (t) = ν (0) + at, we have
0= 10 + a × 4
or 4a = -10
∴ a = –\(\frac{10}{4}\) -2.5m/s2
From formula F=ma
= 465 × (-2.5) = – 1162.5 N
∴ Retarding force = 1162.5 N.

Question 10.
In a rocket, the fuel is burning at the rate of 01 kg × s-1. The velocity of gas ejecting is 2 kms-1. Calculate the thrust on the rocket.
ν = 2 km × s-1 = 2 × 103 ms-1.
∴ \(\frac{\Delta m}{\Delta t}\) = 0.1 kg × s-1
Now, change in momentum per second = \(\frac{\Delta m}{\Delta t}\)× ν
= 0.1 × 2 × 103
=200kg ms-2
∴ Force on gas = Rate of change of momentum.
= 200 N
But, Thrust on rocket = Force on gas
= 200 N.

Question 11.
A body moving in uniform motion is stopped by applying force of 2000 N in \(\frac{1}{4}\) seconds. Find out initial momentum of the body?
Given : F = 2000 N, Δt = \(\frac{1}{4}\) sec = 0.25 sec
Change in momentum Δp = F. Δt
Let p1 and p2 be initial and final momentum.
Then, Δp = p1 -p2 = p1 – 0 = p1
∴ P1 = F.Δt
= 2000 × \(\frac{1}{4}\) = 500 N-s.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 5 Laws of Motion

Question 12.
Two circular bodies of mass 40 kg and 10 kg are moving with a velocity of 5 m/s and 20 m/s. Their direction is face to face. When they collide with each other forms a system. Find the velocity of the system.
Given: m1=40 kg, m2= 10 kg, ν1= 5 m/s, ν2= -20 m/s, (since direction on is opposite) If ν is the velocity of the system, then
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 5 Laws of Motion 15
or ν = 0
i.e., the system will get stoped.

Question 13.
A bomb of mass 25 kg moving with a velocity of 10 m/s get bombaded into two piece of masses 15 kg and 10 kg. If the velocity of big piece is zero then find the velocity of small piece.
Given : M = 25 kg, ν = 10 m/s,
Initial momentum of the bomb = Mν = 25 × 10
= 250 kg m/s.
After bombarding m1 = 15 kg, m2= 10 kg, ν1= 0, ν2 = ?
Total momentum =15 × 0 + 10 × ν2
According to laws of conservation of momentum
10ν2 = 250
ν2 = \(\frac{250}{10}\)= 25m/s

Question 14.
A force of 72 N acting upon a body at an angle of 60° from the horizontal of mass 9 kg. Find out the acceleration of it in horizontal direction.
Given :F= 72 N, θ=60°, m = 9 kg .
Component of force in horizontal direction FH=F cosθ
or FH = 72 × cos60° = 72 × \(\frac{1}{2}\) = 36 N
∴ Acceleration in horizontal direction a = \(\frac{F_{\mathrm{H}}}{m}=\frac{36}{9}\)
= 4/ms2

Question 15.
A body of mass 0.25 kg moving with a velocity of 12 m/s is stopped by applying a force of 0.6 N. In how much time the body will stop and what will be the impulse?
u = 12 m/s, m = 0.25kg, F = 0.6 N
Let the time be t in which the body get stopped.
From a= \(-\frac{F}{m}\),weget
a = \(\frac{-0 \cdot 6}{0 \cdot 25}\) = \(\frac{-12}{5}\) m/s
Again from ν = u + at, we get
0 = 12 – \(\frac{12}{5}\)t
or \(\frac{12}{5}\)t = 12
or t = 5sec
and Impulse = F × Δt
0.6 × 5 =3N-s

Question 16.
A 10 gram bullet is shot from a 5 kg gun with a velocity of 400 m/s. What is the speed of recoil of the gun ?
Given : m1 = 10g = 10-2kg, m2= 5kg, ν1 400m/s, ν2 = ?
From m1ν1= m2ν2, we get
ν2 = \(-\frac{m_{1} v_{1}}{m_{2}}\)
or ν2 = \(\frac{-10^{-2} \times 400}{5}\)
or ν2 = -0.8 m/s .

Question 17.
A man of mass 70 kg stands on a weighing machine in a lift, which is moving:
(a) Upwards with a uniform speed of 10m/s.
(b) Downwards with a uniform acceleration of 5m/s2.
(c) Upwards with a uniform acceleration of 5m/s2.
What would be the readings on the scale in each case?
(d) What would be the reading if the lift mechanism failed and it hurtled down freely under gravity
Given : m = 70kg; g = 10m/s2
(a) Lift is moving upwards with uniform speed, its acceleration = 0
∴ R = mg = 70 × 10 = 700N.
∴ Reading of the scale = \(\frac{700}{10^{\circ}}\) = 70 kg

(b) Lift is moving downwards with uniform acceleration a = 5m/s2
∴ mg – R = F
⇒ ma = mg – R
⇒ R=m(g – a) = 70 × (10 – 5)
R = 350N.
∴ Reading of the scale = \(\frac{350}{10}\) = 35

(c) Lift is moving upwards with uniform acceleration a = 5m/s2, then
R – mg = F
⇒ R = ma + mg, [∴F = ma]
⇒ R = m(g + a) = 70 × (10 + 5)
or R = 1050N
∴ Reading of the scale = \(\frac{1050}{10}\)
= 105kg

(d) When the lift falls freely under gravity, then a = g
Using, R = m(g – a)
R = 70(g – g) = 0.
Thus the reading on the scale is zero, this is the state of weightlessness.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 5 Laws of Motion

Question 18.
Two masses 8kg and 12kg are connected at the two ends of a light inextensible string that passes over a frictionless pulley as shown in figure. Find the acceleration of the masses and the tension in the string, when the masses are released.
Let a be the acceleration of the bodies and T be the tension in the string. Then, equation of motion for mass m1
T – m1g = m1a …(1)
For mass m2
m2g – T = m2a …(2)
On adding eqns.(1)and(2), and putting the value of m1 =8 kg,m2= 12kg and g 10ms-2
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 5 Laws of Motion 16
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 5 Laws of Motion 17

Question 19.
When a force of 50 kg weight applied on a sledge of mass 500 kg then it tends to move. Find out the coefficient of friction between it.
Given, fs = F =50 kg – wt =50 × g – N, R = 500g – N
From μs = \(\frac{f_{s}}{\mathrm{R}}\) we get
μs = \(\frac{50 \mathrm{~g}-\mathrm{N}}{500 \mathrm{~g}-\mathrm{N}}\) = 0.1

Question 20.
A mass of 2 kg is placed on a rough inclined plane of angle 30°. If coefficient of friction is 0.7 then find out the resultant friction force, acting on the block.
Given, m = 2 kg, θ = 30°, μs = 0.7
From μs = \(\frac{f_{s}}{\mathrm{R}}\) we get
fs = μs.R
fs = μ cosθ
or fs = 0.7 × 2 × 9.8 ×cos30°
= 0.7 × 2 × 9.8 ×\(\frac{\sqrt{3}}{2}\)
= 6.86 × 1.732
= 11.88N

Question 21.
A block of 1 kg is resting on the plane of a truck. If the coefficient of friction between them is 0-6 and the acceleration of the truck is 10m/s2. Find out the friction force acting on the block.
Given : = μs = 0.6,a = 10m/s2,m1 = 1kg
∴ Frictional force acting upon the block = μs.m1g – m1a
= 0.6 × 1 × 9.8-1 × 10
= 5.88 – 10
= -4.12 N.

Question 22.
A man of mass 100 kg is slipping from an electric pole. If the frictional force is 480 N, then find out the acceleration of the mass. Given g = 9.8 m/s2
Given, m = 100kg, frictional force F = 480 N, g = 9-8 m/s2 Let the acceleration of the mass be a.
∴ From second laws of motion
ma = mg – F
or a = g – \(\frac{F}{m}\)
or a = 9.8 – \(\frac{480}{100}\)
or a = 9.8 – 4.8
or a =5 m/s2.

Question 23.
A horizontal force of 1.2 kg-wt. is applied on a 3 kg block, which rest on a horizontal surface. If the coefficient of friction is 0.2, find the acceleration produced in the block.
Given, m – 3 kg, μ = 0.2,F = 1.2 kg-wt. = 1.2 × 9.8 N.
Let the acceleration of the block be a.
μ = \(\frac{f_{k}}{m g}\) we get
fk = μ.mg = 0.2 × 3 × 9.8 = 5.88 N
Again from f= F – fk, we get
f =1.2 × 9.8 – 5.88 N
or f =11.76 – 5.88 = 5.88 N
∴ Acceleration a = \(\frac{f}{m}=\frac{5 \cdot 88}{3}\) = 1.96m/s2

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 5 Laws of Motion

Question 24.
A car is moving with a velocity of 20 m/s on a plane road. If the coefficient of friction between tyre and road is 0.4. Find out the distance after which the car will get stopped, (g = 10 m/s2)
Given, u = 20 m/s, μ = 0.4,g = 10 m/s2
Let the retardation of the car be a and its mass be m.
From μ = \(\frac{\mathrm{F}}{R}\) we get
μ = \(\frac{m \cdot a}{m \cdot g}=\frac{a}{g}\)
or a = μ.g = 0.4 × 10 = 4m/s2
Let the car get stopped after travelling s distance.
∴ From v2 = u2 – 2as, we get
0 = u2 – 2as
or s = \(\frac{u^{2}}{2 a}=\frac{20^{2}}{2 \times 4}\)
= 50m

Question 25.
A body of mass 4 kg ¡s tied with a string and rotated in a circular path of diameter 8 m. If the body Is moving with uniform peed of 600 m per minute, calculate the centripetal acceleration and centripetal force.
Given:m = 4kg,r=\(\frac{8}{2}\) = 4m,ν = 600m × min-1
= \(\frac{600}{60}\) ms -1
= 10 ms -1 
∴ Centripetal acceleration = \(\frac{v^{2}}{r}=\frac{10 \times 10}{4}\) =25ms-1
and Centripetal force = \(\frac{m v^{2}}{r}\) = 4 × 25 = 100 N

Question 26.
The mass of scooter and driver moving with a speed of 36 km x h-1 is 150 kg, suddenly the scooter takes a turn at the radius of 30 m. What will be the horizontal force to make it possible?
Given : r=30m,m = 150 kg and ν = 36km x h-1
ν = \(\frac{36 \times 1000}{60 \times 60}\) = 10ms-1
∴ Horizontal force = \(\frac{m v^{2}}{r}\)
= \(\frac{150 \times 10^{2}}{30}=\frac{150 \times 100}{30}\) = 500 N

Question 27.
A car of mass 1600 kg moving In a circular horizontal road of radius 20 m, with a speed 12.5 ms-1. What should be the friction force between car and road, so that the car does not skid?
Given: m = 1600 kg ,r =20 m , ν = 12.5 ms-1.
Now, friction force, F = \(ms-1\)
∴  F = \(\frac{1600 \times(12 \cdot 5)^{2}}{20}\) = 1.25 x 10N
Again F = µrg
or µ = \(\frac{F}{r g}\)
= \(\frac{1 \cdot 25 \times 10^{4}}{20 \times 9 \cdot 8}\) = 63.78

Question 28.
A boy ties a stone of mass 0.5 kg at one end of 40 cm string and whirled it in a vertical circle. The speed of the stone at the lowest point of the circle is 3m/s. Find the tension at this point.
Given : mass m = 0.5 kg, length of string r = 40 cm = 0.4m, velocity at lowest point VL= 3m/s.
Tension at lowermost point TL = mg + \(\frac{m V_{L}^{2}}{r}\)
= 0.5 × 10 + \(\frac{0 \cdot 5 \times 3 \times 3}{0 \cdot 4}\)
= 5 + \(\frac{45}{4}\) = 5 + 11.25 = 16.25N.

Question 29.
What will be the maximum speed of a car in a circular path of radius 30 m, if the coefficient of friction between tyre and road is 0.4
Given : r = 30 μ= 0.4
Now, ν = \(\sqrt{\mu r g}\)
= \(\sqrt{0 \cdot 4 \times 30 \times 9 \cdot 8}\)= 10.84 ms-1.

Question 30.
A particle completes 7 revolutions in 100 seconds while moving with a uniform speed in a circular groove of 12 cm radius. Calculate its angular speed, linear speed and centripetal acceleration.
7 revolutions are completed in 100 second.
1 revolution is completed in time-period T = \(\frac{100}{7}\) sec:
Radius = -12 cm.
Angular speed ω = \(\frac{2 \pi}{T}=\frac{2 \times \pi \times 7}{100}=\frac{2 \times 22 \times 7}{10 \times 70}=\frac{44}{100}\)
Linear speed v = = ωr = 0.44 × 12 = 5.28 cm/sec.
Centripetal acceleration a= (ω2r = \(\frac{44}{100}\) ×\(\frac{44}{100}\) × 12 = 2.32 cm/s2.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 5 Laws of Motion

Question 31.
A string of 1 m can resist a force of 100 N. One end of this string is tied with a stone of mass 1 kg and whirled in horizontal plane. Calculate the maximum linear speed, so that string does not break.
Given : centripetal force = 100 N, m = 1 kg and r = 1 m.
Now, centripetal force, F = \(\frac{m v^{2}}{r}\)
or 100 =\(\frac{1 \times v^{2}}{1}\)
or ν2 = 100
∴ ν = \(\sqrt{100}\) = 10ms-1

Laws of Motion Class 11 Important Questions Objective Type

1. Multiple- choice questions:

Question 1.
The first law of motion is also known as :
(a) Momentum
(b) Laws of inertia
(c) Action-reaction
(d) None of these.
(b) Laws of inertia

Question 2.
The measure of inertia is its :
(a) Mass
(b) Velocity
(c) Both
(d) None of these.
(a) Mass

Question 3.
If net force in a body is zero, then its acceleration :
(a) Will increase
(b) Will decrease
(c) Will be zero
(d) None of these.
(c) Will be zero

Question 4.
One Newton is equal to :
(a) kg × metre × time
(b) kg × \(\frac{\text { metre }}{\text { second }}\)
(c) metre × second
(d) kg × second
(b) kg × \(\frac{\text { metre }}{\text { second }}\)

Question 5.
If constant force is acting upon a body, then which will be among uniform :
(a) Velocity
(b) Acceleration
(e) Momentum
(d) Kinetic energy.
(b) Acceleration

Question 6.
Rocket propulsion is based on :
(a) First laws of motion
(b) Laws of conservation of momentum
(c) Second laws of motion
(d) None of these.
(b) Laws of conservation of momentum

Question 7.
Limiting friction depends upon :
(a) Area of the surface
(b) Size of the surface
(c) Nature of surface
(d) Normal Reaction.
(c) Nature of surface

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 5 Laws of Motion

Question 8.
Weight of a person in a lift will be maximum, when lift moves :
(a) Upward
(b) Downward
(c) Independently
(d) None of these.
(a) Upward

Question 9.
From which laws of Newton’s, the other two laws can be deduced :
(a) Newton’s first law
(b) Newton’s second laws
(c) Newton’s third law
(d) None of these.
(b) Newton’s second laws

Question 10.
If a lift is falling independently, the weight of the person of 100 kg will be:
(a) 880 joule
(b) 980 Newton
(c) 980 kg
(d) Zero.
(d) Zero.

Question 11.
Formula for coefficient of static friction is: .
(a) fs × R
(b) R | fs
(c) μs = fs ×R
(d) μs = fs
(c) μs = fs ×R

Question 12.
Relation between angle of friction and angle of repose is :
(a) tanθ + tanλ
(b) tanθ = tanλ
(c) tanθ × tanλ
(d) tanθ ÷ tanλ
(b) tanθ = tanλ

Question 13.
On applying a force on a trolley of 5 kg, acceleration produced is 10 m/s2, then the applied force will be :
(a) 100 Newton
(b) 50 Newton
(c) 25 Newton
(d) 20 Newton.
(b) 50 Newton

Question 14.
A body of 1 kilogram falls freely on the surface of the ground, on touching ground the force applied by it is :
(a) 1 kilogram
(b) 1 kilogram-weight
(c) 2 kilogram
(d) 2 kilogram-weight.
(b) 1 kilogram-weight

Question 15.
When a force of 10 Newton acts upon a body of mass 5 kg for 5 second, then its impulse will be:
(a) 25 Newton × second
(b) 20 Newton × second
(c) 15 Newton × second
(d) 50 Newton × second.
(d) 50 Newton × second.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 5 Laws of Motion

2. Fill in the blanks:

1. One newton = ………………… dyne.

2. Force = Mass × ………………..

3. First laws of motion is called as ………………

4. Rate of change in momentum is directly proportional to ………………….

5. For every action there is equal and opposite …………………

6. SI unit of force is …………………

7. Rocket propulsion is based on …………………. principle.
Conservation of momentum

8. C.G.S. unit of force is ………………….

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 5 Laws of Motion

9. 1 kilogram-weight = ………………….. Newton.

10. All the frames of reference in which Newtons laws hold true are called …………………….
Inertial frames

11. The force which does not act on the body but due to acceleration of frame of reference, appears to act on body is called ………………..
Fictitious force

12. Kinetic friction is always less than ………………….
Static limiting friction

13. The ratio of limiting static friction and normal reaction is called ………………….
Coefficient of limiting friction

14. Frictional force is independent of ………………..
Area of contact

15. Newton’s laws of motion doesn’t apply for …………………. frame.

3. Match the following:

Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
1. Change in momentum (a) Congruent force
2. Action and reactions is in (b) Impulse
3. Frictional force (c) Ball bearing
4. Forces whose line of action passes through same point (d) Force opposing motion
5. Reduces friction (e) Third laws of motion.

1. (b) Impulse
2. (e) Third laws of motion.
3. (d) Force opposing motion
4. (a) Congruent force
5. (c) Ball bearing

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 5 Laws of Motion


Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
1. Pasenger bent forward when suddenly bus stops (a) To reduce impulse
2. Detechment of particle from cloth on striking by rod (b) Action-reaction
3. Rocket propulsion . (c) Inertia of motion
4. Player’s take’s their hand backside while catching cricket ball (c) Inertia of motion
5. Waking in ground surface (d) Conservation of momentum

1. (c) Inertia of motion
2. (e) Inertia at rest.
3. (d) Conservation of momentum
4. (a) To reduce impulse
5. (b) Action-reaction

4. Write true or false:

1. Newton’s first law is laws of inertia.

2. Change in momentum is not directly proportional to applied force.

3. For every action there is equal and opposite reaction.

4. When a bullet penetrate inside a wood, its velocity remain conserved.

5. When the lift moves upward, weight of the person inside it, get decreased.

6. If the body is not in rest the net force acting upon it cannot be zero.

7. Bus moving in circular path is the example of non-inertial frame of reference.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 5 Laws of Motion

8. The body remains at rest when an external force acts upon it.

9. Walking in sand is difficult.

10. Weight of free falling body is not zero.

11. Momentum will be zero when brakes is applied on vehicle in motion.

12. Force is neccesary to maintain the body in motion with constant velocity.

13. It is easior to walk in smooth surface.

14. When a cork float on the surface of water, the net force acting is zero.

15. The earth extract gravitational force on moon.

16. Momentum remain conserved for a body thrown upward.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 5 Laws of Motion

5. Answer in one word:

1. Many forces act on a body can it stay in the state of rest.
Yes, if the resultant of all forces become zero.

2. Is the net force on a cork floating on water surface zero.

3. Give an example of fictitious force.
Centrifugal force.

4. Which force is strongest and which force is weakest in nature?
Strongest force: Strong nuclear force. Weakest force: Gravitational force.

5. A bullet strikes a wooden block and gets embedded into it. What remains conserved, momentum or kinetic energy.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 14 Oscillations 

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 14 Oscillations

Oscillations Class 11 Important Questions Very Short Answer Type

Question 1.
Define simple harmonic motion with example.
When a body moves to and fro about a point in a straight line such that its acceleration is always directly proportional to the displacement and directed towards the mean position, then its motion is called simple harmonic motion.
Example: Motion of a body suspended by a spring, motion of simple pendulum.

Question 2.
What is oscillatory motion?
When a body moves periodically to and fro or back and forth about a definite point, then its motion is called oscillatory motion.
Motion of simple pendulum, vibration of tuning fork etc. are the examples of oscillatory motion.

Question 3.
For what type of motion of a body acceleration is directly proportional to displacement?
It is simple harmonic motion.

Question 4.
When the velocity and acceleration will be maximum in S.H.M.?
The velocity is maximum at the mean position and acceleration is maximum at the extreme position.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 14 Oscillations  

Question 5.
Write the formula for kinetic energy and potential energy for a body executing S.H. M.?
Kinetic Energy = \(\frac{1}{2} m \omega^{2}\left(a^{2}-y^{2}\right)\)
Potential Energy = \(\frac{1}{2} m \omega^{2} y^{2}\)
Where m – particle of mass,
ω – angular frequency,
a – amplitude and
y = displace-ment of the particle form its mean position.

Question 6.
At which position kinetic energy and potential energy is zero for a body executing S.H.M.?
At maximum displacement position (y = ±a) kinetic energy is zero and at mean position (y = 0) potential energy is zero.

Question 7.
Define simple pendulum.
When a heavy point mass is suspended by a weightless, inextensible and perfectly flexible string by a rigid support, then it is called simple pendulum.

Question 8.
Which of the following relationships between acceleration ‘a’ and the dis-placement x: of a particle involve simple harmonic motion ? (NCERT)
(a) a = 0.7x,
(b) a = 200x2,
(c) a = -10x2
(d) a = 100x3.
In a S.H.M. the relation between acceleration and displacement is
(a) a = 0.7 x
Comparing with eqn. (1),
2 = 0.7
ω = \(\sqrt{-0 \cdot 7}\)
∵ Value of a is not real therefore the motion is not S.H.M.

(b) a = -200x2
This motion is not a S.H.M.

(c) a = -10x
Comparing-with eqn. (1),
ω2 =10
ω = \(\sqrt{10}\)
∵ ω has a real value therefore, the relation shows a S.H.M.

(d) a = 100 x3
This motion is not a S.H.M.

Question 9.
The length of a spring is increased, how the time-period be affected?
The time-period will increase.

Question 10.
On which conservation law S.H.M. is based?
S.H.M. is based on law of conservation of energy.

Question 11.
What is second pendulum? What is its length?
The pendulum whose periodic time is two seconds is known as second pendulum. The length of second pendulum is about 100 cm.

Question 12.
Write the characteristics of S.H.M.
Characteristics of S.H.M.:

  • The motion is periodic.
  • The particle moves to and fro about a point in a straight line.
  • The acceleration is directly proportional to the displacement.
  • The direction of acceleration is always towards the mean position.

Question 13.
Define time-period, frequency and amplitude.
Time period: The time taken by an oscillating body to complete one oscillation is called time-period.
Frequency: The number of vibrations or oscillations in one second is called frequency.
Amplitude: The maximum displacement of a particle about its mean position is called amplitude. It is denoted by a or A.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 14 Oscillations 

Question 14.
What is the relation between S.H.M. and Circular motion?
When any particle is performing uniform motion on the circumference of a circle, then the perpendicular dropped on the diameter of the circle from any point of rotation execute S.H.M. along the diameter of circle.

Question 15.
Define spring constant and write its S.I. unit and dimensional formula.
Spring constant: The force required to elongate or compress a spring through unit length is called spring constant.
Unit: SI unit of spring constant is Nm1.
Dimensional formula : Dimensional formula is [ML°T-2].

Question 16.
Write the formula for the time-period of a body suspended by a spring.
Where, T= Time-period, m = Mass suspended and k = Force constant.

Question 17.
What is meant by the effective length of a simple pendulum?
The length of pendulum from the point of suspension to the centre of bob is called effective length.

Question 18.
Why the length of simple pendulum is measured up to the centre of the bob?
The centre of gravity point of spherical bob lies at its centre. The concept of heavy point mass is assumed that the weight of the body acts at the C.G. point. Therefore the effective length is measured up to centre of the bob.

Question 19.
How time period of a simple pendulum change with effective length of a simple pendulum.
We know \(T=2 \pi \sqrt{\frac{l}{g}}\)
T ∝ \(\sqrt{l}\)
When effective length is increased, time period also get increased.

Question 20.
Can the pendulum clock be used in a satellite?
No, because g = 0 inside satellite, therefore T = ∞.
So, in place of pendulum clock, spring clock can be used inside it.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 14 Oscillations

Question 21.
The pendulum clock cannot be used in artificial satellite. Why?
In an artificial satellite, the bodies are in the state of weightlessness. Hence, g becomes zero. Thus, the time-period becomes infinite.Therefore, it cannot be used in the satellite.

Question 22.
A boy is swinging, sitting on a swing. If another boy sits beside him, what will happen to its time-period?
The time period is independent of mass, hence there will be no effect.

Question 23.
A boy is swinging, standing on a swing. If he sits on it, what happen to the time-period?
When the boy will sit on the swing, his C.G. point will shift downwards. Hence, the effective length will increase therefore the time-period will also increase.

Question 24.
What is the reason that the frequency of oscillation clocks depend on the rise and fall of mercury level in the thermometer?
If the mercury level increases, it shows that temperature has increased and the decreases in mercury level shows a decrease in temperature. Due to increase in temperature, the length of pendulum increases and \(T \propto \sqrt{l}\) so time period also increases. Hence clock runs slow, i.e., the frequency of oscillation decreases. But with decrease in temperature, length decreases and so time-period decreases. Hence clock runs fast i.e., frequency of oscillation increases.

Question 25.
The pendulum clock becomes fast when it is taken to pole from equator. Why?
We have, T = \(2 \pi \sqrt{\frac{l}{g}}\)
If l is constant ,then T ∝ \(\frac{1}{\sqrt{g}}\)
Hence, time-period is inversely proportional to the square root of acceleration due to gravity. At poles the value of g is greatest, hence the time-period will decrease at poles, hence the clock will be fast.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 14 Oscillations 

Question 26.
Why pendulum clock does not show time at satellite?
At satellite g = 0, therefore, i.e., time period of pendulum become infinity, therefore it does not show time of satellite.

Question 27.
What is damped oscillation?
When the amplitude of an oscillating body decrease gradually by some external opposing force, then its oscillation is called damped oscillation.

Question 28.
Define forced vibration.
When an oscillating body oscillates under the influence of some external force, then it oscillates with the frequency of external force, then its oscillation is called forced vibration.

Question 29.
What do you mean by forced oscillation?
When the body oscillate under the influence of an external periodic force, with a constant amplitude and a frequency equal to the periodic force, the oscillation of the body is called forced oscillation.

Question 30.
Define resonance.
When a body vibrates under the influence of a periodic force and its frequency becomes equal to that of periodic force then the amplitude of the body increases. This phenomenon is known as resonance.

Question 31.
Why marching troops are asked to break their steps while crossing the bridge?
The footsteps of marching troops produces a periodic force on the bridge. If the frequency of foot-steps becomes equal to the natural frequency of bridge, the amplitude of bridge will increase and hence the bridge may break.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 14 Oscillations 

Question 32.
What is the effect of forced oscillation on amplitude and frequency?
Due to forced oscillation amplitude of oscillating body go on reducing and frequency become less than the natural frequency.

Question 33.
When forced oscillation become resonance oscillation?
When the natural frequency of the body becomes equal to the frequency due to periodic force then forced oscillation is converted into resonance oscillation.

Question 34.
A simple pendulum is suspended in a lift, whose time-period is T. What will aeration ‘a’ (i) upward, (ii) downward.
(i) When the lift accelerate with acceleration ‘a’ upward then the time-period will decrease
( T = \(2 \pi \sqrt{\frac{l}{g+a}}\))
(ii) On acceleration with acceleration ‘a’ downward then its timeperiod will increase
( T = \(2 \pi \sqrt{\frac{l}{g-a}}\) )

Question 35.
What will be the time-period of effective length infinity?
84.6 minute.

Question 36.
What will be the time period of pendulum at the centre of earth? Why?
At the centre of earth the time-period of pendulum will be infinity as ‘g’ is zero at the centre.

Question 37.
A spring of spring constant k is cut into three equal pieces. What will be the time period of each?
The spring constant of each piece will be 3k.

Oscillations Class 11 Important Questions Short Answer Type 

Question 1.
The bob of simple pendulum is a ball filled with water, if a small hole is made at the bottom of the ball, how will its time period change as water is drains out of it?
When the ball is completely filled with water, its centre of gravity be at its geometric centre. So, it will oscillate with definite time period. But as the water drains out of it through the hole, the centre of gravity is displaced gradually downward. Hence the effective length also increases gradually. Therefore the time period of the pendulum also increases gradually. But when whole of the water is removed then its centre of gravity again shifted to its geometric centre and its time-period become same as was in initial position.

Question 2.
What is simple harmonic motion. Write its four characteristics.
When a body moves to and fro about a point in a straight line such that its acceleration is always directly proportional to the displacement and directed towards the mean position, then its motion is called simple harmonic motion.
Example: Motion of a body suspended by a spring, motion of simple pendulum.
Characteristics of S.H.M.:

  • The motion is periodic.
  • The particle moves to and fro about a point in a straight line.
  • The acceleration is directly proportional to the displacement.
  • The direction of acceleration is always towards the mean position.

Question 3.
Write the relation between acceleration and displacement of a particle ex-ecuting1 S.H.M. Also deduce expression for time-period from it?
Acceleration of the particle with displacement y is α = -ω2y
Where ω is angular velocity of particle here (-) sign indicate the direction of accel-eration only.
Hence, ω2 = \(\frac{\alpha}{y}\) = \(\frac{\text { Acceleration }}{\text { Displacement }}\)
ω = \(\sqrt{\frac{\alpha}{y}}\)
But T =\(\frac{2 \pi}{\omega}=\frac{2 \pi}{\sqrt{\frac{\alpha}{y}}}=2 \pi \sqrt{\frac{y}{\alpha}}\)
T = \(2 \pi \sqrt{\frac{\text { Displacement }}{\text { Acceleration }}}\)

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 14 Oscillations

Question 4.
Write the expression for displacement, velocity and acceleration of a particle executing S.H.M. and say :
(i) When the velocity of the particle will be maximum and zero.
(ii) When the acceleration of the particle will be maximum and zero.
Displacement y = a sin ωt
Velocity ν = ω \(\sqrt{a^{2}-y^{2}}\)
Acceleration a = – ω2y
Where a is amplitude and ω is angular acceleration.

(i) Velocity is maximum at mean position (y = 0)
νmax = ω.a
Velocity is zero at maximum displacement position ν = 0 , when y = ±a.

(ii) Acceleration is maximum when displacement is maximum (y = ±a)
α = ± ω2 a, when y = ±a
Acceleration is zero at mean position α = 0, when y = 0.

Question 5.
What is meant by simple pendulum? When the bob is displaced from its mean position it starts oscillations. Why?
If a heavy point mass be suspended by a weightless, perfectly flexible and inextensible string from a rigid support and an arrangement is made for its frictionless oscillations, then this arrangement is called simple pendulum. As shown in fig. when bob is displaced from its mean position A to a position B, then the bob raised up to height ‘h\ so that its potential energy increases.
Now, if the bob is released, then its centre of gravity falls down to obtain the stable equilibrium and when it reaches to the mean position its potential energy is converted into kinetic energy. At points, it will not stay, but due to inertia moves forward and hence the bob starts to execute simple harmonic motion to and fro about its mean position.
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Question 6.
Write down the formula of time-period of simple pendulum and state the factors on which it does depend.
The time-period of simple pendulum is given by :
T = 2π \(\sqrt{\frac{l}{g}}\)
From the above formula, it is clear that the time period of simple pendulum depends on its effective length ‘l’ and acceleration due to gravity ‘g’.
(i) Dependence on length f: The time period of simple pendulum is directly proportional to the square root of effective length of pendulum, i.e., T α \(\sqrt{l}\)
Example: When a boy swinging on a swing stand up suddenly, then his centre of gravity rises up and so the effective length of the swing reduces which results an increase in time period.
(ii) Dependence on acceleration due to gravity ‘g’: The time-period T of simple pendulum is inversely proportional to the square root of acceleration due to gravity at that place i.e., T α \(\frac{1}{\sqrt{g}}\)
Example: When a pendulum is taken up to hills or down in a mine get slow because time-period T increases due to decrease in the value of ‘g’.

Question 7.
Write down the laws of simple pendulum. Give practical application of each law.
The laws of simple pendulum and their practical applications are given below :
(i) Law of length: If the value of ‘g’ remains constant, then the time period of simple pendulum is directly proportional to the square root of effecti ve length of simple pendulum.
i-e., T α \(\sqrt{l}\)
This law is used to repair the pendulum clocks when they get slow or becomes fast while taken up to hills or down in a mine.

(ii) Law of acceleration due to gravity : If the effective length of simple pendulum remains constant, then the time period T of the simple pendulum is inversely proportional to the acceleration due to gravity, i.e., T α \(\frac{1}{\sqrt{g}}\)
Due to this reason the pendulum clock get slow while taken up to hills or down in mines.

(iii) Law of mass: The time period of simple pendulum does not depend upon the mass of bob or that of thread.
Hence, either bob is heavy or lighter, if the value of 7’ and ‘g’ are constant, then there is no effect in its time-period. .

(iv) Law of isochronism: If the amplitude of oscillations of simple pendulum are very small, then the time-period of pendulum does not depend upon the amplitude of oscillations.
Because of this, the angular displacement of the bob is kept small in the experiment of simple pendulum.

Question 8.
Establish the relation between time-period and frequency.
Let the time-period of a particle is T and its frequency is υ.
∴ The particle complete one vibration in T sec.
Hence, in 1 sec the number of vibration, υ = \(\frac{1}{T}\)
υT = 1.

Question 9.
Derive an expression for the displacement of a particle executing S.H.M.
Find an expression for the displacement of S.H.M.
Let XYX’Y’ is a circle whose centre is O and radius a. A particle is moving with uniform angular speed ω on the circle.
Let at time t = 0, the particle is at X and in time t, it is at P. A perpendicular PN is drawn on YOY’ from P and N is foot of the perpendicular.
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The particle takes t second to subtend an ∠POX = θ.
∴ ω = \(\frac{\theta}{t}\)
θ = ωt
Let the displacement ON = y
∴ In ∆ NPO, sin NPO = \(\frac{O N}{O P}\)
But, ∠NPO = ∠POX = θ = ωt
∴ sin ωt = \(\frac{y}{a}\)
y = a sin ωt
This is the required equation for the displacement of S.H.M.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 14 Oscillations

Question 10.
Derive the expression for the velocity of a particle executing S.H.M.
Derive an expression for velocity of a particle executing S.H.M. When is the velocity maximum and minimum?
Expression for velocity: Let XYX’Y’ is a circle of centre O and radius a. A particle is moving on the circle with angular velocity ω.
Let at t = 0, the particle is at X and after t sec, it is at P.
Let at point P, the velocity of the particle is ν along the tangent at P.

Now, velocity v is resolved into two parts :
(i) ν sin θ, parallel to PN and
(ii) ν cos θ, perpendicular to PN.
Since,ν cos θ is parallel to the direction of motion of foot of the perpendicular N.
∴ Velocity of N, υ = ν cosθ
υ = ν cos ωt.
υ = ν \(\sqrt{1-\sin ^{2} \omega t}\)
( ∴ sin2 ωt + cos2 = 1)
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This is the required expression.
Case 1. Ify = 0, then from eqn. (1), we get
ν =ω \(\sqrt{a^{2}-0}\) = ωa
∴ Velocity will be maximum at mean position.

Case 2. If y = a, then from eqn. (1), we get
ν =ω \(\sqrt{a^{2}-a^{2}}=\) = 0
∴ Velocity will be minimum at the extreme position.

Question 11.
Derive the expression for the acceleration of a particle executing S.H.M. Find where the acceleration is maximum and minimum.
We have by displacement equation,
y = a sin(ωt + Φ) …(1)
If the acceleration is α, then we have
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This is the required expression.
Case 1. If y = 0, then by eqn. (3),
α =0
i.e., at the mean position the acceleration will be zero i.e., minimum.

Case 2. If y = a, then by eqn. (3),
α = – ω2a
i.e., at extreme position the acceleration is maximum.

Question 12.
Derive the expression for the time>period and frequency of a particle ex-ecuting S.H.M.
Now, we have the magnitude of acceleration is given by
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Again, we know that frequency,
υ = \(\frac{1}{T}\)
∴ υ = \(\frac{1}{2 \pi} \sqrt{\frac{\text { Acceleration }}{\text { Displacement }}}\)

Question 13.
Mass m is suspended by an ideal spring. It oscillates up and down. If the force constant of spring Is k, then prove that the time-period,
T =2 π \(\sqrt{\frac{m}{k}}\)
A mass is suspended by a spring. It Is pulled downwards and then left. Prove that it executes S.H.M. Find the expression for time-period.
Let a spring is suspended by a rigid support and mass ni is suspended at its lower end.
It is displaced downwards at a distance y and left.
The restoring force F = -ky …( 1)
Where, k is force constant.

Also, by Newton’s second law of motion,
F=mα …………. (2)
Where, α is acceleration.
∴ From eqns. (1)and (2), we get
mα =-ky ……….. (3)
α =\(-\frac{k}{m}\) .y

Also, we have, for S.H.M.
α = – ω2 y ……..(4)
Since, the L.H.S. of eqns. (3) and (4) are equal, hence the R.H.S. must be equal.
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Question 14.
Derive the expression for K.E. and P.E. of a particle executing S.H.M. and also prove that total energy of a particle remains constant.
K.E. of the particle : We know that velocity of a particle executing S.H.M. is given by,
ν = ω\( \sqrt{a^{2}-y^{2}} \)
K.E.= \( \frac{1}{2}\)mv2
=\( \frac{1}{2}\) m{ ω\( \sqrt{a^{2}-y^{2}} \)2
=\( \frac{1}{2}\)mω2(a2-y2) …(1)

P.E. of the particle: Now, the acceleration of a particle executing S.H.M. is given by α = -ω2y
Also, by Newton’s second law of motion,
Force = Mass x Acceleration
∴ F = mα
F = -mω2y
Now initially the displacement was zero and force was zero. The force was gradually increases and hence the displacement also increases to y.

∴Mean force =\(\frac{0+F}{2} \) = mω2y
∵ Work W= Mean force x Displacement
∴ W = \(\frac{1}{2} \) mω2y ×y
W = \(\frac{1}{2} \) mω2y2

By equns.(1) and (2), we get
K.E +P.E = \(\frac{1}{2} \) mω2 (a2-y2)+ \(\frac{1}{2} \) mω2 y2
E = \(\frac{1}{2} \) mω2a2 –\(\frac{1}{2}\)mω2y2 +\(\frac{1}{2}\)mω2y2
E = \(\frac{1}{2}\)mω2a2
As ω and a are constant, therefore the total energy remains constant.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 14 Oscillations 

Question 15.
What is second’s pendulum? Calculate its effective length.
Second’s pendulum: A simple pendulum whose time-period is 2 seconds, is called second’s pendulum.
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Oscillations Class 11 Important Questions Long Answer Type

Question 1.
Deduce the expression for time-period of simple pendulum T = 2π \(\sqrt{\frac{l}{g}} \)
Motion of a simple pendulum: Suppose that m is the mass of the bob and l is the effective length of a simple pendulum. S is a point of suspension and O is mean position of the bob. Suppose at any instant during oscillation, the bob is in the position P. Then displacement OP = y and ∠ OSP = θ. In this position of the bob, two forces act upon it:
(i) Tension T is the thread, in the direction PS upward along the thread and

(ii) The weight of the bob, mg, vertically downward. The weight mg can be resolved into two components :
(a) mg cos θ, in the direction SP downward along the thread.
(b) mg sin θ, perpendicular to the thread SP.
The component mg cos θ balances the tension Tin the thread. The component mg sin θ tends to bring the bob back to its mean position. This is known as restorting force on the bob. Thus, the restorting force acting on the bob is given as F= -mg sinθ
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Where negative sign shows that the direction of force is opposite to the direction which displacement increases, i.e., towards the mean position O.
1f the angular displacement of the bob be small, then sin θ = 0 (for example, if θ = 50, then sin θ= 0.0872 and θ=0.0873 radian). Thus,
F= -mgθ
θ= \( \frac{\mathrm{Arc}}{\mathrm{Radius}} \) = \( \frac{O P}{S P} \) = \( \frac{y}{l} \)
F= -mg.\( \frac{y}{l} \) …….. (1)

If α be the acceleration produced in the bob due to restoring force, then by Newton’s law of motion
F = mα ……. (2)
From eqns. (1) and (2), we get
mα = -mg \( \frac{y}{l} \)
α= –\( \frac{g}{l} \).y …(3)

At a given place g is constant and for a given pendulum lis constant.
α ∞ -y …….. (4)
Thus, the acceleration of the bob is directly proportional to its displacement. Hence, for small amplitude the motion of a simple pendulum is simple harmonic motion. Its periodic time is
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Oscillations Class 11 Important Numerical Questions

Question 1.
The time-period of a particle executing S.H.M. is 2 sec. Calculate the time after t =0, that its amplitude be half of the displacement.
Given: T= 2 sec and y = \(\frac{a}{2}\)
∵ y = a sin ωt
Where ω =\( \frac{2 \pi}{T} \)
∴ y = a sin \( \frac{2 \pi}{T} \) t ⇒ \( \frac{a}{2}= \) = a sin \( \frac{2 \pi}{T} \) t
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Question 2.
The length of a simple pendulum ¡s 39.2 / π2 metre. If g = 9.8 ms-2, then calculate the time-period of simple pendulum.
Given:l = \( \frac{39 \cdot 2}{\pi^{2}} \), g = 9.8 ms-2
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Question 3.
The mass of a particle executing S.H.M. is 0.4 kg and amplitude and time period are 0.5 m and π/ 2 respectively. Calculate the velocity and ICE. of particle at a displacement 0.3 m.
Solution :
Given:m = 0.4kg , a = 0.5 m, T= π/2 sec, y = 0.3 m.
Npw we have
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Question 4.
A simple pendulum execute 60 oscillation per minute. Find its effective length ? (g = 981 cm/ s2)
Given: Time-period T = \( \frac{\text { Time }}{\text { No.of oscillations }} \) = \frac{1 \mathrm{~min}}{60} = 1 sec
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Question 5.
The value of acceleration due to gravity on a planet is \( \frac{1}{4} \) th of that of earth.
If the time-period of simple pendulum on earth is 2 sec, then find the time-period on the planet.
g2= \( \frac{1}{4}\) g1
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Question 6.
What will be the time.period of a simple pendulum of length \( \frac{9 \cdot 8}{\pi^{2}} \) m? Name such pendulum.
Given: l= \( \frac{9 \cdot 8}{\pi^{2}} \)m g = 9.8 ms-2
T =2π \( \sqrt{\frac{l}{g}} \)
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Question 7.
Two pendulum of length 100 cm and 110*25 cm start oscillating at same time. After how much oscillation again they will oscillate at same time.
Let the time-period of the 100 cm pendulum be T1
T1 = 2 π\( \sqrt{\frac{100}{g}} \)
and if T2is the time-period for 110.25 cm pendulum, then
T2 = 2 π\( \sqrt{\frac{110 \cdot 25}{g}} \)
T1 <T2
∴ Both the pendulum to oscillate at same time if the big pendulum perform n oscillaion and small pendulum, perform (n + 1) oscillation.
i.e.,(n+1)T1 = nT 2
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i.e., Big pendulum after 20 oscillation or small pendulum after 21 oscillation will start oscillating together.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 14 Oscillations

Question 8.
Find the length of second pendulum at (i) Surface of earth (g = 9-8 m/s2), (ii) Surface of moon (g = 1.65 m/s2).
Time-period for second pendulum is T= 2 sec.
∴From T = 2 π\( \sqrt{\frac{l}{g}} \)
(i) Length at earth surface
2 = 2π2 \( \sqrt {\frac{l}{9.8}} \)
l = π2 \( \ {\frac{l}{9.8}} \)
π2.l = 9.8
l =\( \frac{9 \cdot 8}{(\pi)^{2}} \) = \( \frac{9 \cdot 8}{(3 \cdot 14)^{2}} \) = 0.99m
(ii) Length of moon
l = \( \frac{1 \cdot 65}{\pi^{2}} \)
l = \( \frac{1 \cdot 65}{(3 \cdot 14)^{2}} \) = 0.167 m.

Question 9.
A mass of 98 kg suspended in a spring is oscillating whose spring constant is 200 N/m. Find its time-period.
We know,
T = 2π\( \sqrt{\frac{m}{k}} \)
T = 2 ×3.14 \( \sqrt{\frac{98}{200}} \)
T= 4-396 second.

Question 10.
The total energy of a particle executing S.H.M. is E. What will be the K.E. and P.E. of particle at the displacement half of the amplitude?
We know that total energy is
E = \( \frac{1}{2} \) mω2 a2
Also, K.E = \( \frac{1}{2} \) mω2( a2 – y 2)

Now, at y = \( a / 2 \),
K.E = \( \frac{1}{2} \) mω2\( \left(a^{2}-\frac{a^{2}}{4}\right) \)
= \( \frac{1}{2} \) mω2 . \( \frac{3 a^{2}}{4} \)
= \( \frac{3}{8} \) mω2a2 = \( \frac{3}{4} \) E.

Again, P.E = \( \frac{1}{2} \) mω2 y 2
Now, at y = \( a / 2 \),
P.E = \( \frac{1}{2} \) mω2 \( \frac{a^{2}}{4} \)
P.E = \( \frac{1}{8} \) mω2 a2 = \( \frac{1}{4} \) E.

Question 11.
The amplitude of a particle executing S.H.M. is 0*01 m and frequency is 60 Hz. What will be the maximum acceleration of the particle?
Given : a = 0.01m, υ = 60 Hz Now, maximum acceleration is given by
α = ω2 a
= (2π υ ) 2a
= 4π2υ 2a
= 4×3.14 ×3.14×60×60×0.01
= 1419.78ms-2

Question 12.
At a place a body travels 125 m in 5 sec during the free fall under gravity. What will be the time period of a simple pendulum of length 2-5 m at that place?
Given : S= 125 m, υ = 0, t = 5 sec.
Now, s = ut + \( \frac{1}{2} \) gt2
125 = 0 +\( \frac{1}{2} \)g×25
g = 10 ms-2

= 2π\( \sqrt{\frac{l}{g}} \)
= 2π \( \sqrt{\frac{2.5}{10}} \)
= 2π ×0.5 = π sec.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 14 Oscillations 

Question 13.
A spring balance has a scale that reads from 0 to 50 kg. The length of the scale is 20 cm. A body suspended from this balance, when displaced and released, oscillates with a period of 0-6 s. What is the weight of the body ? (NCERT)
Given :m = 50 kg, y = 20 cm = 0.2 m, T- 0.6 s
From F=ky
∴ mg = ky
K = \( \frac{\mathrm{mg}}{\mathrm{y}} \) = [ latex] \frac{50 \times 9 \cdot 8}{0 \cdot 2} [/latex] = 2450Nm-1
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 14 Oscillations  24
Weight of the body
W = m’g
= 22.36×9.8 = 219.17 N
≈ 219N.

Question 14.
A spring having spring constant 1200 Nm’ is mounted on a horizontal table as shown in fig. A mass of 3 kg is attached to the free end of the spring. The mass is then pulled side ways to a distance of 2.0 cm and released. (NCERT)
(j) The frequency of oscillations.
(ii) Maximum acceleration of the mass and
(iii) The maximum speed of the mass.
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 14 Oscillations  23
Given:k=1200Nm-1,m= 3kg, amplitude a =2 cm =2 × 102m
(i) Frequency υ =\( \frac{1}{2 \pi} \) \( \sqrt{\frac{k}{m}} \) = \( \frac{1}{2 \times 3 \cdot 14} \sqrt{\frac{1200}{3}} \)
= \( \frac{1}{6 \cdot 28} \) ×\( \sqrt{400}\) = \( \) \frac{20}{6 \cdot 28}
= 3.18 s-1 ≈3.2 -1

(ii) α = -ω 2 y
∴α max = ω 2a = \( \frac{k}{m} \) .a = \( \frac{1200}{3} \) ×2 ×10-2
= 8.0 ms -2

(iii) ∴ν max=ωa= \( \sqrt{\frac{k}{m}} \) ×a =\( \sqrt{\frac{1200}{3}} \) ×2 ×10-2
= 20 × 2 × 10-2 = 0.4 ms -1

Oscillations Class 11 Important Questions Objective Type

1. Multiple- choice questions:

Question 1.
Which of the following equation does not represent simple harmonic, motion:
(a) x = asin(ωt+δ)
(b) x = bcos(ωt+Φ)
(c) x = atan(ωt + Φ)
(d) x = asin(ωt cosωt.
(c) x=atan(ωt + Φ)

Question 2.
Time-period and amplitude of a particle executing simple harmonic motion is Tand a. The minimum time taken to reach distance will be:
(a) T
(b) \(\frac{T}{4}\)
(c) \(\frac{T}{8}\)
(d) \(\frac{T}{16}\)
(c) \(\frac{T}{8}\)

Question 3.
Time-period and amplitude of a particle executing simple harmonic motion is T and a. Its maximum velocity is :
(a) \(\frac{4 a}{T}\)
(b) \(\frac{4 a}{T}\)
(c ) \(2 \pi \sqrt{\frac{a}{T}}\)
(d) \(\frac{2 \pi a}{T}\)
(d) \(\frac{2 \pi a}{T}\)

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 14 Oscillations 

Question 4.
Acceleration in S.H.M. is :
(a) Maximum at amplitude position
(b) Maximum at mean position
(c) Remain constant
(d) None of these.
(a) Maximum at amplitude position

Question 5.
The ratio of acceleration to displacement of a particle executing S.H.M. is measurement of:
(a) Spring constant
(b) Angular acceleration
(c) (Angular acceleration)2
(d) Restoring force.
(c) (Angular acceleration)2

Question 6.
When displacement is half of amplitude, then ratio of potential energy to the total energy is:
(a) \(\frac{1}{2}\)
(b) \(\frac{1}{4}\)
(c) 1
(d) \(\frac{1}{8}\)
(b) \(\frac{1}{4}\)

Question 7.
What remain constant in S.H.M.:
(a) Restoring force
(b) Kinetic energy
(c) Potential energy
(d) Time-period.
(d) Time-period.

Question 8.
Graph between ‘f and ‘F obtained as :
(a) Hyperbola
(b) Parabola
(c) Straight line
(d) None of these.
(b) Parabola

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 14 Oscillations

Question 9.
The time-period of a seconds pendulum is :
(a) 1 second
(b) 2 second
(c) 3 second
(d) 4 second.
(b) 2 second

Question 10.
Resonance is example of:
(a) Tuning fork
(b) Forced oscillation
(c) Free oscillation
(d) Damped oscillation.
(b) Forced oscillation

2. Fill in the blanks:

1. A periodic motion of constant amplitude and same frequency is called ………… .
Simple harmonic motion

2. In simple harmonic motion its total energy is ………. .

3. The restoring force setup per unit extension in the spring is called ………… .
Spring constant (Force constant)

4. When a body oscillates on both sides of its mean position in a straight line, then this bind of motion is called ………… .
Simple harmonic motion

5. The maximum displacement of a body in oscillatory motion is called ………… .

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 14 Oscillations 

6. In the presence of damping forces, the amplitude of oscillations of a body ………… .

7. The time-period of second pendulum is ………… second.

8. The periodic time of simple pendulum does not depends upon

3. Match the following:

Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
1. Maximum kinetic energy in S.H.M. (a) 2π\( \sqrt{\frac{\text { Displacement }}{\text { Acceleration }}} \)
2.Maximum potential energy in S.H.M (b) Remain constant
3. Total energy of S.H.M. (c) At mean position
4. Acceleration of S.H.M. (d) At maximum displacement
5. Time-period of S.H.M. (e) Directly proportional to displacement.

1. (c) At mean position
2. (d) At maximum displacement
3. (b) Remain constant
4. (e) Directly proportional to displacement.
5.  (a) 2π\( \sqrt{\frac{\text { Displacement }}{\text { Acceleration }}} \).


Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
1. Motion of moon (a) Forced oscillation
2. Resonance (b) Conservation of energy and momentum
3. S.H.M. (c) Periodic motion
4. Mechanical waves (d) Main frequency
5. Minimum frequency of vibration (e) S.H.M.

1. (c) Periodic motion
2. (a) Forced oscillation
3. (e) S.H.M.
4. (b) Conservation of energy and momentum
5. ((d) Main frequency.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 14 Oscillations

4. Write true or false:

1. Every S.H.M. is a periodic motion.

2. Every periodic motion is S.H.M.

3. In S.H.M. total energy is directly proportional to square of amplitude.

4. Acceleration is always zero for a particle executing S.H.M.

5. Time-period of simple pendulum is directly proportion to square root of its length.

6. Time-period of simple pendulum is inversely proportional to the square root of acceleration due to gravity.

7. Time-period of simple pendulum depends on mass, material and size of the pendulum.

8. In S.H.M., velocity is maximum when acceleration is minimum.

9. The motion of moon around the earth is S.H.M.

10. Time-period of hard spring is less than soft spring.

11. Time-period of a simple pendulum cannot be one day.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 4 Motion in a Plane

Students get through the MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 4 Motion in a Plane which are most likely to be asked in the exam.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 4 Motion in a Plane

Motion in a Plane Class 11 Important Questions Very Short Answer Type

Question 1.
State for each of the following physical quantities, if it is a scalar or a vector : Volume, mass, speed, acceleration, density, number of moles, velocity, angular
frequency, displacement, angular velocity.
Scalar quantities : Volume, mass, speed, density, number of moles, angular frequency.
Vector quantities : Acceleration, velocity, displacement, angular velocity.

Question 2.
Pick out the only vector quantity in the following list:
Temperature, pressure, impulse, time, power, total path, length, energy, gravitational potential, coefficient of friction, charge.
Impulse. As impulse = force × time = change in momentum . As force and momentum are vector quantities, so it is a vector.

Question 3.
What do you mean by magnitude of a vector quantity?
The positive value of the modulus of a vector quantity is called magnitude of
vector quantity. It is represented by \(|\vec{a}|\)

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 4 Motion in a Plane

Question 4.
Whether addition of two vectors depends upon the order of placement of the vectors.
No, according to the commutative law of vector addition \(\vec{a}+\vec{b}\) = \(\vec{b}+\vec{a}\).

Question 5.
Can two vectors of different dimension can be added?
No, we can add two vectors of same dimension.

Question 6.
How can a vector and scalar be added?
A vector and a scalar cannot be added.

Question 7.
How can three vectors be added so that its resultant is zero?
If three vectors can be represented completely by the three sides of a triangle taken in the same order, then their resultant is zero.

Question 8.
What do you mean by unit vector and zero vector?
If the magnitude of a vector is one then it is called as unit vector and if its
magnitude is zero and direction is uncertain is called zero vector, unit vector

Question 9.
What do you mean by resolution of a vector?
When a vector is divided into two or more components such that their addition is the same vector then it is called resolution of vector.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 4 Motion in a Plane

Question 10.
Can the magnitude of component of vector more than its original vector?
No, it cannot be.

Question 11.
Can a vector be multiplied with a scalar? Illustrate with example.
Yes, \(\vec{F}=m \cdot \vec{a}\)

Question 12.
When the scalar product of two vectors is maximum?
When both the vectors are parallel, then angle between them is 0° or 180°. Then scalar product will be maximum.

Question 13.
Area of a surface is vector or scalar quantity?
It is vector quantity because its direction is perpendicular to its surface.

Question 14.
Which type of quantity is modulus of a vector?
Modulus of a vector is scalar quantity.

Question 15.
What do you mean by displacement vector?
Displacement vector is those vector which specify that how much and in which direction an object has displaced in time intervel t1 and t2.

Question 16.
What do you mean by equal vectors?
Two vectors whose magnitude and directions are same are called equal vectors.

Question 17.
Write the triangle law of vector addition.
Triangle law of vector addition : If two vectors are represented by the adjacent sides of a triangle in a definite order. Then the
resultant will be given by the third side taken in the opposite manner.
i.e., \(\vec{R}=\overrightarrow{O A}+\overrightarrow{A B}\)
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 4 Motion in a Plane 1

Question 18.
Can a vector of IS dyne be added in a vector of 10 Newton?
Yes, it can be added because dimensions of both physical quantities are same.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 4 Motion in a Plane

Question 19.
Why displacement vector and velocity vector cannot be added?
They cannot be added because their dimensions are different.

Question 20.
What will happen if a vector is extended in its parallel direction?
No changes will occur in vector.

Question 21.
When the addition of two vectors are maximum and minimum?
When both the vectors are parallel the addition is maximum and when they are opposite their addition is minimum.

Question 22.
Can the resultant of two different vectors be zero?
No, because the minimum magnitude of \(\vec{A}+\vec{B}\) is A – B.

Question 23.
Whether addition of vectors depends on order they placed?

Question 24.
If P and Q are two vector quantities then PQ will be which quantity?
It is a scalar quantity.

Question 25.
When vector product of two vectors is maximum?
When two vectors are perpendicular to each other, then their vector product is maximum.

Question 26.
If a component of a vector is zero and other component of same vector is non-zero, can the magnitude of that vector be zero?

Question 27.
If the angle between two vectors are changed keeping magnitude to be same; then what will be the effect on resultant vector?
Magnitude and direction of resultant vector will get changed.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 4 Motion in a Plane

Question 28.
When addition and subtraction of two vectors are equal?
When the magnitude of both vectors are same and mutually perpendicular to each other then addition and subtraction of two vectors will be equal.

Question 29.
If \(\vec{A} \cdot \vec{C}=\vec{B} \cdot \vec{C}\) whether \(\vec{A}\) and \(\overrightarrow{\boldsymbol{B}}\) will be always equal?

Question 30.
What is projectile motion? When does the trajectory is parabola?
When a body is projected at an angle other than vertical, the body moves under gravity and falls at different points on the earth. The path traced out by the body is called trajectory and its motion is called projectile.
Example : Motion of cannon ball, the object released from an aeroplane flying horizontally. Trajectory is parabola when air of friction is negligible.

Question 31.
At what angle the horizontal range is maximum?
When θ = 45°, = R max = \(\frac{u^{2}}{g}\)

Question 32.
From top of a tower two bullets are shot with different velocities in horizontal direction. Which one will reach on the ground first?
Both bullets will reach the ground at the same time because initial velocity in vertical direction is same for them.

Motion in a Plane Class 11 Important Questions Short Answer Type

Question 1.
Establish the following vector inequalities geometrically or otherwise :
(a) \(|a+b| \leq|a|+|b|\)
(b) \(|\boldsymbol{a}+\boldsymbol{b}| \geq\|\boldsymbol{a}|-| \boldsymbol{b}\|\).
When does the equality sign above apply?
Let the two vectors \(\vec{a}\) and \(\vec{b}\) be represented by the sides OP and PQ of the ΔOPQ taken in the same order, then their resultant is represented by the side OQ of the triangle such that
OQ = a + b as shown in fig.
Thus, OP = a,PQ = b
∴ \(|O P|=|a|,|P Q|=|b|\)
and \(|O Q|=|a+b|\)
(a) \(|a+b| \leq|a|+|b|\)
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 4 Motion in a Plane 2
We know from the property of a triangle that its one side is always less than the sum of the lengths of its two other sides.
Now in Δ OPQ,
or \(|a+b|<|a|+|b|\) …(1)
If the two vectors a and b are acting along the same straight line i.e., are collinear and in the same direction, then
θ (angle between them) = 0
∴ \(|a+b|=\sqrt{a^{2}+b^{2}+2 a b \cos \theta}=\sqrt{(a+b)^{2}}\)
= a + b = \(|a|+|b|\) ..(2)
From eqns. (1) and (2), we get
\(|a+b| \leq|a|+|b|\)
The equality sign applies if a and b are collinear and act in same direction.
(b) \(\text { (b) }|a+b| \geq \| a|-| b||\)

One side is more than the difference of two other sides i.e., in ΔOPQ in fig.
OQ >\(|O P-P Q|\)
The modulus of (OP – PQ) has been taken because L.H.S. is + ve and R.H.S. may be – ve if OP < PQ.
or \(|a+b|>\| a|-| b||\) ….(3)
If a and b are acting along the same straight line in the opposite direction, then
\(|a+b|>\| a|-| b||\)
From eqns. (3) and (4), we get
\(|a+b| \geq \| a|-| b||\)
Equality sign holds for as stated in eqn. (4).

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 4 Motion in a Plane

Question 2.
Explain scalar product of two vectors?
Let the angle between two vectors \(\vec{A}\) and \(\vec{B}\) is θ
∴ Scalar product of \(\vec{A}\) and \(\vec{B}\) will be
\(\vec{A} \cdot \vec{B}\) = AB cosθ

Let a force\(\vec{F}\) is acting on a particle and is displaced through \(\vec{r}\) at an angle θ then
\(\vec{F} \cdot \vec{r}\) = Frcosθ
Now, \(\vec{A} \cdot \vec{B}\) = AB cosθ
Hence, \(\vec{A} \cdot \vec{B}\) = 0 if either \(|\vec{A}|\) = 0 or \(|\vec{B}|\)= 0 or θ= 90°.
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 4 Motion in a Plane 3

Question 3.
What type of quantity is work?
Since work = Force × Displacement
i.e., W = \(\vec{F} \cdot \vec{d}\)
Since scalar product of two vectors are scalar, therefore work is a scalar quantity.

Question 4.
What type of quantity is kinetic energy?
K.E =\(\frac{1}{2}\)mv2 = \(\frac{1}{2}\)m \((\vec{v} \cdot \vec{v})\)
Since, \(\vec{v} \cdot \vec{v}\) will be a scalar quantity, so kinetic energy will be a scalar quantity.

Question 5.
Prove that addition of vectors obeys commutative law.
State and prove the commutative law of vector addition.
Consider two vectors \(\vec{a}\) and \(\vec{b}\) which are in the same plane \(\overrightarrow{O A}=\vec{a}\) and \(\overrightarrow{A B}=\vec{b}\).
Join \(\overrightarrow{O B}\).
By triangle law of addition,
\(\vec{a}+\vec{b}=\overrightarrow{O A}+\overrightarrow{A B}=\overrightarrow{O B}\) …(1)
Complete the parallelogram OABC. In a parallelogram, op¬posite sides are parallel and equal. Hence,
\(\overrightarrow{A B}=\overrightarrow{O C}=\vec{b} \text { and } \overrightarrow{O A}=\overrightarrow{C B}=\vec{a}\)
By triangle law of addition,
\(\vec{b}+\vec{a}=\overrightarrow{O C}+\overrightarrow{C B}=\overrightarrow{O B}\) …..(2)
From eqns. (1) and (2), \(\vec{a}+\vec{b}=\vec{b}+\vec{a}\)
Hence, the addition of vectors obey commutative law.
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 4 Motion in a Plane 4

Question 6.
Show that addition of vectors obey the associative law.
In a plane choose origin O and construct
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 4 Motion in a Plane 5

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 4 Motion in a Plane

Question 7.
Explain the law of parallelogram of vector’s addition.
If the two vectors acting at a point are represented in magnitude and direction by the adjacent sides of a parallelogram, then their resultant vector is represented in magnitude and direction by the diagonal passing through their common origin.
If two vectors \(\vec{A}\) and \(\vec{B}\) are represented by two adjacent sides of a parallelogram OACB, the diagonal OC represents the resultant of these two vectors.
In parallelogram OACB,
∴ \(\overrightarrow{O B}=\overrightarrow{A C}=\vec{B}\)
In ? OAC, as per triangle law of vector addition,
\(\overrightarrow{O C}=\overrightarrow{O A}+\overrightarrow{A C}\)
∴ \(\vec{R}=\vec{A}+\vec{B}\)
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 4 Motion in a Plane 6

Question 8.
Write the expression of position vector, velocity vector and acceleration vector for a particle moving in a plane.
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 4 Motion in a Plane 7

Question 9.
What is the effect of air on the time of flight and range of projectile?
Time of flight and range will be decreased.

Question 10.
A food packet is released from an aeroplane flying horizontally. What will be the path of packet:
(i) Seen from the plane and
(ii) Seen from the earth?
(i) In a straight line vertically downward.
(ii) Parabolic.

Question 11.
An aeroplane is moving horizontally with uniform velocity. A bomb is dropped from the plane. What will be the position of plane, when the bomb strikes the ground?
When the friction of medium is zero, the plane will be just above the point where the bomb strike the ground.
When the friction is not zero, the plane will be little ahead above the point where the bomb will strike the ground.

Question 12.
What will be the change in centripetal force when speed of an object and radius of path are doubled in circular motion.
Centripetal force F = \(\frac{m v^{2}}{r}\)
When v1 = 2v and r1 = 2r
Then, F1 = \(\frac{m v_{1}^{2}}{r_{1}}\)
or F1 = \(\frac{m(2 v)^{2}}{2 r}=\frac{4 m v^{2}}{2 r}\)
or F1 = \(\frac{2 m v^{2}}{r}\)
or F1= 2F is centripetal force will get doubled.

Question 13.
What do you mean by uniform circular motion? Give two examples.
When a body moves in a circular path with constant speed, then its motion is called uniform circular motion.
Example: Motion of the tip of the blade of a fan, motion of the earth around the sun is nearly a uniform circular motion.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 4 Motion in a Plane

Question 14.
What do you mean by angular displacement?
The angle suspended by the particle on the circular path in given time interval is called an angular displacement of the particle its unit is radian.

Question 15.
If the velocity of projectile motion is doubled then what will be the effect on its horizontal range?
since R = \(\frac{u^{2} \sin ^{2} \theta}{g}\)
i.e., R ∝ u2
When velocity of projectile motion is doubled then its horizontal range get four times increased.

Question 16.
What do you understand by time-period and frequency?
Time-period is defined as the time taken by an object to complete one rotation. Its unit is second. If the angular velocity of an object is a> and angle suspended at the centre during one complete rotation is 2π, then
Time-period T = \(\frac{2 \pi}{\omega}\)
or ω = \(\frac{2 \pi}{T}\)
Frequency is defined as the number of rotations completed by the body in one second. Its unit is hertz.
If time-period is T, then frequency n = \(\frac{1}{T}\)
or n = \(\frac{1}{2 \pi / \omega}=\frac{\omega}{2 \pi}\)
or ω = 2πn

Question 17.
Define linear velocity and angular velocity of a particle in circular motion. Establish the relation between them.
Angular velocity :
The rate of change of angle subtended by a body moving in a circular path, at the centre of the path per second is called angular velocity of the body.
Linear velocity :
The distance travelled by the particle on the circular path in one second is called linear velocity.
Its SI unit is ms-1.

Relation between linear velocity and angular velocity:
Let a particle is moving in a circular path of radius r and centre O. Its linear velocity is v and angular velocity is ω
If in small time Δt, the particle travels distance Δs on the circle,
∴ ∠POQ = Δθ
Hence’ ω = \(\frac{\Delta \theta}{\Delta t}\) ….(1)
and ν = \(\frac{\Delta s}{\Delta t}\) ….(2)
But, Angle = \(\frac{\text { Arc }}{\text { Radius }}\)
∴ Δθ = \(\frac{\Delta s}{r}\)
∴ From eqn. (1), we get
ω = \(\frac{\Delta s}{r \Delta t}\)
or \(\frac{\Delta s}{\Delta t}\) = ωr
∴ ν = ωr
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 4 Motion in a Plane 8
Hence, Linear velocity = Angular velocity × Radius.

Question 18.
Define centripetal acceleration and derive its expression. Also deduce its direction.
Centripetal acceleration :
It is defined as the acceleration which always acts towards the centre along the radius of the circular path.
“Centripetal” comes from a Greek term which means “centre seeking”.
Expression for centripetal acceleration:
Let a body be moving with constant angular velocity? and constant speed? in a circular path of radius R and centre O.
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 4 Motion in a Plane 9
Let the body be at points P and Q at time t and t + Δt respectively.
Also let Δθ= ∠POQ be the angular displacement in a small time interval Δt, thus
ω = \(\frac{\Delta \theta}{\Delta t}\) = or Δθ = ωΔt …(1)
If ν and \(\vec{v}+\Delta \vec{v}\)be the velocity vectors of the body at points P and Q acting along PL and QM respectively. As the body is moving with uniform speed, so lengths PL and PM are equal i.e., PL = PM. The change in velocity \(\Delta \vec{v}\) from P to Q is due to the change in the direction of velocity vector.
Hence magnitude of acceleration of the body is given by
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 4 Motion in a Plane 10
From point’a’draw \(\overrightarrow{a b}\) parallel and equal to \(\overrightarrow{P L}\) and \(\overrightarrow{a c}\) parallel and equal to \(\overrightarrow{Q M}\),
\(\overrightarrow{a b}=\vec{v}, \overrightarrow{a c}=\vec{v}+\Delta \vec{v}\)
∴ \(\overrightarrow{b c}=\Delta \vec{v}\)
Clearly the angle between \(\overrightarrow{a b}\) and \(\overrightarrow{a c}\) is Δθ . As Δt is quite small so a and c lie very close to each other, thus be can be taken to be an arc of \(\widehat{b c}\) a circle of radius
ab = \(|\vec{v}|\)
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 4 Motion in a Plane 11
Also when Δt → 0, then L.H.S. of eqn. (4) represents acceleration. Thus eqn. (4) can be written as
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 4 Motion in a Plane 12
Eqn. (6) gives the magnitude of the acceleration produced in the body.
Direction of acceleration :
Acceleration always acts in the direction of Δν which acts from b to c. When Δt is decreased, Δθ also decreases. If Δt → 0, then Δθ → 0, so Δν tends to be perpendicular in ab. As ab || PL, so Δν tends to act perpendicular to PL i.e., along PO is along the radius towards the centre of circular path.
Since ν and R are always constant, so magnitude of centripetal acceleration is also constant. But the direction changes pointing always towards the centre. So centripetal acceleration is not a constant vector.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 4 Motion in a Plane

Motion in a Plane Class 11 Important Questions Long Answer Type

Question 1.
State parallelogram law of vector addition of two vectors and derive an expression for their resultant vector.
Ans. Parallelogram law of vector addition : If the two vectors acting at a point are represented in magnitude and direction by the adjacent sides of a parallelogram, then their resultant vector is represented in magnitude and direction by the diagonal passing through their common origin.
If two vectors \(\vec{A}\) and \(\vec{B}\) are represented by two adjacent sides of a parallelogram OACB, the diagonal OC represents the resultant of these two vectors.
In parallelogram OACB,
∴ \(\overrightarrow{O B}=\overrightarrow{A C}=\vec{B}\)
In Δ OAC, as per triangle law of vector addition,
\(\overrightarrow{O C}=\overrightarrow{O A}+\overrightarrow{A C}\)
∴ \(\vec{R}=\vec{A}+\vec{B}\)
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 4 Motion in a Plane 6
Two vectors \(\vec{a}\) and \(\vec{b}\) are completely represented by the two sides OA and OB of a parallelogram respectively as shown in fig.
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 4 Motion in a Plane 13
The angle between two vectors \(\vec{a}\) and \(\vec{b}\) is θ. The diagonal
OC of the paralellogram gives the resultant \(\vec{R}\),
Such that \(\vec{R}\) = \(\vec{R}=\vec{a}+\vec{b}\)
The resultant \(\vec{R}\) makes a angle with direction of \(\vec{a}\) From point C draw a perpendicular CN on extended OA.
sinθ = \(\frac{C N}{A C}\) ⇒ CN= AC sinθ
⇒ CN = b sinθ ….(1)
Also, cosθ = \(\frac{A N}{A C}\)
⇒ AN = AC cosθ = b cosθ ….(2)
∴ ON = OA + AN =a+b cosθ ….(3)
In ΔONC, OC2 = ON2 + CN2
⇒ R2 = (a +b cosθ)2 +(bsin?)2
or R2 = a2 +b2 cos2 θ+2abcosθ+b2 sin2θ
or R2 = a2 +b2(sin2θ+ cos2 θ) + 2abcosθ
or R2 = a2 +b2 +2abcosθ
or R = \(\sqrt{a^{2}+b^{2}+2 a b \cos \theta}\) …(4)
The above eqn. (4) is the required expression.
Direction of R is given by
tanα = \(\frac{b \sin \theta}{a+b \cos \theta}\) or a = tan-1\(\left(\frac{b \sin \theta}{a+b \cos \theta}\right)\)

Question 2.
What do you mean by two-dimensional motion? Establish the relation between displacement, velocity and acceleration.
TWo-dimensional motion: When a body moves in a plane, its motion is called two-dimensional motion.
Example: Motion in circular path, motion of the bullet fired from the gun.
Let a body is moving with uniform acceleration \(\vec{a}\). At time t = 0 its velocity is \(\vec{?}\) (0) and at t sec velocity is ν(t). 1f the position vectors are \(\vec{r}\) (0) and \(\vec{r}\) (t) respectively.
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MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 4 Motion in a Plane

Question 3.
What do you understand by projectile motion? Prove that the path of projectile is parabolic.
Projectile motion :
When a body is projected at an angle other than vertical, the body moves under gravity and falls at different points on the earth. The path traced out by the body is called trajectory and its motion is called projectile.
Example : Motion of cannon ball, the object released from an aeroplane flying horizontally. Trajectory is parabola when air of friction is negligible.

Let a body is projected with velocity u, at an angleθ with the horizontal. Thus, we have two components of u.
i.e., Horizontal component along X-axis = u cosθ
and Vertical component along T-axis = u sinθ
∵ The horizontal velocity is free from gravitational acceleration,
∴ ux = vx(0) = u cosθ and ax = 0
If x (t) is the position of the particle of any instant of time, then the displacement will be x(t) – λ(0),
But, λ(0) = 0
∴ x(t) – λ(0) = λ(t) = x
Hence, x = vx(0)t + \(\frac{1}{2}\) axt2
or x = u cosθ t
or t = \(\frac{x}{u \cos \theta}\) …(1)
Now, for the vertical component,
vy = u sinθ and ay = -g, (∵ the particle moves in upward direction) If y(t) is the position of the particle at any instant of time, then the displacement will be y(t) -y(0)
But, y(0) = 0
∴ y(t) – y(0)=y(t) = y
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 4 Motion in a Plane 17
or y = x tanθ –\(\frac{g}{2 u^{2} \cos ^{2} \theta} x^{2}\) …(3)
Since, u, g and θ are constant, therefore the eqn. (3) is in the form of
y = ax – bx2
Where, a = tanθ and b = \(\frac{g}{2 u^{2} \cos ^{2} \theta}\)
Which is the equation of a parabola. Since, it is a quadratic equation in x. Proved.

Question 4.
Derive the expression for time of flight, horizontal range and maximum height attain for a projectile motion.
Expression for time of flight: Let a body is projected with initial velocity u at an angle θ with the horizontal.
∴ The components of u are:
(i) Horizontal component, ux = u cosθ and
(ii) Vertical component, uy = u Sinθ
The time taken by the projectile to travel from point O to A, is called its time of flight.
Now, initial velocity along Y-axis is
uyy(0)=u sinθ
Now,at highest point
νy(t) = 0 and ay = -g
If the time taken by the projectile from O to P is t, then
νy(t)= νy(0)+at
0=u sinθ-gt
or t = \(\frac{u \sin \theta}{g}\)
But Time of flight, T = 2t
∴ T = \(\frac{2 u \sin \theta}{g}\)
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 4 Motion in a Plane 18
Horizontal Range:
The horizontal distance travelled in the time of flight is called range.
Now, Range=OA=R
∴ R = Horizontal velocity × Time of flight
or R= u cosθ × \(\frac{2 u \sin \theta}{g}\)
or R= \(\frac{u^{2} \cdot 2 \sin \theta \cos \theta}{g}\)
∴ R = \(\frac{u^{2} \sin 2 \theta}{g}\) (∵ 2sinθ cosθ = sin2θ)

For maximum range, sin2θ = 1
or sin2θ= sin9o°
or 2θ = 90°
∴ θ =45°
For maximum range the angle of projection should be 45°.
∴ Rmax = \(\frac{u^{2}}{g} .\)

Maximum height attain: Now, we have two resolved parts of initial velocity u, i,e.,
(i) Horizontal component ux = u cosθ and
(ii) Vertical component uy = u Sinθ.
Suppose, the maximum height of projectile is Hand it takes r sec. to reach the highest point.
Now, for vertical motion,
νy(0) = u sinθ and ay = -g
At highest point, νy(t) = 0
:. By the equation, νy(t)=νy(0)+ayt
or 0 = u sinθ – gt
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 4 Motion in a Plane 19

Motion in a Plane Class 11 Important Numerical Questions

Question 1.
Find modulus and unit vector of the vector
\(\vec{a}=\hat{i}-2 \hat{j}+\hat{k}\)
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 4 Motion in a Plane 20

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 4 Motion in a Plane

Question 2.
If \(\vec{a}=\hat{i}+3 \hat{j}-4 \hat{k}\) and \(\vec{b}=2 \hat{i}-3 \hat{j}+4 \hat{k}\) then find out \(\vec{a}+\vec{b}\),
\(\vec{a} \cdot \vec{b}\) and \(\vec{a} \times \vec{b}\)
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 4 Motion in a Plane 21

Question 3.
If\(|\vec{a}+\vec{b}|=|\vec{a}-\vec{b}|\), then prove that \(\text { a }\) and \(\text { b }\) are mutually perpendicular to each other.
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 4 Motion in a Plane 22

Question 4.
When the resultant of two equal vectors will be A.
R2 = A2 + B2 + 2ABcosθ
When \(\vec{B}=\vec{A}\), then
R2 = A2 + A2 + 2A.Acosθ
= 2A2 +2A2cosθ
If costθ = – \(\frac{1}{2}\) = cos 120°
Then R2 = A2
i.e., R = A
i.e., θ = 120°.

Question 5.
Prove that \(3 \hat{i}+2 \hat{j}-\hat{k}\) and \(2 \hat{i}-2 \hat{j}+2 \hat{k}\) are perpendicular to each other.
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 4 Motion in a Plane 23

Question 6.
If A = \(\vec{A}=2 \hat{i}+2 \hat{j}+p \hat{k}\) and \(\vec{B}=2 \hat{i}-\hat{j}+\hat{k}\)are perpendicular, then find the value of p.
Given : \(\vec{A}\) and \(\vec{B}\) are perpendicular
∴ \(\vec{A} \cdot \vec{B}\) = 0
or \((2 \hat{i}+2 \hat{j}+p \hat{k}) \cdot(2 \hat{i}-\hat{j}+\hat{k})\) = 0
∴ 2.2 + 2.(-1) + p.(1) = 0
or 4 -2 + p = 0
or P = -2.

Question 7.
Rain is falling vertically with a speed of 30 ms *. A woman rides a bicycle
with a speed of 10 ms 1 in the north to south direction. What is the direction in which she should hold her umbrella?
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 4 Motion in a Plane 24
Let the rain be falling vertically downward with the speed of 30 ms-1 along OA. The woman is moving along OS with a speed of 10 ms-1.
To protect herself from rain, the woman should hold her umbrella in the direction of relative velocity of the rain with respect to the woman i.e., νrw. To determine the νrw the woman must be brought to rest by imposing an equal and opposite velocity of the observer both on woman as well as on the rain. Rain thus has two velocities :
(i) Its own velocity of 30 ms -1 along \(\overrightarrow{O A}\)
(ii) Imposed velocity of 10 ms-1 along \(\overrightarrow{O B}\)
The relative velocity is the resultant of these two velocities.
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 4 Motion in a Plane 25
tan α = tan18°26′
α = 18° 26′
So woman should hold umbrella at an angle of 18°26′ with the vertical towards south.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 4 Motion in a Plane

Question 8.
A cyclist is riding with a speed of 27 kmh-1. As he approaches a circular turn on the road of radius 80 m, he applies brakes and reduces his speed at the constant rate of 0.5 ms-1 every second. What is the magnitude and direction of the net acceleration of the cyclist on the circular turn?
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 4 Motion in a Plane 26
Speed of cyclist ν = 27kmh-1
= 27 x \(\frac{5}{18}\) ms-1
= \(\frac{15}{2}\) ms-1
Radius of circular turn, r = 80 m
Here the cyclist will be acted upon by two accelerations ac and at Centripetal acceleration (ac) is given by
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 4 Motion in a Plane 27
Let P be the point at which the cyclist applies brakes, then the tangential acceleration at, (which will be negative) will act opposite to velocity of cyclist and is given by
at = \(\frac{\text { Change in velocity }}{\text { Time }}=\frac{0 \cdot 5}{1}\) ms-2
= 0.5 ms-2
As both ac and at, act along the radius of circle and tangent to the circle respectively, so ac and a, are mutually perpendicular, thus the magnitude of the net acceleration ‘a’
(i.e., resultant acceleration) is given by
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 4 Motion in a Plane 40
Direction of a: Let θ be the angle made by the net acceleration with the velocity of cyclist, then
tanθ \(\frac{a_{c}}{a_{t}}\) = \(\frac{0.703}{0.5}\)
= 1.406
or tanθ = tan54°33′
θ = 54° 33′ = 54-44°.

Question 9.
A ball is projected at an angle of 30° with a velocity of 20 ms-1. Find the time of flight.
u = 20 ms-1, θ= 30°.
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Question 10.
A cricketor can throw a ball to a maximum horizontal distance of 100 m. How much high above the ground can the cricketor throw the same ball?
R = 100 m
From the formula R = \(\frac{u^{2}}{g}\), we get g
100 = \(\frac{u^{2}}{g}\)
and H = \(\frac{u^{2}}{2 g}=\frac{R}{2}=\frac{100}{2}\) = 50m

Question 11.
A ball is projected at an angle of 60° with a velocity of 40 ms-1. What will be the maximum height and range?
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MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 4 Motion in a Plane

Question 12.
A body is projected at an angle of 15° and its range is 50 m. If it is projected at an angle of 45°, then find the range.
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Question 13.
A particle is executing 3 revolutions per second in a circular path of radius 15 cm. Find out angular velocity and linear velocity.
Given r = 15 cm, frequency n = 3 revolutions per second
From ω = 2πn, we get
ω = 2 × π × 3 = 6π radian/sec.
Again, from ν = rω, we get
ν = 15 × 6π = 90πcm/sec.

Question 14.
In a projectile motion of the horizontal range and maximum height attain of an object is same, then find out the angle of projection of the object.
Given, R = H
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 4 Motion in a Plane 31

Question 15.
The coordinate of a particle moving in a plane at any time f is given by JC =
ct2 and y = bt2 Determine the velocity of the particle.
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Question 16.
For any projectile motion the horizontal range is four times of maximum height attain. Find out the angle of projection.
Given R = 4 H
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MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 4 Motion in a Plane

Question 17.
A bullet is fired with a velocity of 1,000 m/s from a rifle at an angle of 30° w.r.t horizontal, find out:
(i) Time taken to reach highest point from the rifle.
(ii) Total time of flight
(iii) What will be the velocity of bullet when it strike ground surface?
(iv) At what height the buUet will raise ?
(v) At what distance from the rifle the bullet will strike the ground surface?
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Question 18.
A football player kicks the football with a velocity of 20 m/s making an angle of 30° from the horizontal. Find out
(i) Time of flight
(ii) Maximum height attain by the football
(iii) Velocity of the football and its direction after striking the ground.
(iv) Horizontal range, (given g = 10 m/s2).
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Question 19.
An aeroplane is flying at a height of 1960 m with a velocity of 600 km/hr. When it is just above a point A on the earth, a packet is dropped, which falls at point B. Calculate AB.
u = 600 km/hr =600 × \(\frac{5}{18}\) m/s
= \(\frac{500}{3}\) m/s
For motion of a packet in downward direction,
y = \(\frac{1}{2}\) gt2
or 1960 =\(\frac{1}{2}\) × 9.8 × t2
or t2 =400t = 20 sec.
∴ AB = ut = \(\frac{500}{3}\) × 20
Horizontal distance covered by packet i.e.,AB
AB = ut = \(\frac{500}{3}\) × 20
= 3333.3m
= 3.33km.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 4 Motion in a Plane

Motion in a Plane Class 11 Important Questions Objective Type

1. Multiple- choice questions:

Question 1.
1. Torque is a :
(a) Vector quantity
(b) Scalar quantity
(c) Both
(d) None of these
(b) Scalar quantity

Question 2.
If \(\vec{A}=2 \hat{i}+4 \hat{j}\)and \(\vec{B}=2 \hat{i}-5 \hat{j}\), then \(\vec{A}+\vec{B}\) will be :
(a) \(5 \hat{i}-\hat{j}\)
(b) \(3 \hat{i}-\hat{j}\)
(c) \(4 \hat{i}-\hat{j}\)
(d) \(3 \hat{i}-3 \hat{j}\)
(c) \(4 \hat{i}-\hat{j}\)

Question 3.
Unit vector in direction of vector \(\vec{A}\) will be :
(a) \(\hat{\mathrm{A}}=\frac{A}{\vec{A}}\)
(b) \(\hat{\mathrm{A}}=\frac{\vec{A}}{A}\)
(c) \(\text { (c) } \hat{\mathrm{A}}=A \cdot \vec{A}\)
(d) \(\text { (d) } \hat{\mathrm{A}}=A+\vec{A}\)
(b) \(\hat{\mathrm{A}}=\frac{\vec{A}}{A}\)

Question 4.
Angle between velocity and acceleration of maximum height of a projectile is :
(a) 30°
(b) 45°
(c) 60°
(d) 90°
(d) 90°

Question 5.
Path of a projectile is :
(a) Circular
(b) Straight line
(c) Parabolic
(d) Uncertain.
(c) Parabolic

Question 6.
For maximum range of a projectile, the angle must be :
(a) 30°
(b) 45°
(c) 60°
(d) 90°
(b) 45°

Question 7.
Time of flight of a projectile is tx and time taken to reach maximum height is t2, then the relation between them will be :
(a) t1 =2t2
(b) t2 =2t1
(c) t2 =3t1
(d) t 1=t2
(a) t1 =2t2

Question 8.
If the velocity of projectile is doubled, then its range will be :
(a) Same
(b) Become double
(c) Become half
(d) Become four times.
(b) Become double

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 4 Motion in a Plane

Question 9.
At maximum height of projectile, velocity is :
(a) Zero
(b) Minimum
(c) Equal to initial velocity
(d) None of these.
(b) Minimum

Question 10.
Rate of change of angular velocity is called :
(a) Angular displacement
(b) Angular speed
(c) Angular acceleration
(d) Angular momentum.
(c) Angular acceleration

2. Fill in the blanks:

1. Angular momentum is a ………………….quantity.

2. Magnitude of a vector \(2 \hat{i}-\hat{j}\) is …………………….

3. If an object is thrown horizontally from a height, then its path is ………………..

4. At maximum height of a projectile motion, velocity of an object is ………………..

5. The maximum horizontal distance covered by a projectile in its time of flight is called ………………………
Horizontal range

6. ……………………….. is constant in uniform circular motion.

7. At maximum height the direction of acceleration in projectile motion is ………………….
Vertically downwards

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 4 Motion in a Plane

8. In uniform circular motion there is ……………………. changes in angular momentum of a particle.

9. Angle between velocity and acceleration in uniform circular motion is …………………..

10. SI unit of angular momentum is …………………

3. Match the following:


Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
1. Formula for maximum height attain in projectile motion is (a) u cosθ
2. Formula for time of flight in projectile motion is (b) u sinθ
3. Formula for range in projectile motion is (c) \(\frac{u^{2} \sin 2 \theta}{2 g}\)
4. Horizontal component if a particle moving with velocity u and making an angle θ with horizontal will be (d) \(\frac{2 u \sin \theta}{g}\)
5. Vertical component if a particle moving with velocity u  and making an angle θ with horizontal will be (e) \(\frac{u^{2} \sin 2 \theta}{g}\)

1. (c) \(\frac{u^{2} \sin 2 \theta}{2 g}\)
2. (d) \(\frac{2 u \sin \theta}{g}\)
3. (e) \(\frac{u^{2} \sin 2 \theta}{g}\)
4. (a) u cosθ
5. (b) u sinθ


Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
1. Velocity of a particle performing uniform circular motion is (a) Tangential
2. Direction of acceleration of a particle performing uniform circular motion is (b) ν = rω
3. Relation between linear velocity (ν) and angular velocity (ω) is (c) Changes
4. Direction of velocity of a particle executing uniform circular motion is (d) Constant
5. Kinetic energy of a body executing uniform circular motion is (e) Toward centre.

1. (c) Changes
2. (e) Toward centre
3. (b) ν = rω
4. (a) Tangential
5. (d) Constant

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 4 Motion in a Plane

 4. Write true or false:

1. If \(\vec{A} \cdot \vec{B}\) = AB, then angle between \(\vec{A}\) and \(\vec{B}\) is zero.

2. If a unit vector is added or subtracted from a given vector, we always obtain given vector.

3. A scalar quantity can be added with vector quantity.

4. Resultant of three coplaner vector can be zero.

5. Path of motion is a straight line in two-dimensional motion moving with uniform velocity.

6. Acceleration is constant in projectile motion.

7. Horizontal velocity is constant in projectile motion.

8. If an object is dropped from running train, then its path will be parabolic.

9. Kinetic energy is zero at maximum height of a projectile motion.

10. In a given time interval, the ratio of change in velocity to the time-interval gives average acceleration.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 4 Motion in a Plane

5. Answer in one word:

1. A projectile is thrown upwards. At the topmost point, the acceleration is in which direction.
Vertically downwards

2. When an object is projected from earth surface, then which quantity remains constant?
Horizontal component of velocity

3. Twp bullets are fired horizontally with different velocities from the same height. Which bullet would reach the earth’s surface earlier.
Both bullets reach the earth’s surface in the same time

4. A particle is moving in a circular path. What is angle between its velocity and acceleration?

5. A particle has uniform circular motion. What is the change in its angular velocity after one half cycle.
No change in angular velocity

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 13 Kinetic Theory 

Students get through the MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 13 Kinetic Theory  which are most likely to be asked in the exam.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 13 Kinetic Theory

Kinetic Theory Class 11 Important Questions Very Short Answer Type

Question 1.
State Boyle’s law.
According to Boyle’s law “At constant temperature the volume of a given mass of a gas inversely proportional to its pressure, i.e.,
V∝\( \frac{1}{\mathrm{P}} \)
V=K.\( \frac{1}{\mathrm{P}} \)
PV = K (constant).

Question 2.
Write the condition at which Boyle’s law function.
Boyle’s law function at low pressure and high temperature.

Question 3.
Write down Charle’s law.
According to Charle’s law “ The volume of given mass of a gas at constant pressure increases by \( \frac{1}{273} \) of its volume at 0°C, for each 1°C rise in temperature.

Question 4.
Prove that with help of Charle’s law that at -273°C, volume of a gas is zero.
According to Charle’s law.
V = V0( 1 + \( \frac{1}{273} \) t)
At t =-273° C
V = V0(1+ \( \frac{-273}{273} \) )
V = V0 (1-1) = 0
i.e., at -273°C volume of a gas is zero.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 13 Kinetic Theory 

Question 5.
What are ideal gases?
The gases which obey Boyle’s law and Charle’s law completely are called ideal gases.

Question 6.
State Avogadro’s law.
According to Avogadro’s law, “Equal volume of all the gases under similar con-ditions of temperature and pressure contain the same number of molecules.”

Question 7.
Write down Dalton’s law of partial pressure.
Dalton’s law of partial pressure states that the total pressure exerted by a mixture of gases which do not interact in any way is equal to the sum of their individual pressures.

Question 8.
What is Grahm’ law of diffusion?
According to Grahm’s law of diffusion, “The rate of diffusion of a gas is directly proportional to the square root of its density.”

Question 9.
What is meant by absolute scale of temperature?
The scientist Kelvin had developed a temperature scale by considering – 273°C as zero of the scale. This scale is called absolute scale of temperature. The value of its each division is 1°C. It is also called as Kelvin scale.

Question 10.
What do you mean by absolute zero?
The absolute zero is that temperature at which the volume of a gas becomes zero.

Question 11.
If a gas is suddenly compressed, then its temperature increased. Why?
The temperature of a gas is directly proportional to its mean kinetic energy. When a gas is suddenly compressed, then the mean kinetic energy of gas is increased. Therefore, the temperature of gas is increased suddenly.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 13 Kinetic Theory 

Question 12.
What is Boltzmann constant? Write its value.
The ratio of universal gas constant (R) and Avogadro’s number (N) is known as Boltzmann’s constant
K= \( \frac{\mathrm{R}}{\mathrm{N}} \)
Its value is 1.38 x 10-23 joule/kelvin.

Question 13.
Write down relation between universal gas constant and specific gas constant.
The relation between universal gas constant and specific gas constant is given below:
Specific gas constant r = \( \frac{\text { Universal gas constant }(\mathrm{R})}{\text { Molecular weight of } operatorname{gas}(\mathrm{M})} \) .

Question 14.
Write the ideal gas equation.
PV = nRT.

Question 15.
Find out dimensional formula for R.
From PV = RT
R = \( \frac{\mathrm{PV}}{\mathrm{T}} \)
[R] = \( \frac{\left[\mathrm{ML}^{-1} \mathrm{~T}^{-2}\right]\left[\mathrm{L}^{3}\right]}{[\theta]} \)
= \( \left[\mathrm{ML}^{2} \mathrm{~T}^{-2} \theta^{-1}\right] \) .

Question 16.
At equal temperature (T) and pressure (P), two gases of same volume (V) are mixed together. If the temperature and volume of the mixure is T and V, then what will be its pressure?
According to Dalton’s law of partial pressure it will be 2P.

Question 17.
At NTP, 1cm3 H2 and 1cm3 O2 are given. In which gas number of molecules will be more and why?
According to Avogadro’s law number of molecules of 1 cm3 H2 and 1 cm3 O2 will be equal.

Question 18.
Oxygen and hydrogen gases are filled in a porous pot in equal amount, which one will diffuse soon?
By the kinetic theory of gas,
ν rms ∝\( \frac{1}{\sqrt{\mathrm{M}}} \)
Since MH < M0 hence νH > ν0
Thus, the hydrogen will diffuse soon.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 13 Kinetic Theory 

Kinetic Theory Class 11 Important Questions Short Answer Type 

Question 1.
What is gas equation? Establish it.
For a gas equation prove that PV = RT.
Establish ideal gas equation.
Let the initial pressure of one gram mole of a gas of molecular weight M is P1 its volume is V1 and absolute temperature is T1. After a thermodynamic process the pressure of gas become P2, volume and temperature becomes V2 and T2 respectively. The change occurs in the state of gas can be considered to be a combination of two processes.
(i) Keeping the temperature T1 of gas constant, its pressure is varied from P1 to P2, so that as shown in fig. the volume of gas becomes V’. Hence, as per Boyle’s law :
P 1V1 = P2V’ …(1)
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 13 Kinetic Theory  1
(ii) Keeping the pressure P2 constant, the temperature of gas is varied from T1 to T2 so that its volume changes from V’ to V2 as shown in fig. then according to Charle’s law :
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 13 Kinetic Theory  2
\( \frac{\mathrm{V}^{\prime}}{\mathrm{T}_{\mathrm{l}}} \) = \( \frac{\mathrm{V}_{2}}{\mathrm{~T}_{2}} \)
\( V’ = \frac{\mathrm{V}_{2} \mathrm{~T}_{1}}{\mathrm{~T}_{2}} \) ………. (2)
Substituting the value V’ from eqn. (2) in eqn.(1)
P1V 1 = \( \frac{\mathrm{P}_{2} \mathrm{~V}_{2} \mathrm{~T}_{1}}{\mathrm{~T}_{2}} \)
P1V 1 = \( \frac{P_{2} V_{2}}{T_{2}} \)
\( \frac{\mathrm{PV}}{\mathrm{T}} \) = Constant …….. (3)
The value of this constant is same (= 8.314 joule per mole-kelvin) for 1 mole of all the gases. It is denoted by R. Hence,
\( \frac{\mathrm{PV}}{\mathrm{T}} \) = R
PV = RT …(4)
Where, R is called universal gas constant. Eqn. (4) is called gas equation for one mole of gas.

Question 2.
Write down postulates of kinetic theory of gases.
The postulates of kinetic theory of gas are given below :

  • Every gas is composed of minute particles called molecules.
  • The size of these molecules is negligible as compared to their intermolecular dis¬tance. t
  • The molecules of gas are spherical uniform in all aspects rigid and perfectly elastic.
  • The molecules are always in state of random motion and move in all possible direction with all possible velocities.
  • Due to their continuous motion, these molecules collide with each other and also with the walls of container during their random motion. Due to these collision, there is no change in density of gas, i.e., the number of molecules per unit volume of the gas remains unchanged.
  • After collision the direction of velocity of molecules changes. The collision is instantaneous, i.e., the time taken in collision is negligible as compared with the time taken between two consecutive collisions.
  • The collisions are perfectly elastic, i.e., kinetic energy of molecules remains con-served.
  • Between the two successive collisions a molecule travels in a straight line with uniform velocity. The distance covered by a molecule between two consecutive collisions is called ‘Free path’, The average distance travelled by a molecule between successive collisions is called mean-free-path.
  • The molecules of gas collide with the walls of container and hence they exert the force on the walls. The force acting per unit area on the wall is called pressure of gas.
  • The mass of molecules of gas is negligible and velocity is high. Therefore, there is no effect of gravity on the motion of molecules.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 13 Kinetic Theory 

Question 3.
Prove that: P = \( \frac{1}{3} \) ρc-2
We know P = \( \frac{1}{3} \) \( \frac{m N c^{2}}{V} \)
Here mN = M
∴ P = \( \frac{1}{3} \) \( \frac{M \bar{c}^{2}}{V} \)
But \( \frac{M}{V} \) = ρ (density)
∴ P = \( \frac{1}{3} \) ρc-2

Question 4.
On the basis of kinetic theory of gases, prove that p = \( \frac{2}{3} \) E where symbols have their meanings,
According to kinetic theory of gases, the pressure exerted by the gas is gi ven by
P = \( \frac{m N \bar{c}^{2}}{3 V} \) ………….. (1)

Where, N is the number of molecules, c -2 mean square velocity and V is volume. Let m be the mass of one molecule, then the mass of gas be mN
∴Density of gas ρ = \(\frac{m N}{V}\) …………. (2)
From eqns. (1) and (2),
P = \( \frac{1}{3} \) ρc-2
= \( \frac{2}{3} \) .\( \frac{1}{2} \) ρc-2 = \( \frac{2}{3} \) E
Where, E is kinetic energy of per unit volume of gas.

Question 5.
Explain kinetic energy of a gas on the basis of kinetic theory of gases.
Prove that : P = \( \frac{2}{3} \) E
Kinetic energy of gas: Let the mass of one molecule of gas is m and number of molecules is N. Hence, the mass of gas will be mN.
∴Density of gas ρ = \(\frac{m N}{V}\) …………. (1)
According to Kinetic theory of gas the pressure exerted by gas is
P= \( \frac{m N \bar{c}^{2}}{3 V} \) ……………. (2)
From equns. (1) and (2)
P = \( \frac{1}{3} \) ρc-2 = \( \frac{2}{3} \) . \( \frac{1}{3} \) ρc-2
P= \( \frac{2}{3} \) E …….. (3)

Where, E is kinetic energy of a gas per unit volume. From eqn. (3),
E = \( \frac{3}{2} \) P
P = \( \frac{2}{3} \) E.

Question 6.
On the basis of kinetic theory of gases prove that the mean kinetic energy of molecules of gas is directly proportional to the absolute temperature of gas.
Prove that the mean kinetic energy of gas is E = \( \frac{3}{2} \) KT.
According to kinetic theory of gases, the pressure exerted by the gas is given by :
P = \( \frac{m N \bar{c}^{2}}{3 V} \)

Where, m is mass of one molecule of gas, N is the number of molecules in the volume V,c-2 is mean square velocity of gas and V is volume. In the above equation if V is volume of one mole of gas, then N be the Avogadro’s number, mN be the gram molecular weight (M) hence from the above equation :
PV=\( \frac{1}{3} \)mNc-2
= \( \frac{1}{3} \)Mc-2 …(1)

But by the gas equation,
PV = RT ……………. (2)
From eqns. (1) and (2), we get
\( \frac{1}{3} \)Mc-2 =RT
c-2 = \( \frac{3 R T}{M} \) …… (3)
From eqn. (3), it is clear that c-2 ∝T
Thus, the absolute temperature of a gas is directly proportional to the mean square velocity of the molecules of a gas.
Again from eqn. (3),
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 13 Kinetic Theory  3
Where, K =\( \frac{R}{N} \) is called Boltzmann’s constant. Its value is 1.38 × 10-23 joule per kelvin. This is formula of mean kinetic energy of molecules. From this equation, it is clear that

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 13 Kinetic Theory 

Question 7.
Explain absolute zero on basis of kinetic theory of gas.
We know E =\( \frac{3}{2} \) KT
, If T=0, then E = 0.
Therefore, absolute zero temperature is that temperature at which average kinetic energy of the gaseous molecules is zero.

Question 8.
Prove that\( \overline{\boldsymbol{c}} \) =\( \sqrt{\frac{3 K T}{M}} \) where K is Boltzmann’s constant, T is absolute temperature and M is mass of one molecule of gas.
According to kinetic theory of gases,
\( \overline{\boldsymbol{c}} \) = \( \sqrt{\frac{3 R T}{M}} \) =\( \sqrt{\frac{3 R T}{mN}} \), [∵M= mn]
= \( \sqrt{\frac{3 K T}{m}} \), [∵ K = \( \frac{R}{N} \) ]
\( \overline{\boldsymbol{c}} \) ∝ \( \sqrt{T} \)
i.e., r.m.s. value of velocity of gaseous molecule is directly proportional to square root of absolute temperature.

Question 9.
If the number of molecules in a box is halved, then what will be the effect on its pressure?
According to kinetic theory of gas, the pressure of gas :
P= \(\frac{1}{3} \frac{m N \bar{c}^{2}}{V}\)
If the number of molecules is halved ,then the pressure of gas :
P’=\(\frac{1}{3} \frac{m}{V} \frac{N}{2} \bar{c}^{2}\)
P’ = \( \frac{1}{2}\left[\frac{m N \bar{c}^{2}}{3 V}\right]\)
\(\frac{P^{\prime}}{P}\) = \(\frac{1}{2}\)
P’ = \(\frac{1}{2}\)P
Thus, the pressure will Also be halved.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 13 Kinetic Theory 

Question 10.
Derive Boyle’s law on basis of kinetic theory of gases.
Derivation of Boyle’s law: According to kinetic theory of gases the pressure exerted by gas is :
P = \(\frac{1}{3}\) \( \frac{m N \bar{c}^{2}}{V} \)
PV = \( \frac{1}{3} \) \( m N \bar{c}^{2} \)
= \( \frac{1}{3} \) . \( m N \bar{c}^{2} \)
= \( \frac{2}{3} \).N .\(\frac{1}{2} \) \( m \bar{c}^{2}\)
= \( \frac{2}{3} \) NE, [ ∵ E = \( \frac{1}{2} \) \( m \bar{c}^{2}\)]
= \( \frac{2}{3} \) NKT, (∵E = KT ) …….. (1)
If the mass and absolute temperature of gas are constant,then
= \( \frac{2}{3} \) NKT be also constant
∵ PV = constant
This is Boyle’s law.

Question 11.
Derive Ctiarie’s law on basis of kinetic theory of gases.
Derivation of Charle’s law : According to kinetic theory of gases, the pressurue exertd by gas is
P = \( \frac{1}{3} \) \( \frac{m N \bar{c}^{2}}{V} \) …….. (1)
PV = \( \frac{1}{3}\) \( m N \bar{c}^{2} \)
PV = \( \frac{1}{3} \) \( M \bar{c}^{2} \) ……… (2)

Where, M = mN is mass of gas which remains constant .
If the pressure of gas remains constant,then from the above equation.
V= \( \frac{M}{3 P} \bar{c}^{2} \)
V ∝\( \bar{c}^{2} \)
Since, \( \bar{c}^{2} \) ∝T therefore
V ∝T
This is Charle’s law.

Question 12.
Derive Dalton’s law of partial pressure on basis of kinetic theory of gases.
Dalton’s law of partial pressure: According to Dalton’s law of partial pressure, the total pressure exerted by a mixture of gases which do not interact in any way is equal to the sum of their individual pressure.
Let us consider about a vessel of volume V1 having number of gases mixed together.
Let the gases one, two, three ………….contain N1 molecules of mass muN2 molecules of mass
m2, N3 molecules of mass m3 ……………respectively. Let their root mean square velocities are
\( \bar{c}_{1}, \bar{c}_{2}, \bar{c}_{3}\)…………… respectively.

Then the pressure due to first gas
P1 = \( \frac{1}{3} \) m1N1c-2
Similarly, the pressure due to second, third,………….gases are
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If all the gases are mixed at same temperature, then mean kinetic energy óf the molcules of each gas will be the same i.e.,
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This is Delton’s law of partial pressure.

Question 13.
A vessel is filled up with mixture of two different gases. Explain with reason :
(i) Is Average kinetic energy per unit molecule are same?
(ii) Is root-mean-square value of velocity are same?
(iii) Is pressure same?
(i) Yes, as E = \(\frac{3}{2} \)KT, it depends on absolute temperature only.

(ii) No, because \( \bar{c} \) = \( \sqrt{\frac{3 R T}{M}} \) and it depends on molecular weight M and temperature T.

(iii) Nothing cannot be said about pressure as mass is not known.

Question 14.
Write the law of equipartition of energy.
According to this law, for any dynamical system in thermal equilibrium, the total energy distributed equally amongst all the degree of freedom, and the energy associated
with each molecule per degree of freedom is\( \frac{1}{2} \) KT, where K is Boltzmann’s constant and T is temperature of the system.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 13 Kinetic Theory 

Question 15.
Explain degree of freedom.
The number of degrees of freedom of a dynamical system is defined as the total number of coordinates or independent quantities required to describe completely the position and configuration of the system.
For Example:
(i) When a particle moves along a straight line, say along X-axis, its position can be specified by its displacement along the X-axis. Therefore, such a particle has one-translational degree of freedom.

(ii) If the particle is moving in a plane, its position at any instant can be determined by knowing the displacements of the particle along the X-axis and Y-axis. Therefore it has two- translational degrees of freedom.

(iii) If the particle is moving in space, its position at any instant can be determined by knowing the displacement of the particle along X-axis, Y-axis and Z-axis. Therefore, such a particle has three-translational degrees of freedom.
For example, a bob of an oscillating simple pendulum has one degree of freedom, an insect moving on a horizontal floor has two degrees of freedom and a buzzing bee has three degrees of freedom.

Question 16.
Find out ratio of specific heats for monoatomic gas.
For monoatomic gas like He or Ar, whose degree of freedom is 3 but according to law of equipartition of energy.
Energy =3 × \( \frac{1}{2} \) KT = \( \frac{3}{2} \)kT
But energy associated with one mole of gas
U =\( \frac{3}{2} \) nkT
Where n is number of gas molecule for 1 mole of gas.
But Boltzmann’s constant k = \( \frac{R}{n} \)
nk = R
Putting value in eqn. (1), we get
U = \( \frac{3}{2} \)RT
But Cv = \( \frac{d U}{d T} \) = \( \frac{d}{d T} \) \( \left(\frac{3}{2} R T\right) \)
Cv =\( \frac{3}{2} \) R
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 13 Kinetic Theory  7

Question 17.
Find out ratio of specific heat for diatomic gas.
For diatomic gas like Hydrogen, Oxygen etc. degree of freedom is 5.
Therefore energy associated with one mole of gas is
U = \(\frac{5}{2} \)nkT
U= \(\frac{5}{2} \)RT
But, nk =R

since Cv = \( \frac{d U}{d T} \) = \( \frac{d}{d T} \) \( \left(\frac{5}{2} R T\right) \) =\(\frac{5}{2} \) R
∴ From Cp – Cv = R
Cp = R +Cv
Cp = R +\(\frac{5}{2} \) R = \(\frac{7}{2} \) R
∴ γ = \( \frac{C_{P}}{C_{V}} \) = \( \frac{\frac{7}{2} R}{\frac{5}{2} R} \) = \(/frac{7}{5} \) = 1.40

Question 18.
Find out ratio of specific heat for triatomic gas.
For triatomic gas like C02, H2S degree of freedom is 6. Energy associated with one mole of gas is
U =\(\frac{6}{2} \)nKT
U = \(\frac{6}{2} \)RT = 3RT

But Cv=\( \frac{d U}{d T} \) = \( \frac{d}{d T} \) (3RT) = 3R
∴ From Cp-Cv = R
Cp =R + Cv =R + 3 R = 4R
∴ γ = \( \frac{C_{P}}{C_{V}} \) = \( \frac{4_{R}}{3_{R}} \) = \(\frac{4}{3} \) = 1.33

Kinetic Theory Class 11 Important Questions Long Answer Type

Question 1.
Establish formula for pressure of a gas on the basis of kinetic theory of gases.
When a gas is filled in a closed vessel, then molecules of gas are in state of continuous random motion. They collide with one another and also with the walls of con-tainer. Due to these collisions, the molecules of gas exert the force on the walls of the vessel. The force acting per unit area of the walls is called pressure of gas.
Let us consider a hollow cubical vessel of sides of length ‘l’ as depicted in fig. An ideal gas is filled in it. Let the mass of one molecule is m. Consider a molecule of gas moving with velocity C. The components of velocity C along X, Y and Z direction are, u, v and w respectively.
∴ C2 = u2+ v2 + w2 ……….. (1)
Let us consider about two faces A and B, perpendicular to the direction of X-axis.
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If the molecule P collides with the face A with velocity u. It will returned with a velocity -u after collision.
∴ Linear momentum of molecule before collision = mu Linear momentum of molecule after collision = – mu.
∴ Change in linear momentum due to collision = mu – (-mu) = 2mu
The molecule rebounded from A collides with the opposite face B, rebounds and again strikes with face A. Thus, the total distance travelled by the molecule will be 2l.

∴ Time taken by the molecule in travelling the distance 2l be
= \( \frac{2_{l}}{{u}} \), [ ∵ T ime = \( \frac{\text { Distance }}{\text { Velocity }} \) ]
Thus, after covering the distance 21 i.e., after every interval \( \frac{2l}{u} \) , the molecule P will
again strike with the face A.
Number of collision with face A per second be = \( \frac{u}{2 l} \)
The momentum transferred by molecule to the face A per second i.e., rate of change ofmomentum
= 2mu ×\( \frac{u}{2 l} \) = \( \frac{m u^{2}}{l} \)

But according to Newton’s second law of motion, the rate of change of momentum is equal to the force exerted on that face.
∴The force exerted by molecule at face Abe = \( \frac{m u^{2}}{l} \)
∴ Pressure exerted by the molecule on the face A be
= \( \frac{\mathrm{mu}^{2}}{\mathrm{l}} \) = \( \frac{n u^{2}}{l^{3}} \)

Let N be the number of molecules in gas and their velocity components along X direction are u1, u2, u3, un respectively, then pressure exerted by these molecules on the face A
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 13 Kinetic Theory  9
Where, V = l3 = Volume of vessel i.e., volume of gas.
Similarly, the pressure exerted by N molecule along Y-axis and Z-axis be
Py = \( \frac{m}{V} \) \( \left[v_{1}^{2}+v_{2}^{2}+v_{3}^{2}+\ldots \ldots+v_{n}^{2}\right] \) ……… (3)
Pz = \( \frac{m}{V} \) \( \left[w_{1}^{2}+w_{2}^{2}+w_{3}^{2}+\ldots \ldots+w_{n}^{2}\right] \) ………… (4)
But a gas exerts the same pressure in all directions i.e., Px=Py=Pz=P (say)
∴ P = \( \frac{P_{x}+P_{y}+P_{z}}{3} \) …………….. (5)
Hence, from eqns. (2), (3), (4) and (5),
P = \( \frac{P_{x}+P_{y}+P_{z}}{3} \)
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 13 Kinetic Theory  10

Let \( \bar{c} \) = \( \sqrt{\frac{c_{1}^{2}+c_{2}^{2}+\ldots . .+c_{n}^{2}}{N}} \) where \( \bar{c} \) is root mean square velocity , then
N\( \bar{c}^{2}\) = \( c_{1}^{2}+c_{2}^{2}+\ldots \ldots+c_{n}^{2} \) ………….. (7)

From eqns. (6) and (7),
P = \( \frac{m}{3 V} \)N\( \bar{c}^{2}\)
P = \( \frac{m N \bar{c}^{2}}{3 V} \)
This is expression of pressure exerted by gas.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 13 Kinetic Theory 

Kinetic Theory  Class 11 Important Numerical Questions

Question 1.
Up to what temperature should an ideal gas initially at 27°C be heated so that its volume becomes doubled at constant pressure?
Given:T1 = 27°C = 273+27 = 300K
V1 = V,V2 = 2V
∴ According to Charle’s law,
\( \frac{V_{1}}{T_{1}} \) = \( \frac{V_{2}}{T_{2}} \)
T2 = \( \frac{V_{2}}{V_{1}} \) T1= \(\frac{2 V}{V} \) × 300
= 600 K
= 600 – 273 = 327°C

Question 2.
A gas is filled in a vessel at 127°C at 4 atm. pressure. If the temperature of gas increased up to 527°C, then what would be the pressure of gas?
T1 = 127°C = 127+273 = 400K
T2 = 527°C = 527 + 273 = 800 K
P1 = 4 atm. pressure
∴ By the pressure law,

\( \frac{P_{1}}{P_{2}} \) = \( \frac{T_{1}}{T_{2}} \)
P2 = P1 \( \frac{T_{2}}{T_{1}} \) = 4 × \( \frac{800}{400} \) = 8
= 8 atm.pressure

Question 3.
Number of molecule per cubic centimetre ¡n a space is five and temperature is 3 K. What will be the pressure, there? (R 1.38 × 10-23 joule/m/K)
PV = nRT
P = \( \frac{n R T}{V} \)
Given: V = 1 cm3 = 10 -6, R = 1.38 ×10-23 J/m /K, n =5 , T = 3K
∴ P = \( \frac{5 \times 1 \cdot 38 \times 10^{-23} \times 3}{1} \) = 2.07 ×10-22N/m2

Question 4.
Temperature of any gas is -68°C. By what temperature it must be heated so that
(i) kinetic energy between the molecules become double
(ii) value of velocity of molecule become double.
Solution :
(i) From E = \(\frac{3}{2} \)KT,
E ∝ T
\( \frac{E_{1}}{E_{2}} \) = \( \frac{T_{1}}{T_{2}} \)
Given: E 2 = 2E1,=T1 = 273-68 = 205 K
∴ \( \frac{E_{1}}{2 E_{1}} \) = \( \frac{205}{T_{2}} \)
T 2 = 205 ×2 = 410K = 410 – 273° =137°C

(ii) From C-2 = \( \frac{3 R T}{\gamma} \) we get
\( \bar{c}^{2}\) ∝ \( \sqrt{T} \)
\(\frac{\bar{c}_{1}}{\bar{c}_{2}}\) = \( \sqrt{\frac{T_{1}}{T_{2}}} \)
Given: \(\bar{c}_{2}\) = 2\( \bar{c}_{1} \) ,T 1 = 205K
∴ \( \frac{\bar{c}_{1}}{\bar{2c}_{1}} \) = \( \sqrt{\frac{205}{T_{2}}} \)
\( \frac{1}{4} \) =\( \frac{205}{T_{2}} \)
T 2 = 205 × 4 = 820
T 2 = 820 – 273 = 574°C

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 13 Kinetic Theory 

Question 5.
At 30°C temperature, mixture of Helium and Hydrogen gas is filled in a vessel. Find out the ratio of r.m.s. value of velocity of the molecule at this temperature.
From C-2 = \( \frac{3 R T}{M} \)
\( \bar{c} \) = \( \frac{1}{\sqrt{M}} \)
\( \frac{\bar{c}_{1}}{\bar{c}_{2}} \) = \( \sqrt{\frac{M_{2}}{M_{1}}} \)

Given, molecular weight of Helium M1 = 4
and Molecular weight of Hydrogen M2 =2
∴ \( \frac{\bar{c}_{1}}{\bar{c}_{2}} \) = \( \sqrt{\frac{2}{4}} \) = \( \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} \) = 1:\( \sqrt{2} \)
\( \bar{c}_{1} \): \( \bar{c}_{2} \) = 1:\( \sqrt{2} \)

Question 6.
If the absolute temperature of gas is done four times then by how much times their r.m.s. velocity of molecule increases? Also by how much times their kinetic energy and pressure also increases?
Solution: From \( \bar{c} \) = \( \frac{3 R T}{M} \) , where R and M are constant
∴ \(\bar{c} \) ∝ \( \sqrt{T}\)
\( \frac{\bar{c}_{1}}{\bar{c}_{2}} \) = \( \sqrt{\frac{T_{1}}{T_{2}}} \)
\( \frac{\bar{c}_{1}}{\bar{c}_{2}} \) = \( \sqrt{\frac{T_{1}}{4 T_{1}}} \) = \( \sqrt{\frac{1}{4}} \) = \( \frac{1}{2} \)
\( \bar{c}_{2} \) = 2 \( \bar{c}_{1} \)
i.e., r.m.s velocity will increase by two Times

From formula E = \( \frac{3}{2} \) KT
E ∝ T or \( \frac{E_{1}}{E_{2}} \) = \( \frac{T_{1}}{T_{2}} \)
Putting T2 = 4T1
\( \frac{E_{1}}{E_{2}} \) = \( \frac{T_{1}}{4 T_{1}} \) = \( \frac{1}{4} \)
E2 = 4E 1
\( \frac{P_{1}}{P_{2}} \) = \( \frac{T_{\mathrm{l}}}{4 T_{1}} \) = \( \frac{1}{4} \)
P2 = 4P1
∴ Pressure will become four Times.

Question 7.
If the temperature of a gas increased from 77°C to 227°C, then what will be the ratio of kinetic energy of then molecules?
Given:T1 = (273+ 77)K = 350K and T2 = (273 + 227)K = 500K.
From formula E ∝ T
\( \frac{E_{1}}{E_{2}} \) = \( \frac{T_{1}}{T_{2}} \) = \( \frac{350}{500}\) = \( \frac{7}{10} \)
E1: E 2 = 7 : 10

Question 8.
Volume of vessel is two times the volume of vessel B and same gas is filled in both vessels. If the temperature and pressure of the vessel A is double w.r.t. vessel B, then what will be the ratio of molecules of the gas of vessel A and B?
From PV = nRT
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Question 9.
The velocities of four molecules of a gas are 2, 4, 6 and 8 km/sec.
Calculate : (i) Average velocity, (ii) root-mean-square velocity.
Given : c1 = 2 km/sec, c2 = 4 km/ sec, c3 = 6 km/sec and c4 = 8 km/sec.
(i) Average velocity:
c = \( \frac{c_{1}+c_{2}+c_{3}+c_{4}}{4} \)
= \( \frac{2+4+6+8}{4} \) = 5 km/sec

(ii) Root-mean-square velocity:
MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 13 Kinetic Theory  12

Question 10.
Estimate the fraction of molecular volume to the actual volume occupied by oxygen gas at N.T.P. Take the diameter of oxygen molecule to be roughly 3Å. (NCERT)
Given, diameter of one molecule of oxygen = 3 Å
∴ Radius r = \( \frac{3}{2} \) = 1.5 Å = 1.5 × 10 -10m
∴ Volume of one molecule of oxygen = \( \frac{4}{3} \) πr3
= \( \frac{4}{3} \) ×3.14 (1.5 × 10 -10)3
= 14.13 × 10 -30 m3
∴ Volume of 1 mole of oxygen = 6.02 × 10 23 × 14.13 ×-30
= 85.06 × 10 -7 m3

The volume of 1 mole of oxygen at STP = 22.4 litre
= 22.4 × 10-3m3
∴ Fraction of the molecular volume of the actual volume = \( \frac{85 \cdot 06 \times 10^{-7}}{22 \cdot 4 \times 10^{-3}} \)
= 3.797 × 10 -4
= 3.8 ×10-4 ≈ 4 × 10-4

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 13 Kinetic Theory 

Question 11.
Molar volume is the volume occupied by 1 mole of any ideal gas at standard temperature and pressure (STP: 1 atm pressure, 0°C). Show that it is 22.4 litre. (NCERT)
At S.T.P., T = 0°C = 0 + 273 =273K
Pressure P = 1 atm = 1-013 x 105Nm-2 ; R = 8.3 J mol-1‘K-1 By gas equation
∴ By gas equation for 1 mole PV =RT
V = \( \frac{R T}{P} \) = \( \frac{8 \cdot 3 \times 273}{1 \cdot 013 \times 10^{5}} \)
= 2236.82 ×10 -5
= 22.3682 ×10 -3 m 3
= 22.4 ×10 -3m 3 = 22.4 litre.

Question 12.
An air bubble of volume l-0cm3 rises from the bottom of a lake 40m deep at a temperature of 12°C. To what volume does it grow when it reaches the surface which is at a temperature of 35°C? (NCERT)
Given, Initial volume of bubble
V1 = 10cm3 = 1.0 × 10-6m3
Initial temperature T1 = 273 +12 = 285 K
Initial pressure on bubble P1 = Atmospheric pressure + Pressure of 40 m high water column
= 1.013×105+hdg
= 1.013×105 + 40×103 × 9.8
= 4.933 × 105 Pa

Final pressure on bubble P2 = 1 atm = 1.013 ×105 Pa
Fina temperature T2 = 273+ 35=308 K
From the equation \( \frac{P_{V_{1}}}{T_{1}} \) = \( \frac{P_{2} V_{2}}{T_{2}} \)
V2 = \( \frac{P_{V_{1}}}{T_{1}} \) ×\( \frac{T_{2}}{P_{2}} \) = \( \frac{4 \cdot 933 \times 10^{5} \times 1 \cdot 0 \times 10^{-6} \times 308}{285 \times 1 \cdot 013 \times 10^{5}} \)
= 5.26 ×10-6 m3 ≈ 5.3 × 10-6 m3

Question 13.
At what temperature is the root-mean-square speed of an atom is an argon gas cylinder equal to the r.m.s. speed of a helium gas atom at – 20°C? (Atomic mass of Ar = 39.9 u, of He = 4.0 u). (NCERT)
Given, atomic mass of He M1=4.0u
Atomic mass of Ar M2 =39.3u
Temperature of He gas T 1 = -20+273 = 253K
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Kinetic Theory  Class 11 Important Questions Objective Type

1. Multiple- choice questions:

Question 1.
There are N molecules in a vessel, if the number of molecules are doubled then the pressure of gas will be :
(a) Double
(b) Remain same
(c) Become four times
(d) Become one fourth.
(a) Double

Question 2.
Motion of gaseous molecule at absolute zero temperature :
(a) Become less
(b) Increases
(c) Become zero
(d) None of these.
(c) Become zero

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 13 Kinetic Theory 

Question 3.
At -273°C, molecules of gas moves with :
(a) Maximum velocity
(b) Minimum velocity
(c) Zero velocity
(d) None of these.
(c) Zero velocity

Question 4.
Reason for deviating from gaseous law of ideal gas at less temperature is :
(a) Maximum collision become inelastic
(b) Volume of molecules cannot be negligible
(c) Force acting between molecules become less
(d) Molecular velocity become less.
(b) Volume of molecules cannot be negligible

Question 5.
Root-mean-square velocity of ideal gas molecules at constant temperature :
(a) Remain same
(b) Inversely proportional to square root of molecular weight
(c) Proportional to square root of molecular weight
(d) Inversely proportional to molecular weight.
(b) Inversely proportional to square root of molecular weight

Question 6.
Graph between PV and P of a gas which obey Boyle’s law will be :
(a) Hyperbola
(b) Parallel line with PV axis
(c) Parallel line with P axis
(d) None of these.
(c) Parallel line with P axis

Question 7.
False statement regarding kinetic theory of gas is :
(a) Collision between two molecules are perfectly elastic
(b) Kinetic energy between molecules is proportional to absolute temperature
(c) Absolute temperature of gas is inversely proportional to root-mean-square velocity.
(d) At absolute temperature average kinetic energy of molecules is zero.
(c) Absolute temperature of gas is inversely proportional to root-mean-square velocity.

Question 8.
Reason for pressure exerted by gaseous molecules on the wall of vessel is :
(a) Losses its own kinetic energy
(b) Get stick with the walls of vessel
(c) Due to collision with wall of vessel its momentum get change
(d) Get accelerated toward wall.
(c) Due to collision with wall of vessel its momentum get change

Question 9.
There is no atmosphere in moon, because :
(a) It is closer to earth
(b) It revolve around the earth
(c) It obtain light from sun
(d) Escape velocity is less than root-mean-square velocity.
(d) Escape velocity is less than root-mean-square velocity.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 13 Kinetic Theory 

Question 10.
The temperature of an ideal gas is raised from 27°C to 927°C the root-mean-square velocity of its molecules will become :
(a) Two times
(b) Half
(c) Four times
(d) One fourth.
(a) Two times

Question 11.
Every gas behaves as ideal gas at:
(a) Low pressure and high temperature
(b) High pressure and low temperature
(c) At equal pressure and temperature
(d) High pressure and high temperature.
(a) Low pressure and high temperature

Question 12.
Unit of universal gas constant is :
(a) joule/mole-kelvin
(b) mole/joule-kelvin
(c) joule-mole-kelvin
(d) kelvin/joule/mole.
(a) joule/mole-kelvin

Question 13.
If the temperature of gas remain constant and pressure become half then the volume will get.
(a) Half
(b) Double
(c) Unchanged
(d) Four times.
(b) Double

Question 14.
In gas equation PV = RT, V is volume of:
(a) Gas
(b)1 gram gas
(c) 1 litre gas
(d) 1 mole gas.
(d) 1 mole gas.

Question 15.
Pressure of gas filled in closed vessel is due to :
(a) Large number of molecules
(b) Attraction between wall and molecules
(c) Collision of molecules with wall
(d) None of these.
(c) Collision of molecules with wall

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 13 Kinetic Theory 

Question 16.
The average kinetic energy associated with each degree of freedom is :
(a) \( \frac{3}{2} \) KT
(b) KT
(c) \( \frac{1}{2} \) KT
(d) \( \frac{3}{2} \) RT.
(c) \( \frac{1}{2} \) KT

Question 17.
The mean kinetic energy of the molecule of gas depends upon :
(a) Nature of gas
(b) Absolute temperature
(c) Volume of gas
(d) None of these.
(b) Absolute temperature

Question 18.
Root-mean-square velocity of gas is :
(a) Directly proportional to its specific molecular weight
(b) Directly proportional to its square of molecular weight
(c) Directly proportional to its molar weight
(d) Directly proportional to its absolute temperature.
(c) Directly proportional to its molar weight

Question 19.
Magnitude of R for 1 gram mole of gas is :
(a) 8.31 erg
(b) 8.31 MKS unit
(c) 4.2 joule
(d) 4.2 calorie.
(b) 8.31 MKS unit

Question 20.
If the r.nus. velocity of a gas is doubled, then its pressure will:
(a) Increase
(b) Decrease
(c) Remain same
(d) None of these.
(a) Increase

2. Fill in the blanks:

1. Momentum applied per unit area on the wall of a vessel by the molecule of gas is equal to ………………………. .

2. At absolute temperature ………………………. of gas becomes zero.
Kinetic energy

3. For a diatomic gas, the degree of freedom is ………………………. .

4. Kinetic energy associated with each degree of freedom is ………………………. .
\( \frac{1}{2} \)KT

5. The value of 0°C on the kelvin scale is ………………………. .
273 K.

MP Board Class 11th Physics Important Questions Chapter 13 Kinetic Theory 

3. Match the following:

Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
1. Pressure of gas P (a) ∝ T
2. Absolute temperature of gas T (b) 3
3. Average kinetic energy E (c) 5
4. Degree of freedom of monoatomic gas (d) ∝ c-2
5. Degree of freedom of diatomic gas (e) \( \frac{1}{3} \) \( \frac{m N}{V} \)c-2

1. (e) \( \frac{1}{3} \) \( \frac{m N}{V} \)c-2
2. (d) ∝ c-2
3. (a) ∝ T
4. (b) 3
5. (c) 5.