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MP Board Class 12th English The Spectrum Workbook Solutions Chapter 12 The Value of Man

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Word Power

A. Given below are some crimes. Complete the following table. Consult a dictionary if necessary.

terrorismterroristterroriseusing violence for political end.
blackmailblackmailerblackmailobtaining money by threatening to harm someone.
forgeryforgerforgesome one who makes forged copies.
assaultassaulterassaultattacking someone violently.
pick­ pocketingpickpocketpickpocketa thief who steals things out of pocket, bags, esp. in a crowd.
muggingmugmugattacking a person and stealing their money.

B. Differentiate between the meanings of the given pairs or groups.

  • Adept = expert fastes; Adopt = take to an idea or custom किसी विचार को अपना बना लेना; Adapt = make suitable अपने योग्य बनाना ।
  • Birth = process of being born जन्म; Berth = Sleeping place in a train etc. सोने की सीट।
  • Beneficial = helpful सहायता; Beneficient = helping people and doing good acts सहायता करने वाला।
  • Liar = one who tells lies झूठ बोलने वाला; Lawyer = person who practises law वकाल; Lyer = a stringed musical instrument एक तार वाला वाद्य यंत्र।
  • Loose = free, not tied up ढीला;Lose = to come to be without हानि होना, खो देना।


A. Choose the correct option.

Question 1.
Gbasi did not purchase a bicycle because:
(a) he thought that purchasing an ass was profitable
(b) a bicycle was costlier than an ass
(c) the villagers would appreciate the ass more
(d) he was afraid he might fall and break his Limbs.
(d) he was afraid he might fall and break his Limbs.

Question 2.
Mohan regretted the decision of his father to buy an ass because:
(a) he had to give up his studies for tending the animal
(b) he was young and wanted a bike instead
(C) he did not want to upset Netaji as the ass grazed in his orchard
(d) he did not like to be ridiculed as the owner of an ass.
(a) he had to give up his studies for tending the animal.

Question 3.
Who was the final witness?
(a) Netaji
(b) Kanchhcdi
(c) Masteiji
(d) The ass.
(d) The ass

Question 4.
Ghasi round his ass tethered at:
(a) Kanchhedi’s place
(b) Netaji’s orchard
(c) Masterji’s school
(d) Mukhiya’s house.
(a) Kanchhedi’s place

Question 5.
The panchayat was held:
(a) under a hanyan tree
(b) near an orchard
(c) at the Sarpanch’s house
(d) at the school.
(a) under a hanyan tree

B. Fill in the blanks:

(i) The character in the play who wears spectacles is ………….. (SarpanchlMaserji)
(ii) ….. is addressed to as ‘tenderer of asses’.(Ghasi/Masterji)
(iii) The name of Netaji is ……… in the play. (Kanchhedílundisclosed)
(iv) Masterji was named as witness by …………. (Kanchhedi 1G ha si)
(v) …………. was asked to give first aid to Kanchhedi. (Marte rj i/Mukhi ya)
(i) Sarpanch.
(ii) Masterji
(iii) undisclosed.
(iv) Kanchhedi,
(v) Mukhiya.

Language Practice

A. Change the order of words or group of words to make a correct sentence.

Question 1.
1. otherwise you, 2. work, 3. will fail, 4. hard
Work hard otherwise you will fail.

Question 2.
1. and, 2. the sun set. 3. ii, 4. grew dark.
The sun set and it grew dark.

Question 3.
1. the teacher, 2. the student went, 3. as well as, 4. to the police.
The teacher as well as the student went to the police.

Question 4.
1. handed over, 2. the thief was, 3. to the police, 4. not only eaten but also.
The thief was not only beaten but also handed over to the police.

Question 5.
1. both smart, 2. she, 3. and honest, 4. is.
She is both smart and honest.

Question 6.
1. missed, 2. he ran fast, 3. but, 4. the bus.
He ran fast but missed the bus.

B. Combine the following pairs of sentences using the co-ordinating conjunctions given in the box.
otherwise, or, therefore, neither…nor, either…or, not only…but also, both…and, as well as

Question 1.
(a) Hurry up.
(b) You will miss the show.
Hurry up or you will miss the show.

Question 2.
(a) He is ill.
(b) He cannot go to the office.
He is ill therefore he cannot go to the office.

Question 3.
(a) I took meat.
(b) I took eggs.
I took both meat and eggs.

Question 4.
(a) He teased her.
(b) She slapped across his face.
He teased her therefore she slapped across his face.

Question 5.
(a) We dropped in on you yesterday.
(b) You were not at home.
We dropped in on you yesterday but you were not at home.

Question 6.
(a) Bagdiram works in a shop.
(b) He studies in a school.
Bagdiram not only works in a shop but also studies in a school.

Speaking Time

Split the following words into syllables.
MP Board Class 12th English The Spectrum Workbook Solutions Chapter 12 The Value of Man img 1

MonosyllableBisy HabitTrisyllabicPolysyllabic
awetem + perim + port + antPlan + et + ar +ium
callmis + eryob + serv + atory
awlhu + manhap + pi + ness
cowpen + cillab + ora + tory
ca + pablemathe + mat + ics
win + dow

Reading Time

Read the following passage carefully :

Education is a sub-system of the wider social system. Although it functions autonomously, it has linkage with the economic, political, religious and other sub-systems which exert a powerful influence on the goals of the educational sub-systems.

Education can rarely free itself from social and cultural norms and has to relate itself to the needs of society. Due to globalization and modernization, our society is passing through momentous changes in its value system. Values of yesteryear have taken a backseat and materialism, corruption, dishonesty and other negative values have come to the fore.

At this junction, all formal and informal agencies of education like family, school and community should realise the explosiveness of the situation. It is rightly said values cannot be taught, they are caught. All the agencies should become role models if we want our youth to be on the right path.

Absence of a congenial and loving atmosphere and quarrel among parents are the major hurdles in this direction. In a nutshell, the family has ceased to be an institution for providing cultural, aesthetic and moral education.

On the other hand, formal education is squeezed between memory and mechanisation. The teacher has become a businessman doing private tuition instead of institutional teaching. Race for degrees and jobs has deteriorated the situation further.

The National Policy of Education (1986) has shown concern in this regard when it says, “The growing concern over the erosion of essential values and an increasing cynicism in society has brought to focus the need for re-adjustment in the curriculum in order to make education a forceful tool for the cultivation of social and moral values.”

The whole system of education needs complete over-hauling. If at all, we the citizens are desirous of thwarting deterioration in values, teaching at all levels must emphasise on moral education and character building. Intellect without wisdom can be suicidal.

Now answer the questions given below :

Question 1.
Find out the words from the passage for the following expressions :

  • appreciation of beauty in nature – aesthetic
  • pleasant – congenial
  • to press something firmly – squeeze
  • lack of faith in the goodness of things and people – cynicism
  • to prevent somebody from doing what he wants to do – thwart

Question 2.
What are the things education is linked with ? (2012,14)
Education is linked with the economic, political, religious and other systems.

Question 3.
Why is our society passing through changes in its value system ?
Due to globalization and modernization, our society is passing through momentous changes in value system.

Question 4.
What is the saying about the values ?
The saying is values cannot be taught, they are caught.

Question 5.
What are the major obstacles in establishing human values ?
The major obstacles are that the family has ceased to be an institution for providing cultural, aesthetic and moral education.

Question 6.
What change do we observe in the teacher’s attitude these days ?
The teacher has become a businessman doing private tuition instead of institutional teaching.

Question 7.
What has happened to formal education ?
Formal education is squeezed between memory and mechanism.

Question 8.
Do you agree that the whole system of education needs complete over-hauling ? Answer in your own words.
Yes, we agree that the whole system of education needs complete over-hauling because the essential values have been eroded and cynicism has increased in the society.

Question 9.
Give a suitable title to the passage.
Need for Overhauling of Education System.

Writing Time

Question 1.
Write a letter to M/s Deepali Stationery Mart, New Market, Ratlam asking them to send their rates and terms of supply of stationery items.
Office of the Principal, Govt. Higher Secondary School,
Manik Chowk, Ratlam (M. P.)
Ref. No. 73
M/s Deepali Stationery Mart,
New Market,
Ratlam (M. P.)
Date : 10 Feb., 20…

Subject—Rates of Stationery Items.
Our office needs some stationery to be purchased.
Hence, I request you kindly to send us the rates and terms of supply of these articles. A list of requirements is attached here with.

Your reply must reach us within three days.

Sd.—Mohan Senger
Govt. H. S. School
Manik Chowk

Question 2.
Write a letter to the collector of your district about the lack of facilities and malfunctioning of the government hospital of your area.
113, Main Road (Opposite Kila)
Sendhwa (M. P.)
Dt. 17 June, 20…
The Collector,
Dist. Barwani Barwani (M. P.)
I would like to draw your kind attention to the lack of facilities and malfunctioning of the government hospital, Sendhwa and request you to take suitable action so that people may be able to get medical facilities properly.

The hospital has only one doctor and two nurses. They cannot serve the patients because their number is too many. They cannot give proper attention. The X-ray department is also malfunctioning, it seldom operates properly. There is no facility for sonography. The patients have to go to private clinics and they are too expensive. The wards are not properly cleaned and dirty smell persists everywhere.
I hope you will kindly look into the matter soon.

Yours faithfully,
Rajesh Vohra

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