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MP Board Class 11th English A Voyage Solutions Chapter 24 A Cup of Tea (Katherine Mansfield)

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A Cup of Tea Textual Exercises

Word Power

Question 1.
Use the following Phrasal verbs in sentences of your own.

Well off
Pull up
Take off
Put out
Part with (something)
Point out
Look after
Bowl over

  • Well off- he belongs to a well off family.
  • Pull up – He pulled his sleeve up.
  • Take off – The plane has just taken off.
  • Put out  –  Please put off the candle.
  • Part with (something) – He was ready to part with all his belongings for the nation.
  • Point out -I pointed out the fatal mistake in this case.
  • Look after – There is no one to look after the child.
  • Bowl over – This leader has bowled over the public with his talent.

Question 2.
Frame sentences to distinguish the following pairs of words:

read- red
too – two, to
one – won
pale – pail
blue – blew
scent – sent
stair – stare
price – prize
ghastly – ghostly
sweet – sweat

read – red
read – I have read this book.
red-My favourite colour is red.

too – two, to
too – The bag is too heavy
two -I have two pens.
to – He went to the market.

one – won
one – He is a one eyed-man.
won – The team won the match.

pale – pail
pale – His face became pale out of fear.
pail – He fetched a part of water.

blue – blew
blue – The colour of sky is blue.
blew – The strong wind blew over many huts.

scent- sent
scent -I like the scent of this brand.
Sent – I have sent a letter to the authority.

stair – The old man could not mount the stairs
stare – They stare at me.

price – prize
price – What is the price of this soap.
prize – I got a prize for achieving good marks in the examinations.

ghastly – ghostly
ghastly – He was murdered ghastly.
ghostly – There was a ghostly sound in the vicinity.

sweet – sweat
sweet – She has got a sweet voice.
Sweat – Excess of sweating is not good.


I. Here is provided a summary of the story “A Cup of Tea.” But the sequence has been disturbed. Put the sentences in proper order:
1. Rosemary Fell was young and handsome woman.
2. Rosemary loved to throw parties in which many important people participated.
3. Rosemary was always well-dressed
4. The girl asked Rosemary “would you let me have price of a cup of tea?” t
5. The Fells were really rich people,
6. The girl started to weep and said, “If I don’t get something to eat at once, I would faint,”
7. Rosemary said, “I am not so cruel”. ‘
8. The girl agreed to accompany Rosemary to her residence.
9. Rosemary saw a girl standing outside the antique shop,
10. The girl was wet and shivering,
11. Rosemary gave the girl some money and asked her to leave
12. Rosemary husband’said, “The girl is absolutely lovely.”
13. Rosemary told her husband that the girl went away.
14. .When the girl was having tea Rosemary’s husband saw her.
15. Rosemary asked the girl if she had no money in her pocket.
16. Rosemary took the girl to her house.
17. The girl suspected that Rosemary would take her to the police station.
18. Rosemary became jealous of the little girl. ,
19. Rosemary wanted to be called “pretty” by her husband.
20. Rosemary asked her husband, “Do you like me?”
The above sentences can be put in the following pattern:

  1. Rosemary Fell was young and handsome woman
  2. Rosemary loved to throw parties in which many important people ‘participated.
  3. Rosemary was always well dressed.
  4. The Fells were really rich people.
  5. Rosemary saw a girl standing outside the antique Shop.
  6. The girl asked Rosemary “would you let me have price of a cup of tea?”
  7. The girl was wet and shivering.
  8. Rosemary asked the girl if she had no money in her pocket.
  9. The girl agreed to accompany Rosemary to her residence.
  10. Rosemary took the girl to her house.
  11. The girl suspected that Rosemary would take her to the police station.
  12. Rosemary said, “I am not so cruel.”
  13. The girl started to weep and said, “If I don’t get something to eat at once, I would faint.”
  14. When the girl was having tea Rosemary’s husband saw her,
  15. Rosemary husband said, “The girl is absolutely lovely.”
  16. Rosemary became jealous of the little girl.
  17. Rosemary gave the girl some money and asked her to leave.
  18. Rosemary told her husband that the girl went away.
  19. Rosemary asked her husband, “Do you like me?”
  20. Rosemary wanted to be called “pretty” by her husband.

II. Write answers the following questions in about 150 words each:

Question 1.
Write a summary of the story ‘A Cup of Tea’ in your own words.
See the summary in English.

Question 2.
Justify the title of the story ‘A Cup of Tea’.
‘A Cup of Tea’ is an interesting story by Katherine Mansfield. She has appropriately chosen this title. The story throws light on the lifestyle of different women for whom fashion and show remain the ends of life. They miss no chance to show off their affluence by going for antiques and old books. This story writer brings out the contrast between the rich and the poor. The real story is centralized around the matter of a cup of tea.

A poor little girl asks Rosemary Fell for a price of cup of tea. Out of generous show off her affluence, Rosemary takes her home. She offers tea and snacks to the poor girl? In the meantime her husband Philip comes. He is surprised to see the poor girl who appears to him pretty and dovely when Rosemary knows it she becomes jealous of the poor girl. She Offers some money to her and asks her to go away. The story ends over a cup of tea. So the title is most suited.

Question 3.
Write a character-sketch of Rosemary highlighting:
(a) her appearance
(b) her hobbies
(c) her’affluence
(d) her sense of kindness
(J) her eccentricity
(g) her jealousy
Rosemary Fell is the most prominent character in the story. She is young, brilliant, extremely modem, exquisitely well-dressed and amazingly well-read lady. She belongs to an affluent family. She likes to enjoy the parties of important people and artists. She is also fascinated for shopping and antique collection. The shop-keepers flatter her.

Rosemary is of generous nature. When she comes across a poor girl asking for the price for a cup of tea, she feels pity for her. She takes her home. She provides her tea and snacks. She becomes too much eccentric to the poor girl, so she provides her with her coat and other comforts also.

After all she has a heart of a lady. When her husband comes, he becomes . attracted to the girl. He asks Rosemary to take the girl to the dinner. He also says that the girl is pretty and lovely . This makes Rosemary jealous of the girl. Then suddenly her mind turns. She offers some money to the girl and asks her to go away at once.

Question 4.
Write a character-sketch of the poor girl, Miss Smith in your own words, covering the following aspects:
(a) her poverty
(b) her beauty
(c) her timidity
(d) her distrusting nature
(e) her behaviour
Miss Smith is a poor girl with a major role in the story. First she appears when Rosemary Fell comes out of ah-antique shop. It is raining.The girl asks Rosemary for the price of a cup of tea. Rosemary turns to the ; girl who was extraordinary. She takes the girl home. She provides her with i her coat. The girl is no doubt beautiful. Though poor she looks confident. I Philip, Rosemary’s husband is surprised to see her. He is much attracted to j her, that he wants to take her to dinner.

The girl is looking somewhat timid for poverty. First she suspects whether Rosemary would send tier to the police. Her behaviour is childish. She is fascinating. She behaves like a nursery child. She is amazed to see the things in Rosemary’s house. Rosemary offers her some money and ask her to go away out of jealousy. Very innocently Miss Smith goes away. Learn the following special uses in the text
(See text book pages 214-215)

Question 5.
Find examples of double negative, imperatives and exclamations in other texts you read.
Do yourself.

A Cup of Tea Summary in English

‘A Cup of Tea’ is a story which focuses on the life-style of affluent class of people. Rosemary Fell was a lady of not a perfect beauty nor was she completely negligible. It means if described into pieces she was young, brilliant, extremely modem, exquisitely well-dressed and amazingly well read in the newest of the new books. She always enjoyed the parties of important people and artists. She had been married two years ago. She had a family of two children and a loving husband. Her family was rich and so was her choice. She always liked to shop in a perfect shop in Regent Street. She liked to collect antiques.

One day near the antique shop of Curzon Street she found a girl asking for the price of a cup pf tea. The girl was simple, but extraordinary. Out of adventure Rosemary took her home. She thought to prove her self to be a real ideal character. She brought her home and provided her all comforts. She offered her coat to her. She was very much interested in her and wanted to listen to her story. The girl was only interested in a cup of tea. Rosemary provided her with all sorts of food along with the tea. The girl ate with satisfaction. In the meantime Philip, Rosemary’s husband came. He was surprised,to see the girl.

Philip asked Rosemary to come to the library. He wanted to know who was the girl. However, he also wished to take her to dinner that night. He praised the girl and said that she was pretty. This appreciation aroused a jealousy in Rosemary’s mind. She took five pound notes in her hand. Again she put two of them back. She gave three notes to the girl and asked her to go away. Still the words of her husband ‘pretty, lovely’ were haunting in her mind. Then she came to the library and informed Philip that the girl had gone. She was not willing to stay anymore. However Rosemary prepared herself to look beautiful She asked her husband whether she was pretty.

A Cup of Tea Summary in Hindi

‘ACup of Tea’ एक ऐसी कहानी है जो उच्च वर्ग के लोगों की जीवन-शैली पर प्रकाश डालती है। रोजमेरी फेल एक सम्पूर्ण सौंदर्यवाली महिला नहीं थी, लेकिन वह बिल्कुल नकारा भी नहीं थी। इसका अर्थ है कि यदि उसे अलग-अलग टुकड़ों में वर्णित किया जाए तो वह जवान, सुन्दर, अत्याधुनिक, अतिसुसज्जित और आश्चर्यजनक नवीनतम पुस्तकों को पढ़ी हुई थी। वह हमेशा महत्त्वपूर्ण लोगों और कलाकारों की पार्टियों का आनंद उठाती थी। दो वर्ष पहले उसकी शादी हुई थी। उसके परिवार में दो बच्चे थे और एक प्यारा पति था। उसका परिवार धनी था और उसकी चाहत थी। वह हमेशा रीजेन्ट स्ट्रीट की दुकान में खरीदारी बकरना पसंद करती थी। प्राचीन वस्तुओं का संग्रह उसे पसंद था। एक दिन कर्जन स्ट्रीट के निकट प्राचीन वस्तु बेचने वाली दुकान के पास उसे एक लड़की मिली, जो उससे एक कप चाय के लिए पैसे मांग रही थी। वह एक साधारण लेकिन अद्भुत लड़की थी।

एक नए जोश में आकर रोजमेरी उसे अपने घर ले आयी। वह अपने को एक सचमुच आदर्श चरित्र साबित करना चाहती थी। वह उसे घर लाकर उसे सभी-आराम मुहैया कराये। उसने उसे अपना कोट दिया। वह उस लड़की में बहुत रुचि ले रही थी और उसकी कहानी सुनना चाहती थी। लड़की की रुचि केवल एक कप चाय में थी। रोजमेरी ने चाय के साथ उसे हर प्रकार का खाना दिया। लड़की संतुष्ट होकर खायी। इसी बीच रोजमेरी का पति फिलिप वहां आया। वह लड़की को देखकर चौंक गया। फिलिप ने रोजमेरी को लाइब्रेरी में आने को कहा। वह जानना चाहता था कि लड़की की कौन है। उसने उसे उस रात डिनर पर ले जाने की इच्छा जताई। उसने लड़की की प्रशंसा की और कहा कि वह सुंदर है। इस प्रशंसा ने रोजमेरी के दिमाग में लड़की के प्रति जलन पैदा कर दी। उसने अपने हाथ में पाँच पाउण्ड का नोट रखा, फिर उसने उसमें से दो वापस रख लिया। उसने लड़की को तीन नोट दिए और उसे वहाँ से चले जाने को कहा। अभी भी उसके दिमाग में उसके पति के शब्द ‘सुन्दर, प्यारी’ गूंज रहे थे। अब वह लाइब्रेरी में आयी और फिलिप को बताया कि वह लड़की जा चुकी है क्योंकि वह वहां से अधिक नहीं रुकना चाहती थी। रोजमेरी अपने को सुंदर दिखाने के लिए तैयार किया। उसने अपने पति से पूछा कि क्या वह सुन्दर दिख रही है?

A Cup of Tea Word Meaning
MP Board Class 11th English A Voyage Solutions Chapter 24 A Cup of Tea 1
MP Board Class 11th English A Voyage Solutions Chapter 24 A Cup of Tea 2

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