These MP Board Class 11th Biology Notes for Chapter 10 Cell Cycle and Cell Division help students to get a brief overview of all the concepts.

MP Board Class 11th Biology Notes Chapter 10 Cell Cycle and Cell Division

→ Multicellular organism grows and develop by mitosis cell division, whereas some unicellular organisms reproduce by this division.

→ Body of some lower category of organisms are made up of haploid cells. Zygote of these organ-isms divides by meiosis division to form haploid individual.

→ Meiosis cell division helps in the maintenance of chromosome number in the species.

→ Spindles regulate movement of chromosomes during cell division.

→ Mitosis help to maintain genetic stability.

MP Board Class 11th Biology Notes Chapter 10 Cell Cycle and Cell Division

→ Nerve cells never divide.

→ Generally in normal condition cells complete cell cycle in 20-25 hours.

→ Duration of cell cycle depends upon type of cell and some external factors such as temperature, nutrition, availability of oxygen, etc.

→ Actual cell division occurs in M-phase of the cell cycle.

→ Duration of cell cycle in bacteria is 20 minutes, in epithelial cell is 8-10 hours and in root cells of onion is 20 hours.

→ Cell division is the basis of continuity of life.

MP Board Class 11th Biology Notes Chapter 10 Cell Cycle and Cell Division

→ The main difference between the cell division of plant cell and animal cell are in centriole mechanism and cytokinesis process.