These MP Board Class 11th Biology Notes for Chapter 2 Biological Classification help students to get a brief overview of all the concepts.

MP Board Class 11th Biology Notes Chapter 2 Biological Classification

→ The bacteria constitute the most ancient, smallest, simplest organisms which are classified on the basis of structure and activities.

→ Bacteria often reproduce by binary fission.

→ Many eubacteria are disease producers in man, animals and plants. Some bacteria produce antibiotics.

→ Cyanobacteria are ancient photosynthetic prokaryotes. They liberate oxygen during photosynthesis.

→ Bacteria are photoautotrophic, chemoautotrophic or heterotrophic.

MP Board Class 11th Biology Notes Chapter 2 Biological Classification

→ Archaebacteria are living fossils.

→ Plasmids are the extranuclear circular DNA found in bacteria.

→ In Moneran, 70S type ribosomes are found.

→ The cell wall of bacteria contain polysaccharide, lipids, proteins and mucopeptides.

→ Photosynthetic bacteria does not ‘split water’ to obtain reducing power. Instead of water they obtain H2 from H2S or other sulphur containing compounds.

→ Use of more concentration of salt or sugar in food preservation kills the bacteria by plasmolysis thus prevent the food from decaying.

MP Board Class 11th Biology Notes Chapter 2 Biological Classification

→ Joker of plant kingdom : Mycoplasma is also known as Joker of plant kingdom.

→ Trichome : A filament without mucilage sheath is called trichome.

→ ‘Germ theory of disease’ is proposed by Louis Pasteur.

→ Louis Pasteur (1822-1895) is the ‘founder of bacteriology’ and regarded as ‘father of microbiology.

→ Endospore : A resting spore produced by few bacteria under unfavourable conditions.

→ Antibiotics : A chemical substance excreted by micro-organisms which inhibit the development and growth of other organisms.

→ Bacterial cell wall: It is made up of peptidoglycan.

MP Board Class 11th Biology Notes Chapter 2 Biological Classification

→ Ehrich (1854-1915) is regarded as ‘father of chemotherapy’.

→ Fungi are heterotrophic thallophytes because of the absence of chlorophyll.

→ The body of fungi is made up of thin filaments. A single filament of fungi is called as hyphae.

→ The group of filaments forming a network is called as mycelium.

→ The cell wall of fungi is made up of chitin.

→ Glycogen is the stored food material of fungi.

MP Board Class 11th Biology Notes Chapter 2 Biological Classification

→ Kingdom fungi is classified into five classes :

  1. Class 1. Mastigomycotina or Eumycotina.
  2. Class 2. Zygomycotina.
  3. Class 3. Ascomycotina.
  4. Class 4. Basidiomycotina.
  5. Class 5. Deuteromycotina.

→ Asexual reproduction in fungi mostly takes place by spores or conidia, whereas the sexual reproduction may be isogamous or heterogamous. In lower forms, it takes place by conjuga¬tion.

→ The higher fungi are included under ascomycetes and basidiomycetes.

→ The most distinctive feature of ascomycetes is the formation of sac like ascus in which sexually produced ascospores develop. In some members, asci are borne in a fruiting body called the ascocarp.

→ An association of algae and fungi is called as Lichen.

→ Mushrooms are the fungi used as food.

MP Board Class 11th Biology Notes Chapter 2 Biological Classification

→ Mycology is the branch of biology deals with study of fungi.