These MP Board Class 11th Biology Notes for Chapter 1 The Living World help students to get a brief overview of all the concepts.
MP Board Class 11th Biology Notes Chapter 1 The Living World
→ Hippocrates and Aristotle tried for the first time to classify the organisms systematically.
→ Theophrastus is known as ‘father of botany’.
→ Carolus Linnaeus is called as ‘father of taxonomy’.
→ Viruses are the border line of living and non-living things.
→ John Ray was first to describe the natural system of classification.
→ Euglena can live double lives. In presence of light and absence of organic matter it become green photosynthetic like plants, but in presence of organic matter or in the absence of light energy they absorb or ingest food like the protozoans. Due to this ability they were earlier included in the plant kingdom by botanists and in the animal kingdom by zoologists.
→ Protists known as ‘slime moulds’ are devoid of a cell wall in the vegetative phase and ingest particular matter. But in the reproductive phase they develop a cell wall as in some fungi.
→ The evolutionary history of any group of organisms is called phylogeny.
→ Viruses are the connecting link of living and non-living things.
→ At present more than 1-7 million species of organisms have been identified and named.
→ The basic unit of classification is species.
→ Viruses are made up of protein and nucleic acid, RNA or DNA.
→ Arranging living organisms in different groups based on their morphology is called as classification.
→ Smallest group of a classification is called as Species and Largest category is called as Kingdom.
→ Scientific name of living organisms consists of two words. First word is called as Generic name and second word is called as Specific name.
→ Scientific name of man is Homo sapiens.
→ Linnaeus was the first to establish and define hierarchy of taxonomic categories.
→ Full form of ICBN is “International Code of Botanical Nomenclature.”
→ Full form of ICZN is “International Code of Zoological Nomenclature.”
→ Taxon : The Taxa are the groups of organisms, generally group of species.
→ Species : Species is a population of interbreeding individuals.