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MP Board Class 7th General English Solutions Practice Test Paper 1

If you are eager to know about the Madhya Pradesh State Board Solutions for Class 7 English you will find all of them here. You can identify the knowledge gap using these MP Board Solutions for English PDF and plan accordingly. Don’t worry about the accuracy as they are given after extensive research by people having subject knowledge along side from the latest English Syllabus.

Question 1.
Match the columns :
(सभी प्रश्न अनिवार्य हैं।)

  1. a swarm of – (a) people
  2. a herd of – (b) ships
  3. a fleet of – (c) cattle
  4. a crowd of – (d) bees.


  1. → (d)
  2. → (c)
  3. → (b)
  4. → (a)

Question 2.
Do as directed :
(निर्देशानुसार कार्य करें)

(i) Use articles :
Sindbad set out on his voyage. He went to ……. nearest harbour and got into ……. excellent ship.
the, an

(ii) Give plurals of : sheep, mango
(बहुवाहन बनाओ: sheep, mango)
Sheep, mangoes.

(iii) Change the form of narration :
(कथन का रूप बदलिए)
Mahek said, “Where do you live ?”
Mahek asked where I lived.

(iv) Change in interrrogative :
(प्रश्नवाचक में बदलिए)
Anita likes to ride an elephant.
Does Anita like to ride an elephant ?

(v) Use the correct form of the verb given :
(दी गई क्रिया का सही रूप प्रयोग कीजिए )
It ……… yesterday.

(vi) Give one word for :
(एक शब्द दीजिए)
One who trains a horse.
Horse trainer.

(vii) Change the voice :
(वाच्य बदलिए)
He reads the book.
The book is read by him.

(viii) Use appropriate prepositions in the blank spaces :
(रिक्त स्थानों में उपयुक्त भरिए)

(a) The mangoes are liked ………. my wife.
(b) She always agrees ……… my decisions.
(a) by
(b) to.

Question 3.
Answer the questions given below (any five)
(नीचे दिए प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीजिए। कोई पाँच)

(i) Why did Bhola and his wife decide to sell the horse ?
Bhola went to the market to sale the horse.

(ii) What bet did the thugs want to have with Bhola ?
The thugs asked Bhola if he would sell his mangoes.

(iii) Why is Anita very excited today ?
Anita is very excited today to see Appu at her door.

(iv) How did Appu drink a bucket full of water?
Appu drank a bucketful of water at one go.

(v) Why did Vinod decide to travel by an A/C coach?
(व्हाय डिड विनोद डिसाइड टू ट्रेवल बाइ ए/सी क्लास?)
विनोद ने ए/सी क्लास से जाने का फैसला क्यों किया?
(a) He had a lot of money. (ही हैड अलॉट ऑफ मनी।)
उसके पास बहुत पैसा था।
(b) The train was overcrowded.
(द ट्रेन वॉज़ ओवरक्रोउडेड।)
गाड़ी में ज्यादा भीड़ थी।
(c) He was sick.
(ही वॉज़ सिक।)
वह बीमार था।
(b) The train was overcrowded.

(vi) What did Vinod and other passengers think about the youngman ?
They thought that the youngman did not have a valid ticket for A/C class.

Question 4.
(a) Write the first four lines of the poem, ‘The Rainbow’.
(‘The Rainbow’ कविता की चार पंक्तियां लीखिए)
Students can write themselves.

(b) Who is the poet of this poem ?
Christina Georgina Rossetti.

Question 5.
You are Anita, studying in Govt. Middle School, Bhopal. Write an application to the HeadMaster of your school requesting him to grant you leave for three days.
(आप शासकीय मिडिल स्कूल, भोपाल में अध्ययनरत अनीता हो। अपने स्कूल के प्रधानाध्यापक को तीन दिन के अवकाश हेतु एक प्रार्थना-पत्र लिखिए।)
See Application in Grammar section.
You are Ahmad/Mukesh. Write a letter to your sister, asking her to come and visit you on the coming festival.
(आप अहमद/मुकेश हैं। अपनी बहिन को आगामी पर्व पर आपके पास मिलने आने को एक पत्र लिखिए।)
See Letters in Grammar section.

Question 6.
Write an essay on any one the topics given below :
(नीचे दिए शीर्षकों में से किसी एक पर निबन्ध लिखिए।)
1. My pet animal.
2. The festival of Holi.
3. A visit to a market.
4. Bal-sabha.

Question 7.
Read the given story and answer the questions given below it:
(दी गई कहानी को पढ़िए और इसके नीचे लिखे गए प्रश्नों के उत्तर लिखिए।)

(A) Write answer to the following questions :
(निम्न प्रश्नों के उत्तर लिखिए)

(a) What fell from the tree ?
A nut fell down from the tree.

(b) Did Cutie, the cock go with Henny, the hen ?
Yes, Cutie, the cock also went with Henny the hen.

(c) Where was Rinku, the rabbit standing ?
Rinku, the rabbit was standing next to a carrot.

(d) Who did they all meet ?
They all met Furry, the fox.

(e) Where did Furry, the fox take them ?
Furry, the fox took them into a cave.

(B) Match the two columns :
(दोनों स्तम्भों (कॉलम) का मिलान कीजिए)

  1. Henny – (a) the rabbit
  2. Furry – (b) the duck
  3. Rinku – (c) the fox
  4. Ducky – (d) the hen


  1. → (d)
  2. → (c)
  3. → (a)
  4. → (b)

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