These MP Board Class 11th Biology Notes for Chapter 4 Animal Kingdom help students to get a brief overview of all the concepts.
MP Board Class 11th Biology Notes Chapter 4 Animal Kingdom
→ All eukaryotic, multicellular, chlorophyll less, heterotrophic, cell wall less and holozoic organ¬isms are placed under animal kingdom.
→ Animals possessing the capacity of sensitivity and irritability.
→ Animals are the most advanced organisms of the living kingdom.
→ Porifera is the simplest and chordata is the advanced phylum of the kingdom animalia.
→ Animal body construction is characterized by : (i) Body plan, (ii) Symmetry, (iii) Body cavity, (iv) Body segmentation and appendages, (v) Body support and protection.
→ Invertebrates and chordates are differentiated on the basis of absence and presence of noto¬chord, respectively.
→ Animals may be diploblastic or triploblastic.
→ Sponges are primitive sessile pore bearing, mostly marine animals with cell aggregate body plan.
→ Animals of phylum coelenterata are diploblastic, radially symmetrical, bearing stinging cells (nematocysts) exhibit blind sac body plan.
→ Herdmania (Urochordate) show retrogressive metamorphosis, i.e., its larva is more developed than adult.
→ Whale and dolphins are aquatic animals. Their forelimbs are modified as flippers. Hind limbs are absent. .
→ Blue whale is the largest animal of the world.
→ Tusks of elephants are modified incisors.
→ Bats are able to detect objects in the dark with the help of echo location.
→ Roundworm (phylum nemathelminthes) are parasite in animal and plant or live in soil. These are triploblastic, pseudocoelomate and with a tube within tube body plan.
→ The nervous system of annelids comprises preoral ganglia jointed by circumoesophageal commissures to a double ventral ganglionated nerve cord.
→ Phylum arthropoda is the largest phylum of the animal kingdom. Their body is metamerically segmented.
→ The body of arthropods is differentiated into head, thorax and abdomen.
→ Prototheria the egg laying mammals like duck-billed platypus and echidna.
→ Eutheria are the true placental mammals.
→ The pouched mammals (marsupials) give birth to weak young one. These are kept in a marsu- pium present on the abdomen of the female.
→ The primates includes the prosimians such as lemurs, tarsiers and lorises and simians such as old world and new world monkeys.
→ Amphiblastula is the flagellated larva found in the porifera. At metamorphosis the flagellated cells move to the interior and become choanocytes.
→ Bipinnaria larva is the larval form found in asteroid echinoderms.
→ Choanocyte is the flagellated collar cell found as a lining of the internal cavities of the porifera.
→ Diploblastic : Animals having two layers of cells in the body wall.
→ Haemocoel is a cavity filled with blood which replace perivisceral coelom, specially in arthro-pods and molluscs.
→ Pelagic animals living in the surface waters of the sea.
→ Pericardium is a cavity in which heart is located.
→ Triploblastic animals having three layers of cells in the body wall.
→ Tube-feet is a tentacle like outpushings from the water vascular system which may be used for locomotion in the echinodermata.
→ Viviparous animals giving birth to living young.
→ About 75% animals of the animal kingdom belonging to phylum arthropoda.
→ Man {Homo sapiens) is the highly advanced organism of the animal kingdom.
→ Platyhelminthes are bilaterally symmetrical, dorsiventrally flattened acoelomate worm like animals.
→ The Mollusca are soft bodied, non-metameric, triploblastic coelomate animals consisting of anterior head, a ventral muscular foot and dorsal mass surrounded by a thin fleshy envelope.
The mantle generally sheltered in an external calcareous shell of their own secretion.