MP Board Class 8th Social Science Solutions Chapter 21 India and the United Nations
MP Board Class 8th Social Science Chapter 21 Text Book Exercise
Choose the correct option of the following questions
Mp Board Class 8 Social Science Solution Chapter 21 Question 1.
When UN was established?
(a) 24 October 1945
(b) 10 December 1945
(c) 1 May 1945
(d) 3 December 1950
(a) 24 October 1945.
Mp Board Class 8 Social Science Chapter 21 Question 2.
Which countries are permanent members of UN Security Council?
(a) US, Russia, France, Britain and China
(b) Russia, France, India, China and Pakistan
(c) Saudi Arab, Bangladesh, Britain, US and Russia
(d) Britain, India, China, France and U.S
(a) US, Russia, France, Britain and China.
Fill in the blanks:
- The Headquarter of UN are in ………….
- At present total number of members in UN ………….
- New York
- 191
MP Board Class 8th Social Science Chapter 21 Very Short Answer Type Questions
Class 8 Social Science Chapter 21 Question 1.
Who elects the Non-Permanent members of UN Security Council?
The Security Council is the important organ of the United Nations. It after the Security and peace in the World. It 15 members, out of them 5 are permanent members and 10 are non-permanent. These N Permanent members are elected by the General Assembly for a duration of two years.
Mention India’s Role In The Un Class 8 Question 2.
What is the International Court Justice?
The International Court of Justice consists of 15 judges for a period of 9 years, retiring every 5 years. The court decided disappoint among its member nations. It gives advice the different organs of the United Nations.
India And The United Nations Class 8 Question 3.
By which name the administration officer UN is known?
Administrative head of UN is known as the Secretary General.
MP Board Class 8th Social Science Chapter 2 Short Answer Type Questions
Class 8 Social Science Mp Board Question 1.
What are the works of UNICEF?
The main function of UNICEF, provide help to children in need regardless their race and religion. It works in the field health, nutrition and education.
Mp Board Solution Class 8 Social Science Question 2.
Write two objectives of UN?
Two objectives of UN are:
- To maintain international peace security to do joint effort to clearly hurdles in the way of peace.
- To co-operate in solving international problems of an economic social cultural or humanitarian character in promoting respect for human and fundamental freedom for all.
Mp Board Class 8 Social Science Question 3.
Write the names of the major of UN?
There are six organs of the United Nations:
- The General Assembly.
- The Security Council.
- The Economic and Social Council.
- The Trusteeship Council.
- The International Court of Justice, and
- The Secretariat.
MP Board Class 8th Social Science Chapter 2 Long Answer Type Questions
Social Science Class 8 Mp Board Question 1.
What efforts have been taken up by UN for world peace?
The major objective of the United Nations is to maintain peace in the world. During its existence of more than sixty years the United Nations has been called upon to take action in several disputes. The United Nations was helpful in avoiding several wars.
It reduced tension in many critical situation. UN operated peacekeeping operations by sending peace keeping forces. By sending goodwill mission UN has been successful to reduce tension between tense countries It prevented large scale wars in Kashmir. Congo, West Asia, Cyprus, Yaman etc. ts peace-keeping efforts in Greece, Indonesia, Lebanon, Egypt, Gaza Strip, Congo, Korea, Iran, Iraq are some of its significant achievements.
The united nations has also been making efforts to stop nuclear weapons race. It, is an important effort to keep peace in the world.
Class 8th Mp Board Social Science Question 2.
Mention India’s role in UN?
India is one of the founder members f the United Nations. It has made significant contribution in making the United Nations more meaningful. It is participated in peace-keeping mission whenever required. It has always committed to the principals and working of the United Nations.
India greatly participated in the administration of two most worst systems of partheid and colonialism with the United nations and got success. Apart from this, it undertook various peace-keeping mission in various countries in establishing peace, and maintaining human rights. It also advocated of inducing more and more countries to make it unable. It is India’s effort that made the inclusion
China to the United Nations. It is also supported the United Nations efforts on Nuclear n-proliferation. So we can concluding that india play a vital role in the UN activities to take it successful.
Social Science Class 8th Mp Board Question 3.
Write about three bodies of UN
The three bodies of UN are:.
- General Assembly
- Security Council
1. General Assembly:
A General Assembly consists of all members of the United Nations. Every member-state can send a maximum of five representatives to the General Assembly but at the time of voting a state is entitled to cast only one vote. It discuss and makes recommendations on various important issues brought before it.
2. Security Council:
The Security Council is the most important organ of the United Nations. It looks after the security and peace m the world it has 15 members. These members fall in two categories. Five members viz. France and People’s Republic of China, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom and the United States of America are permanent members. The other ten members are elected by the General Assembly for the duration of two years.
3. WHO:
Who is special agency of the UN that works for the improvement of health and prevention and control diseases.