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MP Board Class 10th English The Rainbow Solutions Chapter 19 If I Were You

For the sake of students we have gathered the complete 10th English Chapter 19 If I Were You Questions and Answers can provided in pdf Pattern. Refer the chapter wise MP Board Class 10th English Solutions Questions and Answers Topics and start the preparation. You can estimate the importance of each chapter, find important English grammar concepts which are having more weightage. Concentrate on the important grammar topics from Madhya Pradesh Board Solutions for 10th English Chapter 19 If I Were You Questions and Answers PDF, prepare well for the exam.

If I Were You Textbook Exercises

If I Were You Vocabulary

I. Make sentences with each of the following so as to bring out its meaning.
interior, crawl, to get away with, let you down,clear off, intruder.

  • Interior—My house is located in the interior of the city.
  • Crawl—The baby has started craivling.
  • To get away with—The woman got away with my purse.
  • Let you down—I am telling you the fact. I am not trying to let you down at all.
  • Clear off—I have cleared off the bank-loan.
  • Intruder—The intruders should be dealt with an iron hand.

II. Use the following expressions in a conversation.
well, thanks a lot, of course, by the way, O.K., come on, listen.
Raju—I will take you in my car to Agra.
Mudit—Well. How long will you stay there?
Raju—For three days.
Mudit—Thanks a lot. Of course, I can spare three days’ time.
Raju—By the way, have you sought your parents’ permission?
Mudit—No, I have not informed them yet.
Raju—Then go and inform them.
Mudit—O.K. I shall do it.
Raju—Come on. Let’us discuss the programme.
Mudit—I am listening to you attentively.


A. Answer the following questions in about 25 words.

Question 1.
What did Gerrard tell the Intruder about his life? (M.P. Board 2012)
Gerrard told the Intruder that he lived alone in the lonely cottage (in Essex). Few people know about him and visited him. He is a mystery man like the Intruder. He had killed somebody and the police was after him.

Question 2.
Who were the people that used to visit Gerrard?
Very few people took the trouble to visit Gerrard. The baker, the vegetable vendor and the milkman only used to visit Gerrard.

Question 3.
Why did the Intruder go into Gerrard’s house? (M.P. Board 2017)
The intruder had killed a cop. The police was chasing him. One day he saw Gerrard. He looked like the Intruder and lived un-known in a lonely cottage. The Intruder went into Gerrard’s house to kill him and live as Gerrard to avoid being arrested.

Question 4.
Why was the Intruder dodging the police?
The intruder was a professional jewellery robber. He had already killed a policeman. The police was chasing him. Therefore, he was dodging the police to avoid being hanged.

Question 5.
Why did the Intruder want to kill Gerrard and take on his identity?
The intruder had killed a cop. The police was chasing him. One day, he saw Gerrard. Gerrard looked exactly like him. The Intruder desired to protect himself from the police. Therefore, he wanted to kill Gerrard and take on his identity.

Question 6.
Why did the Intruder call Gerrard ‘a mystery man’?
The Intruder had a revolver in his hand. He ordered Gerrard to sit down on the chair. He told him that his gun was no toy. It could hurt Gerrard without killing him. His words could not unnerve Gerrard. He answered his questions humorously. He never met trades people. He learnt that Gerrard’s movements were sudden. Therefore, the Intruder called Gerrard a mystery man.

Question 7.
On what ground did the Intruder say that hearing about Gerrard was one of his luckiest breaks?
The intruder had learnt that Gerrard had a car. He did not have many visitors. He planned his orders. He moved in and out of the cottage suddenly. He closely resembled the Intruder. The Intruder was in search of such a person. Therefore, he said that hearing about Gerrard was one of his luckiest breaks.

Question 8.
What did Gerrard’s bag contain?
Gerrard was a playwright. He had to send the props for rehearsal. He was held up because he had to tackle with the Intruder. His bag contained disguise outfit, false moustaches and other theater requirements.

Question 9.
What was Gerrard’s profession?
Gerrard was a playwright by profession. He had to go from place to place. People in general were not aware of his profession.

B. Answer the following questions in about 50 words.

Question 1.
What story did Gerrard knit to trap the Intruder?
Gerrard was a young stage artist. One day he was packing his travelling bag. Just then an Intruder entered his cottage. He had a revolver in his hand. His plan was to kill Gerrard and assume his identity. His trick was to elude the police and save himself from being hanged. Gerrard played a trick to save himself and trap the Intruder. He told the Intruder that he had also killed a man. The police might come anytime to arfest him. Therefore, he had posted a man on the main road to forewarn him. Gerrard knit this story to trap the Intruder.

Question 2.
How did Gerrard finally confine the Intruder into the cupboard? (M.P. Board 2011)
The telephone bell rang. Gerrard told the Intruder about the forewarning of the police heading towards the cottage. Gerrard opened the door and asked the Intruder to see for the police on the road himself. The Intruder was taken in. He leant forward to see out. Gerrard pushed him into the cupboard and slammed the door and locked it. He picked up the Intruder’s revolver and kept it pointed at the cupboard door.

Question 3.
‘One who is intelligent is powerful.’ How did Gerrard prove that as he defeated the Intruder by his intelligence?
The Intruder asked Gerrard many questions. Gerrard answered them humorously in a round about way and confidently. It made the Intruder call him a mystery man. The word ‘mystery man’ gave Gerrard an idea how to befool the Intruder. He was a stage actor and a playwright. He used his intelligence to outsmart the Intruder. He fabricated a story that he had also killed a person. Very cleverly he made the Intruder lean forward to see the approaching police. He pushed him into the cupboard by virtue of his intelligence and defeated his intentions.

If I Were You Grammar

A. Study the following sentences in a paragraph.

He puts down the ‘phone and goes to the divan on the left where there is a travelling bag, and strarts packing. Whilst he is thus engaged, another man, similar in build to Gerrard, enters from the right silently … revolver in hand. He is flashily dressed in an over coat and a soft hat. He bumps accidently against the table, and at the sound Gerrard turns quickly.

The underlined words in the above sentences are prepositions. The preposition is a word or group of words often placed before a Noun or Pronoun to indicate place, direction, source, method etc.

Read the following paragraph and make a list of prepositions occurred.

Gerrard: Oh, don’t be a fool. Look for yourself. (Gerrard opens the door and steps away. Intruder leans forward to. inspect it, with his sit towards Gerrard, but with his revolver ready. As he turns his head Gerrard gives him a push into the cupboard, knocking the revolver out of his hand. He slams the door and looks for it, picks up the revolver and goes to the phone where he stands with the gun pointed at the cupboard door. Intruder rattles door and shouts, ‘Let me out of here!’)
List of prepositions occurred in the above para.
for, away, forward, to, with, into, out of, for, up, to, with, at, of.

B. Study the following sentences.
Intruder—Keep it to yourself and just answer my questions. You live here alone? Well, do you?
Gerrard—I’m so sorry, I thought you were telling me. not asking me. A question of inflexion, your voice is unfamiliar.
The underlined words in the above sentences are used as Pro-nouns in their different forms.
Pronouns are used to replace a noun already referred to, that is, we use them instead of repeating the noun.

Personal Pronouns
(Summary of forms)


Underline the pronouns in the following sentences and name their forms.

Question 1.
Why add murder to your other crimes? It’s a grave step you’re taking.
Your ………… possessive adjective
You …………. subjective pronoun

Question 2.
I’ve got freedom to gain. As myself I’m a poor hunted rat.
I ………… Subjective Pronoun
Myself …………. Reflexive/Emphatic Pronoun
I ……….. Subjective Pronoun

Question 3.
Yours will fit me fine.
Yours …………… Possessive Pronoun
me ………… Objective Pronoun

Question 4.
It’s a bag all right.
It ………… Subjective Pronoun

Question 5.
Now do you believe me?
You ……….. Subjective Pronoun
me……………. Objective Pronoun

Speaking Skill

Question 1.
Each of the character in the play has special style of speaking. For example Gerrards voice is polite (cultured). Intruder also speaks politely (but tauntingly). Gerrard uses different kinds of words like ‘Nonchalant’. Make a list of such words use by Gerrard and tell in the class.
Polite (cultured) words used by Gerrard—Pleasantly, non- chalant, sympathetic audience, unfamiliar, Mr. clever imitation, assist, charming, interesting, trouble, modest, embrace, a trifle, grave step, gratuitous double, luckier, decorative, very good reason, apparently.

II. Listen to these children. What are they talking about?

  • Would you like tea or coffee?
  • I’d prefer coffee, thank you.
  • I don’t like coffee I’d prefer tea.

Work in pairs. One of you is an agent and the other is a client looking for accommodation in a hotel. Talk to each other, use the clues given below:

1. What sort of accommodation would you prefer?1. I’d prefer a (a)………..
2. Would you like your own room or would you like to share a room?2. I’d like (b)………..
3. Would you like a roomwith a television?3. I don’t think I’d like (c)………..
4. Do you need to hire a car?4. Yes, I do want (d)………..
5. What sort of location are you interested in?5. No thanks, I don’t need (e)
6. No I’d prefer (f)………..
7. I’d like to stay in (g)…………
8. Yes, I must have (h)………..

(a) I would prefer a furnished accommodation.
(b) I would like you to book the last room for me.
(c) I don’t think, I would like to share my room with anyone.
(d) Yes, I do want a room with a television.
(e) No, thanks, I don’t need a guide.
(f) No, I would prefer to go by a three-wheeler.
(g) I would like to stay in an independent room.
(h) Yes, I must have my supper.

Writing Skill

Question 1.
‘Life happens to those who live dangerously’. Write an act of bravery performed by someone when his life was under threat. (50 words)
Merely earning bread and butter is not life. Life means ad-venture because they never die who die for a great cause. Death may come any time to the person who lives dangeroulsy. Once a street Romeo threatened to kill me because I had objected to his evil pursuits. He used to molest the girls in the street. I approached the police station for help. They gave me hollow assurance of help. Then I called the meeting of the welfare society and brought the goon s threat to their notice. They gave me moral support and caught the goon red-handed while robbing an old woman. They gave him a severe beating and handed him over to the police.

Question 2.
Sometimes an actor has to act in a real life situation. Why? Write your answer in the light of the play. (150 words)
Horace Danby was a gpod-natured man. He was fairly suc-cessful in his profession of lock-making. He was considered a good and respectable citizen. However, he was not completely honest. He was very fond of rare and expensive books. He started committing thefts with a view to meeting his expenses for books. He stole only from those who had a lot of money. He never thought of hurting anybody. One day he was ready to break open the safe. Just then, a woman dressed in red appeared at the door.

She posed herself as the mistress of the household. She threatened to get him arrested. Danby was afraid of the police. He requested her to let him go. She agreed on the condition that he opened her safe. The foolish fellow did the same. The lady, who herself was a thief, slipped away with the jewellery. Later, Danby was arrested. This story resembles the story of Gerrard and the intruder. The lady told a false story to Horace as Gerrard cooked up a false story. This is the story of an actor who acted in a real-life situation.

Think It Over

Question 1.
Give a man a fine reputation to live upto and he will be at his best.
Think and apply the principle when you must deal with an unfriendly man. Treat him as if he were an honourable gentleman. Take it granted that he will answer to it and be proud that someone trust him.

Question 2.
Write your experience after the encounter.
Once a young man hired a room in our street. He was known as a quarrelsome man. One day, all of our neighbours invited him to Holi celebration. We honoured him and called him a fine and strong young man. We called him as an asset to our street. All of us elected him the Secretary of the Welfare Association. It brought about a magical change in his nature and conduct. Though he was unfriendly ‘in the beginning yet he has become a refined man now. He is respectful to all the elderly people and courteous to his age- mates. He really became an honourable gentleman. He is proud of us and we are proud of him.

Question 3.
A small encouragement has more corrective power than that of all the rebuke in the world. Think and write your experience.
My younger brother failed miserably in English and Science. He was full of despair. My parents rebuked him in very severe words. They called him an ass, a duffer and an idiot. It had no effect on him. He was not reformed. The next time he failed again in the same subjects. I asked my parents to handle him psychologically. They patted him and asked him not to lose courage. They asked him to engage a tutor and to read a little more. These words of small encouragement did wonders. He stood first in the next examination. It proved that a small encouragement has more corrective power than all the rebukes in the world.

Things To Do

Stage this play on the annual day of your school taking help of your classmates under the direction of your teacher.
For self-attempt.

If I Were You Additional Important Questions

A. Read the passages and answer the questions that follow:

Question 1.
(He puts dozen the phone and goes to the divan on the left where there is a travelling bag, and starts packing. Whilst he is thus engaged, another man, similar in build to Gerrard, enters from the right silently revolver in hand. He is flashily dressed in an overcoat and a soft hat. He humps accidentally against the table, and at the sound Gerrard turns quickly.) (Page 155)

(a) What does he start down after putting down the phone?
(b) Who enters Gerrard’s cottage?
(c) What does the Intruder have in his hand?
(d) Find a word from the above passage which means ‘gaudily’.
(a) He goes to the divan and starts packing a travelling bag.
(b) An Intruder, similar to Gerrard in identity, enters Gerrard’s cottage.
(c) The Intruder has a revolver in his hand.
(d) ‘Flashily.

Question 2.
I’m O.K. I’ve got a reason for everything. I’m going to be Vincent Charles Gerrard, see. I’ve got to know what he talks like. Noio I know. That posh stuff comes easy. This is Mr. V.C. Gerrard speaking, (pantomine of ‘phoning, in imitation cultured voice) And that’s not all. (He stands up.) Get up a minute. (Gerrard stands.) Now take a look at me.
(Page 158)

(a) Why is he going to be Vincent Charles Gerrard?
(b) What has he got to know?
(c) What does he ask Gerrard to do?
(d) Find a word from the passage which means ‘facial expression to convey meaning’.
(a) He is going to be Vincent Charles Gerrard so that he can ecape police & punichment for murdering the police officer and live life freely.
(b) He has got to know what V.C. Gerrard talks like him.
(c) He asks Gerrard to get up(stand) a minute.
(d) ‘Pantomime’.

I. Match the following:
1. Gerrard is of – (a) is cultured
2. Gerrard is wearing – (b) flashily dressed in an overcoat and soft hat
3. Horrace’s voice – (c) medium height
4. The intruder is – (d) seats himself on the divan by the bag
5. The intruder – (e) horn-rimmed glasses
1. (c), 2. (e), 3. (a), 4. (b), 5. (d).

II. Pick up the correct choice:

(i) ‘If I were you’ is:
A. a voluminous drama
B. the autobiography of a playwright
C. a piece of fiction
D. a one-act-play.
D. a one act play

(ii) A. This is all very ………. (dramatic/melodramatic).
B. I shall make you ……………. (somersault/roll/crawl).
C. You are not ………….. (confronting/dealing) with a fool.
D. I can………… (rest/retire) here nicely for a little while.
A. dramatic
B. crawl
C. dealing
D. rest.

III. Write ‘True’ or ‘False’:
1. The hero of the play If I Were You’ is a murderer.
2. People in general are not aware of Gerrard’s profession.
3. The intruder was being pursued by the police for jewel robbery.
4. The Intruder kills Gerrard and assumes his identity.
5. Gerrard foils the Intruder’s plan and manages to lock him in a cupboard.

  1. False
  2. True
  3. True
  4. False
  5. True.

IV. Fill in the following blanks:
1. Put those ………… up!
2. You have got enough sense not to want to get ………………
3. Are you American or is that merely a clever ………. ?
4. I’m afraid jewels are few and far between in the ………. of Essex.
5. Admitted you’ve nothing to lose, but what have you to ……………

  1. paws
  2. hurt
  3. imitation
  4. wilds
  5. gain.

B. Short Answer Type Questions (In about 25 words)

Question 1.
Why did the Intruder want to make Gerrard talk?
The Intruder had killed a cop. The police was chasing him. He came to Gerrard’s cottage to kill and impersonate him. He wanted some knowledge about Gerrard which might save him from being hanged. Therefore, he wanted to make Gerrard talk.

Question 2.
When, according to the Intruder, would Gerrard stop being smart?
The Intruder was pointing a revolver at Gerrard. Gerrard pretended to be calm and carefree. Moreover, Gerrard did not show any sign of fear. The Intruder thought that Gerrard was trying to be smart. He would stop being smart on being hit by one of his bullets.

Question 3.
Why did the Intruder say, “They can’t hang me twice?”
The intruder told Gerrard that he would kill him. Gerrard called murder a grave crime. A person can be hanged for killing another person. The Intruder told him that he had already committed a murder for which he would be hanged. They can’t hang him twice.

Question 4.
How can you say that Gerrard was an intelligent and tactful person?
Gerrard told the Intruder that he knew all the answers. He understood that the Intruder had evil intentions. Still he told him that he was pleased to see him. Being a sensible and tactful man he knew how to behave in a crisis. He took the Intruder into confidence and trapped him.

Question 5.
Why did the Intruder think that Gerrard was being smart?
Gerrard was casual in his talks. He was trying to know the particulars of the Intruder. Besides, Gerrard was not disclosing or confirming his own particulars. Therefore, the intruder thought that Gerrard was being smart.

Question 6.
When according to the intruder, would Gerrard stop being smart?
Gerrard was taking the things easy. He was not serious in giving answers to his questions. Rather he was being smart. Accordinrg to the Intruder, Gerrard would stop being smart when he learnt his plan of killing him. He would appeal to him to spare his life and come to senses.

Question 7.
Why was the Intruder running from pillar to post?
The Intruder lived in a town. Things went wrong with him. In a fit of anger, he committed the murder of a cop. The police was chasing him. To avoid being arrested, he kept running from pillar to post.

Question 8.
Gerrard had presence of mind. Justify.
Gerrard did not lose his cool while he was answering the Intruder’s questions. He learnt how the Intruder was afraid of Police. He made up a story that he was also a criminal like him. He created the scene of the arrrival of police. The Intruder was caught in his trap. It shows his presence of mind.

Question 9.
Why did Gerrard say, “You won’t kill me for a very good reason”?
The Intruder had expressed his desire to kill Gerrard and impersonate him. Gerrard told him that he was also a murderer. If the intruder shot him dead, he will be hanged for sure either as himself or as Gerrard. Therefore, he won’t kill him for a very good reason.

Question 10.
How would Gerrard’s clothes let down the intruder?
Gerrard told the intruder that it would not be out of danger for him to pose as him. He (Gerrard) himself is wanted by the police in a case of murder. A raid is expected any moment. If the intruder was found clad in Gerrard’s clothes, he would be let down soon.

C. Long Answer Type Questions (In about 50 words)

Question 1.
Narrate Gerrard’s encounter with the Intruder? What was its result?
Gerrard was a young stage artist. He was packing his travelling bag to leave his cottage. An Intruder broke into his cottage. He was holding a revolver in his hand. His intention was to impersonate the mysterious Gerrard after killing him. To outwit him, Gerrard made up a fake story. He said that he too was wanted by the police wrhich was round the corner. Gerrard suggested that both of them should escape. Mistaking the cupboard as the exit door, the Intruder entered it and was trapped.

Question 2.
Compare and contrast the characters of Gerrard and the Intruder.
Both Gerrard and the Intruder were smart and clever. Both planned their moves thoughtfully. Gerrard was a young actor. He did not socialise. His movements were sudden. He was called a mysterious person. He was humorous and intelligent. He was good at cooking stories. Gerrard was a law-abiding fellow but the Intruder was a jewel robber. Gerrard was not a criminal but the Intruder was a murderer. Gerrard was going for a rehearsal but the Intruder was trying to evade the police. He could kill anybody for his personal safety. However, Gerrard proved smarter than the Intruder.

If I Were You Introduction

This one-act-play revolves round Gerrard and the Intruder, the two major characters. Gerrard is a playwright and always avoids social relations. People are not aware of his profession. The Intruder, who happens to be a criminal, suspects Gerrard to be the same (criminal). Once he plans to kill Gerrard to take on his identity so that he may not be caught by the police. But Gerrard foils his plan.

If I Were You Summary in English

The scene of the play opens in a small cottage interior. There is an entrance back right. The practical door is to the left. There is simple furniture like a small table, a chair and a divan in the room. On the table is a telephone.

Gerrard is of medium height. He is wearing horn-rimmed glasses. He is dressed in a lounge suit and a green coat. He is phoning in a cultured voice to somebody. He asks him to phone him back in about ten minutes. He goes to the divan and starts packing his travelling bag. He hopes to leave the house soon after.

A man enters the cottage secretly just then. He has a revolver in his hand. He is dressed in an overcoat and a soft hat. Gerrard turns his head as he hits against the table. He shows no sign of fear. Rather he keeps cool and greets the stranger.

The Intruder asks Gerrard to raise his hands. He seats himself on the divan and makes Gerrard sit on a chair. He expresses his desire to know about Gerrard. However, he shows no interest in Gerrard’s life story. He asks Gerrard to answer his questions. He asks Gerrard his full name, whether he lives alone, if he owns and runs a car and the number of people who often visit him.

Gerrard replies that he avoids seeing trades people. A baker, a greengrocer and milkman are his regular visitors. Then the intruder gives him some information about himself. He is a jewel thief. The police is after him since he once killed a policeman. He cannot help killing Gerrard because he wants to live as Gerrard in that cottage. He will neither be harmed nor hanged twice for another murder.Gerrard expresses his desire to know what the Intruder will gain by killing him. He answers that his murder will grant him freedom. He can go at will as Gerrard to places and do things. Gerrard plays a trick. He tells the Intruder a false story. He asks him not to kill him in a hurry. He (Gerrard) is also wanted by the police in a murder case.

The Intruder calls Gerrard a mysterious person. Gerrard con-firms his remark that it is all due to the fear of police. The Intruder is likely to be hanged as Gerrard if he assumes his name on killing him. His bag is full of make up material and false moustaches. He keeps them so that he may dodge the police by looking different. The police is about to reach soon.

Gerrard asks the Intruder to follow him to the garage and escape himself. He has posted a man on the main road. He will ring him up about the movement of the police. The telophone bell rings just then. Gerrard informs the Intruder that policemen are heading towards the cottage. He opens the door of the garage. He asks the intruder to see the approaching police himself.

Gerrard pushes the Intruder into the cupboard as he leans forward to see out. He slams the door and locks it. He picks up the Intruder’s revolver. He keeps it pointed at the cupboard door. Gerrard rings up the actors waiting for him. He regrets his unability to deliver the dresses for rehearsal. He informs them about his trouble. He would put the amusing incident in his next play. He asks them to send the sergeant to his cottage. They would arrest the Intruder who is beating on the cupboard.

If I Were You Summary in Hindi

नाटक का दृश्य एक छोटी कॉटेज के भीतर होता है। सीधे पिछली तरफ प्रवेश द्वार है। प्रयोग में आने वाला दरवाजा बायीं तरफ है। कमरे में एक छोटी मेज, एक की और एक दीवान जैसा साधारण फर्नीचर है। मेज के ऊपर टेलीफोन रखा है।

जिरार्ड, दरमियानी ऊँचाई का है। वह सींगोंवाले फ्रेम के चश्मे पहने हुए है। वह ढीला सूट और हरा कोट पहने हुए है। वह शालीन भाषा में किसी को फोन कर रहा है। वह उसे वापिस लगभग दस मिनट के भीतर फोन करने के लिए कहता है। वह दीवान तक जाता है और अपनी यात्रा का सामान बांधने लगता है। उसके तत्काल बाद उसके घर से निकलने की आशा है।

उसी समय कुटिया में गुप्त रूप से एक आदमी प्रवेश करता है। उसके हाथ में एक रिवाल्वर है। वह ओवरकोट और नर्म हैट पहने हुए है। ज्यों ही वह मेज से टकराता है, जिॉर्ड अपना सिर घुमाता है। वह भय का कोई संकेत नहीं देता है। बल्कि वह शान्त रहता है और अजनबी का अभिनन्दन करता है।

घुसपैठिया, जिॉर्ड को अपने हाथ उठाने के लिए कहता है। वह दीवान के ऊपर बैठ जाता है और जिॉर्ड को कुर्सी के ऊपर बैठा देता है। वह जिॉर्ड के विषय में जानने की अपनी इच्छा प्रकट करता है। फिर भी वह जिॉर्ड की जीवन कथा में कोई रुचि नहीं लेता है। वह जिरॉई से कहता है कि उसके प्रश्नों का उत्तर दे। वह पूछता है कि जिरोई का पूरा नाम क्या है, क्या वह अकेला रहता है, क्या उसके पास कार है और वह उसे चलाता है और प्रायः कितने व्यक्ति उसके पास आते हैं।

जिरॉर्ड उत्तर देता है कि वह व्यापारियों से मिलने से बचता है। एक बेकर, सब्जीविक्रेता और एक दूधवाला उसके पास प्रायः आते हैं। फिर घुसपैठिया अपने विषय में उसे कुछ सूचना देता है। वह मणियों का चोर है। पुलिस तब से उसका पीछा कर रही है जबसे उसने एक पुलिसमैन की हत्या की है। वह जिॉर्ड की हत्या करना नहीं टाल सकता है क्योंकि वह उसकी झोपड़ी में जिरॉई के रूप में रहना चाहता है। दूसरी हत्या करने पर उसकी न तो हानि होगी और न ही उसे दोबारा फांसी पर लटकाया जाएगा।

जिरॉर्ड यह जानने के लिए अपनी इच्छा प्रकट करता है कि उसकी हत्या कर के घुसपैठिये को क्या लाभ होगा? वह उत्तर देता है कि उसकी हत्या करने पर उसे स्वतन्त्रता मिलेगी। वह मनमाने स्थानों पर जिॉर्ड के रूप में जा सकेगा और मनचाही चीजें कर सकेगा। जिरॉर्ड एक चाल खेलता है। वह घुसपैठिये को झूठी कहानी सुनाता है। वह उसे कहता है कि जल्दबाजी में वह उसकी हत्या नहीं करे, हत्या के मामले में, पुलिस को उस (जिरॉड) की भी तलाश है।

घुसपैठिया, जिरॉर्ड को रहस्यमय व्यक्ति कहता है। जिरॉई उसकी टिप्पणी की पुष्टि करता है कि वह सब पुलिस के भय के कारण है। घुसपैठिया यदि उसे मारकर उसका नाम धारण कर लेता है तो सम्भवतः उसे जिॉर्ड के रूप में फांसी लग सकती है। उसका थैला शृंगार सामग्री तथा नकली मूंछों से भरा हुआ है। वह उन्हें इसलिए रखता है ताकि वह भिन्न दिखाई देकर पुलिस को चकमा दे सके। पुलिस तुरन्त पहुँचने ही वाली है।

जिरॉर्ड, घुसपैठिये को कहता है कि अपने प्राण बचाने के लिए गरॉज तक उसके पीछे चले। उसने मेन रोड पर एक आदमी को तैनात कर रखा है। वह पुलिस की गतिविधियों के बारे में उसे फोन द्वारा सूचित कर देगा। तभी टेलीफोन की घंटी बजती है। जिॉर्ड, घुसपैठिये को सूचित करता है कि पुलिसकर्मी उसकी कुटिया की तरफ बढ़ रहे हैं। वह गरॉज का दरवाजा खोल देता है। वह घुसपैठिये को कहता है कि आती हुई पुलिस को स्वयं देख ले।

ज्यों ही घुसपैठिया आगे देखने के लिए झुकता है, जिरॉर्ड उसे अल्मारी में धकेल देता है। वह धड़ाम से दरवाजा बंद कर देता है और उसको ताला लगा देता है। वह घुसपैठिये का रिवाल्वर उठा लेता है। वह कबर्ड के दरवाजे की तरफ उसकी नोंक करता है। जिॉर्ड उन अभिनेताओं को फोन करता है जो उसकी प्रतीक्षा कर रहे हैं। वह खेद प्रकट करता है कि वह रिहर्सल के लिए वेशभूषाएँ भेजने में असमर्थ रहा। वह अपनी परेशानी के विषय में उन्हें सूचित करता है। अपने अगले नाटक में वह इस रोचक घटना को लिखेगा। वह उनसे कहता है कि सारजेन्ट को कुटिया में भेज दो। वे उस घुसपैठिया को गिरफ्तार कर लेंगे जो अल्मारी का दरवाजा पीट रहा है।

If I Were You Word-Meanings

MP Board Class 10th English The Rainbow Solutions Chapter 19 If I Were You 1
MP Board Class 10th English The Rainbow Solutions Chapter 19 If I Were You 2

If I Were You Some Important Pronunciations

MP Board Class 10th English The Rainbow Solutions Chapter 19 If I Were You 3
MP Board Class 10th English The Rainbow Solutions Chapter 19 If I Were You 4

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