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MP Board Class 9th English The Rainbow Solutions Chapter 4 Past and Present

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Past and Present Textual Exercises

Past and Present A Vocabulary

A. Infer the meanings of the following words from the context.
remember, peeping, light, spirit, heavy.
Word – Meanings
Remember – to keep in the mind
Peeping – looking quickly and secretly
light- sunshine
Spirit – inner part of body which never dies.
Heavy – laden with worries and anxieties.

B. Make a list of words where V is not used as a prefix.
Some words where V is not used as prefix :
Recent, recruit, reduce, refer, recur, refuge, refuse, regard, region, register, regret, regular, reign, reject, relate, relieve, religion, remain, remedy, remote, reptile, require, resist, respond, result.

C. Distinguish between the following words :
1. house – home
2. little – small
3. too – very
4. heavy – light
5. hard – hardly

  1. ‘A nouse’ is a building in which people live.
    ‘A home’ is a place where people live with love and peace.
  2. ‘little’ means a short amount. ‘
    Small means ‘not large in size’.
  3. ‘Too’ means ‘more than what is wanted or needed’.
    ‘very’ means ‘beyond a certain limit’.
  4. ‘Heavy’ means ‘which weighs a lot’.
    ‘light’ means ‘easy to lift’.
  5. ‘Hard’ means which is ‘firm when touched’.
    ‘Hardly’ means ‘almost not at all’.

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D. Pronounce the following words :
living – leaving
born – barn-borne
farther – father
pulls – pools
where – were
MP Board Class 9th English The Rainbow Solutions Chapter 4 Past and Present 1


A. Read the first stanza given below and answer the questions.

remember, I remember
The house where I was born,
The little window where the sun
Came peeping in at mom;
He never came a wink too soon Nor brought too long a day;
But now, I often wish the night
Had borne my breath away.

Questions :
1. Why does the poet remember ‘the house’?
2. What does ‘too soon’ and ‘too long’ refer to?
3. What does the poet desire?
4. Find out the lines which express the beauty of the sun-shine.
Answers :
1. The poet remembers the house because he was born there.
It was spacious and sun-facing.
2. ‘Too soon’ means ‘momentarily’. ‘Too long’ refer to a long while (long period of time).
3. The poet desires to die.
4. He never came a wink too soon. This line expresses the beauty of the sun-shine.

B. Read the second stanza given below and answer the questions.

I remember, I remember
The roses, red and white.
The violets, and the lily-cups-
Those flowers made of light!
The lilacs where the ribbon built,
And where my brother set
The laburnum on his birth-day,-
The tree is living yell

1. Describe the beauty of flowers as depicted by the poet.
2. What objects of nature attract the poet most?
3. Find out the rhyming words in the second stanza.
1. There are red and white roses, violets and lily cups. They seem to be made of light.
2. The flowers, the lilacs, the robin and the laburnum attract the poet most.
3. White—light Set—yet.

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C. Read the third stanza given below and answer the questions.

I remember, I remember
Where I was used to swing,
And thought the air must rush as fresh
To swallows on the wing;
My spirit flew in feathers then That is so heavy now, .
And summer pools could hardly cool The fever on my brow.

1. How did the poet enjoy the freshness of air?
2. Highlight the difference between past and present spirit of the poet.
3. What made the past pleasant?
4. Why is the present heavy for the poet?
1. He wanted to enjoy the freshness of air on the swing.
2. The poet’s spirit in the past was joyful. His present spirit is full of tension and stress.
3. The surroundings made the poet’s past pleasant. He found joy all around.
4. Present in full of worries, despair, stress and aspirations. Therefore, the present is heavy for him.

D. Read the last stanza given below and answer the questions.

I remember, I remember The fir trees dark and high,
I used to think their slender tops Were close against the sky.
It was a childish ignorance,
But now it is little joy
To know I’m farther off from Heaven
Than when I was a boy.

1. Which lines tell about the height of thin fir trees?
2. How does the poet compare childhood with manhood?
1. The fir trees dark and high.
I used to think their slender fops .
Were close against the sky.
The above lines tell about the height of thin fir trees.

2. How does the poet compare childhood with manhood?

Childhood is the best period of one’s life. Every member of the house loves him. He gets all his needs fulfilled. He has least cares and worries. It is the period of learning,  innocence and enjoyment:Manhood is the period of earning one’s livelihood. Both the older people and the younger children depend on him. He fulfills the needs of his parents, wife and children. Manhood is full of worries, anxieties, aspirations and frustrations.

Speaking Activity

A. Tell the correct responses :
1. The poet remembers :

  • the car he travelled in
  • the house he was born in
  • the morning he spent

1. the house he was born in.

2. The poet’s brother set the laburnum:

  • on his birthday
  • on Good Friday
  • on Christmas.

on his birthday.

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3. T. Hood says :

  • the air must stop
  • the air must blow
  • the air must rush.

the air must rush.

4. It was little joy for the poet to think that :
the fir trees were dark and high
the ups of the trees were close against the sky .
he was farther off from heaven than when he was a boy.
he was farther off from heaven than when he was a boy.

B. Narrate your own past experiences of an event which you do not forget even today. You can begin as :
When I was ………….. years old.
When I was living with my ………. at ………….
It was the month of ………………
I was fifteen years old. I was living with my uncle at Ulak ‘ Nagar. It was the month of August. I bought a ticket for the day’s ricle in a tourist bus. All through the day; the buses gave me good rides. I had a glimpse of beautiful spots. The lady guide in the bus was telling the passengers about various places Just then, our driver took a sharp and sudden turn. The bus hit into a scooter. The driver lost the balance. The bus fell into a five feet deep trench. However, a big stone prevented the bus from a complete overturn. The passengers got minor injury but the scooter-born had died on the spot. The event is still green in my mind.

Writing Activity

A. We owe a lot to the nature. Write about the things you observe in the company of the nature. (50 words)
Nature comprises the whole universe and every created, not artificial thing. Natural environment consists of all physical factors bestowed by the nature. It includes land, climate, minerals all such endowments without which the life on earth could have not been possible. It is thus the sum total of all non-living and inorganic matter such as land, air and water. We owe a lot to nature. We observe ‘ forests, rivers, valleys, mountains, fields etc. in the company of the nature.

B. Describe the activities you used to do as a little child.(150 words)
The happiest period of my life was when I used to be a little child. I was the first issue of my parents. I was born after twenty years of my parents’ marriage. Naturally, I was a pampered child. Everybody in my house showered utmost affection on me. I used to touch the feet of my grand parents, parents, uncle, aunt and paternal aunts. I sought their blessings everyday. I used to go put for a daily morning walk with my uncle and aunt. I took my breakfast with my grandparents. I used to go to the nearby temple every morning.

I used to climb up my father; shoulders and dangled my legs. I used to play with toys or enjoyed the swing in the park. I used to say ‘Namaskar’ to everyone, I met. I used to play with small children of my age.

Think it over

(i) It is a general notion that childhood is the most memorable period of one’s life. Why is it so? Is it the carefree sporting or the love and care one receives or something else?
There is no denying the fact that childhood is the most memorable period of one’s life. It is due to the careless sporting and the love and care one receives. Above all, it is due to the need of the parents. A childless couple is considered a cursed couple. Therefore every couple needs a child at the earliest. If the childbirth is delayed every family gets anxious. The parents shower their utmost love on the children. They pamper them. They give them the best food, clothing and shelter. They are treated like princes even in their huts. They are protected like a treasure at every step. Children are thought to be the support of one’s old age.

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(ii) What lessons can we learn in the lap of nature?
According to Wordsworth, nature is a great teacher. The rivers flow and the winds blow for the benefit of mankind. The trees and plants blossom not for the sake of themselves but for the benefit of others. The sunset, the rising moon and the twinkling stars have no selfish motive behind their activities. They teach us a sound lesson to be regular, benevolent, merciful, cooperative and friendly to others. They also teach us to be humble because human life is mortal. The falling meteors, leaves and flowers teach us the same lesson.

Things to do
Observe your natural surroundings. Make an entry of your observations in your diary. For example :

July, 07, 2007
New Delhi
Today when I went to the garden. I saw a butterfly, sitting on a flower. It kept on opening and closing its wings as if it was a book and the flower was reading it
I went to the fields. I saw yellow mustard plants. They were blossoming and giving out sweet smell Bumble bees were humming sweet notes. The birds were chirping in the trees. The cuckoos / were warbling. Cool breeze was blowing. There were eye-catching ripples in the water of the river. The farmers were busy working ‘ in their fields. Bees were sitting on flowers.

Past and Present Additional Questions

Short Answer Questions (in about 25 words)

Question 1.
What is the main difference.between the present age and the old age?
The old days were days of faith, blind and unquestioning faith. The present age is an age of disillusion, of doubt, uncertainty and questioning. Sometimes, injustice, unhappiness and global crucity oppress us. There is no love of family or friends.

Question 2.
Why is it not right to judge past events from the standards of the present?
It is not right to judge past events from the standards of the present. It is because, to understand a person who lived long ago, we must understand

  1. his environment
  2. the conditions under which he lived and
  3. the ideas that filled his mind.

Question 3.
Give the disadvantages of living in a small village.
We have often heard that one can find heaven in the small villages. There is greenery all around. There is purity of life and the atmosphere is peaceful and healthy. I happened to live in a small village for six months. I found life full of disadvantages. There was a lack of medical facilities. There was not a single good school. The houses lack proper ventilation and they are dark and dingy. Opportunities of recreation and employment are nil. The civic amenities are not for them. Mud, mosquitoes, flies, furies of weather are in store for a villager. Life in a village is a great ordeal.

Question 4.
Give a brief account of the memories of your childhood.
I remember my childhood days with love. We had a big farm. There were many trees full of fruits in it. I enjoyed eating mangoes in my own-orchard. Then I used to swim in a nearby canal. I took body-building exercises in the akhara (arena). I used to drink the cow milk in the evening and the butter-milk in the morning. I had a carefree life. My parents pardoned all my mischiefs and mistakes.

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Long-Answer Type Question (In about 50 words)

Question 1.
‘Living in a big city is a Curse’ Elaborate.
The villagers think that living in a big city is a blessing on earth. We should not ignore the importance of city life especially its facilities. Inspite of the glowing and golden life, life is very fast in a city. People suffer from tension and mental diseases. The din and noise rob the mental peace of all. There is pollution all around. Huge population turns the city into a big slum. There is a great shortage of housing. There is crowd even on the open spaces. It is very difficult to move on the roads. Water and air are contaminated. Life in a city is costly, artificial, unhealthy, meaningless and unsocial. Corruption and exploitation engulf fall. Nothing is fresh in a city. There is no fellow feeling or sense of cooperation and shame among the people.

Past and Present Summary in English

The poet remembers his house where the pretty flowers blossomed. The robin built its nest in the lilacs. The laburnum tree, which his brother set is still there.The poet used to swing. The fresh air, the summer pools and the very tall fir trees gladdened his spirit. He was ignored in childhood. His spirit no longer finds heavenly atmosphere there.

Past and Present Summary in Hindi

कवि अपने घर को याद करता है जहाँ सुन्दर फूल खिलते थे। गायक पक्षी, फूलों वाली झाड़ियों में अपना घोंसला बनाता था। उसके भाई द्वारा उगाया हुआ अमलतास का पेड़ अभी तक वहाँ है। कवि झूला-झूला करता था। स्वच्छ हवा, गर्मी के पोखर और अत्यधिक ऊँचे देवदार उसकी आत्मा को झकझोर दिया करते थे। वह बचपन में अज्ञान था। उसकी आत्मा को अब वहाँ स्वर्गीय वातावरण नहीं मिलता है।

Past and Present Word-Meaning

MP Board Class 9th English The Rainbow Solutions Chapter 4 Past and Present 2

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