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MP Board Class 12th English A Voyage Solutions Chapter 1 Invocation (Translated from Atharva Veda)
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Invocation Textbook Exercises
Word Power
A. Choose the antonyms of the following words from the text:
discord, destroy, diversity, resolve, worldly, fall, known, demon.
Words – Antonyms
- Discord – Concord
- Destroy – Create
- Diversity – Unity
- Notes – Battle
- Worldly – Divine
- Fall – Rise
- Known – Stranger
- Demon – God
B. Compounding is a process of word formation, in which two constituent words normally are bound together to form a single word. The first member of a compound word is a modifier whereas the second member acts as an independent unit. There are two examples of compound words in the poem.
- battle + cry ………….. battle-cry.
- war + god ………… war-god.
Now match words from the two columns to form suitable compound words.
Column A – Column B
(i) black – (a) watch
(ii) on – (b) ways
(iii) off – (c) cry
(iv) side – (d) set
(y) watch – (e) board
(vi) mind – (f) wise
(vii) stop – (g) colour
(viii) out – (h) line
(ix) like – (i) word.
(i) (e), (ii) (h), (iii) (g), (iv) (b), (y) (i), (vi) (J), (vis) (a), (viii) (C), (ix) (J).
A. Answer in one sentence each:
Mp Board Class 12 English Chapter 1 Question 1.
Who is the speaker in the poem?
The poet is the speaker in the poem.
Invocation Poem Class 12 MP Board Question 2.
What does ‘concord’ mean?
‘Concord’ means friendship and peace among people and countries.
Invocation Poem Summary Class 12 MP Board Question 3.
Whose concord is wished for at first?
Concord with our own people is wished for at first.
Invocation Class 12 MP Board Question 4.
Who are the Asvins?
Asvlns are the dual gods (devas) who symbolise perfect unity between the natives and the strangers.
English Chapter 1 Class 12 Mp Board Question 5.
What should not be fought against?
The divine spirit within us should not be fought against.
B. Answer in about 50-60 words each:
Invocation Question Answer MP Board Question 1.
Which are the two kinds of people referred to in the verse? (M.P. Board 2020)
The verse is an invocation made to the Asvins, the twin gods. The two types of people that are referred here the first type of people are those who surround us and whom we know well. We live among them. They are our own people. The second type of people are those who are strangers who do not belong to us. We don’t know them. It means that they belong to different culture and land. They are foreigners to us. Poet wants to create unity between these two kind of people. In short, the first type refers to our countrymen while the other refers to foreign people.
Chapter 1 English Class 12 Mp Board Question 2.
‘Let not the battle-cry rise amidst many slains, nor the arrows of the War-God fall with the break of the day’. What is implied by these lines?
These lines imply that we have already.fought many battles. There are a lot of war victims. We have already lost many lives and property. The cries still haunt us. So, we should not let any more cries caused by battles. Instead we should resolve all issues peacefully.
Summary Of Invocation Class 12 MP Board Question 3.
In how many ways is the unity sought?
Unity has been sought in many ways. First, we should have concord with our own people as well as with the strangers. We should unite our minds and purposes. We should not let any more battle-cry rise.
Mp Board Solution Class 12 English Question 4.
Why does the speaker invoke the gods-Asvins?
Asvins are the dual gods (devas) who symbolise perfect unity of the natives and the strangers; The poet here, while making invocation for unity, invokes the gods Asvins in order to establish perfect concord and harmony between our countrymen and the foreigners.
C. Answer in about 75 words:
12th English Workbook Answers Pdf MP Board Question 1.
What is the message of the verse?
The verse ‘Invocation’ has a very sound message. In the present context the poet feels that there is a need of mutual harmony and co-existence among people. This feeling of oneness should be extended to the foreign people also. We should have cordial relations and peace among our own men and with the strangers. This is the only way that can bring peace and harmony everywhere.
Class 12 English Chapter 1 Mp Board Question 2.
Why does the speaker not want the battle-cry to be raised? (M.P. Board 2009,2015)
The poet here intends to establish peace in the world. He wishes for the unity among people by having concord among ourselves and also with the aliens. He denigrates them because they are the vital causes for all ruins. People are victimised. Battles never resolve any problem but add many more, leaving a lot of unanswered questions and unending cries without end. We have already suffered a lot. Any more cry will finish us completely. Hence we should make efforts to resolve our differences by peaceful ways.
Mp Board Class 12 English Book Solution Question 3.
How does the speaker wish to achieve concord? (M.P. Board 2012)
This poem is an invocation for the establishment of concord in world. First, we should have concord with our own people and then with the strangers. Here ‘own people’ refers to our countrymen with whom we live and share all our joys and sorrows. All the time they are with us. Then we should have a state of peace with the strangers i.e., the aliens who contribute to our global vision. We can achieve this by resolving our disputes or issues through peaceful ways because battles only ruin us and we should condemn them.
Speaking Activity
A. Divide the class into two groups and conduct a debate on the proposition, ‘United we stand, Divided we fall’.
Do with the help of your teacher.
B. Narrate a story to the class, bringing out the moral of Unity is Strength.
Do yourself.
Writing Activity
A. Write a short composition on the theme, ‘Our country represents unity amid diversity’.
India is a great country. It has embraced a lot of vicissitudes. It is culturally so rich that it stands apart with its unique recognition. It is recognized as a land of diversity. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that it is a federal democratic country with so many different cultures, climates, castes, religions, and foods. We have Kashmir where the temperature goes even below zero on the one hand and on the other we have coastal regions which remain hot all the time. We equally enjoy and celebrate the festivals of Holi, Id, Christmas,etc. We have so many different dresses and manners. Still we are Indians with one national song, one national anthem, one national flag, one national symbol, one judiciary and one parliament. Hence in the truest sense our country represents unity amid diversity.
B. Every Indian takes pride in his culture and age-old traditions. Write a letter to your American friend, highlighting the salient features of Indian civilization and culture.
A-42/F, Shivaji Park
Gwalior, M.P.
25th July, 20xx
Dear Jack,
I am really happy to receive your letter. It gives me extreme joy to note that you wish to know about my country and visit it soon. I would like to highlight a few unique features of my country. You know that India is a land of glorious past and prosperous future. Its culture has been so rich that it has always attracted the foreigners for study and research. The world is still amazed at the unique culture of unity in diversity of India. It has been the land of Rama, Krishna, Gautama, Ram Krishna Paramhans and Vivekananda, Mahatma Gandhi and Subhash Chandra Bose. Every Indian feels proud of belonging to this country. India can’t be explained in words. Therefore, I would like to invite you to my country, so that you see it with your own eyes. So come, see and feel its beauty. It would be an exciting and new experience felt for its beauty.
Think IT over
A. Have you read the English translation of the Sanskrit epics, the Ramayana and the Mahabharata or any other Indian literary work? Are they able to capture the essence of the original work to your satisfaction?
Yes, I have read the English translation of some of the epics like the Mahabharata, the Gita by some great writers and scholars. They have captured the essence of the original work to my satisfaction.
B. In this age of revolution in information and communication technology, we talk of the world being a global village. Do you find any relevance of our ancient texts in sustaining the tempo of social change?
Yes, the ancient texts are much relevant in sustaining the tempo of social change. The evidences of Aakashwani, Pushpak Viman, Predictions, etc. prove it well.
Things to Do
A. Inspired by the ‘Vedas’, Tagore composed Gitanjali in Bengali. lts translation into English exposed Tagore to the readers worldwide. For this work, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1913. look for other such Nobel Laureates from other languages.
Some Nobel Laureates from other languages are:
- Romain Rolland — French
- Selma Legerlof — Swedish
- Gunter Grass — German
B. Prepare a list of important literary works by foreign authors, whose translations you would like to have in your personal library, citing reasons there of
I would like to have the translations of the literary works of Jane Austen, James Joyce, Emil Zola, Anton I’ Chekov, O. Henr Hemingway, and Charles Dickens. I would like to have the works of these writers in my library because they have touching appeal. They put their impact upon our mind and their characters seem to be realistic. They depict the incidents that seem to be our own life’s stories and their characters are
common people who give us a message for life.
C. You know the books giving information about knowledge and Indian culture are called ‘the Vedas’. You also know a book containing important dates and statistical information is called an ‘almanac’. Given below are some books with the information they give us. What are these books called? Write the names on the books. (You can take the help of the Help Box.)
Help Box
(a) Psalter
(b) Lexicon
(c) Pharmacopoeia
(d) Anthology
(e) Missal
(f) Bestiary.
1. (d), 2. (f), 3. (e), 4. (c), 5. (b), 6. (a).
Invocation by Translated from Atharva Veda Introduction
The poem inculcates the ethics of collective living through mutual love and understanding. There must be a sense of unity among all human beings. Thus, an invocation has been made to unite ah the people.
Invocation Summary in English
Invocation is an excerpt taken from Hymns from the Vedas, a book of selected translations from the Vedas by Dr. Abinash Chandra Bose. In this part, the ethics of collective living through mutual love and understanding has been propounded.
An invocation has been made to the Asvins, the twin gods for the people to be united and live with mutual co-operation, not only with their relatives and friends but also with strangers. There should be a unity between mind and purposes. We should not fight against the divine spirit within us. We should avoid wars and battles.
Invocation Summary in Hindi
Invocation डॉ. अविनाश चन्द्र बोस द्वारा वेदों के संकलन के अनुवाद की एक पुस्तक Hymns from the Vedas का एक अंश है। इस भाग में परस्पर प्यार एवं समन्वय के साथ सामूहिक जीवन के सिद्धान्तों को प्रतिपादित किया गया है। लोगों को परस्पर प्यार एवं सहयोग के साथ न केवल अपनों (स्वजनों) बल्कि अजनबियों के साथ भी एकाकार होने के लिए गन्धर्व (द्विदेव) को उद्बोधित किया गया है। मस्तिष्क एवं उद्देश्यों में तारतम्य होना चाहिए। हमें अपने अंदर के दैविक शक्तियों से लड़ना नहीं चाहिए। हमें युद्ध एवं क्रन्दन को नकारना चाहिए।
Invocation Word Meaning
Invocation Important Pronunciation
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