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MP Board Class 8th General English Solutions Practice Test Paper 2
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Oral Examination
(मौखिक परीक्षा)।
Recite any one of the following poems:
(किसी एक कविता का पाठ करों:)
(a) The Moon
(b) The Balloon
Do Yourself.
2. Read a paragraph from any one of the following lessons:
(निम्न पाठों में से किसी एक गद्यश को पढ़े:)
(a) Measure for Measure
(b) Water Water Everywhere
(c) Kalpana : The Star.
Do Yourself.
3. Listen to the words carefully and write:
(दिये शब्दों को ध्यानपूर्वक सुनो:)
For example – Portrait, scholar, carpenter, disaster, epidemics, infection, neighbour, rocket, bunch, sigh..
4. Listen carefully and write.
(Dictation of one short paragraph)
(ध्यानपूर्वक सुनो और लिखो:)
Do Yourself.
Written Examination
(लिखित परीक्षा):
‘All questions are compulsory.’
‘Write all the answers in English only.’
Question 1.
Do as directed:
(निर्देशनुसार करें):
(i) Write the superlative degree of the following words:
(निम्न शब्दों के सुपरलेटिव डिग्री में लिखिए:)
- bad
- few
- thick
- tall.
- worst
- thickest
- fewest
- tallest.
(ii) Give plural forms of the following words:
(निम्न शब्दों के बहुवचन बनाएँ:)
- calf.
- tooth
- man
- sheep
- calves
- men
- teeth
- sheep..
(iii) Change the following sentences into interrogative sentences:
(निम्न वाक्यों को परन वाचक वाक्यों में बदलें:)
1. Mohan plays tennis.
Does Mohan play tennis ?
2. Ashok will go to market today.
Will Ashok go to market today?
(iv) Change the following sentences into negative sentences:
(निम्न वक्यों को नकारात्मक वाक्यों में बदलें:)
1. Ravi goes to school.
Ravi doesn’t go to school.
2. She is singing a song.
She is not singing a song.
(v) Combine the following sentences using appropriate conjunctions (but, and, or):
(निम्न वक्यों को उचिता conjunction का प्रयोग कर जोड़े:)
- He is slow but is sure to win.
- Man discovered fire and learnt to cook.
(vi) Tick the correct preposition to complete these sentences:
(इन वक्यों को पूरा करने को लिए सही को चिहनित करें:)
- Do not agree to his proposal.
- Mr. Das was late for his work by an hour.
Question 2.
(A)Match the following words of column A with their antonyms in column B.
(कॉलम A के निम्नलिखित शब्दों को कॉलम B में दिये गये उनके विलोम शब्दों से मिलान करें:)
(1) → (d) heavy
(2) → (a) rise
(3) → (b) awake
(4) → (C) real
(B) Write the homophone for these words:
(इन शब्दों के समान ध्वनि शब्द लिखें:)
1. steel
2. know
1. steal
2. no.
(C) Write the rhyming words for the following words:
(निम्नशब्दों को लिए तुकान्त शब्द लिखों:)
- funny
- mug
- bound
- light.
- sunny
- tug
- sound
- sight.
Question 3.
(A) Answer any five of the following questions in one to two sentence each:
(एक या दो वाक्यों में किन्हों पॉँच प्रशनों को उत्तर दें:)
(1) Where is it situated ?
(वेयर इज इट सिचुएटिड ?)
यह कहाँ स्थित है ?
It is situated in Mandla district near Jabalpur in M. P
(इट इज सिचुएटिड इन मंडला डिस्ट्रिक्ट नीयर जबलपुर. इन एम. पी.)
यह म. प्र. में जबलपुर के नजदीक मंडला जिले में है।
(2) What happened to the jeweler in the end ?
(व्हॉट हैपन्ड टु द जुअलर इन द एण्ड ?)
अन्त में जौहरी को क्या हुआ ?
The ungrateful jeweler was very much ashamed of his act in the end.
(द अनग्रेटफुल जुअलर वॉज वेरी मच अशेम्ड ऑफ हिज ऐक्ट इन द एन्ड।)
कृतघ्न जौहरी अन्त में अपने किए पर बहुत शर्मिन्दा हुआ।
(3)Why did Raja Varma become close and dear to the king ?
(व्हाय डिड राजा वर्मा बिकम क्लोज़ एण्ड डीयर टू द किंग ?)
राजा वर्मा राजा के निकट और प्रिय क्यों हो गया ?
Raja Varma made very live portraits of the King and prominent characters from the Puranas. So he became close and dear to the King.
(राजा वर्मा मेड व्हेरी लाइव पोरट्रेट्स ऑफ द किंग एण्ड प्रॉमिनेन्ट कैरेक्टर्स फ्रॉम द पुरानाज़। सो ही बिकेम क्लोज़ एण्ड डिअर टू द किंग।)
राजा वर्मा ने राजा और पुरानों के महत्वपूर्ण पात्रों के सजीव चित्र बनाए। इसलिए वह राजा के इतने नजदीक और प्रिय बन गया।
(4) What is a disaster ?
(व्हॉट इज अ डिज़ास्टर ?)
विपत्ति क्या होती है ?
Disaster is an unexpected event which kills or injures a lot of people and causes lot of damage to property.
(डिजास्टर इज़ ऍन अनऐक्सपैक्टिड ईवेन्ट विच किल्स और इन्जर्स अ लॉट ऑफ पीपल एण्ड कॉजिज़ लॉट ऑफ डैमेज टू प्रॉपर्टी।)
विपत्ति एक आकस्मिक घटना होती है जिससे जान और माल की काफी हानि होती है।
(5) What are the different ways to purify drinking water ?
(व्हॉट इज अ डिज़ास्टर ?)
विपत्ति क्या होती है ?
Disaster is an unexpected event which kills or injures a lot of people and causes lot of damage to property.
(डिजास्टर इज़ ऍन अनऐक्सपैक्टिड ईवेन्ट विच किल्स और इन्जर्स अ लॉट ऑफ पीपल एण्ड कॉजिज़ लॉट ऑफ डैमेज टू प्रॉपर्टी।)
विपत्ति एक आकस्मिक घटना होती है जिससे जान और माल की काफी हानि होती है।.
(6) When did she first fly into space ?
(व्हेन डिड शी फर्स्ट फ्लाई इन्टू स्पेस ?)
उसने अपनी पहली अन्तरिक्ष उड़ान कब भरी ?
She first flied into space on 19 November, 1997.
(शी फर्स्ट फ्लाइड इन्टू स्पेस ऑन 19 नवम्बर, 1997.)
उसने अपनी पहली उड़ान 19 नवम्बर, 1997 में भरी।
(B) Answer any three of the following questions in two to three sentences each:
(किन्हों तिन प्रशनों का दो से तिन वाक्यों में उत्तर दें:)
(1) What did the villagers do when the contractors chose another forest ?
(व्हॉट डिड द विलेजर्स डू व्हेन द कॉन्ट्रेक्टर्स चोज ऐनदर फॉरेस्ट ?)
गाँववासियों ने क्या किया जब ठेकेदारों ने दूसरा जंगल चुन लिया ?
When the contractors chose another forest, the villagers began to march in a procession to save the forests.
(व्हेन द कॉण्ट्रैक्टर्स चोज एनदर फॉरेस्ट, द विलेजर्स बिगेन टू मार्च इन अ प्रोसैशन टु सेव द फॉरेस्ट्स।)
जब ठेकेदारों ने दूसरा जंगल चुना तो गाँववासी जुलूस के साथ उसे बचाने निकल पड़े।
(2) Describe the first space mission of Kalpana Chawla ?
(डिसक्राइब द फर्स्ट स्पेस मिशन ऑफ कल्पना चावला ?)
कल्पना चावला के पहले अंतरिक्ष अभियान के बारे में लिखो।Answer:
She took her first space mission in the space shuttle Columbia on 19 November, 1997. The flight was called S.T.S. 87. She worked with six member crew as a mission specialist and as a prime robotic arm operator. She enjoyed it very much.
(शी टुक हर फर्स्ट स्पेस मिशन इन द स्पेस शटल कोलम्बिया ऑन 19 नवम्बर 1997. द फ्लाइट वॉज़ कॉल्ड एसटीएस 87. शी वक्ड विद सिक्स मेम्बर क्रू ऐज़ अ मिशन स्पेशलिस्ट ऐण्ड ऐज़ अ प्राइम रोबोटिक आर्म ऑपरेटर. शी इन्जॉएड इट व्हेरी मच.)
उसने अपनी पहली अंतरिक्ष यात्रा स्पेस शटल कोलम्बिया में 19 नवम्बर, 1997 को भरी। इस उड़ान को एसटी एस,87 का नाम दिया गया। उसने छः लोगों के साथ मिशन स्पेशलिस्ट और रोबोटिक ऑपरेटर की तरह काम किया। उसको उसमें बहुत आनन्द आया।
(3) How did the King realize his mistake ?
(हाउ डिड द किंग रियलाइज़ हिज़ मिस्टेक ?)
राजा को अपनी गलती का अहसास कैसे हुआ ?
When Tenali Raman put a good carpenter to prepare food for the king, then the king realized his mistake.
(व्हेन तेनाली रामन पुट अ गुड कारपेन्टर टू प्रिपेअर फूड फॉर द किंग, देन द किंग रियलाइज्ड हिज मिस्टेक।)
जब तेनाली रामन ने एक बढ़ई को राजा के लिए खाना बनाने का काम दिया तो राजा को अपनी गलती का अहसास हुआ।
(4) How are human beings responsible for causing floods ?
(हाउ आर ह्यूमन बीन्ग्स रिस्पॉन्सिबल फॉर कॉजिंग फ्लड्स ?)
मानव बाढ़ के लिए कैसे जिम्मेदार है ?
Human beings are responsible for causing floods by deforestation, faulty dam construction and breaches in embankments.
(ह्यूमन बीन्गस आर रिसपॉन्सिबल फॉर काज़िंग फ्लड्स बाय डीफॉरेस्टेशन, फॉल्टी डैम कन्सट्रक्शन एण्ड ब्रीचिस इन एम्बैंकमेन्ट्स।)
मानव वन कटाई, गलत बाँध बनाकर व बाँधों में दरारें डालकर बाढ़ आने का कारण बनाते हैं।
Question 4.
Answer any three of the following questions:
(किन्हों तिन प्रशनों का उत्तर दें:)
(1) What does the poet mean by adding a little sunshine to the world ?
(व्हॉट डज द पोएट मीन बाय ऐडिंग अलिटल सनशाइन टू द वर्ल्ड?)
कवि का दुनिया में थोड़ी रोशनी फैलाने से क्या मतलब है?
The poet means to make our life better and become something in this world.
(द पोयट मीन्स टु मेक आउर लाइफ बैटर एण्ड बिकम समथिंग इन दिस वर्ल्ड।)
कवि का मतलब है कि अपनी जिन्दगी को बेहतर बनाएँ और कुछ बनें।
(2) What do the things that belong to the day do when the moon is out at night?
(3) What do the balloons look like in the sky ?
The balloons look pretty in the sky.
(4) What does he hold ?
(व्हॉट डज़ ही होल्ड ?)
वह क्या पकड़े हुए रहता है।
He holds a lovely bunch of balloons.
(ही होल्ड्स अ लवली बन्च ऑफ बैलून्स.)
वह गुब्बारों का एक सुन्दर गुच्छा पकड़े रहता है।)
Question 5.
Write any four lines of a poem you have read.
(किसी पढ़ी हुई कविता की चार पक्तियाँ लिखें.)
Do Yourself.
Question 6.
Read the given passage carefully.
(दिये गये गद्यांश को ध्यान से पढ़ें।)
(A) Now answer the following question
(अब निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों के उत्तर दें:)
(1) Who was Kabir ?
Kabir was a well known poet.
(2) What did he teach?
He taught everyone to love God.
(3) Why did the people and the emperor get angry at Kabir ?
They got angry at him because he said that he was the child of both Allah and Ram.
(4) What did the Muslim and the Hindus want to do when Kabir died ?
When Kabir died, Muslims wanted to bury his body but the Hindus wanted to burn it.
(5) How was the dispute resolved ?
The dispute resolved when the people found . flowers instead of resolved body under the cover.
(B) Say True or False:
(सत्य या असत्य बताएँ:)
1. Kabir didn’t learn Sanskrit.
2. The Emperor ordered the soldiers to throw Kabir into the river.
1. False
2. True.
(C) Tick the Correct Answer:
(सही उत्तर को चिहनित करें:)
The word dispute means:
(i) rivalry
(ii) fight
(iii) friendship
(iv) hatred.
(ii) fight.
(D) Give the second form of the following verbs with the help of the story.
(कहानी की सहायता से निम्न क्रियाओं की IInd form दें:)
1 teach
2. try.
1. taught
2. tried.
Question 7.
Write an application to your headmaster requesting him to sanction you a scholarship.
(अपने प्रधानाध्यापक को वजीफा देने हेतु प्रार्थना करते हुए एक प्रार्थना-पत्र लिखें।)
Or या
Write a letter to your father to send you Rs. 500/- as you have to pay your fees and buy some books and stationary..
(अपने पिता को ₹ 500/- भेजने के लिए एक पत्र लिखें चूँकि तुम्हें अपनी फीस और कुछ किताबें और लेखनसामग्री खरीदनी है।)
The Headmaster,
Janta Junior School,
Respected Sir,
With due respect I beg to state that I am a student of your school. I study in class VIII. My father is no more. He was the only supporter of my family. My mothers is unable to have my study continued. Therefore, I request you to sanction me scholarship to enable me to continue my studies. For this kind favour I shall be highly obliged. Thanking you,
Yours obediently
Mukul Jain
Roll No. 7
Class VIII (A)
Dated : 10th October, 20 ………
Examination Hall
15th July, 20 …….
Dear father,
How are you all ? I am fine here busy with my studies. I have to pay my fees and buy some books and stationery. So kindly send me a sum of Rs. 500 soon. Convey my best regards to mother and lots of love to Pappu.
Yours loving son
Question 8.
Write an essay on any one of the following topics :
(निम्नलिखित विषयों में से किसी एक पर निबन्ध लिखें:)
- Kalpana Chawla
- A visit to Kanha Kisli.
- Any Indian festival.
- Wonders of Science.
1. Kalpana Chawla:
Kalpana Chawla was the first Indian woman astronaut. She was born on July 1, 1961 in Karnal, Haryana. She had always dreamt about flying when she was a child. She was a strict vegetarian and had hobbies like reading, flying, hiking and bird watching. She did her schooling from Karnal, then She joined Punjab Engineering College, Chandigarh. For further education she went to U.S.A.
She joined NASA in 1995 and was selected for her first flight in 1996. Her first space mission was STS – 87 on 19th Nov., 1997. Her next mission was STS – 107, which took off on 16th January, 2003. It performed eighty experiments but unfortunately 16 minutes prior to landing, the spacecraft perished on 1st February, 2003. She is remembered by the whole world. She was awarded many medals of honor after her death in India and abroad as well.
कठिन शब्द –
- astronaut = अन्तरिक्ष यात्री
- unfortunately = दुर्भाग्यपूर्ण
- perished = नष्ट हो जाना
- abroad = दूसरे देशा, विदेश
2. A visit to Kanha Kisli:
Kalpana Chawla was the first Indian woman astronaut. She was born on July 1, 1961 in Karnal, Haryana. She had always dreamt about flying when she was a child. She was a strict vegetarian and had hobbies like reading, flying, hiking and bird watching. She did her schooling from Karnal, then She joined Punjab Engineering College, Chandigarh. For further education she went to U.S.A.
She joined NASA in 1995 and was selected for her first flight in 1996. Her first space mission was STS – 87 on 19th Nov., 1997. Her next mission was STS – 107, which took off on 16th January, 2003. It performed eighty experiments but unfortunately 16 minutes prior to landing, the spacecraft perished on 1st February, 2003. She is remembered by the whole world. She was awarded many medals of honor after her death in India and abroad as well.
कठिन शब्द –
- astronaut = अन्तरिक्ष यात्री
- unfortunately = दुर्भाग्यपूर्ण
- perished = नष्ट हो जाना
- abroad = दूसरे देशा, विदेश
3. Any Indian festival:
India is a land of festivals. We mainly celebrate festivals for fun and joy. We celebrate Holi, Diwali, Dusshera, Raksha Bandhan and many other festivals. Diwali is my favorite festival. It is the festival of lights. It is so called because people light candles and lamps. It is celebrated because Lord Ram had come Lack from banishment after killing Ravana. People of Ayodhya and illuminated the city.
Before this day we clean and whitewash our houses. We worship Goddess Laxmi on this day. We decorate our houses. Children play with fire crackers. We exchange sweets with our relatives and friends. Some people enjoy in their own way by drinking and gambling. Sometimes children get hurt by crackers. So we should take proper care while celebrating Diwali.
कठिन शब्द –
- festival = त्योहार
- light = जलान
- worship = पूजा करना
- banishment = अज्ञातवास।
- whitewash = सफेदी करना
- decorate = सजाना
- crackers = पटाखे
- celebrate = मनाना।
4. Wonders of Science:
Today Science is the life of human beings. It is the age of science. All our luxuries, comforts are the gifts of science.
Electricity is the most useful gift of science. It gives us light. Heaters, fans, coolers, refrigerators, computers etc. all work on electricity. It also runs machines and trains. Many new methods in the field of surgery and medicines have been possible because of science. We have conquered death and disease to a great extent.
Plastic surgery can transform the face. Science has made man reach the moon. Fast means of transport and communication help us to reach distant places in a short time. On the other hand science is a bad master. Atom bombs, hydrogen bombs and missiles are the products of science. If science is used as a servant, it is useful but if it becomes our master, it is very dangerous.”
कठिन शब्द –
- luxuries = भोगविलास
- Surgery = शल्यशास्त्र
- conquered = जीतना
- transform = बदलना।
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