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MP Board Class 9th English The Rainbow Workbook Solutions Chapter 14 Old Blockhead repairs his House

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Old Blockhead repairs his House Vocabulary and Pronunciation

Make sentences with each of the following compound words so as to bring out its meaning.
head-ache, head-dress, head-gear, head-less, head-line, head- block-ade, block-age, block-buster, block-head, block-house.

  1. Head-ache : I have several head-ache.
  2. Head-dress : It is my head dress.
  3. Head-gear : The need gear is not working.
  4. Head-less : I saw a headless statue.
  5. Head-lines : The news of cash for vote was the headline today
  6. Head-on : It was a serious head on collision.
  7. Block-ade : Block ade is illegal.
  8. Block-age : The doctors detected block age in his head.
  9. Block-buster: Amitabh Bachans films are still block buster.
  10. Block—head : He behaves like a totally block head.
  11. Block—house: It is a block house.

B. Use the following words in your own sentences.
mend, rectify, repair, restore, overhaul, replace.

  1. Mend : Mend your ways otherwise you will be in trouble.
  2. Rectify : He asked me to rectify the account.
  3. Repair : Your shoes needs repair.
  4. Restore : Sleep is the best way to restore energy.
  5. Overhaul : Our governing system needs complete overhauling.
  6. Replace : Please replace this defective TV.

C. What do you understand by the following questions?

Question 1.
Is anybody home ?
Someone may not be there.

Question 2.
Is somebody home ?
Someone may be there.

Question 3.
Is nobody home ?
None may be there.

Question 4.
Is everybody home ?
Everyone may be there.

D. What is meant by the following? Use them in sentences and point out consonant sounds in each word.

  1. Shout : to make loud noise- The teacher shouted at the boy.
  2.  Call : to give somebody a particular name— He called me.
  3. Howl : to make a long, loud cry— The baby was howling.
  4. Roar : to make a very loud, deep sound— The tiger was roaring in the forest.
  5. Scream : to give a loud, high cry because you are hurt, frightende, exited etc—The little children were scramming with excitinent
  6. Cry : to produce tears from your eyes because you are unhappy or hurt— The baby cried suddenly.
  7. Talk : to say things, to speak in order to give information-The boys are talking.
  8. Clamour: to demand something loudly— The employes began to clamour for their increment.
  9. Shriek : to give a loud, high shout— The gine shricked in fright.
  10. Yelp : to give a sudden short cry, usually of paon— The lod was yelping but noone paid attention on him.

Listening Skill

Listen to the items carefully, which Ma Blockhead needed to repair her house. three pieces of tin-sheets, two hundred and fifty bricks, eight liter of paint, twelve wooden planks, half kilogram of nails, one bag of cement and one bag of sand Now, answer the

Question 1.
How much paint did Ma Blockhead require ?
Ma Blockhead required eight liter of paint.

Question 2.
How many bricks did she want ?
She wanted two hundred and fifty bricks.

Question 3.
How may tin-sheets were needed by her ?
Three pieces of tin-sheets were needed by her.

Question 4.
How much cement did she want ?
She wanted one bag of cement.

Question 5.
How much sand was required ?
One bag of sand was required.

Question 6.
How many wooden pranks did she need ?
She needed twelve wooden pranks.

Question 7.
How much nails did she require ?
She required half kilogram of nails.

Speaking Skill

Here are some events. You are required to speak their sub events one by one in proper sequence, the first one has been done for you :
See workbook page 106.
For self attempt.

Reading Skill

Read the passage given below and answer the questions below it.
See workbook page 106.

Question 1.
Why did the man count nine camels?
Because he mounted one of the ten camels and counted the rest.

Question 2.
How could he count ten camels again ?
He counted the ten camels without mounting any of them

Question 3.
Whom did he curse for his confusion ?
He cursed Saten for his confusion.

Question 4.
What kind of man was he ? Write your opinion,
He was a foolish fellow. It was his fault or lack of presence of mind that he counted the camels wrongly. But instead of cursing himself, he cursed Satan.

Pick out the words from the passage which have the following meanings :
(a) to advise or try hard to persuade to do something…………….
(b) felt very sad ………….
(c) a worried, sad feeling after you have received an unpleasant SUl pi .
(d) causing or showing sadness
(a) urge
(b) dismayed
(c) perplexed
(d) cursing.

Language Practice (Grammar)

Narration (Interrogative sentences)
Study these sentences
See workbook pages 107-108.
Rewrite the following in indirect speech.

Question 1.
The stranger said to the lady, “Why do you wish me go away now?”
The stranger asked the lady why she wished him go away then.

Question 2.
Ravi’s father asked, “Are you going to keep me away all night?”
Ravi’s father asked him weather he was going to keep him awake all night.

Question 3.
“Have you ever seen a met eorite falling? “, he asked the class.
He asked the class weather they had ever seen a meteorite failing.

Question 4.
“What does it matter if your miss the train?”, Mrs. Ram said 30 her husband.
Mrs. Ram asked her husband what it mattered if he had’/ blissed the train.

Question 5.
The porter asked the passenger, “Which train are you taking?”
The porter asked the passenger which train he was taking.

Question 6.
My uncle said, “Do you really need so many pairs of boots?”
My uncle asked whether he needed many pairs of boots.

Question 7.
She shouted to us, “Will you not come and save me from the clutches of this thief?
She should to us weather they would not come and save to her from the clutches of that thief.

Writing Skill

A. You have saved two thousand rupees. Plan how you will spend them. (50 words)
Two thousand rupees is a big sum for me. I shall spend it wisely. First I shall buy a shoes for my grand father and a blanket for grandmom. I shall buy a spectacle for my mother and a watch for my father. I shall buy some books. I shall donate some money to the school of blind.

B. Ma Blockhead finds a change in her house as well as in her husband. She is very happy and wants to share her feelings with her intimate friend through a letter. Write a letter expressing your feelings.(150 words)
My dear Rehana.
Today I would like to share my happiness with you. I have just come from my mother’s house. You know I was a little annoyed with my husband. When I came back I founded my house was neat and clean, well arranged, the behaviour of my husband was completely changed. He was now very happy with me. He shared my pains. He cooperated me in household work. I am very happy now. I request you to come to me and share our joy.
Ma Blockhead.

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