MP Board Class 8th Hindi Sugam Bharti Solutions Chapter 11 आदर्श और वरदान

In this article, we will share MP Board Class 8th Hindi Book Solutions Chapter 11 आदर्श और वरदान Pdf, These solutions are solved subject experts from the latest edition books.

MP Board Class 8th Hindi Sugam Bharti Solutions Chapter 11 आदर्श और वरदान

प्रश्न अभ्यास
अनुभव विस्तार

Mp Board Class 8 Hindi Chapter 11 प्रश्न 1.
वस्तुनिष्ठ प्रश्न
(क) सही जोड़ी बनाइए(अ) प्रातः काल
Mp Board Class 8 Hindi Chapter 11
(अ) 5, (ब) 4, (स) 2, (द) 1, (ई) 3

(ख) सही शब्द चुनकर रिक्त स्थानों की पूर्ति कीजिए

(अ) सुख का समय …………… व्यतीत हो जाता है। (शीघ्रता से, देर से)
(ब) छगन’ और दीनू की मित्रता भी …………… की सी मित्रता थी।. (राम-कृष्ण, कृष्ण-सुदामा)
(स) लिफाफे पर प्रेषक के स्थान पर लिखा था……। (डॉ. छगन चौधरी, दीनानाथ शमा)
(द) मेरे चिराग को तुमने ………….. से बचाया है। (जलने, बुझने)
(अ) शीघ्रता
(ब) कृष्ण-सुदामा
(स) डॉ. छगन चौधरी
(द) बुझने।

Class 8 Hindi Chapter 11 Mp Board प्रश्न 2.
अति लघु उत्तरीय प्रश्न
(अ) दीनू को डूबने से किसने बचाया?
(ब) नर्सिंग होम किसने खोला था?
(स) योग्यता सूची में शीर्ष स्थान पर किसका नाम या?
(द) छगन की पढ़ाई पूरी करवाने की जिम्मेदारी किसने ली?
(ई) नर्सिंग होम किस स्थान पर खोला गया था?
(अ) दीनू को डूबने से छगन ने बचाया?
(ब) नर्सिंग होम छगन ने खोला था।
(स) योग्यता सूची में शीर्ष स्थान पर छगन का नाम था।
(द) छगन की पढ़ाई पूरी करवाने की जिम्मेदारी दीनानाथ शर्मा ने ली।
(ई) नर्सिंग होम रतनगढ़ में खोला गया था।

आदर्श और वरदान कहानी का सारांश लिखिए MP Board Class 8th प्रश्न 3.
लघु उत्तरीय प्रश्न

सच्चे मन से की गई मित्रता की क्या विशेषता होती
सच्चे मन से की गई मित्रता टिकाऊ होती है। वह आदर्शमय होती है। वह प्रेरणादायक और वरदान के रूप में होती है। उसमें कोई स्वार्थ और भेदभाव नहीं होता है। वह एक-दूसरे के सुख-दुख की सहभागी बनकर दृढ़ होती है।

छगन के चरित्र की कोई चार विशेषताएँ बताइए।
छगन के चरित्र की चार विशेषताएँ हैं

  • विनम्रता
  • मेहनती
  • आत्मीयता
  • कृतज्ञता।

दीनू और छगन एक-दूसरे को ऋणी क्यों मान रहे थे?
दीनू और छगन एक-दूसरे को ऋणी मान रहे थे। यह इसलिए कि वे दोनों एक-दूसरे के सहयोग को बार-बार याद कर रहे थे।

छगन की आर्थिक स्थिति कैसी थी?
छगन की आर्थिक स्थिति दयनीय थी। वह बकरियाँ चराता था। उसकी पढ़ाई का खर्चचलना कठिन था।

दीनू और छगन की मित्रता की तुलना कृष्ण और सुदामा से क्यों की गई है?
दीनू और छगन की मित्रता की तुलना कृष्ण और सुदामा से की गई है। यह इसलिए कि उसमें निस्वार्थ था। वह निर्मल थी। उसमें अमीरी-गरीबी और ऊँच-नीच का कोई भेदभाव नहीं था। वह हृदय की गहराई और सच्चे मन से की गई थी।

भाषा की बात

आदर्श और वरदान कहानी का सारांश MP Board Class 8th प्रश्न 1.
बोलिए और लिखिएछात्रवृत्ति, निःस्वार्थ, स्तब्ध, आचरण, डॉक्टर।
छात्रवृत्ति, निःस्वार्थ, स्तब्ध, आचरण, डॉक्टर।

Mp Board Class 8 Chapter 11 प्रश्न 2.
निम्नलिखित शब्दों में ‘स’ ‘श’ ‘घ’ वर्णों को उचित स्थान पर रखकर अशुद्ध शब्दों को शुद्ध कीजिए
अशुद्ध शब्द  – शुद्ध शब्द
बरबश – बरबस
शिश्टता – शिष्टता
सीर्ष – शीर्ष
पुश्टि – पुष्टि
साशन – शासन
रासन – राशन।

Mp Board Class 8 Hindi Book Solution प्रश्न 3.
निम्नलिखित शब्दों को वर्णक्रमानुसार लिखिए
अचानक, आँखें, उन्हें, ईश्वर, आराम, आचरण, अच्छा, ऊपर, इधर, औकात, एक, उद्वेलित, ऐतिहासिक, अंगूर, अंबर।
अंगुर, अंबर, अच्छा, अचानक, आँखें, आचरण, शिष्टता आराम, इधर, ईश्वर, उद्वेलित, उन्हें, ऊपर, एक, ऐतिहासिक, औकात।

Mp Board Solution Class 8 Hindi प्रश्न 4.
निम्नलिखित शब्दों में से तत्सम, तद्भव, देशज और विदेशी शब्द अलग-अलग कीजिए
निमंत्रण, दरवाजा, मात्र, वृक्ष, नर्सिंग होम, स्कूल, छात्रवृत्ति, सुबक, छांह, सरपट, स्थानांतरण, तीव्र, पगडण्डी।
उत्तर-तत्सम शब्द-निमंत्रण, मात्र, वृक्ष, छात्रवृत्ति, स्थानान्तरण, तीव्र
तद्भव शब्द-छांह, दरवाजा देशज शब्द-सुबक, पगडण्डी, सरपट विदेशी शब्द-नर्सिंग होम, स्कूल।

प्रश्न 5.
‘आ’ उपसर्ग में ‘चरण’ शब्द जोड़कर बनता है-‘आचरण’। इसी प्रकार ‘आ’ उपसर्ग लगाकर पाँच शब्द बनाइए।
‘आ’ उपसर्ग लगाकर पाँच शब्द-आसमान, आधार, आसान, आहार, आराम।

प्रश्न 6.
रिक्त स्थान की पूर्ति कीजिए
(क) मेहनती व्यक्ति किसी भी काम में जान की …. ……. लगाने में पीछे नहीं हटते। (बाजी, होड़)
(ख) अपने पुत्र को सही सलामत देखकर माँ की आँखें …………. आईं। (भर, तर)
(ग) कृष्ण-सुदामा के मिलन की बड़ी सुखद ……….. थी। (घड़ी, जोड़ी)
(घ) शेर को सामने देख राहुल का कलेजा………. को आ गया। (मुँह, सिर)
(ङ) अतीत के पलों को याद कर आशीष के हों …………….. लगे। (फड़कने, कटने)
(क) बाजी
(ख) भर
(ग) घड़ी
(घ) मुँह
(ङ) फड़कने।

प्रमुख गद्यांशों की संदर्भ-प्रसंग सहित व्याख्याएँ

1. शर्माजी सरकारी दफ्तर में असफर थे। घर में सभी सुविधाएँ थीं। दीनू की सेवा में नौकर-चाकर लगे ही रहते थे। कहाँ दीनू, और कहाँ गरीब किसान का बेटा छगन! पर मित्रता ऊँच-नीच नहीं देखती है। हृदय की गहराई से एवं सच्चे मन से की गई मित्रता भी निःस्वार्थ एवं निर्मल होती है। एक-दूसरे के सुख-दुःख के सहभागी बनकर ही मित्रता के आदर्श की स्थापना की जा सकती है। छगन और दीनू की मित्रता भी कृष्ण-सुदामा की सी मित्रता थी।

दफ्तर-कार्यालय। ऊँच-नीच-भेदभाव । निर्मल-पवित्र । सहभागी-सहयोगी।

प्रस्तुत पंक्तियाँ हमारी पाठ्य-पुस्तक ‘सुगम भारती’ (हिन्दी सामान्य) भाग-8′ के पाठ-11 आदर्श और वरदान’ से ली गई हैं।

प्रस्तुत पंक्तियों में लेखक ने सच्ची मित्रता की विशेषता बतलाते हुए कहा है कि

यों तो दीनानाथ शर्मा किसी सरकारी कार्यालय में एक अधिकारी थे। फलस्वरूप उन्हें हर प्रकार की सुविधाएँ थीं। उन्हें घर पर भी अपेक्षित साधन-सामग्री प्राप्त थी। उनकी सेवा-सत्कार के लिए किसी प्रकार की असुविधा नहीं थी। नौकर-चाकर उनके बेटे दीनू के लिए हमेशा लगे रहते थे। दूसरी ओर दीनू का दोस्त छगन बड़ा ही गरीव था। फलस्वरूप

MP Board Class 8th Hindi Sugam Bharti Solutions Chapter 3 अहिंसा की विजय

In this article, we will share MP Board Class 8 Hindi Book Solutions Chapter 3 अहिंसा की विजय Pdf, These solutions are solved subject experts from the latest edition books.

MP Board Class 8th Hindi Sugam Bharti Solutions Chapter 3 अहिंसा की विजय


अनुभव विस्तार

Mp Board Class 8 Hindi Chapter 3 प्रश्न 1.
वस्तुनिष्ठ प्रश्न
(क) सही जोड़ी बनाइए
(अ) मगध की राजधानी – 1. श्रावस्ती
(ब) कोसल की राजधानी – 2. राजगृह
(स) महात्मा बुद्ध का शिष्य – 3. अंगुलिमाल
(द) डाकू का नाम – 4. प्रसेनजित
(अ) 2,
(ब) 5,
(स) 4,
(द) 3

(ख) दिए गए विकल्पों से सही शब्द चुनकर रिक्त स्थानों की पूरि कीजिए।
(अ) महात्मा बुद्ध ने ……………… को धीरज बँधाया। (राजा, प्रजा)
(ब) अंगुलिमाल ……………. डाकू था। (सीधा-सादा, भयंकर)
(स) महात्मा बुद्ध ने अँगुलिमाल डाकू से ………………. कहा। (प्रेमपूर्वक, शान्तिपूर्वक)
(अ) राजा,
(ब) भयंकर,
(स) प्रेमपूर्वक।

Class 8 Hindi Chapter 3 Ahinsa Ki Vijay MP Board प्रश्न 2.
अति लघु उत्तरीय प्रश्न
(अ) राजा प्रसेनजित क्यों चिंतित थे?
(ब) महात्मा बुद्ध ने डाकू को कैसे पहचाना?
(स) ‘ठहर जा’ किसने किससे कहा था?
(द) महात्मा बुद्ध के चेहरे पर सदैव मुस्कान क्यों रहती थी?
(अ) राजा प्रसेनजित डाकू अँगुलिमाल के अत्याचार से चिंतित थे।
(ब) महात्मा बुद्ध ने डाकू को उसके भयंकर रूप से पहचाना।
(स) ‘ठहरा जा’ डाकू अँगुलिमाल ने महात्मा बुद्ध से कहा था।
(द) महात्मा बुद्ध के चेहरे पर सदैव मुस्कान अपने ज्ञान से रहती थी।

Class 8 Hindi Chapter 3 Mp Board प्रश्न 3.
लघु उत्तरीय प्रश्न
(अ) डाकू का नाम अंगुलिमाल क्यों पड़ा?
(अ) अंगुलिमाल ने हजार आदमियों की हत्या करने की प्रतिज्ञा कर रखी थी। परंतु वह कितने आदमी मार चुका, इसका हिसाब रखना उसके लिए कठिन काम था। इसके लिए उसने एक युक्ति निकाली। वह जब भी किसी का वध करता तो उसकी एक अँगुली काट लेता। इस प्रकार उसके पास अँगुलियों की एक माला-सी बनती जा रही थी जिसे वह गले में डाले रहता। इसी कारण उसका नाम ‘अँगुलिमाल’ पड़ गया था।

(ब) पहरेदार के रोकने पर भी महात्मा बुद्ध जंगल में क्यों प्रवेश कर गए?
(ब) पहरेदार के रोकने पर भी महत्मा बुद्ध जंगल में प्रवेश कर गए। यह इसलिए कि

  • उनका हृदय संसार के कष्टों को देखकर दुखी था।
  • उन्हें आत्मज्ञान हो गया। फलस्वरूप उन्हें किसी की चिंता नहीं थी और न उन्हें कोई डर ही था।

(स) महात्मा बुद्ध जंगल में जाते समय क्या विचार कर रहे थे?
(स) महात्मा बुद्ध जंगल में जाते समय विचार कर रहे थे

“आदमी आदमी को क्यों मारता है? जीव, जीव को देखकर प्रसन्न क्यों नहीं होता?

(द) अँगुलिमाल का हृदय-परिवर्तन कैसे हुआ?
(द) महात्मा बुद्ध ने अँगुलिमाल को शान्ति, दया और प्रेम का उपदेश दिया। इससे उसकी आँखें खुल गईं। उसके मन का अंधकार दूर हो गया। उसने अँगुलियों की माला तोड़ दी और कटार फेंक दी। उसने हिंसा का जीवन हमेशा के लिए छोड़ दिया। इस तरह उसका हृदय-परिवर्तन हुआ और वह महात्मा बुद्ध का शिष्य बन गया।

भाषा की बात

अहिंसा की विजय सारांश MP Board Class 8th प्रश्न 1.
बोलिए और लिखिएप्रतिभा, त्रस्त, त्राहि-त्राहि, युक्ति, निशस्त्र।
प्रतिभा, त्रस्त, त्राहि-त्राहि, युक्ति, निशस्त्र।

अहिंसा की विजय कहानी का सारांश MP Board Class 8th प्रश्न 2.
सही वर्तनी पर गोला लगाइए
(अ) परसेनजित, प्रसेनजित, प्रसेनजत।
(ब) वर्तमान, वरतमान, वतर्मान।
(अ) प्रसेनजित,
(स) वर्तमान।

Mp Board Class 8 Hindi Book Solution प्रश्न 3.
निम्नलिखित शब्दों का वाक्यों में प्रयोग कीजिएधीरज, सावधान, चीख-पुकार, चिंता, दृष्टि, प्रेमपूर्वक
शब्द – वाक्य
धीर- हमें विपत्ति में धीरज रखना चाहिए।
सावधान – सावधान होकर पढ़ो।
चीख-पुकार – दुर्घटना में चीख-पुकार होती है।
चिंता – महँगाई ने गरीबों की चिंता बढ़ा दी।
दृष्टि – हमें दया की दृष्टि रखनी चाहिए।
प्रेमपूर्वक – प्रेमपूर्वक रहने में ही आनंद है।

Ahinsa Ki Vijay Kahani Ka Saransh MP Board प्रश्न 4.
विपरीतार्थी शब्दों की जोड़ी बनाइए-
जन्म – दुखी
सुखी – अशांति
हिंसा – कठिन
सरल – मरण
शांति – अहिंसा
विपरीतार्थी शब्दों की जोड़ी
जन्म – मरण
सुखी – दुखी
हिंसा – अहिंसा
सरल – कठिन
शांति – अशांति

Mp Board Class 8th Hindi Solution Chapter 3 प्रश्न 5.
समानार्थी शब्द पर गोला लगाइए
(1) पेड़ – वृक्ष, पानी, आग, जंगल
(2) राह – राजा, तरू, रास्ता, हवा
(3) आँख – सागर, नदी, नभ, नेत्र।
समानार्थी शब्द
(1) पेड़ – वृक्ष
(2) राह – रास्ता
(3) आँख – नेत्र।

Ahinsa Ki Vijay Ka Saransh MP Board Class 8th प्रश्न 6.
निम्नलिखित पंक्तियों को ध्यान से पढ़िए और संज्ञा, विशेषण और क्रिया छाँटकर तालिका में लिखिए-
महात्मा बुद्ध रुक गए। तुरंत ही घनी झाड़ियाँ चीरती हुई एक विकराल मूर्ति आ खड़ी हुई। ऊँचा कद, काला शरीर, भयानक चेहरा, लाल आँखें, बिखरे बाल, बड़ी-बड़ी मूंछे, लंबी मजबूत भुजाएँ चौड़ा सीना, हाथ में कटार।
Class 8 Hindi Sugam Bharti MP Board

प्रमुख गद्यांशों की संदर्भ-प्रसंग सहित व्याख्याएँ

1. ‘आदमी आदमी को मारता क्यों है? जीव, जीव को देखकर प्रसन्न क्यों नहीं होता?’ इन्हीं बातों पर विचार करते हुए महात्मा बुद्ध जंगल की राह बढ़े जा रहे थे कि अचानक उन्हें कोई कठोर और भारी आवाज़ सुनाई दी, ‘ठहर जा।’

शब्दार्थ-जीव-प्राणी। राह-रास्ता।

संदर्भ-प्रस्तुत पंक्तियाँ हमारी पाठ्य-पुस्तक ‘सुगम भारती’ (हिंदी सामान्य) भाग-8 के पाठ-3 ‘अहिंसा की विजय’ से ली गई है। इसके लेखक श्री भगवतशरण उपाध्याय हैं।

प्रसंग-प्रस्तुत पंक्तियों में लेखक ने हिंसा के प्रति महात्मा बुद्ध के विचारों पर प्रकाश डालते हुए कहा है कि

व्याख्या-महात्मा बुद्ध को अँगुलिमाल डाकू के अत्याचारों को सुनकर के बड़ी चिंता हुई। वे बार-बार यह सोचने लगे कि एक आदमी दूसरे से मिलकर रहने की बजाय उसे क्यों कष्ट पहुँचाता है। वह उसे क्यों मारता है? एक प्राणी को दूसरे प्राणी को देखकर प्रसन्न होना चाहिए। लेकिन ऐसा नहीं होता है, क्यों? इस तरह सोचते-विचारते हुए महात्मा बुद्ध अँगुलिमाल डाकू की ओर जंगल में आगे बढ़ रहे थे। उसी समय उन्हें एक भयंकर और भारी आवाज में रोकते हुए कहा, “ठहर जाओ। अब और आगे न बढ़ो।”

  • सांसारिक कष्टों को बड़े ही सटीक रूप में व्यक्त किया गया है।
  • भाषा-शैली आकर्षक है।

2. महात्मा बुद्ध ने उस पर अपनी दृष्टि डाली। उनकी नज़र में भय न था, प्यार था। उन्होंने प्रेमपूर्वक उस भयानक डाकू से कहा- “मैं तो ठहर गया, भला तू कब ठहरेगा?”

शब्दार्थ-दृष्टि-नज़र। भय-डर।


प्रसंग-इन पंक्तियों में लेखक ने महात्मा बुद्ध की दया-दृष्टि पर प्रकाश डालते हुए कहा है कि
व्याख्या-जब अंगुलिमाल डाकू ने महात्मा बुद्ध को अपनी भयंकर और कठोर आवाज़ में रोकते हुए कहा, तब उन्होंने उसे बुरा नहीं माना। उन्होंने तो उसे अपनी दया दृष्टि से ही देखा। दूसरी बात यह कि वे उससे तनिक भी नहीं डरे। इस प्रकार उन्होंने उसे बड़े प्यार से यह प्रश्न किया, “अब तो मैं ठहर गया हूँ, लेकिन अब तुम मुझे यह बतलाओ कि तुम कब ठहरोगे?”


  • यह अंश प्रेरक है।
  • वाक्य प्रभावशाली है।

MP Board Class 8th Special English Solutions Chapter 2 The Making of the Missile Man

Guys who are planning to learn the fundamentals of English can avail the handy study material using MP Board Solutions for Class 8 English Chapter 2 The Making of the Missile Man Questions and Answers. You Can Download MP Board Class 8 English Solutions Questions and Answers, Notes, Summary, Guide, Pdf. Refer to the Madhya Pradesh State Board Solutions for English PDF available and score better grades. Simply click on the quick links available for MP Board Solutions for Class 8 English Chapter 2 The Making of the Missile Man Questions and Answers and prepare all the concepts in it effectively. Take your preparation to the next level by availing the Madhya Pradesh State Board Solutions for Class 8 English prepared by subject experts.

MP Board Class 8th Special English Solutions Chapter 2 The Making of the Missile Man

Do you feel the concept of English is difficult to understand? Not anymore with our MP Board Solutions for Class 8 English Chapter 2 The Making of the Missile Man Questions and Answers. All the Solutions are given to you with detailed explanation and you can enhance your subject knowledge. Use the Madhya Pradesh State Board Solutions for Class 8 English PDF for free of cost and prepare whenever you want.

The Making of the Missile Man Textual Exercise

Word Power

(A) Choose appropriate words from the box and fill in the blanks.
(Scientists, astronaut, surgeon, dentist, pilot)

  1. One who flies an aeroplane is called a _____
  2. The doctor who takes care of your teeth is called a _____
  3. Kalpana Chawla was a famous _____
  4. A person who studies and has expert knowledge of one or more natural or physical sciences is a _____
  5. The doctor who specialises in surgical operation is called a _____


  1. pilot
  2. dentist
  3. astronaut
  4. scientist
  5. surgeon.

(B) Pick out the odd word and encircle it.

  1. surgeon, dentist, physician, electrician
  2. poet, musician, author, writer
  3. SLV-3, Agni, Apple, Moon
  4. English, Mathematics, Hindi, Sanskrit
  5. Mother Teresa, SrinivasaRamanujan, C.V. Raman, Marie Curie


  1. electrician
  2. musician
  3. Moon
  4. Mathematics
  5. Mother Teresa.

(C) Pick out the words which do not mean the same as the given words:

  1. humble : greedy, meek, unassertive, unassuming .
  2. hideous : dreadful, ghastly, monstrous, pretentious
  3. interfere : obstruct, incessant, hamper, impede
  4. confusion : muddle, congestion, commotion, bewilderment
  5. preserve : protect, engage, safeguard, conserve


  1. greedy
  2. pretentious
  3. incessant
  4. congestion
  5. engage.

(D) Write the opposite of the following words:

  1. broad _____
  2. sell _____
  3. tolerate _____
  4. close _____
  5. dim _____


  1. narrow
  2. purchase
  3. intolerate
  4. open
  5. bright


(A) Answer these questions :

Class 8 English Chapter 2 The Making Of The Missile Man Question 1.
Who is the Missile Man ?
Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam is the Missile Man.

The Making Of The Missile Man Mp Board Class 8 Question 2.
What did Abdul Kalam’s family do for their living ?
Abdul Kalam’s family was engaged in ferrying pilgrims between Dhanushkhodi and Rameshwaram in Tamil Nadu.

Mp Board Class 8 English Chapter 2 Question 3.
What did Abdul Kalam do for the support of his family?
Abdul Kalam collected tamarind seeds and sold them to a shop. He also collected a popular Tamil newspaper at Rameshwaram railway station and helped her cousin in selling it. He earned money for these services. He supported his family with this money.

Class 8 English Chapter 2 Mp Board Question 4.
What religious books had he read in his childhood?
He read the Koran and the Gita in his childhood.

Question 5.
How did the school celebrate the occasion when Kalam became President ?
When Kalam became President, the school celebrated the day as a festival. Sweets were distributed among the teachers and students.

Question 6.
One day a new teacher came to the class, he asked Abdul Kalam not to sit with Ramanandha’. How did Ramanadha’s father react to this incident ?
Ramanandha’s father sent for the teacher. He told the teacher that what he had done would only breed communalism.

Question 7.
How did Abdul Kalam’s sister help him when he got admission in Madras Institute of Technology ?
His sister mortgage her ornaments to raise the required fee.

Question 8.
How did Abdul Kalam learn that perseverance makes miracles ?
Once Kalam was invited his teacher Mr. Subramania Iyer. Iyer’s wife was an orthodox Hindu lady. So she refused to serve food to Kalam. Iyer, without showing any adverse reaction, served the food himself. It was his patience and gravity that prompted his wife another time to serve food to Kalam. This taught Kalam the lesson of perseverance.

(B) Match the expressions in A with their correct meanings in B:
Class 8 English Chapter 2 The Making Of The Missile Man

  1. – 5
  2. – 4
  3. – 2
  4. – 1
  5. – 3.

(C) Read the following sentences and tick true or false :

Question 1.
Abdul Kalam comes from a high profile family. (T/F)

Question 2.
His favourite subject were English, Maths, Science and Tamil. (T/F)

Question 3.
Ramanandha’s father was the high priest of Rameswaram temple. (T/F)

Question 4.
Abdul Kalam got the highest award ‘Bharat Ratna’ in 1997. (T/F)

Question 5.
He is our tenth President. (T/F)

Let’s Learn

(A) Study these sentences :

They hardly noticed their loss.
It is scarcely the size of a pin-head.
Note: The use of ‘scarcely’ is very similar to that of ‘hardly’.

hardly = almost not /almost none
scarcely = almost not only just)

Make sentences from B to match the ones given under A.


  1. Mr. Mohan’s house is near the market.
  2. The gathering was very small.
  3. The watch is very small.
  4. We must hurry up. It is nearly time for the train.
  5. I cannot buy the book now.


The Making Of The Missile Man Mp Board Class 8


  1. It is scarcely a furlong from the market.
  2. These were scarcely twenty people present.
  3. It is scarcely the size of a paisa.
  4. We have scarcely five minutes to get to the station.
  5. I have scarcely any money now.

(B) Study the sentences in the table below:
Mp Board Class 8 English Chapter 2

Now make sentences from B to match the ones given under A.

  1. Take 100 rupees now. Send me a telegram if you happen to need more money later.
  2. You can find me in the school in the evening. If by some chance I am not there, you can certainly find me at home.
  3. If by some chance I cannot come and see you tomorrow, I will talk to you on the phone.
  4. Try to come and see me. But if you can’t, write to me.

Class 8 English Chapter 2 Mp Board

  1. Send me a telegram in case you need more money.
  2. I will be at home in case you can’t find me in the school.
  3. I will talk to you on the phone in case you can’t come and see me.
  4. Write to me in case I can’t come and see you.

Let’s Talk

Here is a conversation between two students. Read carefully and talk with your friend as given in the example.

Student – I
MP Board Class 8th Special English Chapter 2 The Making of the Missile Man 5
Student – II
MP Board Class 8th Special English Chapter 2 The Making of the Missile Man 6

  • Now talk to your friend on the childhood of the Missile Man as shown in the above example.

Clues : (his full name, his teachers in school, early education, his friends, his discoveries/inventions etc.)
MP Board Class 8th Special English Chapter 2 The Making of the Missile Man 7

Let’s read

Indian Space Programme

Read carefully the information about our

space programme :

  • The first Indian satellite “Aryabhatta” was launched on April 19, 1975 from the Soviet Union.
  • “Bhaskara I” was launched on June 7, 1979 from the Soviet Union.
  • “Rohini I” was launched on July 19, 1981 from India.
  • “APPLE” was launched on June 19, 1981 from French Guyana.
  • “Shriharikota” and “Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre” are the most important places in our space programme.

Now complete the following table :
MP Board Class 8th Special English Chapter 2 The Making of the Missile Man 8
MP Board Class 8th Special English Chapter 2 The Making of the Missile Man 9

Let’s Write

Here are clues about our genius mathematician Shrinivasa Ramanujan. On the basis of clues write a few sentences about Ramanujan.
MP Board Class 8th Special English Chapter 2 The Making of the Missile Man 10
Srinivasa Ramanujan was born on 22nd Dec. 1887.

The place of his birth is Erode in Tamil Nadu.
He belonged to a humble family.
He joined his first service in Madras Port Trust.
His favourite subject was Mathematics.
He did his research work in mathematics from Cambridge University (London).
He was awarded Trinity College Fellowship.
He died on 20th April, 1920.

The Making of the Missile Man Word Meanings

Page 5 : Determination – firmness of purpose – दुढ इच्छाशक्ति। Virtue – inner quality – गुण। Ferrying – conveying in a boat across water, transporting – नाव से लोगों को देना। Destroyed – बर्बाद कर दिया। Pursuing – continuing – जारी रखना। Crisis – time of great difficulty or danger – संकट की स्थिति। Wished – desired – इच्छा करना। Passion – strong will – उत्कट इच्छा।

Page 6 : Dim – dull – धुधला। Tolerate – bear – सहन करना। Breed – lead to something, to cause something – उकसाना। Orthodox – holding conventional beliefs – पुराने विचारों वाला। Perseverance – continued steady efforts to achieve an aim – जुझारूपन। Miracle – surprising and welcome act or event which does not follow the laws of nature and is therefore thought to be caused by God – चमत्कार। Motto – aim, goal – उदेश। Eminent-famous – प्रसिद्द। Fascinated – attracted – अकरणित होना। Aeronauties branch – वैग्नानीक शाखा।

very big – विशाल। Martgage – a legal arrangements by which a bank lends one money – बंध की गिरवी। Required – need – आवश्यक। Compassion – feeling of pity – दया। Vowed – pledged – प्रतिगना करना। Redeem – to pay the necessary money to clear a debt – पैसा चुकाना। Commitment – a pledge – प्रतिगना। Gesture – an expressive movement or action – रुख। Below – present something as gift to somebody – प्रदान करना। Exhorted – tried hard to persuade somebody to do something – किसी को कुछ करने के लिए प्रेरित करना। Emulate – try to do well or better than somebody – कुछ अच्छा करने की कोशिश करना।

We wish the knowledge shared regarding MP Board Solutions for Class 8 English Chapter 2 The Making of the Missile Man Questions and Answers has been helpful to you. If you need any further help feel free to ask us and we will get back to you with the possible solution. Bookmark our site to avail the latest updates on different state boards solutions in split seconds.

MP Board Class 8th Sanskrit Solutions Chapter 1 लोकहितं मम करणीयम्

MP Board Class 8th Sanskrit Solutions Surbhi Chapter 1 लोकहितं मम करणीयम्

MP Board Class 8th Sanskrit Chapter 1 अभ्यासः

Mp Board Class 8 Sanskrit Solution Chapter 1 प्रश्न 1.
एकपदेन उत्तरं लिखत (एक शब्द में उत्तर लिखो-)
(क) मनसा किं करणीयम्? (मन से क्या करना चाहिए?)
स्मरणीयम्। (स्मरण करना चाहिए।)

(ख) वचसा किं करणीयम्? (वाणी से क्या करना चाहिए?)
वदनीयम्। (बोलना चाहिए।)

(ग) कस्मिन् न रमणीयम्? (किसमें नहीं रहना चाहिए?)
भोगभवने। (सुख देने वाले घर में।)

(घ) किंन गणनीयम्? (क्या नहीं ध्यान रखना चाहिए?)
दुःखम्। (दुःख को।)

(ङ) किंन मननीयम्? (क्या नहीं सोचना चाहिए?)
निजसौख्यम्। (अपने सुख को।)

Lokhitam Mam Karniyam MP Board Class 8th प्रश्न 2.
एकवाक्येन उत्तरं लिखत (एक वाक्य में उत्तर लिखो)
(क) कुत्र त्वरणीयम्? (कहाँ शीघ्रता करनी चाहिए?)
कार्यक्षेत्रे त्वरणीयम्। (कार्य के क्षेत्र में शीघ्रता करनी चाहिए।)

(ख) कस्मिन् तरणीयम्? (किसमें तैरना चाहिए?)
दुःखसागरे तरणीयम्। (दुःख रूपी सागर में तैरना चाहिए।)

(ग) कुत्र चरणीयम्? (कहाँ चढ़ना चाहिए?)
कष्टपर्वते चरणीयम्। (कष्टरूपी पर्वत पर चढ़ना चाहिए।)

(घ) विपत्ति-विपिने किं करणीयम्? (संकट रूपी वन में क्या करना चाहिए?)
विपत्ति-विपिने भ्रमणीयम्। (संकट रूपी वन में घूमना चाहिए।)

(ङ) मम किं करणीयम्? (मुझे क्या करना चाहिए?)
मम लोकहितं करणीयम्। (मुझे संसार का कल्याण करना चाहिए।)

Mp Board Class 8 Sanskrit Chapter 1 प्रश्न 3.
उचितं योजयत (उचित को जोड़ो-)
MP Board Class 8th Sanskrit Solutions Chapter 1 लोकहितं मम करणीयम् 1
(क) → (ii)
(ख) → (i)
(ग) → (iv)
(घ) → (v)
(ङ) → (iii)

Class 8 Sanskrit Chapter 1 Mp Board प्रश्न 4.
शुद्धवाक्यानां समक्षम् ‘आम्’ अशुद्धवाक्यानां समक्षं’न’ इति लिखत
(शुद्ध वाक्यों के सामने ‘आम्’ (हाँ) तथा अशुद्ध वाक्यों के सामने ‘न’ (नहीं) लिखो-)
(क) कष्टपर्वते चरणीयम्।
(ख) दु:खसागरे न तरणीयम्।
(ग) न जातु दुःखं गणनीयम्।
(घ) विपत्ति-विपिने न भ्रमणीयम्।
(ङ) अहर्निशं जागरणीयम्।
(क) आम्
(ख) न
(ग) आम्
(घ) न
(ङ) आम्।

Lok Hitam Mam Karniyam MP Board Class 8th प्रश्न 5.
उचितपदेन रिक्तस्थानं पूरयत(उचित शब्द द्वारा रिक्त स्थानों को भरो-)
(क) बन्धुजना ये स्थिता ……………..। (सागरे/गह्वरे)
(ख) लोकहितं ……………। (वदनीयम्।करणीयम्)
(ग) भोगभवने …………… । (रमणीयम्/न रमणीयम्)
(घ) कार्यक्षेत्रे ……………। (तरणीयम्/त्वरणीयम्)
(ङ) कष्टपर्वते …………….। (करणीयम्/चरणीयम्)
(क) गह्वरे
(ख) करणीयम्
(ग) न रमणीयम्
(घ) त्वरणीयम्
(ङ) चरणीयम्।

Lokhitam Mam Karniyam In Hindi MP Board Class 8th प्रश्न 6.
नामोल्लेखपूर्वक समासविग्रहं कुरुत(नाम का उल्लेख करते हुए समास विग्रह करो-)
(क) लोकहितम्
(ख) भोगभवने
(ग) कार्यक्षेत्रे
(घ) दुःख-सागरे
(ङ) कष्टपर्वते।
Mp Board Class 8 Sanskrit Solution Chapter 1

मनसा सततं स्मरणीयम् Meaning In Hindi MP Board Class 8th प्रश्न 7.
रिक्तस्थानम् पूरयत (खाली जगह भरो-)
(क) न जातु दुःखं गणनीयम्, न च निज सौख्यं मननीयम्।
कार्यक्षेत्रे त्वरणीयम्, लोकहितम् मम करणीयम्

(ख) दुःख सागरे तरणीयम्, कष्टपर्वते चरणीयम्
विपत्ति-विपिने भ्रमणीयम्, लोकहितम्मम करणीयम्॥

प्रश्न 8.
उदाहरणानुसारं धातुं प्रत्ययं च पृथक्कुरुत(उदाहरण के अनुसार धातु और प्रत्यय अलग करो-)
Lokhitam Mam Karniyam MP Board Class 8th

प्रश्न 9.
“मम कर्त्तव्यम्” इति विषयमवलम्ब्य संस्कृते दशवाक्यानि लिखत।
(“मेरा कर्तव्य” इस विषय पर संस्कृत में दस वाक्य लिखो।)
व्याकरण भाग में निबन्ध रचना देखें।

प्रश्न 10.
“लोकहितं मम करणीयम्” इत्यस्मिन् पाठे आगतानि अव्ययानि चित्वा लिखत।
(“लोकहितं मम करणीयम्” इस पाठ में आये हुए अव्ययों को चुनकर लिखो।)
(क) सततम्
(ख) न
(ग) च
(घ) अहर्निशम्
(ङ) जातु
(च) दुःखम्
(छ) निज
(ज) तत्र।

लोकहितं मम करणीयम् हिन्दी अनुवाद 

मनसा सततं स्मरणीयम्, वचसा सततं वदनीयम्।
लोकहितमम करणीयम्, लोकहितं मम करणीयम्॥१॥

अनुवाद :
मन से सदा (मुझे) स्मरण (सोचना) करना चाहिए, वाणी (मुँह) से सदा (मुझे) बोलना चाहिए (कि) संसार का कल्याण मुझे करना चाहिए, संसार का कल्याण मुझे करना चाहिए।

न भोगभवने रमणीयम, न च सखशयने शयनीयम।
अहर्निशं जागरणीयम्, लोकहितं मम करणीयम्॥२॥

अनुवाद :
(मुझे) न सुख देने वाले घर में रहना चाहिए और न सुख देने वाले बिस्तर पर सोना चाहिए। (मुझे) दिन-रात जागना चाहिए (और) संसार का कल्याण मुझे करना चाहिए।

न जातु दुःखंगणनीयम्, न च निज सौख्यम् मननीयम्।
कार्यक्षेत्रे त्वरणीयम्, लोकहितं मम करणीयम्॥३॥

अनुवाद :
(मुझे) कभी भी दुःख का ध्यान नहीं रखना चाहिए और न अपने सुख को सोचना चाहिए। (अपने) कार्य के क्षेत्र में शीघ्रता करनी चाहिए, (और) संसार का कल्याण मुझे करना चाहिए।

दुःखसागरे तरणीयम्, कष्टपर्वते चरणीयम्।
विपत्ति-विपिने भ्रमणीयम्, लोकहितंमम करणीयम्॥४॥

अनुवाद :
(मुझे) दुःख रूपी सागर में तैरना चाहिए, कष्ट रूपी पर्वत पर चढ़ना चाहिए, संकट रूपी वन में घूमना चाहिए (और) संसार का कल्याण मुझे करना चाहिए।

गहनारण्ये घनान्धकारे, बन्धुजना ये स्थिता गह्वरे।
तंत्र मया सञ्चरणीयम् लोकहितं मम करणीयम्॥५॥

अनुवाद :
जो भाई-बन्धु घने अन्धकार में, गहन वन में गुफाओं में रहते हैं, वहाँ मुझे जाना चाहिए (और) संसार का कल्याण मुझे करना चाहिए।

लोकहितं मम करणीयम् शब्दार्याः

करणीयम् = करना चाहिए। त्वरणीयम् = शीघ्रता करनी चाहिए। दुःखसागरे = दुःख रूपी सागर में। कष्टपर्वते = कष्ट रूपी पर्वत पर। गहनारण्ये = गहन वन में। गह्वरे = गुफा में।

MP Board Class 8th Sanskrit Solutions

MP Board Class 8th Special English Solutions Chapter 12 The Cherry Tree

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MP Board Class 8th Special English Solutions Chapter 12 The Cherry Tree

Do you feel the concept of English is difficult to understand? Not anymore with our MP Board Solutions for Class 8 English Chapter 12 The Cherry Tree Questions and Answers. All the Solutions are given to you with detailed explanation and you can enhance your subject knowledge. Use the Madhya Pradesh State Board Solutions for Class 8 English PDF for free of cost and prepare whenever you want.

The Cherry Tree Textual Exercise

Word Power

(A) Arrange the above words in alphabetical order.

  1. breeze
  2. bulging
  3. haunches
  4. mantis
  5. outskirts
  6. pebbles
  7. plod
  8. promptly
  9. scramble
  10. scythe
  11. sprinkling
  12. swish
  13. tang
  14. whisper

(B) Complete the spellings of the words that have the following meanings:
Class 8 Chapter 12 English MP Board

  1. mixture of gases surrounding the earth
  2. upper layer of the earth in which plants grow
  3. surface that is at an angle of less than 90
  4. take place
  5. take air into the lungs and send it out again
  6. wood used for lighting fires or as fuel
  7. the ability of land to produce crops
  8. people living in an area, city or country
  9. make on a large scale using machinery


  1. air
  2. soil
  3. slope
  4. happen
  5. breath
  6. fire wood
  7. fertility
  8. population
  9. manufacture.

(C) Read this web chart containing words related to the expression ‘the story book’. (Once you have selected a particular book, know everything related to that book-the title, the author, etc.)
English Chapter 12 Class 8 MP Board
Now collect related information and complete these two web charts.
The Cherry Tree Question Answers Class 8 MP Board


The Cherry Tree Question Answers Class 8 MP Board Question 1.
Where did Rakesh live?
Rakesh lived on the outskirts of Mussoorie.

Mp Board Class 8 English Chapter 12 Question 2.
What did Rakesh do to the seed?
Rakesh planted the seed.

Class 8 English Chapter 11 The Cherry Tree MP Board Question 3.
What happened to the plant when it was two feet high?
A goal entered the garden and ate all the leaves of the plant.

Class 8 English Chapter 12 MP Board Question 4.
Why did grandfather scold the woman?
Grandfather scolded the woman because she had cut the plant into two.

Class 8 English Chapter 12 Question Answer MP Board Question 5.
Why did Rakesh like the tree so much?
Rakesh liked the tree so much because he planted it himself.

The Cherry Tree Class 8 MP Board Question 6.
Why did he encircle the small cherry plant with pebbles?
Do yourself.

Class 8 English Chapter 12 Mp Board Question 7.
How does the cherry tree prove the creative power of nature?
It did not die even though its leaves were all eaten by a goat and it was cut into two with a scythe by a woman. It lived and grew in due course.

Lesson 12 The Cherry Tree MP Board Question 8.
“Nothing is lucky if you put it away. If you want luck, you must put it to some use.” What did grand-father means by these words.
Grandfather meant to say that the seed of the cherry should be planted.

Let’s Learn

  • We use the simple past tense to talk about actions that happened in the past.
  • To make the simple past tense of regular verbs, we add-ed to the verb, for example walk-walked. If the verb ends in-e we just add-d. e.g., save-saved.
  • Many verbs in the simple past tense are irregular. This means that we not add-ed or -d to them even though they are in the past tense. For instance, the simple past form of “begin’ is ‘began’.
  • Read what Sheelu says about her daily routine:

Mp Board Class 8 English Chapter 12

Yesterday was a typical working day for Sheelu. Write what she did or didn’t do yesterday.

  1. Sheelu _________ up at 70′ clock.
  2. She _________ a large breakfast
  3. She _________ to work.
  4. It _________ her about half an hour to get to work.
  5. She _________ work at 8.45.
  6. She _________ (not) lunch.
  7. She _________ her work at 5 ‘o’ clock.
  8. She was tired when she _________ home.
  9. She _________ a meal yesterday evening.
  10. She _________ (not) out yesterday evening.
  11. She _________ bed at 11 ‘o’ clock.
  12. She _________ well last night


  1. got
  2. ate
  3. began
  4. took
  5. finished
  6. didn’t take
  7. began
  8. reached
  9. ate
  10. did’nt go
  11. went
  12. slept.

Let’s talk

(A) You see a man who is felling a tree for firewood. Discuss among your group how you’ll convince him not to cut down the tree.
Convince him by telling him the importance of trees, as –

(a) Trees provide us many things of daily use.
(b) They give us cool shade.
(c) They give us many types of fruits.
(d) They give us wood which is used in construction work.
(e) There are many trees which are known for their medicine.
(f) Tree maintains balance in our eco system.
(g) They bring rain in abundance.
(h) Our happiness lies in the survival of the trees.

(B) Read carefully the conversation between Anju & Mrs. Ahuja, then follow the instructions given below.

Anju : Hello! Can I talk to Mrs. Ahuja?
Mrs.Ahuja : Hello! Mrs. Ahuja speaking.
Anju : Good morning mam, I want to know about some medicinal trees.
Mrs.Ahuja : Good morning. There are some medicinal trees like Neem, Amla, Bilva or Bel and Tulsi.
Anju : Does the Neem tree have a medicinal value?
Mrs.Ahuja : Yes, it does. Ayurveda says that the roots, bark, leaves, fruit and gum of Neem have amazing cura tive powers.
Anju : How are they used?
Mrs.Ahuja : They are used as fungi cides and medicines, countless Indians today use Neem twigs as tooth brush.
Anju : Mam, I haven’t seen this natural brush. Will you show me one please?
Mrs.Ahuja : Yes, why not?
Anju : Mam, how are the leaves used?
Mrs.Ahuja : Dried Neem leaves are put in stored grain, clothes and books to pro tect them from pests.
Anju : I have heard that Neem is also used to cure skin ailments.
Mrs.Ahuja : Yes, of course. It is a good antiseptic too.
Anju : Thanks a lot mam for such useful information.
Mrs.Ahuja: O.K. Next time we’ll talk about other medicinal plants and trees.

Work in pairs. Converse with your teacher to know more about other medicinal plants and trees found around you. Record the conversation.
Do it yourself.

Let’s read

Read the given invitation-card for a marriage ceremony. And answer the ques/tion given below it.
Class 8 English Chapter 11 The Cherry Tree MP Board

Question 1.
Name the parents of the bride groom.
Mrs. and Mrs. Krishna Rao Murthi.

Question 2.
What’s the name of the bride’s father?
Subramanayam Raman.

Question 3.
When is the marriage ceremony going to take place?
On Sunday, 25th December 2006.

Question 4.
Write the address of the venue for the dinner.
Play ground, opp. G.D.O.G. College. Ashok Vihar, Ashoka Garden, Indore.

Question 5.
Where will the marriage ceremony be organized at?
Gulmohar Praisar, Noida.

Question 6.
Which specific expression (s) in the . invitation card appeal to you and why?
The expression “In the name of God’ the beneficent & merciful”. I liked this expression because I’m atheiest. I believe that every auspicious work should be started with the name of Almighty.

Let’s Write

Read the passage and do the activity as suggested.

1. TIDY means “neat every thing in place”. If you bathe, A you become clean. But if you do not comb your hair, would you look nice? No! You would be clean but not tidy. If you dress neatly and comb your hair after a bath, you look clean and tidy.
Class 8 English Chapter 12 MP Board
2. Everyone likes children who are clean and tidy. But this is not enough. You also have to keep your things tidy. Then, you do not have to search for things when you need them. You can do every thing quickly. You will have more time to study ad play.
Class 8 English Chapter 12 Question Answer MP Board
3. If you try, it becomes easy to be clean and tidy everyday.

Now do some activity and have fun. With the help of your teacher draw Mr. clean and Mr. dirty on the black board.
MP Board Class 8th Special English Chapter 12 The Cherry Tree 8
Write comments on both types of men. What do you think about them. Write sentences using the clue words:

impressive, untidy, good looking, uncombed hair, well dressed, badly dressed etc

Example : Mr. Clean is impressive.

  1. He is good looking.
  2. He is well dressed.
  3. Mr. Untidy is badly dressed.
  4. He has kept uncombed hair.
  5. He is not at all impressive.

Let’s do it

Question 1.
If you get the seed of such a tree as is rarely found, sow it in your garden. Take proper care of it and water it timely.
Do it yourself.

Question 2.
Describe in a paragraph how a plant makes food. Use the clues given below. Work in pairs or groups.

Water, salt and other things ………………. suck from the earth ………………. through roots ………………. reaches leaves ………………. using sunlight ………………. makes food ………………. sends to other parts of the plant.
Plants suck water, salt and other things through roots. All these things reach in the leaves where the plant makes food using sunlight and sends to other parts of the plant.

The Cherry Tree Word Meanings

MP Board Class 8th Special English Chapter 12 The Cherry Tree 9

MP Board Class 8th Special English Chapter 12 The Cherry Tree 10

MP Board Class 8th Special English Chapter 12 The Cherry Tree 11

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MP Board Class 8th Sanskrit Solutions Chapter 18 सत्कर्म एव धर्मः

MP Board Class 8th Sanskrit Solutions Surbhi Chapter 18 सत्कर्म एव धर्मः

MP Board Class 8th Sanskrit Chapter 18 अभ्यासः

Class 8 Sanskrit Chapter 18 Mp Board प्रश्न 1.
एकपदेन उत्तरं लिखत(एक शब्द में उत्तर लिखो-)
(क) विक्रमादित्यः नगरभ्रमणसमये किं दृष्टवान्? (विक्रमादित्य ने नगर भ्रमण के समय क्या देखा?)
रुग्णम्। (रोगी को)

(ख) विक्रमादित्यः महामन्त्रिणि राज्यभारं समर्प्य कुत्र अगच्छत्? (विक्रमादित्य महामन्त्री पर राज्यभार को समर्पित करके कहाँ गये?)
वनम्। (वन में)

(ग) महात्मा कस्य समीपे तपस्यारतः आसीत्? (महात्मा किसके पास तपस्यारत थे?)
विक्रमादित्यस्य। (विक्रमादित्य के)

(घ) महात्मा योगबलेन तत्र कस्य दृश्यं दर्शितवान्? (महात्मा ने योग के बल से वहाँ किसका दृश्य दिखाया?)
यमलोकस्य। (यमलोक का)

(ङ) कर्मणां लेखनं कस्य पार्वे अस्ति? (कर्मों का लेखा किसके पास है?)
चित्रगुप्तस्य। (चित्रगुप्त के)

(च) श्रेष्ठाचरणस्य प्रतिज्ञां कृत्वा विक्रमादित्यः कुत्रः आगतवान्? (श्रेष्ठ आचरण की प्रतिज्ञा करके विक्रमादित्य कहाँ आये?)
उज्जयिनीम्। (उज्जयिनी में)

Mp Board Class 8 Sanskrit Chapter 18 प्रश्न 2.
एकवाक्येन उत्तरं लिखत(एक वाक्य में उत्तर लिखो-)
(क) महात्मा विक्रमादित्यं किम् उपदिष्टवान्? (महात्मा ने विक्रमादित्य को क्या उपदेश दिया?)
महात्मा विक्रमादित्यं उपदिष्टवान् यत्-“राजन्! भवान् तु यथानीति राजधर्मस्य पालनं करोतु। धर्मानुकूलं शासनम् अपि धर्म एव भवति” इति। (महात्मा ने विक्रमादित्य को उपदेश दिया कि-“हे राजन्! आप तो नीति के अनुसार राजधर्म का पालन करो। धर्म के अनुसार शासन भी धर्म ही होता है।)

(ख) कर्म-तपस्योः कः भेदः? (कर्म और तपस्या में क्या भेद है?)
कर्मणः स्थानम् भिन्नम् परं तपस्या स्वर्गप्राप्तेः साधनम्।” इति कर्म-तपस्ययोः भेदः। (“कर्म का स्थान भिन्न है परन्तु तपस्या स्वर्ग प्राप्ति का साधन है।” ऐसा कर्म और तपस्या का भेद है।)

(ग) विक्रमादित्यः अन्ते किं ज्ञातवान्? (विक्रमादित्य ने अन्त में क्या जाना?)
विक्रमादित्यः अन्ते ज्ञातवान् यद्-‘सदाचारः एव तपस्या, सत्कर्म एव धर्म’ इति। (विक्रमादित्य ने अन्त में यह जाना कि-“सदाचार ही तपस्या है, सत्कर्म ही धर्म है”।)

(घ) विक्रमादित्यः लोके कथं प्रसिद्धः? (विक्रमादित्य संसार में कैसे प्रसिद्ध हैं?)
विक्रमादित्यः लोके सत्कर्मणा एव प्रसिद्धः। (विक्रमादित्य संसार में सत्कर्म से ही प्रसिद्धः हैं।)

(ङ) विक्रमादित्यस्य ध्येयवाक्यं किम् आसीत्? (विक्रमादित्य का ध्येय वाक्य क्या था?)
विक्रमादित्यस्य ध्येयवाक्यं ‘सत्कर्म एव धर्मः’ इति आसीत्। (विक्रमादित्य का ध्येय वाक्य ‘सत्कर्म ही धर्म है’ यह था।)

(च) विक्रमादित्यस्य मनसि केन वैराग्यम् उद्भूतम्? (विक्रमादित्य के मन में किससे वैराग्य उत्पन्न हुआ?)
विक्रमादित्यस्य मनसि रुग्णदर्शनेन वैराग्यम् उद्भूतम्। (विक्रमादित्य के मन में रोगी को देखने से वैराग्य उत्पन्न हुआ।)

(छ) “सत्कर्म एव धर्मः” कथायाः सारः कः? (“सत्कर्म ही धर्म है” कथा का सारांश क्या है?)
अस्याः कथायाः सारः यत् ‘मनुष्यः उत्तमानि कर्माणि कृत्वा अपि परलोकं साधयितुम् शक्नोति’ इति। (इस कथा का सारांश है कि ‘मनुष्य अच्छे कार्य करके भी परलोक सिद्ध कर सकता है।)

Sanskrit Class 8 Chapter 18 Mp Board प्रश्न 3.
रिक्तस्थानानि पूरयत(रिक्त स्थान भरो-)
(क) विक्रमादित्यस्य समीपे एकः ……….. तपस्यारतः आसीत्। (महात्मा/दुरात्मा)
(ख) तपस्या ……… साधनम्। (स्वर्गप्राप्ते/राज्यप्राप्तेः)
(ग)यमराजः …………. आदिष्टवान्। (विक्रमादित्यम्/दूतेभ्यः)
(घ) वने सः कठिनां …………. आरब्धवान्। (दिनचर्यां/तपस्याम्)
(ङ) प्रजापालनं धर्म …….. अस्ति। (तपस्वीनाम्/राज्ञाम्)
(क) महात्मा
(ख) स्वर्गप्राप्तेः
(ग) दूतेभ्यः
(घ) तपस्याम्
(ङ) राज्ञाम्।।

Class 8 Sanskrit Chapter 18 Mp Board प्रश्न 4.
उचितं मेलयत(उचित को मिलाओ-)
Class 8 Sanskrit Chapter 18 Mp Board
(क) → (v)
(ख) → (iv)
(ग) → (ii)
(घ) → (iii)
(ङ) → (i)

Mp Board Class 8 Sanskrit Solution Chapter 18 प्रश्न 5.
नामोल्लेखपूर्वकं समासविग्रहं कुरुत(नाम का उल्लेख करते हुए समास विग्रह करो-)
(क) ध्येयवाक्यम्
(ख) तपस्यारतः
(ग) प्रजापालनम्
(घ) योगबलेन
(ङ) श्रेष्ठाचरणेन।
Mp Board Class 8 Sanskrit Chapter 18

Sanskrit Chapter 18 Class 8 Mp Board प्रश्न 6.
नामोल्लेखपूर्वकं सन्धिविच्छेदं कुरुत(नामे का उल्लेख करते हुए सन्धि विच्छेद करो-)
(क) धर्मानुकूलम्
(ख) नेति
(ग) सदाचारः
(घ) अद्यापि
(ङ) विक्रमादित्यः।
Sanskrit Class 8 Chapter 18 Mp Board

Chapter 18 Sanskrit Class 8 Mp Board प्रश्न 7.
रेखाङ्कितशब्दानाम् आधारेण प्रश्ननिर्माणं कुरुत (रेखांकित शब्दों के आधार पर प्रश्न निर्माण करो-)
(क) विक्रमः अवदत्। (विक्रम बोला।)
कः अवदत्? (कौन बोला?)

(ख) तपस्या तु महात्मनां कर्म इति। (तपस्या तो महात्माओं का काम है।)
तपस्या तु केषाम् कर्म इति? (तपस्या तो किनका काम है?

(ग) तत्रैव यमलोकस्य दृश्यं दर्शितवान्। (वहीं यमलोक का दृश्य दिखाया?)
कुत्र यमलोकस्य दृश्यं दर्शितवान्? (कहाँ यमलोक का दृश्य दिखाया?)

(घ) यमराजः दूतान् पृच्छति? (यमराज दूतों से पूछते हैं।)
यमराजः कान् पृच्छति? (यमराज ने किनसे पूछा?)

(ङ) राज्ञः धर्म प्रजापालनम्। (राजा का धर्म प्रजा का पालन है।)
कस्य धर्मः प्रजापालनम्? (किसका धर्म प्रजा का पालन है?)

सत्कर्म एव धर्मः हिन्दी अनुवाद

एकदा विक्रमादित्यः नगरभ्रमणसमये एकम् मरणासन्नं रुग्णं दृष्टवान्। तस्य दर्शनेन मनसि उद्भूतम्। अतः मायामोहमयं संसारं ज्ञात्वा सः महामन्त्रिणि राज्यभारं समर्प्य वनम् अगच्छत्।

Mp Board Class 8 Sanskrit Solution अनुवाद :
एक बार विक्रमादित्य ने नगर में भ्रमण के समय एक मरणासन्न (मरने के निकट) रोगी को देखा। उसको देखने से मन में वैराग्य उत्पन्न हुआ। इसलिए माया मोह से भरे संसार को जानकर वह महामन्त्री को राज्यभार सौंपकर वन चले गये।

वने सः कठिना तपस्याम् आरब्धवान्। तस्य समीपे एव एकः महात्मा अपि तपस्यारतः आसीत्। महात्मा तम् अवदत्, “राजन्! भवान् तु यथानीति राजधर्मस्य पालनं करोतु। धर्मानुकूलं शासनम् अपि धर्म एव भवति” इति स महात्मा विक्रमादित्यम् उपदिष्टवान्। विक्रमः अवदत्-“नहि महात्मन्! तपसा एव परलोकः साध्यते, कर्मणा नेति।” महात्मा अवदत्, “राजन! राज्ञः धर्मः प्रजापालनं, शासनम् एव अस्ति तपस्या तु महात्मानां कर्म इति।” इत्युक्त्वा महात्मा राजानाम् पृष्टवन्-कर्म-तपस्ययोः कः भेदः?

Samas Vigrah In Sanskrit Class 8 अनुवाद :
वन में उन्होंने कठिन तपस्या आरम्भ कर दी। उनके पास में एक महात्मा भी तपस्यारत (तपस्या में लगे) थे। महात्मा ने उनसे कहा, “हे राजन्! आप तो नीति के अनुसार राजधर्म का पालन करो। धर्म के अनुकूल शासन भी धर्म ही होता है।” इस प्रकार उस महात्मा ने विक्रमादित्य को उपदेश दिया। विक्रम ने कहा-“नहीं महात्मन्! तपस्या से ही परलोक प्राप्त होता है, कर्म से नहीं।” महात्मा ने कहा, “हे राजन्! राजा का धर्म प्रजा का पालन और शासन ही है, तपस्या तो महात्माओं का काम है।” ऐसा कहकर महात्मा ने राजा से पूछा-कर्म और तपस्या में क्या भेद है?

राजा अवदत्-कर्मणः स्थानम् भिन्नम् परं तपस्या स्वर्गप्राप्तेः साधनम्। एतच्छ्रुत्वा महात्मा हसन् अवदत्-“राजन् ! मनुष्यः उत्तमानि कर्माणि कृत्वा अपि परलोकं साधयितुम् शक्नोति।” अनन्तरम् महात्मा योगबलेन तत्रैव यमलोकस्य दृश्यं विक्रमं दर्शितवान्। दृश्ये यमराजः दूतान् पृच्छति-“एतस्य कर्म कीदृशम् ?” एकः दूतः अवदत्-“कर्मणां लेखनं तु चित्रगुप्तस्य पार्वे अस्ति।” क्षणं विचार्य यमराजः दूतान् आदिष्टवान् यत्-“यदि एतस्य कर्माणि उत्तमानि सन्ति तर्हि स्वर्गस्य द्वारम् उद्घाटयतु यदि कर्माणि अधमानि, तदा बलात् नरके पातयतु।”

संस्कृत कक्षा 8 Mp Board अनुवाद :
राजा ने कहा-कर्म का स्थान भिन्न है परन्तु तपस्या स्वर्ग प्राप्ति का साधन है। ऐसा सुनकर महात्मा हँसते हुए बोले-“हे राजन्! मनुष्य अच्छे कर्म करके भी परलोक सिद्ध कर सकता है।” इसके बाद महात्मा ने योग के बल से वहीं यमलोक का दृश्य विक्रम को दिखाया। दृश्य में यमराज दूतों से पूछ रहे हैं-“इसका कर्म कैसा है? एक दूत ने कहा-“कर्मों का लेखा तो चित्रगुप्त के पास है।” कुछ देर विचार करके यमराज ने दूतों को आदेश दिया कि-यदि इसके कर्म अच्छे हैं तो स्वर्ग का द्वार खोल दो यदि कर्म बुरे हैं तो जबरदस्ती नरक में डाल दो।”

इदं दृश्यं दृष्ट्वा विक्रमः ज्ञातवान् यद्-‘सदाचारः एव तपस्या, सत्कर्म एव धर्म’ इति। अनन्तरं सः तम् महात्मानम् प्रणम्य, श्रेष्ठाचरणस्य प्रतिज्ञां कृत्वा राजधानीम् उज्जयिनीम् आगतवान्। आगत्य धर्मानुकूलंनीतिपूर्वकम् प्रजापालनपुरस्सरं शासनं कृतवान्। सः अद्यापि लोके सत्कर्मणा एव प्रसिद्धः। तस्य जीवनस्य ध्येयवाक्यम् आसीत्-‘सत्कर्म एव धर्मः।’

8 वीं कक्षा संस्कृत गाइड 2021 Mp Board अनुवाद :
इस दृश्य को देखकर विक्रम जान गये कि-“सदाचार (अच्छा व्यवहार) ही तपस्या है और सत्कर्म (अच्छे कर्म) ही धर्म।” इसके बाद वह उन महात्मा को प्रणाम करके, श्रेष्ठ आचरण की प्रतिज्ञा करके राजधानी उज्जयिनी आ गये। आकर धर्म के अनुसार नीतिपूर्वक प्रजा पालन को प्रमुखता देते हुए शासन किया। वह आज भी संसार में अच्छे कर्म से ही प्रसिद्ध हैं। उनके जीवन का ध्येय वाक्य था-‘सत्कर्म ही धर्म है।’

सत्कर्म एव धर्मः शब्दार्थाः

बलात् = बलपूर्वक। साधयितुम् = सिद्ध करने लिए। पार्वे = पास में। प्रजापालनपुरस्सरम् = प्रजापालन को प्रमुखता देते हुए। मरणासन्न = मरने के निकट। उद्भूतम् = उत्पन्न हुआ। पातयतु = गिराओ। एतच्छ्रुत्वा = ऐसा सुनकर।

MP Board Class 8th Sanskrit Solutions

MP Board Class 8th Special English Solutions Chapter 8 English is Amazing

Guys who are planning to learn the fundamentals of English can avail the handy study material using MP Board Solutions for Class 8 English Chapter 8 English is Amazing Questions and Answers. You Can Download MP Board Class 8 English Solutions Questions and Answers, Notes, Summary, Guide, Pdf. Refer to the Madhya Pradesh State Board Solutions for English PDF available and score better grades. Simply click on the quick links available for MP Board Solutions for Class 8 English Chapter 8 English is Amazing Questions and Answers and prepare all the concepts in it effectively. Take your preparation to the next level by availing the Madhya Pradesh State Board Solutions for Class 8 English prepared by subject experts.

MP Board Class 8th Special English Solutions Chapter 8 English is Amazing (Poem)

Do you feel the concept of English is difficult to understand? Not anymore with our MP Board Solutions for Class 8 English Chapter 8 English is Amazing Questions and Answers. All the Solutions are given to you with detailed explanation and you can enhance your subject knowledge. Use the Madhya Pradesh State Board Solutions for Class 8 English PDF for free of cost and prepare whenever you want.

English is Amazing Textual Exercise

Word Power

(A) Read the words given in the box :
English Is Amazing Summary MP Board Chapter 8

Now classify them in the following table :

Mp Board Class 8 English Chapter 8

(B) Complete the following sentences by choosing the right word from the words given in the brackets :

  1. A knife is ………………. (difficult, dangerous).
  2. It was raining heavily ………………. (because, so) we did not go for the picnic.
  3. An iron ball will ………………. (sink,float) into the water.
  4. People did not have computer in ………………… (old, ancient) times.
  5. The girl had a blue belt around her ………………. (waste/waist)


  1. dangerous
  2. so
  3. sink
  4. ancient
  5. waist


(A) Choose the correct answer :

Summary Of English Is Amazing Class 8 MP Board Question 1.
The poem speaks about
(a) geese and cows
(b) why English spelling is so difficult to learn.
(c) a child reading a book.
(d) a box.
(b) why English spelling is so difficult to learn.

Mp Board Class 8 English Chapter 8 Question 2.
The poet is complaining
(a) that making plurals in English is very easy.
(b) that there are feminine pro nouns.
(c) that English is a tricky language.
(d) that making plurals in English is difficult.
(c) that English is a trickey language.

English Is Amazing Summary MP Board Chapter 8 Question 3.
Which two difficult areas of English are discussed in the poem?
(a) nouns and adjectives
(b) clauses and prepositions
(c) nouns and pronouns
(d) verbs and adverbs.
(c) nouns and pronouns

English Is The Trickiest Language True Or False Question 4.
The feminine pronouns are :
(a) he, his and him.
(b) she, shis and shim.
(c) she, her and hers.
(d) he, she and it.
(c) she, her and hers.

(B) Read the poem and mark the following statements as true or false :

  1. The plural of cow may also be kine.
  2. English is called an easy language.
  3. Making plurals in English is easy.
  4. The singular form of feet is foot.
  5. English is the trickiest language.


  1. true
  2. false
  3. false
  4. false
  5. true

Let’s Read

Read the following passage :

The mother tongue is the first language that the child learns and picks up from the people around him. A foreign language is a language that one uses for a limited purpose. The mother tongue comes in a natural way, whereas a foreign language is learned so that one may be able to write and speak it. A language is learned with its structure, grammar and vocabulary. The mother tongue may have a different sentence structure. Often the method of translation is adopted for easy understanding of a foreign language. This is the main fault area of learning a foreign language. This may not be the right approach. So instead of learning a foreign language through translation one should know the way it really goes. The exposure to a language is the most important factor in learning.

Now answer the following questions :

Summary Of Poem English Is Amazing Class 8 Question 1.
Which is the first language that a child learns?
The mother tongue is the first language that a child learns.

Class 8 English Chapter 8 English Is Amazing Question 2.
What is the purpose of a foreign language?
A foreign language is used for a limited purpose. It is learned so that one may be able to write and speak it.

English Is Amazing Summary Class 8 MP Board Question 3.
How is the language learned?
The language is learned with its structure, grammar and vocabulary.

English Is Amazing Poem MP Board Question 4.
Which method is ofter adopted to learn a foreign language?
The method of translation is adopted for easy understanding of a foreign language.

Mp Board Solution Class 8 English Question 5.
Which is the most important factor in learning a language?
The exposure to a language is the most important factor in learning.

Let’s Write

(A) Here is a list of the likes and dislikes. Choose the five things you like and five things you dislike.
Summary Of English Is Amazing Class 8 MP Board
I am Mona. I study in class VIII. I like cleaning my room, doing homework, reading story books, brushing my teeth and eating green vegetables, but the things I dislike watching television, going to cinema, studying mathematics, going to cinema and eating chocolates.

English is Amazing Word Meanings

Page-72: fowl – a bird that is kept for its meat and eggs – बाज। Moose – an ell (a large deer) of North America – उत्तर अमेरिका का एक बड़ा हिरण। Vow – make a serious promise- शपथ लेना। Lone – alone, without any other people or things – अकेला। Trickiest – difficult to do or deal with – क्लिष्ट।

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MP Board Class 8th Science Solutions Chapter 1 Crop Production and Management

MP Board Class 8th Science Solutions Chapter 1 Crop Production and Management

MP Board Class 8th Science Crop Production and Management NCERT Textbook Exercises

Mp Board Class 8 Science Chapter 1 Question 1.
Select the correct word from the follow¬ing list and fill in the blanks: float, water, crop, nutrients, preparation
(a) The same kind of plants grown and cultivated on a large scale at a place is called …………
(b) The first step before growing crops is of the soil.
(c) Damaged seeds would on top of the water.
(d) For growing a crop, sufficient sunlight and …………. and ……… from the soil are essential.
(a) crop
(b) preparation
(c) float
(d) water, nutrients.

Mp Board Class 8 Science Solution Chapter 1 Question 2.
Match items in column ‘A’ with those in column ‘B.

(i) Kharif crops (a) food for cattle
(ii) Rabi crops (b) urea and superphosphate
(iii) Chemical fertilizers (c) Animal excreta, cow dung, urine and plant waste
(iv) Organic manure (d) Wheat, gram, pea
(e) Paddy and maize


(i) Kharif crops (e) Paddy and maize
(ii) Rabi crops (d) Wheat, gram, pea
(iii) Chemical fertilizers (b) urea and superphosphate
(iv) Organic manure (c) Animal excreta, cow dung, urine and plant waste

Mp Board Class 8 Science Solution Question 3.
Gine two examples of each.
(a) Kharif crop
(b) Rabi crop.
(a) Examples of Kharif crop – maize and paddy.
(b) Examples of rabi crop – wheat and mustard.

Mp Board Solution Class 8 Science Question 4.
Write a paragraph in your own words on each of the following:
(a) Preparation of soil
(b) Sowing
(c) Weeding
(d) Threshing
(a) Preparation of soil: It is the first step before growing a crop. First task in the process is to turn the soil and loosen it. This allows the roots to penetrate deep in the soil. The process of loosening and turning of soil is called tilling or ploughing which is done by a plough. Ploughs are made of wood or iron. If the soil is very dry, it may need watering before ploughing. The plough hed fields may have big pieces of soil called crumbs. These crumbs are broken and the field is leveled for sowing and for irrigation.

(b) Sowing: It is the process of putting seeds in the soil. For this purpose, good quality seeds are selected which are clean, healthy, of good variety and give a high yield. Tools for sowing seeds are traditional tools shaped like funnel and a seed drill. An appropriate distance between the seeds is also important to avoid overcrowding of plants.

(c) Weeding: In a crop field many other undesirable plants may grow naturally along with the crop. These are called weeds. Weeds are to be removed to protect the crops. The process of removal of weeds is called weeding. If weeding is not done, the growth of the crop is adversely affected. Some weeds are poisonous for animals and human beings. Tilling before sowing of crops helps in uprooting and killing of weeds, which may then dry up and get mixed with the soil. The weeds must be removed before they produce flowers and seeds. They are removed either manually or by using weedicides.

(d) Threshing: When the crop mature, they are cut. This process is called harvesting. After harvesting the crops are threshed for removing grain seeds from the chaff. This is carried out with the help of a machine called combine, which is in fact a combined harvester and thresher.

Mp Board Class 8 Science Solution English Medium Question 5.
Explain how fertilizers are different from manure?
Mp Board Class 8 Science Chapter 1

Mp Board 8th Class Science Solutions Question 6.
What is irrigation? Describe two methods of irrigation which conserve water?
Irrigation means supply of water to plants at different intervals. It helps absorption of nutrient elements by the. plants from the soil. It is essential for i growth and elongation of the roots of crop plants. It is also essential for providing moisture for the germination of seeds. Water supplied to plants by irrigation provides hydrogen and oxygen. Irrigation is essential to increase 1 the number of aerial branches in crop plants which in turn will increase the yields also.

Modem methods of irrigation help us to use water economically. The main methods used are as follows:

(i) Sprinkler System: This system is more useful on the uneven land where sufficient water is not available. The perpendicular pipes/ having rotating nozzles on top, are joined to the main pipeline at regular intervals. When water is allowed to flow through the main pipe under pressure with the help of a pump, it escapes from the rotating nozzles.,It gets sprinkled on the crop as if it is raining. Sprinkler is very useful for sandy soil [Fig. 1.1(a)].
Mp Board Class 8 Science Solution Chapter 1

(ii) Drip System: In this system, the water falls drop by drop just at the position of the roots. So it is called drip system. It is the best technique for watering fruit plants, gardens and trees. The system provides water to plants drop by drop
Mp Board Class 8 Science Solution

[Fig 1.1(b)]. Water is not wasted at all. It is a boon in regions where availability of water is poor.

Mp Board Class 8th Science Solution Question 7.
If wheat is sown in the kharif season, what would happen? Discuss.
Kharif crops need lot of rainfall, whereas wheat needs winter (cold) season and not heavy rainfall. So if wheat were sown in kharif season, the crop will damage due to heavy rainfall as well as collection of water in the fields.

Class 8 Science Chapter 1 Mp Board Question 8.
Explain how soil gets affected by the continuous plantation of crops in a field?
Soil supplies mineral nutrients to the crop. The nutrients are essential for the proper growth of the crop. Continuous growing of crops makes the soil poorer in certain nutrients. To avoid this, a method of crop-rotation is adopted, which maintains the nutrients of the soil intact.

Mp Board Class 8 Science Solution In English Question 9.
What are weeds? How can we control them?
Weeds are undesired plants which are grown among crop plants. They absorb water, nutrients etc., of the crop plants. Therefore, their removal from the field is a must. Farmers adopt many ways to remove weeds and control their growth.

  1. Ploughing (tilling) the field before sowing the crop helps in uprooting and destroying the weeds.
  2. The weeds may be removed manually before they produce flowers and seeds.
  3. Weeds can be controlled by spraying certain chemicals called weedicides. These weedicides do not damage the crops.

Mp Board Science Solution Class 8 Question 10.
Arrange the following boxes in proper order to make a flow chart of sugarcane crop production:
Mp Board Solution Class 8 Science
Flow chart of sugarcane crop production is given below:
Mp Board Class 8 Science Solution English Medium

Mp Board Class 8th Subject Science Question 11.
Complete the following word puzzle with the help of clues given below:
1. Providing water to the crops.
2. Keeping crop grains for a long time under proper conditions.
5. Certain plants of the same kind grown on a large scale.
Mp Board 8th Class Science Solutions

3. A machine used for cutting the matured crops.
4. A rabi crop that is also one of the pulses.
6. A process of separating the grain from chaff.
Mp Board Class 8th Science Solution

MP Board Class 8th Science Crop Production and Management NCERT Extended Learning – Activities and Projects

Class 8 Science Mp Board Solution Question 1.
Sow some seeds in the soil and arrange to water them by drip irrigation. Observe daily.
(i) Do you think it can save water?
(ii) Note the changes in the seed.
(i) Yes, drip irrigation saves water as it does not allow the water to flow on sides and get wasted.
(ii) Seeds slowly get germinated.

Class 8 Mp Board Science Solution Question 2.
Collect different types of seeds and put them in small bags. Label them.
Do yourself.
Class 8 Science Chapter 1 Mp Board

Mp Board Class 8 Social Science Solution Chapter 1 Question 3.
Collect picture of some agricultural machines and paste them in a file write their names and uses.
Do yourself.
Mp Board Class 8 Science Solution In English

Mp Board Solution Class 8 Subject Science Question 4.
Project Work Visit a farm, nursery or a garden nearby. Gather information about:
(i) importance of seed selection.
(ii) method of irrigation.
(iii) effect of extreme cold and extreme » hot weather on the plants.
(iv) effect of continuous rain on the plants.
(v) fertilisers/manure used.
Do yourself.
Mp Board Science Solution Class 8

MP Board Class 8th Science Crop Production and Management NCERT Intex Activities and Projects

Mp Board Class 8 Science Book Solutions Activity 1.3
Show the different sources of food.
MP Board Class 8th Science Solutions Chapter 1 Crop Production and Management 11

MP Board Class 8th Science Crop Production and Management NCERT Additional Important Questions

A. Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Define agriculture.
Agriculture is the branch of biology which deals with the production of plants and animals useful to man, involving soil cultivation, breeding and management of crops and livestock.

Question 2.
What is necessary to provide food for a large population?
In order to provide food for a large population – regular production, proper management and distribution of food is necessary.

Question 3.
Define soil.
The weathered superficial layer of the earth’s crust which is Capable of supporting life is known as soil.

Question 4.
What are the constituents of soil?
Soil contains both living and decaying plants and animals and microbes and their remains as well as inorganic minerals.

Question 5.
How is humus beneficial for the growth of plants?
Humus is rich in nutrients which are beneficial for plant growth. Being porous it also holds water and acts as a useful storage to serve in the dry months.

B. Long Answer Type Questions

Question 6.
What is the importance of microbes in the soil?
Microbes play an important role in agriculture. Many microorganisms -act as decomposers. They break down or decompose dead leaves, animal’s remains and wastes in the simple compounds and form carbon, nitrogen and other chemicals. They are also important in forming humus.

Question 7.
How is Humus formed by microbes present in soil?
Where there are dense layers of trees, the soil underneath them is dark coloured. It is made up of mixed organic material. This organic material is of partially or fully decomposed plant and animal remains and wastes. This is called Humus.

MP Board Class 8th Science Solutions

MP Board Class 8th Sanskrit Solutions Chapter 11 सुभाषितानि

MP Board Class 8th Sanskrit Solutions Surbhi Chapter 11 सुभाषितानि

MP Board Class 8th Sanskrit Chapter 11 अभ्यासः

Mp Board Class 8 Sanskrit Solution Chapter 11 प्रश्न 1.
एकपदेन उत्तरं लिखत (एक शब्द में उत्तर लिखो-)
(क) सम्पत्तौ विपत्तौ च केषाम् एकरूपता? (सुख और दुःख में किनकी एकरूपता होती है?)
महताम्। (बड़े लोगों की)

(ख) अस्तसमये सूर्यस्य वर्णः कः भवति? (अस्त होते समय सूर्य का रंग कैसा होता है?)
ताम्रः। (लाल)

(ग) नरत्वं दुर्लभं कुत्र? (मानव जन्म कहाँ कठिनता से प्राप्त होता है?)
लोके। (संसार में)

(घ) केषां वसुधैवकुटुम्बकम्? (किनका सारा संसार परिवार होता है?)
उदारचरितानाम्। (उदार हृदय वालों का)

(ङ) परार्थाय वृक्षाः कानि यच्छन्ति? (दूसरों के लिए वृक्ष क्या देते हैं?)
फलानि। (फलों को)

Mp Board Class 8 Sanskrit Chapter 11 प्रश्न 2.
एकवाक्येन उत्तरं लिखत(एक वाक्य में उत्तर लिखो-)
(क) सूर्यस्य वर्णः ताम्रः कदा-कदा भवति?
सूर्यस्य वर्णः ताम्रः उदयकाले अस्तकाले च भवति। (सूर्य का रंग लाल उदय होते समय और अस्त होते समय होता है।)

(ख) भारत्याः कोशः कस्मात् क्षयमायाति? (विद्या का खजाना कैसे घटता है?)
भारत्याः कोशः सञ्चयात् क्षयमायाति। (विद्या का खजाना एकत्र करने पर घटता है।)

(ग) वृक्षाणां स्वभावः कीदृशः? (पेड़ों का स्वभाव कैसा होता है?)
वृक्षाणां स्वभावः सत्पुरुष इव। (पेड़ों का स्वभाव सज्जन जैसा होता है।)

(घ) न्याय्यात्पथः पदमपि के न विचलन्ति? (न्याय के मार्ग से एक कदम भी कौन नहीं हटते हैं।)
न्याय्यात्पथः पदमपि धीराः न विचलन्ति? (न्याय के मार्ग से एक कदम भी धीर नहीं हटते हैं।)

(ङ) लोके विद्या कीदृशी? (संसार में विद्या कैसे प्राप्त होती है?)
लोके विद्या सुदुर्लभा अस्ति। (संसार में विद्या बहुत कठिनता से प्राप्त होती है।)

Class 8 Sanskrit Chapter 11 Mp Board प्रश्न 3.
सन्धिविच्छेदं कुरुत(सन्धि-विच्छेद करो-)
(क) कोशोऽयम्
(ख) यथेष्टम्
(ग) फलान्यपि
(घ) युगान्तरे।
(क) कोशः + अयम्
(ख) यथा + इष्टम्
(ग) फलानि + अपि
(घ) युग + अन्तरे।

Mp Board Class 8th Sanskrit Chapter 11 प्रश्न 4.
श्लोकम् पूरयत(श्लोक पूरा करो-)
विना वेदं विना गीतां, विना रामायणी कथाम्।
विना कविं कालिदासं, भारतम् भारतं न हि॥

सुभाषितानि श्लोक अर्थ सहित Class 8 2021 MP Board प्रश्न 5.
उचितं मेलयत्(उचित को मिलाओ-)
Class 8th Sanskrit Mp Board
(क) → (ii)
(ख) → (iii)
(ग) → (i)
(घ) → (v)
(ङ) → (iv)

Mp Board Class 8 Sanskrit Solution प्रश्न 6.
अधोलिखितैः शब्दैः वाक्यरचनां कुरुत (नीचे लिखे शब्दों से वाक्य रचना करो-)
(क) देवः
(ख) व्ययतः
(ग) द्रुमः
(घ) लक्ष्मीः
(ङ) फलानि।
Sanskrit Mp Board Class 8

सुभाषितानि हिन्दी अनुवाद

परोक्षेकार्यहन्तारं प्रत्यक्षे प्रियवादिनम्।
वर्जयेत्तादृशं मित्रं विषकुम्भं पयोमुखम्॥1॥

Sanskrit Shlok Class 8 MP Board अनुवाद :
(पीठ) पीछे कार्य को नष्ट करने वाले और सामने प्रिय बोलने वाले मित्र को वैसे ही त्याग देना चाहिए, जिस प्रकार मुख (ऊपरी हिस्से) में दूध लगे किन्तु अन्दर विष भरे घड़े को त्याग देते हैं।

अपूर्वः कोऽपि कोशोऽयं विद्यते तव भारति।
व्ययतो वृद्धिमायाति क्षयमायाति सञ्चयात्॥2॥

अनुवाद :
हे (विद्या की देवी) सरस्वती! तुम्हारा यह (विद्या का) कोष (खजाना) कुछ अनोखा (अद्भुत) है। जो खर्च करने पर बढ़ता है और एकत्र करने पर घटता है। (अर्थात्। विद्या बाँटनी चाहिए।)

विना वेदं विना गीतां, विना रामायणीं कथाम्।
विना कविं कालिदासं, भारतं भारतं न हि॥3॥

Mp Board Solution Class 8 Sanskrit अनुवाद :
बिना वेदों के, बिना. श्रीमद् भगवत् गीता के बिना रामायणी कथा के, बिना कवि कालिदास के भारत (वास्तव में) भारत नहीं है। (अर्थात् इन सबके बिना भारत की कोई पहचान नहीं है।)

उदये सविता ताम्रस्ताम्र एवास्तमेति च।
सम्पत्तौ च विपत्तौ च, महतामेकरूपता॥4॥

सुभाषितानि श्लोक अर्थ सहित Class 8 MP Board अनुवाद :
सूर्य उदय होते समय लाल होता है और अस्त होते समय भी लाल होता है। उसी प्रकार महान् लोग सम्पत्ति (सुख) और विपत्ति (दुःख) में एक समान रहते हैं।

उद्यमं साहसं धैर्यं बुद्धिः शक्तिः पराक्रमः।
षडेते यत्र वर्तन्ते तत्र देवः सहायकः॥5॥

Subhasitani Sloka Class 8 MP Board अनुवाद :
उद्यम (परिश्रम), साहस (बल, हिम्मत), धैर्य, बुद्धि, शक्ति और पराक्रम, ये छह जहाँ पर होते हैं वहाँ भगवान् सहायक होते हैं।

नरत्वं दुर्लभं लोके, विद्या तत्र सुदुर्लभा।
कवित्वं दुर्लभं तत्र, शक्तिस्त्र सुदुर्लभा॥6॥

क्लास 8 संस्कृत चैप्टर 11 MP Board अनुवाद :
संसार में मानव जन्म (नरत्व) कठिनता से प्राप्त। होता है, (यदि मानव जन्म मिल भी जाये तो) उसमें विद्या (ज्ञान) बहुत कठिनता से प्राप्त होती है; (यदि विद्या मिल भी जाये तो) उसमें कवित्व (कविता करना) कठिनता से प्राप्त होता है, (यदि कवित्व मिल भी जाये तो) उसमें (कविता करने की ईश्वर प्रदत्त) शक्ति (क्षमता) बहुत कठिनता से प्राप्त होती है।

अयं निजः परोवेति गणना लघुचेतसाम्।
उदारचरितानां तु वसुधैवकुटुम्बकम्॥7॥

Mp Board Class 8 Sanskrit Solution Chapter 1 अनुवाद :
‘यह मेरा है, ‘यह उसका है’, ऐसी छोटे मन वालों की सोच होती है। उदार हृदय वालों के लिए तो सारा संसार ही परिवार होता है।

छायामन्यस्य कुर्वन्ति तिष्ठन्ति स्वयमातपे।
फलान्यपि परार्थाय वृक्षाः सत्पुरुषा इव॥8॥

कक्षा 8 संस्कृत पाठ 11 MP Board अनुवाद :
दूसरों के लिए छाया करते हैं और स्वयं धूप में खड़े रहते हैं। फल भी दूसरों के लिए होते हैं, इसलिए वृक्ष सज्जनों के समान होते हैं। (अर्थात् जैसे सज्जन दूसरों के लिए कष्ट सहन करके भी उपकार करते हैं, उसी प्रकार वृक्ष होते हैं।)

निन्दन्तु नीतिनिपुणाः यदि वा स्तुवन्तु
लक्ष्मीः समाविशतु, गच्छतु वा यथेष्टम्।
अद्यैव वा मरणामस्तु युगान्तरे वा
न्याय्यात्पथः प्रविचलन्ति पदं न धीराः॥9॥

सुभाषितानि श्लोक Class 8 MP Board अनुवाद :
धैर्यशील मनुष्यों की, नीति में कुशल विद्वान् निन्दा करें या प्रशंसा करें, इच्छानुसार सम्पत्ति आये अथवा दूर चली जाये (न आये), आज ही मृत्यु हो जाय या दूसरे युग में (बहुत दिनों के बाद) हो, परन्तु वे न्यायोचित मार्ग से एक पग भी विचलित नहीं होते हैं।

सुभाषितानि शब्दार्थाः

सम्पत्तौ = सम्पत्ति (सुख में)। एकरूपता = समानता। विपत्तौ = विपत्ति में। उदये = उदय होते समय में। महताम् = बड़ों का। सविता = सूर्य। ताम्रः = ताँबे के समान लाल। नरत्वम् = मानवता। परोक्षे = पीछे। दुर्लभम् = कठिनता से प्राप्त। वर्जयेत = रोके। कुटुम्बकम् = परिवार। क्षयमायाति = क्षीण होता है। लघुचेतसाम् = छोटे मन वाला। भारति = हे सरस्वती जी। उदारचरितानाम् = उदार हृदय वाला। निन्दन्तु = निन्दा करें। आतपे = धूप में। समाविशतु = अच्छे प्रकार से आये। परार्थाय = दूसरों के लिए। युगान्तरे = दूसरे युग में। सत्पुरुषाः = सज्जन व्यक्ति। यथेष्टम् = इच्छित को। स्तुवन्तु = स्तुति करें।

MP Board Class 8th Sanskrit Solutions

MP Board Class 8th Special English Solutions Chapter 1 Don’t Quit

Guys who are planning to learn the fundamentals of English can avail the handy study material using MP Board Solutions for Class 8 English Chapter 1 Don’t Quit Questions and Answers. You Can Download MP Board Class 8 English Solutions Questions and Answers, Notes, Summary, Guide, Pdf. Refer to the Madhya Pradesh State Board Solutions for English PDF available and score better grades. Simply click on the quick links available for MP Board Solutions for Class 8 English Chapter 1 Don’t Quit Questions and Answers and prepare all the concepts in it effectively. Take your preparation to the next level by availing the Madhya Pradesh State Board Solutions for Class 8 English prepared by subject experts.

MP Board Class 8th Special English Solutions Chapter 1 Don’t Quit

Do you feel the concept of English is difficult to understand? Not anymore with our MP Board Solutions for Class 8 English Chapter 1 Don’t Quit Questions and Answers. All the Solutions are given to you with detailed explanation and you can enhance your subject knowledge. Use the Madhya Pradesh State Board Solutions for Class 8 English PDF for free of cost and prepare whenever you want.

Don’t Quit Textual Exercise

Word Power

(A) Match the following :
Class 8 English Chapter 1 Mp Board
tint – colour, queer – strange, uphill – difficult, trudging – walking wearily.

(B) Arrange the jumbled letters into meaningful words.
ufdns f _ _ _ _
utiq q _ _ _
tdbe d _ _ _
ikcts s _ _ _ _ _


(A) Answer these questions :

Class 8 English Chapter 1 Don’t Quit Question 1.
“When the road you’re trudging seems all uphill”. What do you mean by ‘trudging’ here ?
Trudging means walking wearily.

Don’t Quit Poem Question And Answers Question 2.
When should we take rest ?
When we feel that we are under heavy pressure, we should take rest for a while.

Don’t Quit Poem Question Answer Pdf Question 3.
When do we learn that our life is strange ?
When we come through the twists and turns of the life we learn that it is strange.

Mp Board Class 8 English Chapter 1 Question 4.
What should we do when our pace seems slow ?
We should not give up even if our pace seems slow.

Class 8 English Chapter 1 Don’t Quit Question Answer Question 5.
How can we get success ?
We can get success by fighting with all the difficulties that come in our life now and then.

Don’t Quit Class 8 MP Board Question 6.
What should we do ‘when things seem worst’?
When things seem worst, we have to stick to them. We must not quit.

Class 8th English Chapter 1 Don’t Quit MP Board Question 7.
Is it possible that nearly situated goal may appear far ? If yes, then when and why ?
Yes, it is possible when we are confused and full of doubts.

Dont Quit Poem Class 8 MP Board Question 8.
Which lines of the poem do you like most and why?
Life is queer with its twists and turns,

As everyone of us sometimes learns.

I like the above lines of the poem most because they are based on the realities of life. Our life is full of ups and downs and we learn a lot while going through them.

(B) Work with a partner and choose the correct answers :

Dont Quit Poem Question Answer MP Board Question 1.
When things go wrong –
(a) we should take rest.
(b) we should quit
(c) we shouldn’t quit.
(c) we shouldn’t quit.

Don’t Quit Poem Question And Answers Class 7 Questions 2.
The moral of the poem is –
(a) we should face the difficulties of life.
(b) we should enjoy our success only.
(c) we should run away from the difficulties of life.
(a) we should face the difficulties of life.

Let’s Read

Read the poem and answer the questions based on it :

“Live like a lotus, with water all around To help those that are needy, when God makes you sound

Live to be humble and polite
Give a problem manly fight
With a will firm as a rock,
Never treat it as a mock.”

  1. How should we live?
  2. Who should we help?
  3. How can we get over our problems?
  4. What should be our will like?
  5. What should never be treated as a mock and why?


  1. We should live like a lotus with water all around.
  2. We should help to the needy.
  3. We can get over our problems by fighting with them manly.
  4. Our will should be as firm as a rock.
  5. Our will should never be treated as a mock because it is the will to do or achieve something that brings differ ence in our life.

Let’s Write

(A) Match the lines under column (A) with the lines under column (B) and write them below :
Class 8 English Chapter 1 Don't Quit Summary

  • When things go wrong as they sometime will.
  • Rest if you must but don’t you quit.
  • As everyone of us sometimes learns.
  • Success is failure turned inside out.

Don’t Quit Word Meanings

Page: Trudge – walk slowly – धीरे धीरे चलना। Uphill – difficult – मुशिकल। Sigh – later and let out a long deep breath – आह भरना। A bit – a little – थोड़ा सा। Quit – leave one’s job/ school, stop doing something – छोड़ देना। Queer – strange – विचित्र। Give up – leave – छोड़ देना। Pace – speed – गति। Tint – a slight trace of a colour – हल्का रंग। Stick to – continue to do something – जारी रखना। Hit – blow – प्रहार।

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