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MP Board Class 11th English A Voyage Solutions Chapter 1 Patriotism (Sir Walter Scott)

Gather chapter wise MP Board Solutions for 11th English Study Material to score the highest marks in the final exam. Various chapters and subtopics are given clearly in MP Board Class 11th English Solutions Chapter 1 Patriotism Questions and Answers Material. All the MP Board Solutions for 11th English Questions with detailed answers are provided by subject experts. The step by step MP Board Class 11th English Chapter 1 Patriotism Questions and Answers guide will help you to enhance your skills in English subject and grammar. Here, along with the subject knowledge, grammar knowledge also plays an important role. So, students should download MP Board Solutions 11th English and read it to attempt all the questions with 100% confidence.

Patriotism Textual Exercises

Word Power

(a). What meaning does the word ‘breath’ convey in the poem? ‘
The word “breath’ conveys the meaning ‘living’.

(b). The word ‘soul’ has been used in the poem to mean a person’s inner character. Look up the dictionary and find out the other meaning of ‘soul’.
The other meaning of ‘soul’ is the spiritual or immortal element in a person.


1. The poet praises his native land.
2. A person is happy in a foreign land.
3. A person who loves his country loses all his wealth.
4. There is no one on earth who does not love his mother land.
5. A person who does not love his motherland dies unhonoured.

  1. True
  2. False
  3. False
  4. True
  5. True.

I. Answer the following questions in one sentence.

Question 1.
Whose soul does the poet say is ‘dead’?
The soul of one who has no love for his native land is ‘dead’.

Question 2.
Who does the poet ask to mark well?
One who does not love his native land.

Question 3.
What delights the minstrel?
The return of a patriotic person to his motherland delights the minstrel.

Question 4.
How can a person doubly die?
An unpatriotic man is almost dead and after his real death no one remembers him which is another death.

Question 5.
What is meant by ‘vile dust’?
‘Vile dust’ is used in the sense that is given birth to a person without love for his native land.

II. Answer the following questions in 100 to 150 words.

Question 1.
What happens to a person who returns home from a foreign land?
The return of a person from a foreign land is a matter of great joy. It is his love and attraction to his native land that brings him home. He feels proud. He with full confidence and, pride declares that ‘this is my home, my native land’ all the time, He feels delight of his feeling and love for nation.

People welcome him with all pride and pleasure. The minstrel entertains him with all his art and skill. He is given honour and name and fame. He becomes an ideal man. He makes his country great. He has brought all laurels for his native land. Such a persons becomes a role-model. The nation feels proud to have such a patriotic son of the soil.

Question 2.
What does the poet mean by ‘for him so minstrel raptures swell’?
The poet in this poem deals with the theme of patriotism. He feels that a man who loves his country is great. He is the real son of the soil. The poet hardly believes that there would be anyone who has no love for his native land. There is perhaps no one whose soul is not delighted at the feeling of his land. A person with such a feeling of love for nation deserves all our praise and honour. Whenever he returns home after wandering from foreign lands, he is welcomed warmly. But the man with no shell feeling is a bad name for the nation. He does not deserve any praise or honour. No minstrel tries to praise him or honour him.

Question 3.
What are the attributes of a patriot? Can he die unwept, unhonoured and unsung? If no, why?
A patriot deserve all honour and reputation. He gets high name and fame.He is warmly welcomed by the people of his land. Minstrels welcome him with all intensity of praise. He lives a life full of ease and comfort. Whenever he dies, it becomes a national mourning. People show their deep concern for him. The country men shed tears for him. He is honoured even after his death. Poets and musicians compose songs in his praise. He becomes immortal in the heart of the people.

Question 4.
Write a summary of the poem ‘Patriotism’ in your own words.
This poem deals with the theme of patriotism. The poet, Sir Walter Scott, says that there is hardly any man with a soul so dead to not say that “this is my own, my native land”. There is hardly anyone who does not feel proud or pressure after returning from a foreign land to his own land. The poet says if there is any mark him well for he does not deserve any praise He may be a man with high title or name with boundless possessions and high wishes.

He, as the poet says, is a wretch and selfish, while living, he shall lose all his comfort and riches, and after his death there will be nomourning for hum He will die quite un-noticed, He is a doubly-dying man. The poet means to say that a man without patriotic feeling is almost dead and after his real death no one remembers him. It is another death. The poet concludes that the person who does not love his country will die a death of ignominy.

Question 5.
Write a note to justify the title of the poem.
The poem patriotism deals with the theme of patriotism. All through the poem, the poet talks about the man who has love for his native land. Such a man gets praise and position everywhere. Minstrels honour him with all pleasure. Even after his death he is remembered forever. His death becomes a national mourning. The poet also talks about the person who has no patriotic feeling for his nation. Such a man does not deserve any praise. Despite his power and position, he lives known and dies unnoticed. No one
weeps for him. As the poem only presents the aspects of patriotism, the title becomes appropriate.

III. Match the words in list ‘A’ with their antonyms in ‘B’

(i) dead
(ii) native
(iii) bound
(iv) proud
(v)  vile
(vi) honoured
(vii) rapture
(a) unhonoured
(b) unhappiness
(c) living
(d)  foreign
(e)  unbound
(f)  humble
(g)  noble

(i) (c), (ii) (d), (iii) (e), (iv) (f), (v) (g.), (vi) (a). (vii) (b)

IV. Keeping the theme in the mind, write one sentence using the following phrases:
soul so dead, on a foreign strand, forfeit, fair renown, whence he sprung, doubly dying.

  • Soul so dead: There is no one in the world with a soul so dead.
  • On a foreign strand: He was very comfortable on a foreign strand
  • Forfeit:. All the property of the tractor has been forfeited
  • Fair renown: His sacrifices achieved him a fair renown.
  • When he sprung: He was down in the soil from whence he sprung.
  • Doubly dying: A man without feeling of his nation or motherland is a man of doubly dying character.

V. ‘Un’- is a prefix used to make antonyms of words Like, unwept unhonoured and unsang. Find 10 more words which have ‘un’ as a prefix arid write then in your notebook.

  1. unborn
  2. unfit
  3. unexpected
  4. unhappy
  5. undone
  6. uneven
  7. unearth
  8. unpaid
  9. undress
  10. uneasy

Speaking Activity

Question 1.
Organised an elocution competition in your class on ‘east or west, my country is the best? Each student will speak for 2 – 3 minutes.
‘East or West. My country is the best’ is a very old and common outburst of any mind. But it is a fact that one’s own country is really great and supersedes all the other nations. Other countries may be economically sound, technologically advanced, socially and politically conscious, still it can’t match with one’s own nation. It is because one has born of his native soil. There are a lot of memories, intermingled with his blood. There is passion, love, sympathy and feeling for each other There are really unique qualities for any other nations. One’s native land is always comforting, soothing and nourishing, Hence, it is the best after all.

Writing Activity

Question 1.
Write short paragraph on how country has made progress in the following fields.
(a) Science and Technology
(b) Health and Hygiene
(c) Sports
(d) Economy
(e) Agriculture
(a) Science and Technology:

Even before India became Independent, Jawaharlal Nehru visualized that in a fast changing world, India’s future will be shaped by our ability to harness modern science and technology for national development In the vast changes that are taking place in the world, the most significant is the triumph of science. The advances in science and technology have emerged as a major determinant of the wealth and power of a nation These developments have profound implications on the management of the future patterns of social and economic growth.

In the past the comparative advantage of the nation depended on either its endowment of natural resources or factor proportions as determined by the relative scarcity of capital and labour. The rapid technological advances in transport and communication have greatly reduced the dependency on natural resources and reductions on border duties have helped to create a world market In this increasingly integrated and interdependent world economy, India should create an environment conducive to production, absorption and assimilation of new technologies into development processes.

(b) Health and Hygiene:

Good health is a boon. It is a real,jewel of life, the most precious possession of man. If a man loses his health, the world loses all his charm for hint To maintain good health no money is needed It can be achieved only through our efforts and proper health care. We can keep good health only if we are aware of various factors which affect our health.

We must keep our living and working areas dean in order to prevent illness and diseases We must be aware of food hygiene, personal hygiene, etc. These are the secrets of good health Our food should be fresh and kept away from dust, flies, insect and microbes to avoid any infection and spoilage. We should wash our face and hands with soap before eating or handling the food. We should keep ourselves away from smoking, drinking alcohol, taking addictive dings, chewing tobacco, etc.

They can have damaging effects on our body and mind. Thus, maintain clean habits is very important to maintain good health. if we don’t take bath regularly. don’t wear clean clothes, don’t cat fresh food, we may develop physical complication in the long run. Hence, regularities good habits and cleanliness have great value in maintaining good health. In nutshell, we can say that health and hygiene side by side.

(c) Sports:

No one deny the importance of sports in life. Sports are as necessary for the mind as for the body. They keep us physically fit and unable us to enjoy the blessings of good health. As healthy brain can reside only in a healthy body, games and sports are also necessary for intellectual progress. No doubt there are physical exercises that may be taken alone, but there difference between such exercise and those taken in company.

The former seems like tasks imposed, while the latter combines the pleasure of company and competition with exercise. So the latter creates greater enthusiasm and greater interest than the former Sports also help the formation . They have to be played under some definite rules and captains and supervisors are appointed to see that these rules are not broken. Success in sports requires the players to cooperate with one another and look to the interest of the team as a whole, and not their personal glory.

This teaches them unselfish teamwork and cooperative spirit. Sports also develop some other qualities such as quickness of decision and movement, firmness of mind, which are so necessary in every walk of life.

(d) Economy:

Economy stands for the economic condition of a country. In an economically developed country people earn a higher income and ail the requirements and facilities needed are available to them. The economy of a country is measured on the basis of the national income and per capital income.

National income is defined as the total value of all the goods and services produced within a country plus income coming from abroad. When the total national income is divided by the total population it is called per capital income.

Economic development is therefore a long-term increase in per capital income along with improvement in quality of life. During the last few decades we have seen that our economy has marked a tremendous growth due to globalisation. A number of multi-national banks and companies established their branches, in india. Imported products have been launched. India’s per capital income has increased a lot. It has changed the quality of our life.

(e) Agriculture:

India is a land of agriculture. Nearly two-third of its population depends directly on agriculture. It is the main stay of India’s economy. It accounts for 26 percent of the gross domestic product. It ensures food security for the country and produces several raw materials for industries Agriculture is mainly concerned with cultivation It also includes animal husbandry, forestry and pisciculture.

India is most suited country for agriculture It has vast span of level-land and rich soils, wide climate variations suited for various types of crops, ample sun-shine and a long growing season. Agriculture has advanced considerably after Independence and its contribution to export trade of India is also significant.

There are three crop seasons in India mainly kharif, rabi and zaid crops like tice, maize, millets cotton. etc. are grown in the kharif season which begins in June- July to October_November Crops like wheat, barley, grain, oil seeds are grown in rabi season which begins in October—November and continues to March—April- Zaid is short crop season of summer in which rices maize. vegetables, etc. arc grown. Agriculture is the life-line of India.

Think It Over

(i) What are the factors that make your country different from other countries?
(ii) What are the special aspects that make you feel proud of your country?
(i) India is one of the most ethinically diverse countries in the world. Apart from her many religions and sects India is home to innumerable castes and tribes as well as to more than a dozen major and hundreds of minor linistic groups from several totally different language families. Religion, an inseparable part of Indian life permeates every aspect of life. from common place daily chores to education and politics. Secular India is home to Hinduism.

Islam, Christianity Buddhism. Jainism, Sikhism and other innumerable religious tradition with Hinduism being the dominant faith practised by our so present of the population. These are the factors that make our country different from other countries.

(ii) The following special aspects make my feel proud of my country:

  • In spite of numerous social, cultured. religious and social diversities. India still remains a largely unified country. The concept of unity has been running thread among various indian religions and cultures.
  • The bond of love that exists among the family members is very unique. it is not temporary or flexible but permanent and rigid.
  • The simplicity of the village people is also a special aspect that make me proud of my country

Think To Do

1. Find out who were the freedom fighters in your village, city or town. Fill in the grid given below:
MP Board Class 11th English A Voyage Solutions Chapter 1 Patriotism 1

Now on the basis of the information write five sentences on each of the freedom fighters:

S.No. Name of the Freedom fighter Date of birth The task done as a freedom fighter
1 Bal Gangadhar Tilak 23 July 1856 Launched the Home Rule League Movement.
2. Lala Lajpat Rai 1865 Led the Non-cooperation Movement in Punjab.
3. Thakur Kanwar Singh 1782 A leading force during 1857 revolt.
4. Ras Behari Bose 1886 A very active subordinate of Subhash Chandra Bose.
5. Nana Saheb 1824 A leading force during 1857 revolt.

1. Bal Gangadhar Tilak was the first Indian leader to give the slogan, freedom is m birthright and I shall have it.

  • For his anti-imperialistic activities he was sent to jail many tiznes.
  • In 1908. he as given 6 years of imprisonment for his activities against the British nile
  • In 1916. together with Anne Besant he launched the Home Rzilc League Movement
  • He strived for nationalism throughout his life.

2. Lala Laj pat Rai joined the freedom struggle at a very early age,

  • He visited England several times to confer with the British about the betterment of Indians.
  • In 1920, he led the Non-cooperation Movement in Punjab and was sent to jail.
  • He led the black flag detnonstration against the Simon Commission
  • He did not believe in Non-violence for throwing off the yoke of the British slavery.

3. Thakur Kanwar Singh led his forces as a general during 1857, First War of Independence.

  • The revolt in Danapur, Bihar started with his inspiration,
  • He organized the national rebels, attacked Aara and conquered it.
  • British efforts to recapture Aara vere thwarted by Thakur Kanwar Singiis brave defiance.
  • He is remembered with great reverence among the freedom fighters of Biliar.

4. Ras Behari Bose was a great revolutionary.

  • He was of the opinion that only violent opposition can force the British to leave India.
  • He was a militant.
  • He was involved in 1912 bomb case.
  • In 1915, he left india for japan and started preparing his war against the British.

5. Nana Saheb along with Rani Laxmi Bai of Jhansi is remembered as the pieneer of the 1857 war of independence

  • He was accredited for having lit the torch of the 1857 revolt and spreading its light to other pairs of the country.
  • His ability to prepare for the revolt speaks of his bravery.
  • He was instrumental in bringing Hindu-Muslim together to fight under one banner.

Here is the list of states in the four zones of India.

  • East: Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Biliar, Chhattisgarh, Darjeeling, Jharkand, Mizocani, Nagaland, Manipur, Meghalaya.
  • North: Himadial Pradcsh, Jammu and Kashmir, Rajasthan, Uttarkhand, Uttar Pradesh, Delhi, Chandigarh, Haryana, Puiab.
  • South: Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Andhra Pradesh, Kamataka, Kerala, Lakshadwaep, Pondicherry, Tamil Nadu.
  • West: Dadar and Nagar Haveli, Daman, Diu, (Goa, Gujarat MadhyaPradesh, Maharashtra.

A. The shortest route to Kanyakumari with the following details:
(a) Means of transport available.
(b) Total no. of days required.
(c) Places he should visit during the tour.
Golden Opportunity
Don’t Miss
Excellent Tour Agency
A Tour to Kanya Kumari
Seven – days Package
Total Cost – Twelve thousand per heed
(with hotel, sight – seeing, etc.)
Contact – Mr. Rana
Mob. No., -9931504321

B. A Pilgrimage to temples of South.
(a) Places to visit.
(b) Travel time.
(c) Other important places, monuments that can be clubbed with this pilgrimage.
MP Board Class 11th English A Voyage Solutions Chapter 1 Patriotism 2

For Example: Travel and Tour Packages
Go to Kerala
Mosque and Churches
Caves and Hills
Most Affordable
A Tour for 15 days
of temples,
Contact – P.K. Pat!
Mob. No. – 09323450181

1. Develop a dialogue with the person who is responding to your advertisement convincing him to take your offer. Begin like this:
Traveller: I would like to visit South. I have some queries about your package tour.
Travel Agent: I will be glad to answer all your questions.
Traveller: Do I have to take the whole tour as advertised by you or can I pick the places I
am interested in?
Travel Agent: You may/you can’t because …………..
Travel Agent: You may/you cant because ours is a planned tour. If you make any change it will affect the
whole group.
Traveller: I am ready to pay all the extra expenses.
Travel Agent: Sorry, we don’t allow you to do so. If you agree to our plan, you can conic and enjoy.

Summary in English

This poem deals with the theme of patriotism. The poet, Sir Walter Scott, says that there is hardly any man with a soul so dead to not say that “this is my own, my native land”. There is hardly anyone who does not feel proud or pressure after returning from a foreign land to his own land. The poet says if there is any mark him well for he does not deserve any praise He may be a man with high title or name with boundless possessions and high wishes, He, as the poet says, is a wretch and selfish, while living, he shall lose all his comfort and riches, and after his death there will be nomourning for hum He will die quite
un-noticed, He is a doubly-dying man.

The poet means to say that a man without patriotic feeling is almost dead and after his real death no one remembers him. It is another death. The poet concludes that the person who does not love his country will die a death of ignominy.

Patriotism Summary in Hindi

प्रस्तुत कविता का विषय-वस्तु देशभक्ति है। कवि, सर वाल्टर स्कॉट कहता है कि शायद ही कोई व्यक्ति ऐसा होगा जो यह नहीं कहता होगा कि यह मेरा अपना देश है। शायद ही कोई व्यक्ति ऐसा होगा जो विदेश से अपने देश लौटने पर आनंद का अनुभव नहीं करता, होगा। कवि कहता है कि यदि कोई ऐसा है तो उसे ठीक से परखो, क्योंकि वह किसी की प्रशंसा पाने के योग्य नहीं है। वह, अपार संपत्ति के साथ बड़ी पदवी नाम और ऊँची आकांक्षाओं वाला हो सकता है। वह, जैसा कि कवि कहता है, एक दरिद्र और स्वार्थी इंसान है।

अपने जीवन काल में ही वह सारे आराम और धन को खो देगा और मृत्यु के बाद उसके लिए कोई शोक नहीं होगा। वह बिल्कुल अनजाना मरेगा। वह दोहरे मौत वाला व्यक्ति है। कवि के कहने का तात्पर्य है कि देशभक्ति की भावना से रहित व्यक्ति लगभग मरा हुआ है और उसकी वास्तविक मृत्यु के बाद उसे कोई भी याद नहीं करता है। यह उसकी दूसरी मौत है। कवि यह निष्कर्ष निकालता है कि वह व्यक्ति जिसके दिल में अपने देश के लिए प्यार नहीं है, गुमनाम ही मर जाता है। .

Patriotism Word Meaning

MP Board Class 11th English A Voyage Solutions Chapter 1 Patriotism 3
MP Board Class 11th English A Voyage Solutions Chapter 1 Patriotism 4
Patriotism Comprehension

Read the following stanzas carefully and answer the questions that follow:

1. Breathes there the man with soul so dead,
Who never to himself hath said,
“This is my own, my native land!”
Whose heart hath never within him burn’d,
As home his footsteps he Jiath turn’d,
From wandering in a foreign strand!

(i) Who does the poet talk about in these lines?
(ii) Name the poem and the poet of these lines?
(iii) What does the poet mean by “the man with soul so dead”?
(iv) What does ‘foreign strand’ mean?
(i) The poet talks about the patriotic feeling of a man in these Lines.
(ii) The poem Is ‘patriotism’ and the poet is Sir Walter Scott.
(iii) The poem means that there is hardly any man thing with a soul without fr feeling of patriotism
(iv) ‘Foreign strand’ means the foreign boundary.

2. Despite those titles, power and peef,
The wretch, concentred all in self,
Living, shall forfeit fair renown?
And doubly dying shall go down.

(i) Who is a ‘wretch’?
(ii) Why does the poet says that the powerful man will lose his reputation?
(iii) Explain the meaning of the expression ‘doubly dying’?
(iv) Find the word in the stanza similar in meaning of
(a) money
(b) lose.
(i) A ‘Wretch is a man who does not love his native land.
(ii) The poet says this because a man without love for his native land does not deserve any power.
(iii) The expression ‘doubly dying’ means that a man without patriotic feeling is almost dead 2nd after his real death no one remembers him. It is another death,
(iv) (a) peif
(b) forfeit.

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