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MP Board Class 7th Special English Solutions Chapter 15 Uphill
If you are eager to know about the Madhya Pradesh State Board Solutions for Class 7 English you will find all of them here. You can identify the knowledge gap using these MP Board Solutions for English PDF and plan accordingly. Don’t worry about the accuracy as they are given after extensive research by people having subject knowledge along side from the latest English Syllabus.
Uphill Text Book Exercise
Listen and Repeat
way night weak
may right peak
bay might leak
Answer the questions given below:
Class 7 English Chapter 15 Question Answer MP Board Question 1.
Who has written the poem ‘Uphill’?
Christina Georgina Rossetti has written the poem ‘Uphill’.
Class 7 English Chapter 15 MP Board Question 2.
Does the road wind uphill all the way?
Yes, the road winds uphill all the way.
Mp Board Class 7th English Chapter 15 Question 3.
Does the poetess rest in the night? If yes, where?
Yes, the poetess rests in the night on reaching the inn in the darkness.
Class 7th English Chapter 15 MP Board Question 4.
What happens at the end of the journey?
The traveller forgets all his miseries and feels relieved at the end of the journey.
Class 7 English Chapter 15 Uphill MP Board Question 5.
Who will not keep the poetess standing at the door?
The travellers who have gone ahead will not keep the poetess standing at the door.
Question Answers Of The Poem Uphill MP Board Question 6.
Write the central idea of the poem ‘Uphill’?
In this poem, the poet compares our life to an uphill journey through a winding road. It is full of hurdles and discomforts; toils and turmoils. At the end of the journey, the tired traveller will get a resting place and a bed. Then he would forget all his troubles. Rest is the reward for one’s hard labour.
Word Power
A. Write at least two words rhyming with ‘ the words given below:
B. Find’words (at least six from the poem) from this word square:
1. ……….
2. ……….
3. ……….
4. ……….
5. ……….
6. ……….
7. ……….
1. dark
2. journey
3. seek
4. not
5. door
6. keep
7. labour
Let’s Talk
Pachmari is a famous hill station. The nearest main railway station is Hoshangabad. Discuss in group and plan a visit to Pachmari, where you can see famous waterfall, green hills and ancient caves. Keep the following points in mind while making the plan.
Uphill Poem Questions And Answers MP Board Question 1.
Friends who will go with you.
Manoj, Tara, Sunil, Anil, Phool Kumar and yash will go with me.
Uphill Poem Questions And Answers Pdf MP Board Question 2.
Things you will take with you.
Tea material and woollen clothes.
Mp Board Class 7 English Solution Question 3.
Money and other things you will need.
One thousand rupees each; a guide book.
Question 4.
Guide book and other things.
List all the names and things after dis-cussing with your group.
Guide book, Biscuits and Saltish eat-ables.
Let’s Write
A. On the basis of your discussion (Exercise4) write at least two para-graphs on your visit to Pachmari.
A visit to Pachmari :
There are many hill station in India Shimla, Dalhousie, Mussoorrie, Darjeeling and Nainital are very famous of them. The climate of these hill stations in pleasant in summer months. I have seen all these hill stations.
This year, I went with my friends to pachmari. It is a famous hill station. We reached Hoshangabad by train. Then we reached Pachmari by a mini bus. It ran at a very slow speed through high hills. We booked a hotel. We put on warm clothes and carried our rain coats and folding umbrellas. In the afternoon, we went out to see famous waterfall green hills and ancient caves. We got tired. We prepared tea. After taking tea, we rested for an hour and returned to our hotel.
B. Write an application to the principal of your school requesting him to arrange a picnic.
Do Yourself.
Let’s Do It
Complete the lines from the poem:
Question 1.
Does the road wind uphill all the way?
Yes, to the very end.
Question 2.
Will the day’s journey take the whole long day?
From mom to night, my friend.
Question 3.
But is there for the night a resting place?
A roof, for when the slow, dark hours begin.
Question 4.
May not the darkness hide it from my face?
You cannot miss that inn.
Uphill Word Meaning
Page 92: Wind – coiling – बल खाती हुई, Whole – entire – समूचा, Hide – conceal – छुपाना, Wayfarers – travellers on foot-way – बटोही, Knock – tap – खटखटाना, Comfort – ease – आराम, Sore – in grief – दुःखी, Seek – search for – तलाश करना, Journey – travel – यात्रा, Hide – conceal – छुणना, Miss – lose – खोना।
Uphill Stanzas for Comprehension
Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow each:
1. Does the road wind uphill all the way?
Yes, to the very end.
Will the day’s journey take the whole long day?
From morn to night, my friend.
Question 1.
Where does the road go winding?
The road goes on winding up the hill.
Question 2.
How long will the day’s journey take?
The day’s journey will take the whole day long.
Question 3.
Use the phrase ‘the whole day long’ in a sentence.
The farmers work in the fields the whole day long.
Question 4.
Use the word ‘uphill’ in a sentence.
To earn a million rupees is an uphill task for me.
2. But is there for the night a resting-place?
A roof, for when the slow, dark hours begin.
May not the darkness hide it from my face?
You cannot miss that inn.
Shall I meet other wayfarers at night?
Those who have gone before.
Then must I knock, or call when just in sight?
They will not keep you standing at that door.
Question 1.
What things does the traveller need for the night?
The traveller needs a resting place and a bed for the night.
Question 2.
Can you miss that inn?
No, we cannot miss that inn.
Question 3.
What can hide the inn from the traveller’s face?
The darkness can hide the inn, from the traveller’s face.
Question 4.
Use the word miss in another form.
Miss Sheela is a beautiful girl.
Question 5.
Who are the other wayfarers?
The other wayfarers are the people who have gone before.
Question 6.
Will they keep him standing at the door?
No, they will not keep him standing at the door.
Question 7.
Use the phrase ‘in sight’ in a sentence.
There is no farmhouse in sight nearby.
Question 8.
Use the word ‘keep’ in a sentence.
Keep yourself busy.
3. Shall I find comfort, travel-sore and weak?
Of labour you shall find sum.
Will there be beds for me and all who seek?
Yea, beds for all who come.
Question 1.
Who does ‘I’ refer to here?
I here refers to the poet.
Question 2.
What does the travel-sore poet long for?
The travel-sore poet longs for comfort.
Question 3.
Will there be beds for all the seekers?
Yes, there will be beds for all the seekers.
Question 4.
Use the phrase ‘to find comfort’ in your own sentence.
To find comfort is every body’s aim in life.
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