These MP Board Class 11th Chemistry Notes for Chapter 4 Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure help students to get a brief overview of all the concepts.

MP Board Class 11th Chemistry Notes Chapter 4 Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure

→ Chemical bond : Electrons of outermost shell participate in combination.

→ Lewis structure : Representation of electrons of outermost shell by dots. Lewis symbol is an easy way of representation of valence electrons.

→ s-orbital is spherical, p-orbitals are of three types : px, py and pz. Their shape is like dumbbell.

→ d-orbitals are situated on two axis, are double dumbbell in shape and are of five types : dxy,dyz, dxz,dx2 – y2, dz2

MP Board Class 11th Chemistry Notes Chapter 4 Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure

→ Valence bond theory was proposed by Linus Pauling.

→ Molecular orbital theory was proposed by Robert Mullican.

→ Bond order = \(\frac { 1 }{ 2 }\) (Nb – Na).

→ Higher the bond order, higher is the dissociation energy.

→ Paramagnetic molecule: If unpaired electrons are present in a molecule, then the molecule is paramagnetic.

→ Molecular orbital: These are formed by the combination of atomic orbitals.

→ Atomic orbitals are of three types :

  • Bonding molecular orbital : Their energy is minimum, lesser than the energy of the component atomic orbitals.
  • Non-bonding molecular orbital: Molecular orbitals whose energy is equal to the energy of the component atomic orbitals.
  • Antibonding molecular orbital: These are the molecular orbitals, whose energy is maximum and is higher than the energy of the component atomic orbitals.

→ In molecular orbitals, electrons are filled in the increasing order of their energy.

MP Board Class 11th Chemistry Notes Chapter 4 Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure

→ With the increase in bond order, bond length decreases.

→ Ionic or Electrovalent bond: Electrostatic attraction between cation formed by loss of electrons and anioi formed by the gain of electrons.

→ Chemical bond : Sharing of equal numbers of electrons between the two combining atoms.

→ Co-ordinate bond : Donation of an electron pair from one atom to another atom. It contains both ionic and polar character.

→ Orbital theory oi covalent bond : Formation of covalent bond between two atoms is due to overlapping of orbitals with unpaired electrons.

→ VSEPR theory : Any molecule orient in such a way that there should be maximum distance between electron pairs of valence shell and minimum repulsion. Order of repulsion between bond pair and lone pair is following :
bond pair – bond pair < lone pair – bond pair < lone pair – lone pair

→ Quantum theory of covalent bond : By overlapping of orbitals or bonding electrons 5-bonds and p-bonds are formed; 5-bonds are stronger than p-bonds.

MP Board Class 11th Chemistry Notes Chapter 4 Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure

→ a-bond: Bond formed between axial overlapping of atomic orbitals (s -s, s-p and p-p). a-bond can exist alone.

→ 7t-bond : Bond formed between lateral overlapping of (p-p) atomic orbitals, jr-bonds are formed only when 5-bonds are formed or existing.

→ Hybridization: Atomic orbitals of similar energies mixed and same number of orbitals of same energy and shape are formed. This process is called hybridization.

→ Hydrogen bond : The electrostatic force which exist between H-atom of one molecule with highly electro-negative element of the other molecule is called Hydrogen bond.

→ Intra-molecular hydrogen bond: When hydrogen atom and electro-negative element both are present in the same molecule, then this type of hydrogen bond formed is called intra molecular hydrogen bond.

→ Inter-molecular hydrogen bond: When hydrogen atom and electro-negative element are present in different molecules, this type of H-bond formed is called inter-molecular hydrogen bond.

→ Resonance: To explain the characteristic properties of molecules, more than one structures are required and the actual structure is supposed as resonance hybrid of these structures.

MP Board Class 11th Chemistry Notes Chapter 4 Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure

→ Dipole moment is represented by an arrow pointing towards the more electro-negative element.