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MP Board Class 9th English The Rainbow Solutions Chapter 7 The World is Too Much with Us

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The World is Too Much with Us Textual Exercises

The World is Too Much with Us Vocabulary

A. ‘late and soon’, ‘Getting and spending’ are the expressions used in the poem. Write some more expressions of this type. Example : ‘coming and going’
MP Board Class 9th English The Rainbow Solutions Chapter 7 The World is Too Much with Us 1

B. Use the words ‘heart’ and ‘hearts’ in some sentences. The words used in sentences should have different meanings.

1. My house is in the heart of the city.
Do not take it to heart.
2. She has a large heart.
3. I shall help you heart and soul. The prime minister is the heart of the country.
4. I cannot read what is in your heart.
1. Most of the persons have no hearts.
2. Have you done this work with hearts?
3. Give me ten of hearts.
4. Don’t prick the poor men’s hearts.

C. Find out the odd one boon, soon, noon, horn, moon.


A. Read the first four lines of the poem given below and answer the following
questions :

The World is too much with us ; late and soon,
Getting and spending, we lay. waste our powers
Little we see in Nature that is ours;
We have given our hearts away, a sordid boon.

Questions :
1. Find out the lines expressing the following idea : we waste
our energy in worldly affairs without realising that Nature belongs to us.
2. What is the effect of materialism as shown in the first stanza?

  1. The lines ‘Getting and spending, we lay waste our powers. Little we see in nature that is ours’ express this idea.
  2. The effect of materialism is that die people waste whatever they earn in idle pursuits. They try to run after sensual pleasures and fulfill their wordy needs.

B. Read the next five lines of the poem given below and answer the following questions :

This sea that bares her bosom to the moon.
The winds that will be howling at all hours
And are up-gathered now like sleeping flowers,
For this, for everything, we are out of tune
It moves us not-Great God I’d rather be

Questions :
1. What makes the poet unhappy?
2. What do you understand by the following :
a. ‘This Sea that bares her bosom to the moon
b.’A Pagan suckled in a creed outworn’

  1. It makes the poet unhappy that man has no time to view or enjoy the beauty of the sea and the wind or other objects of nature.
  2. (a) Nature does not hide her treasure from other objects of nature.
    (b) a non-religious fellow who takes pleasure in conventional beliefs.

C. Read the next five lines of the poem given below and answer the following questions :

A Pagan suckled in a creed outworn,
So might, I standing on this pleasant lea,
Have glimpses that would make me less forlorn;
have sight of Proteus rising from the sea;
Or hear old Triton below his wreathed horn.

Questions :
1. Why does the poet say that we have become out of time?
2. What does the poet mean by ‘sleeping flowers’?
3. Describe the feelings of the poet after looking at ‘Proteus rising from the sea’.

  1. We have become out of time because we stick to our conventional beliefs and neglect nature.
  2. By ‘sleeping flowers’ the poet means careless persons and dead ” objects like the wreathed or withered flowers.
  3. After looking at ‘Proteus rising from the sea’, the poet feels himself in the lap of nature and rejoices its sight.

Speaking Activity

A. Talk in pairs about two persons : one who lives in a city and the other who lives in a village, in the lap of nature.
Talk about their life styles, availability of fresh air, vehicles, pomp and show in life, simplicity, crowd, peace, hustle and bustle, size of the houses

A man who lives in a cityA man who lives in a village
Life in a eity in full of hazards. Traffic jams, smoke, pollution, factory wastes din and noise, over population, slums, make the atmosphere full of foul smell and dirt. There is always a fear of epedemic, crimes, accidents and adulteration. Life is full of problems. The people believe in pomp and show. It is always over croweded. The people live in small houses. Everybody is selfish and full of tension. People own their own vehicles.The village life is simple. The people help one another in times of need. There is no hustle and bustle there. The atmosphere is pollution free. We live in the lap of nature. There the world is not too much with us. There’s fresh air, green grass and blossoming nature. There is no pomp and show or noise of horns. Life is peaceful and tension free. The houses are big and spacious. Gardens and farms add to the beauty of villages. People have no conveyance of their own.

B. Discuss among the members of your group the title of the poem. Justify the title mentioning your own personal experiences.,
The title of the poem is quite justified. We are unhappy in spite of all material advancement because the world is too much with us. The objects of nature do “not touch our heart. We do not accept nature as a guide and teacher. It is my personal experience that big buildings, cars, and other modern luxuries do not lend one inner joy. Nature never betrays the heart that loves her.

Writing Activity

A. Write to your friend about your attitude towards the nature. (50 Words)
Uggar Sain Park Najaf Garh,
New Delhi
7th November, 2007
Dear Kusum
I live in a village in the lap of nature. The objects of nature appeal to my heart. For me, nature is a better teacher than the sages and seers. Nature fills me with lofty thoughts. It teaches me to be regular and useful to others. Nature is my God. Nature is my everything. It has never betrayed me.
Yours sincerely
Jai Prakash

B. Compare the creations of God and man-made-things. Write your observations. (150 words) .

Man-made thingsCreation of God
All the things produced in fields, work-shops, factories and shops are man-made. Cars, buildings, cosmetics, textiles, jewellery, sweets, oils, medicines, etc. are all man-made things.God made the earth. The rivers, mountains, springs, water- falls, deserts, forests, hills, avalanches, glaciers, the plants, wind, sky, snow etc. are all the creations of God.

Think it over

A. How can you see a thing with your eyes and mind both?
Eyes are the organs which see outwards. Mind is an inner organ. Eyes can see whatever is within our visual range. Mind can imagine anything on earth, above or below. Eyes can not create anything. Mind can form its own concept. Eyes do not see in the dark but mind can see every time. Mind can visualise future but eyes can riot do so. Even a blind man can be mentally skilled and sound.

B. Why do you feel happy in the company of nature?
Nature is vast. Rivers, hills, valleys, forests, fields, pastures, lakes, streams, trees, meadows, groves, plants and bushes form nature. We go to some hill station or river side to ward off our stress and tension. We learn many lessons from nature. Nature provides us cool shade, flowers, and fruits. They are cute. Therefore, we feel happy in the company of nature as a child in the lap of his mother.

Things to do

Collect some pictures which show that the things of the nature are beautiful.
For self-attemp.

The World is Too Much with Us Additional Questions

Short Answer Questions (25 words)

Question 1.
Where did Wordsworth find satisfaction closer at hand?
Wordsworth was a poet of nature. Nature was his God and first love. He found satisfaction in the common place objects and simplicities of everyday life. An ordinary sunset, the fleecy clouds, a morning walk over the hills, a cottage girl, the song of the nightinagle and so forth gave him satisfaction close at hand.

Question 2.
Give a brief account of Words’ worth.
Wordsworth is the senior most of fall romantics. He is also the high priest of nature. Nature was everything to Wordsworth.
The French Revolution disillusioned him. Then he sought the healing power of nature. The Reign of Terror in France sent him reeling into the lap of nature. His desire to seek comfort in nature was unique. He found peace and contentment in rural retirement. God and nature became one for him.

Question 3.
What is the responsibility of an educator?
We have lost all sense of relation- ship, affection arid communion with other people and objects. We kill birds, insects and animals and even cut the trees for our personal benefit. We have no feeling that we are all human beings living on the extraordinary beautiful earth. An educator is not supposed to teach only mathematics or how to run a computer. He should teach others how to set up communion with other human beings who suffer, struggle and bear pain and sorrow of poverty. He should help others in becoming sensitive to other people’s sorrows, struggles, anxieties and worries.

Question 4.
Why do you love trees?
Trees are the lovelies it creation of Mother Earth. They are * important source of life. They provide us with basic necessities of life. Trees maintain ecological balance. They give us rains. They prevent soil erosion. We get oxygen from them. We get several medicines from them. We get fruits to eat. We also get gum and sap from trees. They give shelter to birds and animals. Therefore, I love trees.

Long-Answer-Type Questions (in about 50 words)

Question 1.
Give some specialities of the birds.
Birds alone have feathers. Feathers give them warmth and protect them from the adverse weather. They also help them in flying.
The bones of the birds are very light. Birds do not have teeth. All birds have scales. The forelimbs of the birds are modified into, wings which enable them to fly. The humming birds can fly backwards, forwards, sideways and upside down. Birds spread their wings and sail in the sky by the flap of wings. The birds land safely with the Kelp of’fanned tail and windpipes (as brakes). Birds fly to escape from the enemy, to catch their prey or to migrate to different places,The beak acts both as the nose as well as the mouth. The ostrich lays the biggest and the humming bird lays the smallest egg. Birds walk oh toes.

Question 2.
What should be our attitude towards nature?
Nature is a part of our life. Unfortunately, we are behaving like animals. We are least sensitive towards nature and its creatures like trees, plants, weeds and creepers. We do not protect animals, birds, the whales and dolphins. We do not communicate with nature and feel ourselves to be its part. By harming nature, we are harming ourselves. We are so deeply engrossed in our problems, desires of pleasure and worries that we never look around to appreciate the beauty of nature. We have no time to watch the trees, bushes, blades of grass, miracles of fresh morning, a deer, a lizard, a withered flower, the evening star, the new moon, the light on the leaf, the dry river, the grazing animals. To develop relationship with human beings is possible when we have communion with nature.

The World is Too Much with Us Summary in English

Wordsworth accuses the modern age of having lost its connection to nature and everything meaningful. The people waste their energy in worldly affairs. They have become materialistic. Even when the sea bares her bosom to the moon, the winds howl and flowers, are wreathed, humanity is still put of tune. He curses them in the name of God. He wishes to be a pagan. He would stand on the pleasant lea and see images of ancient gods rising from the waves. He imagines that Triton would blow his wreathed horn. This sight would cheer him because he would be in the lap of nature and not lonely.

The World is Too Much with Us Summary in Hindi

वर्ड्सवर्थ वर्तमान युग को दोषी ठहराता है क्योंकि वह प्रकृति तथा सभी सार्थक पदार्थों के साथ अपना नाता खो बैठा है। लोग अपनी ऊर्जा को सांसारिक विषयों में नष्ट कर देते हैं। वे भौतिकवादी बन चुके हैं। यहाँ तक कि जब समुद्र, चाँद को अपनी छाती दिखाता है, हवा गुर्राती है और फूलों को माला में पिरोया जाता है, तो मानवता उसमें रुचि नहीं लेती है। वह भगवान (ईसा) के नाम पर उन्हें लानत देता (कोसता) है।

वह धर्मविमुख (पगान) बनना चाहता है। वह खुशनुमा खुली भूमि पर खड़ा होगा और लहरों के बीच से निकलते हुए प्राचीन देवताओं की छवि को देखेगा। वह कल्पना करता है कि ट्रिटॉन (समुद्र का एक देवता) अपना हार वाला हॉर्न बजाएगा। यह नजारा उसे आनन्द-विभोर करेगा क्योंकि वह प्रकृति की गोद में होगा, अकेला नहीं।

The World is Too Much with Us Word-Meanings
MP Board Class 9th English The Rainbow Solutions Chapter 7 The World is Too Much with Us 2

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